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Luck Spells

Luck Spell Needed: White stone Lucky oil Anoint the stone with the oil and charge it by chanting:

Into this stone before my eyes, Bless thee, and charge thee my power to rise. Enhance this stone with luck for me, This is my will so mote it be!
Keep the stone with you or give it to a friend who needs a lucky break. Bottle of Luck Needed: 7 green candles Patchouli incense Green glass bottle or pot Symbols of luck (for example: old lottery ticket, rabbits foot, horseshoe, or the number 7 cut out of cardboard) 7 coins of one, five or ten hundredths Light your seven candles and incense. Then, fill your pot or bottle with all the symbols of luck that you gathered, as well as with the coins. Raise the bottle towards the sky and speak this invocation aloud:

Ram Chance Ram Fortune hear me, Let your breath enter my bottle. Let everywhere the luck be with me.
Close the bottle and seal it with green wax. Before leaving to play any games of chance, or if you need extra luck for some endeavor, agitate your bottle so that luck will accompany you. Lucky Ash Leaf Needed: Ash leaf or wood ash Paper Pluck an ash leaf and say:

Leaf of ash I do thee pluck, to bring to me a day of luck.

Carry the leaf for good fortune.

If you cant identify or locate an ash tree, take some wood ash and write the word luck on a piece of paper using your index finger dipped in the soot. Fold this in on itself three times saying:

Word of ash folded three by three, bring to me serendipity!

Carry the charm frequently to manifest more luck in your life. Lucky Charm Needed: Lucky charm Candle Hold a Lucky Charm and light a candle and chant three times:

This simple wish is mine to cast, A magick spell to make it last, I close my eyes a little shiver, This wish for me now please deliver.
While thinking of your wish when you have finished drop the charm and blow out the candle. Lucky Hand Root Money Spell Needed: Lucky hand root Lucky nine oil John the Conqueror incense To get and hold a job, always carry a lucky hand root on your person. Use Lucky Nine Oil on your wrists each day for nine days, and burn some John the Conqueror incense each night. These roots bring luck in all undertakings and no conjure bag would be complete without one. The hands are usually imperfect, but this does not affect their value as a talisman. The ones which are formed so that all five fingers are distinguishable are very rare and therefore extremely expensive.

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