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Punctuation. There are seven !

used on this magazine cover this is often used after subheadings and headings to show their importance and to draw the viewers attention to the subheadings There are 1 set of this is used to show a quote. Quotes are mainly chosen from film directors actors and also from film critics . There is a lack of . Showing that the writer in not a used of correct punctuation, however this is conventional for a film magazine. Cover lines. Cover lines are used to attract the audiences attention to the magazine and to interest them it to reading the internals of it. Robert Downey JR is an A list celeb this is due to him being a successful actor his image is used to showcase his success in other films and to draw the audience to the latest role in his profession as an actor. This is conventional in the media as actors create a huge draw in media as actors and the roles they perform. He is in the costume of Sherlock Holmes as this image is used to show the audience that Robert Downey JR has a new role and does not what the iconic baggage from the iron man franchise there is also an image of Robert Downey JR as iron man this is also to showcase his success as an actor

Banner. Smaller photos. Smaller photos are often used to show what can be found inside the magazine. In this case the images are used to show the 10 coolest movies being made right now

The masthead is bold and bright; this is dew the colour of white being a bright and clean colour. The colour white is a neutral colour that can be assonated with both sexes. The colour white is also associated with snow which is associated with winter fitting in with the general colour scheme of the wintery look of the magazine. The writer has used a large text to show that it is important. This is used on all of the total film magazines this is a conventional text and text size for the Masthead Colour scheme. The colour scheme consists of blues and white with the exception of the smaller images which are brightly coloured to pull the audiences attention to them. The blues and whites are used to create a cold and wintery theme fitting the setting of the main film on the agenda Sherlock Holmes. The test is also coloured white and blue to coordinate with the cold and wintery imagery. This also links to the banner as it uses the word coolest, this links to the colour scheme as cool is a synonym for cold and winter is cold this subliminally makes the audience think of the winter this helps to interpolate the audience in to the magazine and the main film being advertised Sherlock Holmes .

Tag lines are used to interpolate the reader and interest the reader in the reading a section or the magazine. This is also giving hints to what the film entails without giving revealing too much of the film

The left side rule is not followed in this instance as the imagery is cantered with the text framing the imagery this is used to project out to the viewer and make the imagery more prominent in the frame.

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