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( rt) n.

efficient use of skill for practical purposes

The Art of Living Course

Phoenix July 22 - 27

( l 1v 1n g ) v. to pursue a positive, satisfying existence

Stress & Emotional Blocks

we age stress accumulates in many forms. The body stores emotional traumas; painful loss, rejection, fear, etc., that we cannot fully express. Stress causes or aggravates most diseases and reduces the quality of our life. Anxiety, depression, and stress-related problems are epidemic.

Ju ly 22nd - 27th
The Meeting Place
Dacota - McDowell Mountain Ranch

16356 N. Thompson Peak Parkway

Scottsdale, AZ - 85260

Trigger the System to Release Stress

breath is closely linked to the mind and emotions. There is a way to use the breath to trigger the system to purify itself of emotional blocks and stress. This ancient practice is known as Sudarshan Kriya. No other breathing practice produces such profound, wide-ranging benefits, gently and effectively.

Thur. & Fri.- 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Sat. & Sun.- 9:00 AM - 1 PM Mon. & Tue. - 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Rides Provided From ASU (See Contact Info Below)

"Sudarshan Kriya practice works wonders for the human body, ridding it of all depressive energy and body tensions. Many doctors now consider that Sudarshan Kriya can prevent the onset of serious diseases." Vinod Kochupillai MD Professor & Head of Medical Oncology (AIIMS) "Though my yoga practice has long been essential to my well-being, since I began practicing Sudarshan Kriya, I feel lighter, as t h o u g h I ' m c a r r y i n g l e s s emotional baggage, while I feel a growing solidity at my core." Amy Weintraub, Yoga Teacher, author of "Yoga for Depression"

A Short Daily Practice Improves Life

are many beneficial breathing practices but Sudarshan Kriya is unique and unlike any of the techniques taught in yoga classes. Taking 20 minutes each day to center yourself with this breath, and release the backlog of stress and tension, will greatly improve the quality of life. Over 2 million people enjoy greater health, joy, and peace of mind from Sudarshan Kriya practice.
"We accept products from all over the world to improve our lives but have difficulty accepting wisdom. In ancient times in the east, people went deep into understanding the mind and emotions and discovered practices that could release stress and calm the mind. With these tools you are able to handle anything in a calm, peaceful manner. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of, The Art of Living Foundation

(602) 252-6116
Art of Living Foundation is a nonprofit educational and humanitarian organization and NGO of the United Nations dedicated to service.

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