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Please complete the following fields: Age:___ Country of residence:___ Gender (Male / Female):___ Education Level (Elementary / High

School / University / Post-Graduate):___

Please answer the following questions by placing an "x" in the appropriate space: "Businesses have responsibilities with society that go beyond job creation." 1. Strongly agree (__) 2. Agree (__) 3. No Opinion (__) 4. Disagree (__) 5. Strongly Disagree (__)

"It is possible for a business to be both ethical and profitable." 1. Strongly agree (__) 2. Agree (__) 3. No Opinion (__) 4. Disagree (__) 5. Strongly Disagree (__)

"Advertising shows an accurate view of reality." 1. Strongly agree (__) 2. Agree (__) 3. No Opinion (__) 4. Disagree (__) 5. Strongly Disagree (__)

"Advertising helps to shape society's views of the world and itself." 1. Strongly agree (__)

2. Agree (__) 3. No Opinion (__) 4. Disagree (__) 5. Strongly Disagree (__)

How do you view the level of ethics in general advertising? 1. Very High (__) 2. High (__) 3. Average (__) 4. Low (__) 5. Very Low (__)

Whose responsibility is it to deal with the social problems of the world? (please mark with an "x", as appropriate) 01. Businesses (__) 02. Non-Profit Organizations (__) 03. Government (__) 04. Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) (__) 05. Schools and Universities (__) 06. General Public (__) 07. Other - Please cite:___

Which of the following issues in general advertising would you consider being unethical? (please mark by placing an "x" in the appropriate place(s)) 01. Ads for abortion services or family planning (__)

02. Ads for cosmetic surgery or other elective surgery (__)

03. Ads for medical products and services (__)

04. Ads for personal care and hygiene products (__)

05. Ads for professional services (lawyers, doctors, etc.) (__)

06. Ads for workers to replace striking workers (__)

07. Advertising pharmaceuticals (__)

08. Advertising to children (__)

09. AIDS-awareness ads (__)

10. Alcoholic beverage ads (__)

11. Anti-abortion ads (__)

12. Anti-alcohol Public Service Announcements (__)

13. Anti-cigarette Public Service Announcements (__)

14. Anti-drug Public Service Announcements (__)

15. Censorious advertising (__)

16. Cigarette and tobacco ads (__)

17. Comparative advertising (__)

18. Condom ads (__)

19. Corporate advocacy ads (__)

20. Creation of irrational desires and "needs" (__)

21. Disguised advertising (__)

22. Effect of ads on editorial content of the media (__)

23. Effect of ads on the material wants of society (__)

24. Effects of ads on the values of society (__)

25. Ethical codes of ad agencies and the media (__)

26. Information content of ads (__)

27. International differences in ad ethics (__)

28. Invasion of privacy (__)

29. Lack of truth (__)

30. Manipulation in advertising (__)

31. Military recruiting ads (__)

32. Negative political ads (__)

33. Obtrusive advertising (__)

34. Offensive advertising (__)

35. Professional Athletes as ad spokespersons for a brand (__)

36. "Puffery" (increase value or attributes) (__)

37. Racial stereotyping ads (__)

38. Self-regulation by the ad industry (__)

39. Sexual stereotyping ads (__)

40. Subliminal advertising (__)

41. Use of death-related issues (__)

42. Use of deception in ads (__)

43. Use of emotional appeals in ads (psychoactive ads) (__)

44. Use of fear appeals in ads (__)

45. Use of parody (__)

46. Use of sexual themes in ads (__)

47. Violation of autonomy (__)

48. Violation of the right to know (__)

Please answer the following questions by placing an "x" on the appropriate space:

Have you ever decided not to buy a product/service due to an advertisement that you perceived as unethical? Yes (__) No (__)

In the future, would you refrain from buying a product/service because you perceive its advertisements as unethical? Yes (__) No (__)

Would you invest in a fund/company with high ethical standards if it presented slightly lower returns than a fund/company with low ethical standards? Yes (__) No (__)

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