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Douse:drench with liquid Varsity:sports group presenting university Audacious:impudent,lacking respect Marvat We do not try to listen and understand

nobodies from Waziristan. Because such stories and ideas of Waziristan genocide, plight,carnage are from the last century, which does not have any meaning in overall global imperial project and war profiteers agenda. Without realizing the horror of the old, women, sick and kids and all those innocent living under drones 24/7, have no forum, no festivals, no film, no drama, no platform to speak about their genocide. There is no human rights outcry, NGOs, civil society, media, state to acknowledge their sufferings. Just horrible silence for more than a decade. Our human rights, NGOs, civil society, media, state listen, discuss and promote only those thinkers, writers, ideas, stories like Malala, Hazara, Swat Flogging Vedio, Mukhtaran Mai who serve them, war profiteers and global imperial agenda well. Our elite, celebrity, intellectuals endorse minds that hail from their own class. And, if nothing else, one at least needs to have thousands of followers online in order to be seen as an author worth reading. Poor man, woman, children, weak, old are dieing for more than 10 years, without even knowing the revolutionary wonders of the social media. Palatable:pleasant to taste Bitter:pungent smell Beesting:the first milk produce by the cow after birth Shambles:butcher house Carnage,pogrom,massacre Gait:manner of walking Convene:convoke:congregate:muster: round up Platitude:insincere remark Humdrum: tiresome, wearisome.banal(commom place,tediously) Abysmal:extremely bad Gore:hit of the bull with his horns Matador:bullfighter

Stand up - 'Take a position in life,' this was my first lesson to my children.The war of ideas and freedom continues, the people below are 'human icons' against absolutism and totalitarianism. Theses are photos that define human virtue to stand up to bullying of dogma and creed. Ideological demagogues are an imbecile dimwit existence! Those who sue tenets and creed to rule others have no moral authority. 1.Turkeys Standing Man: A single man stood silently in Istanbuls Taksim Square for hours in front of a portrait of the countrys modern founder, inspiring many others to join him in a silent protest against police. 2. Tiananmen Square ''The unknown Tank Man'': A day after Chinese military killed at least hundreds, if not thousands of demonstrators in Beijing in 1989, a wiry man in a white shirt stepped in front of a line of moving tanks near Tiananmen Square and become one of the most famous protesters of the 20th century. Twenty-four years later, his identity is still a mystery. He is called simply Tank Man. Today, on the anniversary of the crackdown, Chinese bloggers paid homage to him with imitations of the face-off. The man blocked the path of the tanks, even as they gunned their engines. He climbed onto the first tank, pounded on the hatchet, and appeared to speak to the soldiers inside. When he stepped back down in front of the tank, two men ran into the street and pulled him away. 3. Landmesser August ''The Man Who Refused the Nazi Salute'': He has gone down in history for a photograph in which he is seen with his arms crossed. It was at the christening of the boat (boat now School) of the German navy Horst Wessel in 1936. 4. Landmesser August: That day the Fhrer Adolf Hitler was present at Hamburg, when August, who already had trouble with the law, refused to greet him as did the thousands of comrades who had in the shipyards. Since then this man is an example of individual courage and conscientious objection. The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis. Dante Alighieri
CERN-DNA ''aur hum kahen wo kahen, chillo bhar paani may doob marnay ka muqam hai.'' Whilst these bird-brained egomaniac ideologues and backward minds in our part of the world are busy in denial of scientific DNA based evidence which has helped solved complex decades old murder mysteries, the Physicists using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the European Centre for Nuclear Research, smashed heavy lead ions together at close to the speed of light, generating temperatures of more than 1.6 trillion degrees Celsius, 100,000 times hotter than the center of the Sun. The approximate temperature at the center of the sun is 16,000,000 K (29,000,000 F)" In the process they recreated quark gluon plasma the densest material ever observed - only black holes are denser. Starting in one hour, CERN will be doing a Google+ hangout! The Large Hadron Collider will be run at higher energies. Experiments and equipment will need to be updated to accommodate these


Scientists achieved on Earth a state of matter called a quark gluon plasma that existed in the milliseconds after the big bang 13.7 billion years ago. They are mimicking conditions that prevailed when 'The Big Bang' commenced and 'The Universe' was created from nothingness of singularity, shame that we are racing fast to the bottom of the valley of ignorance.

Rucksack:a bag with two shoulder straps. You might choke on the bone(difficulty in breathing) Standing ovation:applause Fortitude:courage :bravery
Alleviation:pain or difficulty Ploy:chall Hallucinate: go astray in thought, distraught Supper:enening meal Vivid imagination Thuggee: Honorarium: nominal payment for professional services Sodality :Fraternity: a male student society in the college Dwell:to live Dwell on/upon: think,speak or write something Squire: gentle man or cheif landowner Guild: craftsman or marchants in the medieval Equivocate: use ambiguous or evasive(ignore or avoid) language Frivolous: not having any series purpose,care free Trifle with: treat without seriousness or respect Prevaricate: to speak Lore: a body of tradition and knowledge on a subject(farming lore) Vague: indefinite character or imprecise in thought Gorge on(verb): eat a large amount greedily

Gorge: Steep ,ravine Chasm,abyss, canyon: deep fissure,difference b/w people viewpoint Penitent: showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong Illumination: understanding or enlightenment Rash : some thing done without careful consideration Meticulous: careful and precise I imagne it appealed to his meticulous nature Geology is the study of pressure and time Savage: fierce:vicious: cruel Pillage: rob with violence Moor: uncultivated land especially hilly areas Tract: a large area of land Heath: uncultivated land typically of acid sandy soil Fen: frequently flooded area of land or marshy places Desolate(bleak):dreary:dismal(gloom or depression) Fury : extreme anger Quell:bring an end to something Pacify: quell the anger Placate: calm,pacify,appease(agree to some one demand) Fortify Stratagem: Devious: underhand tactice Trash: waste material You have shirk your chores We shoulds catch up some time Penitent: sorry Uncanny:bizarre: strange or mysterious Weird: very strange Baptize: to give a specific name to a baby

Pagan: own religious belief other than world main religion Truce: agreement to stop fighting Wit: capacity of inventive thought Lenient: merciful or tolerant The sack: dismissal from employment Savage:violent,cruel Barn Ruse Rage Faggot Vigilante Parable Dismount Rein: the power to direct and control , strap attached to one end of the horse bit , straps used to reinstrain the child Succinctly: clearly expressed Turf:territory Abide:accept Despise: repugnance:contempt:disjust Splendid:impressive Snigger:laugh in the scornful manner Baked:some thing come to an end Rail:fence:barrier Heap: A large amount of Lair,den,hiding place Envy Vouch Wit: capacity of inventive thought I vow to put an end to injustice

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