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Goblin Sharpshooter 2: Goblin Sharpshooter 2 makes a Stealth check and rolls a 28

Goblin Sharpshooter 1: Goblin Sharpshooter 1 makes a Stealth check and rolls a 23

Turtleface says to the GM: Edits Splug's ability scores.
Turtleface says to the GM: Edits Splug's defenses.
Error executing getProperty there is no impersonated token.
Server started.
You have disconnected.
Server started.
You have disconnected.
Server started.
Adrael has connected.
Tom_DM: Hey, did you need help with your token?
I'm pretty sure I do, for the new powers
Tom_DM: ok, what did you add
Adrael: Ethereal Stride

Adrael: and for a feat Scrificie to Caiphon, but that's more of a manual thing, I suppose

Adrael: *Sacrifice
Tom_DM says to the GM: Edits Adrael's power: Etheral Stride.
Tom_DM says to the GM: Edits Adrael's power: Etheral Stride.
Tom_DM says to the GM: Edits Adrael's power: Etheral Stride.
Adrael: Etheral Stride
Desc: Teleport 3 squares; +2 to all defenses until EoNT
Tom_DM: token on map z
cool, that was fast
Adrael: thank you

Tom_DM: np
Tom_DM: what book is that feat in?
Adrael: I think it's a Dragon magazine, I took it from the Character Builder

Tom_DM: k
Adrael: is it allowed?

Tom_DM: sure, jsut looking for it so i can add it

Tom_DM: i dont have the compendiom
Tom_DM: with stride, you need to remember your defenses are +2, the program doesnt add it

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Adrael: yeah, I'm keeping some notes on the side

Adrael: maybe this time I'll remember to take my freakin' pact boons XD

Tom_DM: lots of things to remembe, i forget things every encounter

Tom_DM says to the GM: Edits Adrael's power: Infernal Wrath.
Tom_DM says to the GM: Edits Adrael's power: Infernal Wrath.
Tom_DM says to the GM: Edits Adrael's Feat: Sacrifice to Caiphon
EnygmaSoul has connected.
EnygmaSoul: *enters, stage right*
Tom_DM: kongol token is on map z
EnygmaSoul: heh, still beaten up, eh?
EnygmaSoul: or is that the levelup hp?
Tom_DM: not sure
EnygmaSoul: well, did we Ext-Rest since the light fight?
Oh, and hey Adrael. Hope that advice helped
Tom_DM: not just yet,
yeah, thanks
EnygmaSoul: err, last fight even
EnygmaSoul: *nods* The second way to run a warlock well, if you don't like my seek and destroy
agressive movement tactic, is to try and play a vulture. I works REALLY well for Dark
EnygmaSoul: Get what I mean by Vulture?
Alavas has connected.
Adrael: think so hehe

EnygmaSoul: Prioritizing finishing off bloodied opponents.

Alavas: Hello.
Tom_DM: hey
EnygmaSoul: tiefling has nice synergy with the tactic, too, due to bloodhunt
the tief's LOVE to kick you while you're down
Adrael: yep haha

EnygmaSoul: Hey hey, glad y ou could make it.

Alavas: I was supposed to get called into work tonight, but it never actually happened.
Ah hah. Brilliant
Alavas: Ah, can you ditch this Alavas token? I have an updated version.

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Tom_DM: ur on map z?
EnygmaSoul: Is it a hat?
Alavas: Yes. Just the level and power are updated.

Alavas: The hat remains.

EnygmaSoul: *sighs* Pity.

Alavas: Alavas takes a short rest and spends 2 surges to heal 12 hit points.

Alavas: You are just jealous, as your token is infinitely less debonair than mine.

Adrael: I'm gonna be AFK for a while

Alavas says to the GM: Edits Alavas's Magic Items: Gloves of Piercing.
Alavas: Changes their equiped Hands slot magic item to Gloves of Piercing.

Tom_DM: Vent info for tonight is: server - ; port - 3784; pass - TPKTPK
Lavitz has connected.
EnygmaSoul: still can't say I'm fond of your choice of password

Lavitz: Hey, if he tries to live up to it, im all for it

Lavitz: i like a challenge
EnygmaSoul: *runs off to put a pizza in the oven*
lol, he tried his best last week
Alavas: I'm guessing it would have been a lot easier if the controller had actually had area
Lavitz: so get area powers
Alavas: I already did.

Tom_DM: give the other 2 5 minutes

Alavas: Oh, and where did you get thievery from, Lavitz?

EnygmaSoul: let's see. We're missing Dogboy and the Cleric, right?
Lavitz: background
Alavas: Oh. I mostly ignore those.

EnygmaSoul: heh, I shoulda done something with those on Kongol, honestly. But then, I can't
think fo any skills I care about That Much
Alavas: Guess I should rectify that at some point.

Lavitz: its one of the FR ones, checking now

Lavitz: wanted thievery to fit the background of an assasin, need to be able to pick locks and
whatever to get to the target

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Alavas: Besides, if not for you we wouldn't have anyone with thievery.

Alavas: I certainly don't mind; I was just curious.

Salmonella has connected.
EnygmaSoul: meh, Warlock could have taken it, they make good substitute rogues. But
apparently Ad went more of a pure arcanist route
which is cool
Lavitz: besides, im all dex-y
EnygmaSoul: yah
Lavitz: background is Luskan
Salmonella says to the GM: heya. it seems that this tardiness will be the rule for me. kids bedtime
buts up against this start. Im sorry. here now.
Lavitz: +1 to stealth and thievery, add thievery to class skills
You whisper to Salmonella: its cool, no big deal
Lavitz: (adds stealth too, but i already had that as a class skill)
EnygmaSoul: Mm. I want to play a bard with that background then, since stealth and thievery are
apprently the only skills they DONT get anymore
Lavitz: so add that to Sar
EnygmaSoul: Well, Luskan IS a pirate haven
I'd have to run it by Harq, but nice idea
Lavitz: backgrounds are now pretty much locked in since PHB2
EnygmaSoul: yeah, but it'd mean redoing my skills
EnygmaSoul: and that may not fly
Alavas: Bard with that background and the jack of all trades feat would be a skill challenge
EnygmaSoul: actually, Jack only boosts untrained skills
Lavitz: (except for the player's die rolls)
Alavas: I know. You could still only train so many skills.

Tom_DM: Sal - Vent info for tonight is: server - ; port - 3784; pass - TPKTPK
EnygmaSoul: *nods* true.
Lavitz: but with JOAT as a bard, its pretty much training in all skills
EnygmaSoul: It's 3/5ths training
EnygmaSoul: 1 from being a bard, 2 from the feat
Lavitz: isnt bard +2?
EnygmaSoul: yeah, bards with JAOT are awesome
EnygmaSoul: Really? I'll have to doubel check

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Alavas: Nope, +1 to untrained.

Lavitz: youre right, +1

EnygmaSoul: Skill Versatility You gain a +1 bonus to untrained skill checks.
EnygmaSoul: yup
Lavitz: guess they were afraid of bards being TOO good as skill monkeys
Tom_DM: Adrael, hop on vent
EnygmaSoul: Although Jack of All Trades + BArd + racial bonus will get two skills up to trained
without trianing
EnygmaSoul: training, even.
Salmonella says to the GM: Edits Sievax's experience.
Lavitz: except they still count as untrained, which can be a problem with things like acrobatics
Lavitz: or arcana
EnygmaSoul: Yeah. for prereq purposes. I'm talking raw effectiveness though
Lavitz: trye
Alavas: Good here.

Lavitz: *true
Salmonella says to the GM: Edits Sievax's health.
I suppose I should shut down this video so I can actually hear Vent then
EnygmaSoul: Burn that motahfucka doooooooown! *giggles madly*
EnygmaSoul: Ok, no setting everything inside the cave that's flammable on fire?
Alavas: (How do we burn a very damp cave?)

nobody said damp. It could be a very dry cave
Alavas: It has a waterfall at the entrance.

EnygmaSoul: ....valid point.

EnygmaSoul: ok. No fire then. Sadness.
EnygmaSoul: fire pretty.
Lavitz: (freaking pyros)
EnygmaSoul: (token grabbed)
Lavitz: ready
Adrael: (grabbed)

Alavas: (Good here.)

Salmonella: rdy rdy

Actually, ice magic is my personal preference in most fantasy settings

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Alavas: (Well, I had a crazy storm sorceror once.)

EnygmaSoul: it tends to be more defensive and control oriented

Alavas: (Ice in 4e is awesome.)

EnygmaSoul: I LOVE frost mages.

Kongol: *holds up Irontooth's head* Ayup.

Sievax: Sievax takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Alavas: (I wish there was some equivalent to wintertouched for other damage types.)

Alavas: Alavas takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Kongol: Kongol takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Alavas: (Memorized shield and phantom chasm.)

Salmonella says to the GM: Edits Sievax's wealth.
Kongol: Kongol takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Lavitz: Insight
Roll: 7
Kongol: What, never seen a minotaur hoist a goblin head before?

Sievax: Sievax rolls Insight and gets a 13

Kongol: Not sure WHY the goblin was leading around a pack of kobold raiders, but...

Lavitz: Hobgoblin, technically

Alavas: (I should have used magic mouth on that note. Trigger: Spectacular Mustache
within 5 feet.)
Kongol: Meh. We've got our money. Douven's safe and sound and on his way to his wife.
No need for us to stick ar-- ooohkaaay.
Alavas: Well, nothing besides Orcus tossing a few random minions into a portal.

Kongol: Oh. Right, the note.

Alavas: But honestly, fuck Orcus.

Kongol: ...I imagine Sievex isn't going to be happy until we take down this Kally bastard,
Alavas: Alavas takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Lavitz: Probably not, clerics are a bit single minded

Alavas: Alavas heals 2 hit points.

Sievax: Indeed. We must not leave here without dispatching kalareal

Salmonella says to the GM: Edits Sievax's wealth.

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Kongol: *takes a seat on the edge of the table, as they really do need bigger chairs*

Alavas: Alavas takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Alavas: (Weird. My HP tally wasn't updating.)

* Lavitz heads to the end of the bar to keep an eye on the room
Kongol: Meh. Found this ugly gobber. *raises the decapitated ahead*

Kongol: *decapitated head again, even*

Kongol: Yeah, the note suggests that maybe this mess ISNT all in the cleric's pointy head.

Alavas: Dry it and use it to make a necklace.

Sievax: (( +2 hat of sexterity enabled ))
Lavitz: (sexterity?)

Kongol: (Yeah, you know. Like when you date a contortionist.)

Alavas: (Surprisingly less sexy than dexterity. The english language is a harsh mistress.)
Sievax: (( go watch "the guild" then come back and talk to me of hats and shirts of sexterity ))
Kongol: *sighs* We're going to have to smash dead things, aren't we. Dead things that
move. Why can't the dead things ever STAY dead? Why do we have to keep
re-deading them?
Lavitz: Would YOU stay dead?

Kongol: Of course not. I'm too sexy to die.

Alavas: Well, dead things are still prone to seeing things that aren't there. I'm not sure how
that works when they don't have eyes or brains, really.
Lavitz: I've warned you, just because you're free doesn't mean you get to boink everything
that moves
Alavas: So then, any idea who the evil hench-person on the inside here is?

Kongol: Got it. Find the keep, smash the dead things, close the rift if we can figure out
Lavitz: My bet would be the evil looking chick with the bow in the corner

Alavas: The note specified that there was a traitor in the city.

Kongol: Oh, right. Because evil always lurks in corners.

Lavitz: Dude, she has a bow

Kongol: Maybe it's the guy at the bar in the dark cloak with the giant sword.

Alavas: She is probably just trying to stay away from elderly men with roving hands.

Kongol: Oh...wait.
Sievax: (( I suspect Lavitz ))

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Alavas: Alavas rolls Streetwise and gets a 13

Lavitz: My giant sword is merely compensating for something, we elves are poorly endowed
in certain areas
Alavas: I'm going to go check around, see if anyone has been acting suspiciously.

Lavitz: Perception
Roll: 29
Alavas: (I meant outside of the tavern, but with that roll I doubt it matters.)

Adrael: (nobody has shifty eyes?)

Alavas: (Well, I do.)

Lavitz: Boy, this guy is a cheapskate

EnygmaSoul: *names her next adventurer Darkcloak Giantsword*

* Lavitz changes his name to Chet Awesomelazer
Kongol: Huzzah!
* Lavitz is sleepy
Alavas: *Burly McStache will beat them all.*

Adrael: (then I'm JOminous Felbad)

Adrael: *Ominous

Lavitz: Fellbad.. dark..

EnygmaSoul: (Scarytown must be a really horrible place.) (Meh, it depends on when you go)
Alavas: Fellbad broke his hip getting out of bed one day.

Adrael: Adrael takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Alavas: Being elderly is no joke.

Alavas: Alavas takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Lavitz: (has already spent the gp for the leather, and put in the stat bump)

Adrael: Adrael heals 6 hit points.

Adrael: (healing's not being recorded)

EnygmaSoul: Is there a shop that sells delicate plates, bowls, and other such items?
Alavas: (Yeah, and sunrods are dirt cheap. Then there is the fact that I have the light
Adrael: Adrael heals 6 hit points.

Adrael: (it healed, then it went back)

Alavas: (Okay then, so the mustache golem has been warned about the traitor?)

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Adrael: (and ethereal stride disappeared)

Sievax: how much were the sunrods?

Adrael: yep

Adrael: Adrael takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Adrael: Adrael takes 5 damage.

Salmonella says to the GM: Edits Sievax's wealth.
EnygmaSoul: My extended rest resotred my actual hit point value, but my guage/bar didn't move
Adrael: didn't work

Lavitz: 5 -5 24 0 0 0 0 5 Damage.

Alavas: Mine worked after I went into the bar.

Adrael: Adrael takes 10 damage, and is bloodied.

Kongol: Kongol takes 5 damage.

EnygmaSoul: hm, mine either

at least is not just me
Kongol: Kongol takes 42 damage, and is dying.

Flint: Flint takes 10 damage.

Adrael: noooooooo

Alavas: I will leave my duplicate token here to torment the ugly child some more.

Kongol: Kongol takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Flint: Flint heals 6 hit points.

Lavitz: 20 -20 4 0 0 1 0 20 Damage.

EnygmaSoul: *blames canada*

Adrael: Adrael takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Kongol: Kongol takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Adrael: Adrael takes 5 damage.

Kongol: Kongol takes 5 damage.

Adrael: nope

EnygmaSoul: nope, still broken

Kongol: Kongol takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Alavas: Take them into a different map and then try it.

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Alavas: I had the same problem on this map, but it worked in the bar.

Lavitz: 10 -10 25 0 0 0 0 10 Damage.

Kongol: Kongol takes 5 damage.

EnygmaSoul: yuip
Adrael: Adrael takes 5 damage.

Adrael: yep

Lavitz: Dungeoneering
Roll: 22
Kongol: Kongol takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Problem solved
Adrael: Adrael takes an extended rest and fully recovers.

Sievax: I am looking for the Amanuensis ritual if it is in the shop

Tom_DM: let me know when every one is ready

EnygmaSoul: *summons lag golem*
Alavas: (I'm good.)

Lavitz: ready now

Sievax: ready
* Lavitz grabs a fine looking wench and gives her a kiss as they leave
Alavas: (So, change map?)

EnygmaSoul: afk removing pizza from oven

Alavas: Alavas rolls Perception and gets a 14

Lavitz: that sounds dirty

Lavitz: Perception
Roll: 24
Alavas: (Gee, I think I perceive a goblin.)
* Lavitz rolls for initiative: 5
Goblin Warrior 1: Goblin Warrior 1 makes an Inititiative check and gets a 4

Goblin Sharpshooter 6: Goblin Sharpshooter 6 makes an Inititiative check and gets a 13

at least 6
EnygmaSoul: aww, I'm back to being the only one on guard duty?
EnygmaSoul: I just got back

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Adrael: (I'm gonna miss mooneky guy)

Adrael: *monkey

EnygmaSoul: how do I have "Initiative bonus: 0" on Dex 12 at level 2?

Kongol: Kongol makes an Inititiative check and gets a 19

EnygmaSoul: oh, I see, was misreading the format

Kongol has received initiative.
Kongol: Kongol makes a Perception check and rolls a 17

Alavas: (Shield if something hits me.)

EnygmaSoul: Alright.
EnygmaSoul: Ah, I'm at top of init?
Kongol: Careful, folks. Something's up with the floor in the middle of the room. Go around
the pillars.
EnygmaSoul: hm
EnygmaSoul: how are we handling charges again?
EnygmaSoul: as long as each square is progressively closer?
EnygmaSoul: and cover from the corner, right?
Kongol: Strength of Stone
Attack: 14 vs AC Hit: 12 damage
Desc: you gain 4 temporary hit points
Goblin Warrior 1: Goblin Tactics
Desc: when missed by a melee attack; a goblin shifts 1 square.
Salmonella says to the GM: good job on the occlusions
EnygmaSoul: and since that was a charge, done
EnygmaSoul: oh right, shoulda been a melee basic or my racial
ah well
EnygmaSoul: *wasn't thinking*
Goblin Sharpshooter 2: Hand Crossbow
Attack: 12 vs AC MISS! Hit: 8 damage
Desc: +1d6 with CA
Alavas: (Which hallway?)

Goblin Sharpshooter 6: Short Sword

Attack: 10 vs AC Hit: 6 damage
Desc: +1d6 with CA
wow, sniping with a short swrod

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EnygmaSoul: he THREW it!

Alavas: (Thrown short swords would be the best rogue build ever.)

Goblin Sharpshooter 1: Hand Crossbow

Attack: 18 vs AC Hit: 10 damage
Desc: +1d6 with CA
EnygmaSoul: technicly the game has no rules for improvised ranged weaponry, whcih sucks
(how many short sword could he have anyway?)
* Tom_DM rolls: d6 => 1
EnygmaSoul: you can't even hurl a brick
Adrael: Adrael takes 10 damage.

Alavas: (Magic thrown weapons return after they are thrown.)

Sievax has received initiative.
Adrael: (I take one more damage?)

Adrael: Adrael takes 1 damage.

Sievax: Gaze of Defiance

Attack: 5 vs Will Hit: 10 damage
Desc: Psychic damage, allies gain +1 to hit target until the end of my next turn, +3
if the target attacks me before the end of my next turn.
Alavas has received initiative.
Alavas: On the warrior.

Alavas: Illusory Ambush

Attack: 20 vs Will Hit: 6 damage
Desc: On hit, the target takes -2 to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Goblin Warrior 1: Goblin Warrior 1 takes 6 damage.

Alavas: Done.
Lavitz has received initiative.
Lavitz: Oath of Enmity
Target: 1 creature in close burst 10
Encounter • Minor Action
Effect: When making melee attack rolls against your Oath target, you make two
attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or
until the target drops to 0 HP, at which point you regain the use of this power
Lavitz: Whirlwind Charge
Encounter • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 17 ;
Oath vs AC: 14 ;

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Damage: 18
Special: When charging you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack. If
you charge you gain a +4 bonus to AC aggainst opportunity attacks you provoke
while moving to the target
Goblin Warrior 1: Goblin Warrior 1 takes 18 damage, and is bloodied.
Salmonella says to the GM: Edits Sievax's power: Gaze of Defiance.
Goblin Warrior 1: Spear
Attack: 17 vs AC Hit: 5 damage
Adrael has received initiative.
Adrael: (I can curse the warrior right?, 'cause he's the nearest enemy I can "see")

Adrael: on the warrior

Adrael: Eldritch Blast

Attack: 6 vs Ref MISS! Hit: 5 damage
Adrael: -_- done
Kongol has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: actually...
EnygmaSoul: *nods*
We'll help Lavitz flank it next turn
Kongol: Thorn Strike
Attack: 19 vs AC Hit: 10 damage
Desc: you pull the target 1 square.
EnygmaSoul: (assuming it lives)
Goblin Warrior 1: Goblin Warrior 1 takes 10 damage, and is dying.

EnygmaSoul: "GET OVER HE...nevermind"

Alavas: (Can anyone see another mob yet?)

Kongol: let's see. Moved. Attacked. Nothing to mark. Done.

Alavas: (Ah.)

Adrael: (are the half-level bonuses to attack automatic, like, are they variables? or do they
need to be changed too)
EnygmaSoul: What did we say about moving in front of the tank?
Salmonella says to the GM: Edits Sievax's power: Cure Light Wounds.
Goblin Sharpshooter 1: Hand Crossbow
Attack: 25 vs AC Hit: 6 damage
Desc: +1d6 with CA
"d6" Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands.
* Tom_DM rolls: d6 => 5

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Adrael: ('cause I rolled a 1, +5 +1 should've been 7)

Goblin Sharpshooter 6: Hand Crossbow

Attack: 22 vs AC Hit: 7 damage
Desc: +1d6 with CA
* Tom_DM rolls: d6 => 2
Alavas: (Scroll over the attack numbers and it will show you everything that gets added into
Salmonella says to the GM: Edits Sievax's power: Healing Word.
Goblin Sharpshooter 1: Hand Crossbow
Attack: 21 vs AC Hit: 7 damage
Desc: +1d6 with CA
Sievax has received initiative.
Lavitz: 21 -21 14 0 0 1 0 21 Damage.

Sievax: Healing Word Hit: 6 damage

Desc: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6 hit points.
Adrael: (yeah, they have an attack bonus of +4 instead of +5)

Lavitz: 22 Healing Surge! Gained 8 hit points, new totals: 22 0 80 8

EnygmaSoul: (six more)

Alavas has received initiative.
Lavitz: (did them)

EnygmaSoul: (ah, k)
Salmonella says to the GM: Edits Sievax's power: Healing Word.
Alavas: (What level of cover is that?)

Alavas: (SS#1)
Salmonella says to the GM: Edits Sievax's power: Cure Light Wounds.
Alavas: (I can't see anything else.)

Alavas: Illusory Ambush

Attack: 17 vs Will Hit: 11 damage
Desc: On hit, the target takes -2 to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
EnygmaSoul: (I don't see anyone)
Goblin Sharpshooter 1: Goblin Sharpshooter 1 takes 11 damage.

Lavitz: (hit ctrl i)

EnygmaSoul: (Oh? It's going to magicly do something the sixth time it didn't the first five?)
Lavitz: (yes)

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Alavas: (And done.)

EnygmaSoul: (I can't see either of those squares, hehe)

Lavitz has received initiative.
Lavitz: Distracting Flare
Encounter • Move Action
Effect: You become invisible and move your speed. Your are invisible until the end
of the movement
Lavitz: Oath of Enmity
Target: 1 creature in close burst 10
Encounter • Minor Action
Effect: When making melee attack rolls against your Oath target, you make two
attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or
until the target drops to 0 HP, at which point you regain the use of this power
Lavitz: Bond of Pursuit
At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 17 ;
Oath vs AC: 15 ;
Damage: 7
Hit: If the target doesn't end it's next turn adjacent to you, you can shift 4 squares as
a free action. You must end this shift closer to the target
Goblin Sharpshooter 6: Goblin Sharpshooter 6 takes 7 damage.

Alavas: (Where is #6?)

Lavitz: (1 east of me)

Goblin Warrior 9: Spear

Attack: 17 vs AC Hit: 5 damage
Alavas: (Shield if it hits.)

Adrael: (charge doesn't have to be a straight line?)

Alavas: Shield
Desc: Trigger: You are hit by an attack. Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC
and Reflex Defense until the end of your next turn.
Alavas: (So, not hit any more.)
Adrael has received initiative.
Adrael: crap

Alavas: (You are on a pillar.)

Adrael: yeah haha

Adrael: thanks

Adrael: a curse on warrior 9

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Adrael: Eldritch Blast

Attack: 10 vs Ref Hit: 8 damage
Adrael: done
Kongol has received initiative.
Kongol: Nature's Wrath
Desc: Once during each of your turns, you can mark each adjacent enemy as a
free action. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn.
Conditions: Mark_Green (set/clear)
Alavas: (The atk mod is your level bonus. The power is your stat bonus.)

Kongol: Strength of Stone

Attack: 25 vs AC Hit: 9 damage
Desc: you gain 4 temporary hit points
Alavas: (Your rolls are working fine.)

Goblin Warrior 9: Goblin Warrior 9 takes 9 damage.

Kongol: Kongol gains 4 temporary hit points.

EnygmaSoul: And done.

Alavas, I suggest shifting northwest on your next turn
Alavas: (I had planned to.)

Goblin Sharpshooter 6: Hand Crossbow

Attack: 29 vs AC Critical!! Hit: 10 damage
Desc: +1d6 with CA
Lavitz: mmm, censure trigger

Lavitz: OWWW

Lavitz: 10 -10 18 0 0 0 0 10 Damage.

Goblin Sharpshooter 1: Hand Crossbow

Attack: 20 vs AC Hit: 6 damage
Desc: +1d6 with CA
Goblin Sharpshooter 2: Hand Crossbow
Attack: 11 vs AC Hit: 8 damage
Desc: +1d6 with CA
Sievax has received initiative.
Lavitz: 6 -6 12 0 0 1 0 6 Damage.

Adrael: (yeah, but I addded thatone, 'cause the regular macro gives me only +4)

Sievax: Gaze of Defiance

Attack: 19 vs Will Hit: 11 damage
Desc: Allies gain +1 to hit target until the end of your next turn, +3 if the target

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attacks you before the end of your next turn.

Goblin Warrior 9: Goblin Warrior 9 takes 11 damage, and is bloodied.

Sievax: Healing Word Hit: 8 damage

Desc: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6+4 hit
Lavitz: 20 Healing Surge! Gained 8 hit points, new totals: 20 0 70 7
Alavas has received initiative.
Alavas: (Lavitz, can you point me to the square to hit the most mobs with burst 1?)

Alavas: (Hmm, can't hit there.)

Alavas: (No.)

Alavas: (So, that spot will hit a couple?)

Lavitz: (that spot will hit 2)

Alavas: (Ah well, never mind. I'd need to shift further south.)

Alavas: Shift.

EnygmaSoul: (right, why bother helping me do my job by taking care of the enemy who is ON
your ass, when you could go AoE instead. It's not like I need this guy gone before I
can go help Lavitz, or anything)
Alavas: Illusory Ambush
Attack: 16 vs Will Hit: 6 damage
Desc: On hit, the target takes -2 to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Goblin Warrior 9: Goblin Warrior 9 takes 6 damage.

Alavas: (Yes.)
Lavitz has received initiative.
mm, mark + ambuish. -2 to hit me, -4 againsst everyone else. Love it
Lavitz: +3 damage from the censure

Lavitz: Bond of Pursuit

At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 15 ;
Oath vs AC: 29 ; Crit!
Damage: 24
Hit: If the target doesn't end it's next turn adjacent to you, you can shift 4 squares as
a free action. You must end this shift closer to the target
Lavitz: Lifedrinker Fullblade +1
At-Will • Free Action
Trigger: You reduce an enemy to 0 HP with a melee attack
Effect: You gain 5 THP

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Goblin Sharpshooter 6: Goblin Sharpshooter 6 takes 27 damage, and is dying.

Lavitz: 5 Temporary HP Gained! 5

Don' move away from the pursuit avenger. It's a simple lesson they never learn
Lavitz: Oath of Enmity
Target: 1 creature in close burst 10
Encounter • Minor Action
Effect: When making melee attack rolls against your Oath target, you make two
attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or
until the target drops to 0 HP, at which point you regain the use of this power
Goblin Warrior 9: Spear
Attack: 26 vs AC Critical!! Hit: 8 damage
EnygmaSoul: For 8?
EnygmaSoul: *laughs*
EnygmaSoul: poor guy
Adrael has received initiative.
Kongol: Kongol takes 8 damage, and their tempory hit points absorb 4 points of it.

Adrael: (he has cover, I assume)

EnygmaSoul: *can't even see him anymore, lol)

Goblin Warrior 9: Spear
Attack: 20 vs AC Hit: 3 damage
EnygmaSoul: (no worries the attack will be a -6 to hit)
EnygmaSoul: (2 for mark, 2 for illusory ambush, 2 for shadow walk)
Adrael: ok

I just wanted to get on him
Adrael: Eldritch Blast
Attack: 8 vs Ref Hit: 13 damage
Kongol: Warden's Grasp
Desc: You slide the target 1 square. The target is slowed and cannot shift until the
end of its turn.
Conditions: Slowed (set/clear)
EnygmaSoul: pull him closer to me
Adrael: jesus, what is this?

EnygmaSoul: south
want him not adjacent to soft targets. That means south
Adrael: yeah

18 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Kongol has received initiative.

EnygmaSoul: Shifting south
Adrael: (can't roll for crap)

EnygmaSoul: Oh, just provoke then?

EnygmaSoul: In that case, renewing Mark first
Kongol: Nature's Wrath
Desc: Once during each of your turns, you can mark each adjacent enemy as a
free action. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn.
Conditions: Mark_Green (set/clear)
Alavas: (Yeah. I have CA against him and he is cursed.)

Goblin Warrior 9: Spear

Attack: 21 vs AC Hit: 8 damage
EnygmaSoul: (19 from illusory ambush)
EnygmaSoul: charging sharpshooter 2.
EnygmaSoul: (soon as I figure out how to do a melee basic)
EnygmaSoul: meh, just gonna use a power and ignore effect text
Ooh, I could, why not
Kongol: Goring Charge
Attack: 23 vs AC Hit: 7 damage
Desc: and the target is knocked prone.
Conditions: Prone (set/clear)
Goblin Sharpshooter 2: Goblin Sharpshooter 2 takes 7 damage.

EnygmaSoul: done.
* Sievax wipes a tear from his eye, "That's the bravest cow I have ever seen."
Lavitz: censure

Goblin Sharpshooter 1: Hand Crossbow

Attack: 23 vs AC Hit: 8 damage
Desc: +1d6 with CA
Lavitz: 8 -3 25 0 0 0 0 8 Damage.

Goblin Sharpshooter 2: Short Sword

Attack: 24 vs AC Hit: 4 damage
Desc: +1d6 with CA
Sievax has received initiative.
Lavitz: 4 -4 21 0 0 0 0 4 Damage.

EnygmaSoul: (not marked yet, can't punish him. Sadness)

Sievax: Gaze of Defiance

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Attack: 26 vs Will Critical!! Hit: 12 damage

Desc: Allies gain +1 to hit target until the end of your next turn, +3 if the target
attacks you before the end of your next turn.
EnygmaSoul: nice!
Goblin Warrior 9: Goblin Warrior 9 takes 12 damage, and is dying.

Adrael: boon

EnygmaSoul: (yay, free teleport)

Alavas has received initiative.
Alavas: Grasping Shadows
Multi-Attack Damage: 6 points (13 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 26 vs Will Critical!!
Attack #2: 8 vs Will
Desc: The burst creates a zone of writhing shadows unti the end of your next turn.
Each creature that enters the zone takes damage equal to your intelligence modifier
and is slowed until the end of its next turn.
Conditions: Slowed (set/clear)
Goblin Sharpshooter 2: Goblin Sharpshooter 2 takes 13 damage, and is bloodied.

(gah, opaque templates again )
Lavitz: (booo)

EnygmaSoul: ((still, bloodying them makes the Tiefling's job easier)

Alavas: (Done.)

Adrael: (the Tiefling has a name, y'know? T_T)

Lavitz has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: (Yes. Tiefling McDevilspawn)
Alavas: (There we go.)

Invalid condition in IF(Page == "") roll option.

Statement options (if any): h, if(Page == "")
Statement Body : Page = "Main"
Alavas: (Damage AND slow!)

Invalid condition in IF(Page == "") roll option.

Statement options (if any): h, if(Page == "")
Statement Body : Page = "Main"
EnygmaSoul: (is it just me, or do the zones keep getting in the way of our melee types?)
Adrael: (it's junior high all over again, I thought I left that nickname behind me)

Lavitz: 4 -4 17 0 0 1 0 4 Damage.

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Alavas: (Yeah, but don't you have a ranged power?)

Lavitz: Bond of Pursuit

At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 25 ;
Oath vs AC: 28 ;
Damage: 14
Hit: If the target doesn't end it's next turn adjacent to you, you can shift 4 squares as
a free action. You must end this shift closer to the target
Goblin Sharpshooter 1: Goblin Sharpshooter 1 takes 14 damage, and is bloodied.

EnygmaSoul: (He can't Oath of Enmity his ranged power)

Adrael has received initiative.
Adrael: curse on SS2

Adrael: Eldritch Blast

Attack: 14 vs Ref Hit: 14 damage
EnygmaSoul: (nice hit. If it hit.)
Goblin Sharpshooter 2: Goblin Sharpshooter 2 takes 14 damage, and is dying.

Adrael: boon

Adrael: done
Kongol has received initiative.
Alavas: (I think invoker probably would have been more friendly to a novice controller, what
with the enemy only zones.)
Adrael: (didn't really need to take it but I want to get used to remembering it)

Kongol: Thorn Strike

Attack: 8 vs AC MISS! Hit: 11 damage
Desc: you pull the target 1 square.
Lavitz: Divine Guidance (Channel Divinity)
Encounter • Immediate Interrupt
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you attacks your Oath of Enmity target.
Effect: The target makes a second attack roll and uses either result
Kongol: Thorn Strike
Attack: 11 vs AC Hit: 14 damage
Desc: you pull the target 1 square.
EnygmaSoul: (bah)
EnygmaSoul: Yeah, why not.
was looking over options, finding out I didn't have any
Kongol: Recharges their Goring Charge power.

Lavitz: Melee Basic Attack

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At-Will • Standard Action • Melee

Attack vs AC: 6 ;
Oath vs AC: 21 ;
Damage: 10
Kongol: Goring Charge
Attack: 23 vs AC Hit: 5 damage
Desc: and the target is knocked prone.
Conditions: Prone (set/clear)
Goblin Sharpshooter 1: Goblin Sharpshooter 1 takes 5 damage.

adjacent to me
EnygmaSoul: ah, ok
Goblin Sharpshooter 1: Goblin Sharpshooter 1 takes 10 damage, and is dying.

Tom_DM: off init

Kongol: It's so cute when they try to escape.

Alavas: (Hey, at least my zone was good for something.)

Lavitz: 25 Healing Surge! Gained 8 hit points, new totals: 25 0 60 6

Lavitz: 33 Healing Surge! Gained 8 hit points, new totals: 33 0 50 5

Kongol: Kongol spends a healing surge and heals 11 hit points.

Adrael: Adrael takes a short rest and spends 2 surges to heal 14 hit points.

Alavas: Alavas takes a short rest and spends 0 surges to heal 0 hit points.

Kongol: Meh. Given that it's in the center of the room, and they were on the other side of it,
my money is on pit.
Kongol: Mmmhmm. This is why you LISTEN to Kongol, yes?

Adrael: (raaaat kiiing)

* Lavitz pushes sievax into the pit with the rats
Kongol: Don't do that. Rats make him crazy.

Alavas: (Ooh, a swarm.)

Adrael: (sounds good)

Alavas: (Can I nuke the rat king from above?

Alavas: Tiny helpless mammals have fallen to my arcane might!

See? The Cleric KNOWS how this works
Alavas: Alavas rolls Perception and gets a 8

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Kongol: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Lavitz: Perception
Roll: 16
EnygmaSoul: (yeah, I already did)
Kongol: Recharges their Goring Charge power.

Sievax: Sievax takes a short rest and spends 0 surges to heal 0 hit points.

Kongol: Kongol takes a short rest and spends 0 surges to heal 0 hit points.

Adrael: Adrael rolls Perception and gets a 23

EnygmaSoul: *knock knocks with his hammer*

Kongol: Looks like its clear.

Alavas: Loot it thoroughly.

Alavas: Alavas rolls Arcana and gets a 31

Alavas: (Are any of those spoiled foodstuffs magical?)

Adrael: (Pokémon cards?)

Lavitz: (is it bad if we name having Kongol go first as Operation: Get behind the darkie?)

Alavas: (Yes.)

Kongol: Hey! Haven't you ever heard of the Emancipation Proclamation!

(I got it )
Alavas: (I don't watch much TV.)

Alavas: (Let's hit the door.)

Lavitz: (mmm, soda, ambrosia of the gamer)

EnygmaSoul: (that actually seemed like a very slow second)

Sievax: (( lavitz... they let me be a judge at gencon hahah. poor rpga folks ))
Alavas: (You have to consider relativistic effects.)

Lavitz: (heh, nice)

Kongol: Goblins to the east. Let's smash em up, eh?

Alavas: Go scout it out, sword person!

Lavitz: Come out come out, wherever you are my tasty little chunks of XP


* Lavitz rolls for initiative: 20

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Kongol: Kongol makes an Inititiative check and gets a 8

Kongol: Oh, great, THESE things again. I remember from from the dig site.

Lavitz: Yes, remember, kill the drakes FIRST

Drake 2 makes an Inititiative check and gets a 8
Goblin Bombardier 1 makes an Inititiative check and gets a 10
Kongol: Alavas, hang back this time.

Alavas: I know, I know.

Lavitz has received initiative.
Alavas: (So the dirt is difficult terrain?)

Lavitz: Radiant Vengeance

At-Will • Standard Action • Implement • Radiant
Target: One creature within 10 squares
Attack vs Reflex: 13 ;
Damage: 11
Hit: You gain 4 THP
Alavas: (So, have the dextrous guy lure any stragglers to the main group?)
Adrael has received initiative.
Lavitz: (thinking we're gonna want to hold the ramp)

(oh so ww can get back up if we fall )
Alavas: (There are also some ladders visible.)

Lavitz: (more to funnel them to us)

EnygmaSoul: (he meant to try and create a choke point for the enemy melee)
Adrael: curse on B3

Adrael: Eldritch Blast

Attack: 5 vs Ref MISS! Hit: 13 damage
Adrael: (have I freakin' hit once? XD)

Adrael: done

Alavas: (I have yet to miss this session.)

Alavas: (I'm stealing your luck.)

Lavitz: (yay for jinxes!)

EnygmaSoul: (you hit for 14 earlier)

Lavitz: (taunt the gods of the dice earlier)

Goblin Bombardier 3: Alchemist's Fire

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Multi-Attack Damage: 1 points (6 on a Critical)

Attack #1: 20 vs Ref
Desc: Miss - Half damage
Adrael: (I'm a dice dog atheist)
"/r d20+4" Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands.
"d d20+4" Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands.
* Tom_DM rolls: d20+4 => 7 + 4 = 11
Adrael: Adrael takes 1 damage.

Kongol: Kongol takes 1 damage.

Alavas: (Don't you have fire resistance?)

Lavitz: (no damage for kongol)

Goblin Bombardier 2: Alchemist's Fire

Multi-Attack Damage: 1 points (6 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 16 vs Ref
Attack #2: 24 vs Ref Critical!!
Desc: Miss - Half damage
Adrael: (yeah)

EnygmaSoul: (half damage on a miss, and 1 is a minimum)

EnygmaSoul: (you can't reduce to 0 via half damage)
Adrael: (it's res 5)

Adrael: (can't reduce to 0?)

EnygmaSoul: (Yes, I'm talking about me taking 1 point from the one that missed me)
(the RESIST can reduce it to 0. Being missed can't )
Alavas: (Well, 6 now. + half level.)

EnygmaSoul: (I KNOW, fuck, everyone's so damn impatient)

Adrael: Adrael heals 1 hit points.

Goblin Bombardier 1: Alchemist's Fire

Multi-Attack Damage: 3 points (6 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 18 vs Ref
Desc: Miss - Half damage
Kongol: Kongol takes 6 damage.
Kongol has received initiative.
Lavitz: 3 -3 30 0 0 0 0 3 Damage.

Kongol: Goring Charge

Attack: 23 vs AC Hit: 6 damage

25 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Desc: and the target is knocked prone.

Conditions: Prone (set/clear)
Goblin Bombardier 3: Goblin Bombardier 3 takes 6 damage.

EnygmaSoul: marking, then done

Kongol: Nature's Wrath
Desc: Once during each of your turns, you can mark each adjacent enemy as a
free action. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn.
Conditions: Mark_Green (set/clear)
EnygmaSoul: (FREE ACTION)
EnygmaSoul: (free actions are legit after charges, I thought)
EnygmaSoul: And done.
Now hopefully they focus on me like good little puppets
Drake 2: Bite
Attack: 24 vs AC Hit: 11 damage
Desc: extra damage while within 2 squares of an ally
Kongol: Kongol takes 11 damage.

Drake 1: Bite
Attack: 10 vs AC Hit: 10 damage
Desc: extra damage while within 2 squares of an ally
Sievax has received initiative.
Sievax: Gaze of Defiance
Attack: 18 vs Will Hit: 7 damage
Desc: Allies gain +1 to hit target until the end of your next turn, +3 if the target
attacks you before the end of your next turn.
Drake 1: Drake 1 takes 7 damage.

Sievax: Healing Word Hit: 9 damage

Desc: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6+4 hit
Alavas has received initiative.
Kongol: Kongol spends a healing surge and heals 11 hit points.

Kongol: Kongol takes 9 damage.

Alavas: On drake 1 and the bomber.

EnygmaSoul: yes, just having lag issues

EnygmaSoul: trying to fix it
Kongol: Kongol heals 9 hit points.

Alavas: Grasping Shadows

Multi-Attack Damage: 7 points (13 on a Critical)

26 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Attack #1: 21 vs Will

Attack #2: 13 vs Will
Desc: The burst creates a zone of writhing shadows unti the end of your next turn.
Each creature that enters the zone takes damage equal to your intelligence modifier
and is slowed until the end of its next turn.
Conditions: Slowed (set/clear)
Kongol: Kongol heals 9 hit points.

Alavas: +1 vs. the drake.

Drake 2: Drake 2 takes 7 damage.

Drake 2: Drake 2 heals 7 hit points.

Goblin Bombardier 3: Goblin Bombardier 3 takes 7 damage.

Alavas: And done.

Drake 1: Drake 1 takes 7 damage.

Lavitz has received initiative.
Lavitz: Oath of Enmity
Target: 1 creature in close burst 10
Encounter • Minor Action
Effect: When making melee attack rolls against your Oath target, you make two
attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or
until the target drops to 0 HP, at which point you regain the use of this power
Lavitz: Whirlwind Charge
Encounter • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 27 ;
Oath vs AC: 29 ;
Damage: 21
Special: When charging you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack. If
you charge you gain a +4 bonus to AC aggainst opportunity attacks you provoke
while moving to the target
Drake 1: Drake 1 takes 21 damage, and is bloodied.
Adrael has received initiative.
Adrael: curse on darke 1

Adrael: Eldritch Blast

Attack: 23 vs Ref Hit: 8 damage
Drake 1: Drake 1 takes 8 damage.

Adrael: Warlock's Curse Hit: 6 damage

Drake 1: Drake 1 takes 6 damage, and is dying.

Adrael: (about freakin' time XD)

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Way to go warlock
Adrael: done

Alavas: (Oh, never mind then.)

EnygmaSoul: (striker teamwork ftw)

Lavitz: goodness gracious

Goblin Bombardier 2: Alchemist's Fire

Multi-Attack Damage: 3 points (6 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 21 vs Ref
Attack #2: 9 vs Ref
Desc: Miss - Half damage
Sievax: Sievax takes 3 damage.

Adrael: Adrael takes 3 damage.

Adrael: wait

EnygmaSoul: *(adrael, fire resistance)

EnygmaSoul: (you can ignore those attacks completely unless they roll more than 6 damage)
Adrael: (yeah, plus it missed)

Alavas: (A 9 vs. reflex hits you?)

Adrael: Adrael heals 3 hit points.

Goblin Bombardier 1: Alchemist's Fire

Multi-Attack Damage: 5 points (6 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 20 vs Ref
Attack #2: 21 vs Ref
Desc: Miss - Half damage
Sievax: Sievax takes 5 damage.

(0 to the Tiefling )
(0 for me )
EnygmaSoul: (Way to go, Mr. McDevilspawn)
Goblin Bombardier 3: War Pick
Attack: 19 vs AC Hit: 8 damage
Adrael: (>_> thanks... Ms. Cow)
Kongol has received initiative.
Alavas: (Mr. McDevilspawn who works for the fairies of the forest dimension.)

EnygmaSoul: Shifting west.

EnygmaSoul: well, wait

28 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Kongol: Nature's Wrath

Desc: Once during each of your turns, you can mark each adjacent enemy as a
free action. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn.
Conditions: Mark_Green (set/clear)
NOW I'm shifting west
Kongol: Thunder Ram Assault - Primary
Attack: 22 vs AC Hit: 5 damage
Desc: thunder damage. Hit:push target 4 squares, make a secondary attack
EnygmaSoul: on the drake, naturally
EnygmaSoul: move him southeast, then east to the borter of the zone
Drake 2: Drake 2 takes 5 damage.

EnygmaSoul: (border)
EnygmaSoul: (4 and slow for entering the zone)
EnygmaSoul: Nope.
EnygmaSoul: As long as each successive square is further away from me than the last, it's a push
EnygmaSoul: No
EnygmaSoul: Yup, 4 damage
Kongol: Thunder Ram Assault - Secondary
Multi-Attack Damage: 3 points (6 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 25 vs Fort
Desc: thunder damage Hit: you push the target 1 square
Drake 2: Drake 2 takes 4 damage.

EnygmaSoul: that's on his buddy the alchmeist

EnygmaSoul: I'll forgo the push on him
Goblin Bombardier 3: Goblin Bombardier 3 takes 3 damage, and is bloodied.

EnygmaSoul: (so lavitz can engage and get the kill)

EnygmaSoul: And done.
Alavas: (Do zone autohits work for phantom echoes?)

Alavas: Uses Phantom Echoes.

Alavas: After hitting a target with an illusion power, gain combat advantage against them
until the end of your next turn. If the illusion power has an effect that a save can
end, you instead gain combat advantage against that target until it saves against
that effect.
Kongol: Warden's Grasp
Desc: You slide the target 1 square. The target is slowed and cannot shift until the
end of its turn.
Conditions: Slowed (set/clear)

29 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

slide him back into the zone
EnygmaSoul: (4 more damage!)
EnygmaSoul: Reaction
EnygmaSoul: so after he attacks, move him northeast
Drake 2: Bite
Attack: 27 vs AC Critical!! Hit: 13 damage
Lavitz: 13 -13 17 0 0 1 0 13 Damage.

EnygmaSoul: Yup.
Drake 2: Drake 2 takes 4 damage.
Sievax has received initiative.
Sievax: Gaze of Defiance
Attack: 17 vs Will Hit: 6 damage
Desc: Allies gain +1 to hit target until the end of your next turn, +3 if the target
attacks you before the end of your next turn.
Drake 2: Drake 2 takes 6 damage.
Alavas has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: (I think I did a decent job exploiting your zone, yes?)
Alavas: (I'll go for the bomber since I have CA against him.)

Alavas: Illusory Ambush

Attack: 24 vs Will Hit: 7 damage
Desc: On hit, the target takes -2 to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Lavitz: (go for both, you have an area power now, right?)

Alavas: (Well, I probably should have, yes.)

Alavas: (Done.)

EnygmaSoul: (yup, at the end of Al's turn)

Lavitz has received initiative.
Lavitz: Oath of Enmity
Target: 1 creature in close burst 10
Encounter • Minor Action
Effect: When making melee attack rolls against your Oath target, you make two
attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or
until the target drops to 0 HP, at which point you regain the use of this power
Alavas: (The slow lasts until the end of THEIR next turn.)

Lavitz: Bond of Pursuit

At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 26 ;
Oath vs AC: 18 ;

30 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Damage: 13
Hit: If the target doesn't end it's next turn adjacent to you, you can shift 4 squares as
a free action. You must end this shift closer to the target
EnygmaSoul: (yes, we know this, Al. I was talking about the zone ending)
Goblin Bombardier 3: Goblin Bombardier 3 takes 13 damage.

Kongol: Make way, make way, giant sword guy coming through.

Lavitz: Bond of Pursuit

At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 26 ;
Oath vs AC: 26 ;
Damage: 8
Hit: If the target doesn't end it's next turn adjacent to you, you can shift 4 squares as
a free action. You must end this shift closer to the target
Goblin Bombardier 3: Goblin Bombardier 3 takes 8 damage, and is dying.

Lavitz: Lifedrinker Fullblade +1

At-Will • Free Action
Trigger: You reduce an enemy to 0 HP with a melee attack
Effect: You gain 5 THP
Adrael: boon

Lavitz: 5 Temporary HP Gained! 5

Adrael: (can't?)

EnygmaSoul: (Yeah, but I don't see why you'd give up a sniper perch to expose yourself)
Adrael has received initiative.
Alavas: (You are in range of the drake that way.)

Adrael: curse on the drake

Adrael: Witchfire
Attack: 10 vs Ref Hit: 10 damage
Desc: fire damage, and the target takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls until the end of
your next turn.
Adrael: (christ)

EnygmaSoul: Caiphon?
Adrael: (yeah)

EnygmaSoul: (take 1 damage to fuel it then)

Adrael: yep

Adrael: Adrael takes 1 damage.

31 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Adrael: AP

EnygmaSoul: (use the AP, this is a milestone fight)

Adrael: Witchfire (This Power has already been used)
Attack: 6 vs Ref Hit: 11 damage
Desc: fire damage, and the target takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls until the end of
your next turn.
Adrael: (X_X)

EnygmaSoul: bah
EnygmaSoul: (can recharge it again, lol)
Adrael: (yeah

Adrael: Adrael takes 1 damage.

Adrael: IU'm gonna move back}

Adrael: done

Goblin Bombardier 1: Alchemist's Fire

Multi-Attack Damage: 5 points (6 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 6 vs Ref
Desc: Miss - Half damage
Goblin Bombardier 2: Alchemist's Fire
Multi-Attack Damage: 5 points (6 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 8 vs Ref
Desc: Miss - Half damage
Lavitz: 4 1 17 1 0 1 0 4 Damage.

EnygmaSoul: (not including kongol in the burst? odd)

Kongol has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: (yes, aim behind lavitz and it gets us both)
Lavitz: think it has to be aimed at someone

Kongol: Nature's Wrath

Desc: Once during each of your turns, you can mark each adjacent enemy as a
free action. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn.
Conditions: Mark_Green (set/clear)
Kongol: Strength of Stone
Attack: 25 vs AC Hit: 5 damage
Desc: you gain 4 temporary hit points
Drake 2: Drake 2 takes 5 damage, and is bloodied.

Adrael: Adrael spends an action point.

EnygmaSoul: Done.

32 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Drake 2: Bite
Attack: 17 vs AC Hit: 10 damage
Sievax has received initiative.
Sievax: Gaze of Defiance
Attack: 21 vs Will Hit: 7 damage
Desc: Allies gain +1 to hit target until the end of your next turn, +3 if the target
attacks you before the end of your next turn.
Drake 2: Drake 2 takes 7 damage.
Alavas has received initiative.
Alavas: Drake.

Alavas: Illusory Ambush

Attack: 16 vs Will Hit: 10 damage
Desc: On hit, the target takes -2 to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Drake 2: Drake 2 takes 10 damage.

Alavas: (I'm actually above Sievex.)

Alavas: Alavas rolls Acrobatics and gets a 12

"d d10" Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands.
* Tom_DM rolls: d10 => 10
Lavitz has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: (Kongol avoid planks for reason)
Alavas: Alavas takes 10 damage.

(now who's the one who's leaving himself vulnerable to the drake, AL?)
Lavitz: Oath of Enmity
Target: 1 creature in close burst 10
Encounter • Minor Action
Effect: When making melee attack rolls against your Oath target, you make two
attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or
until the target drops to 0 HP, at which point you regain the use of this power
Lavitz: Bond of Pursuit
At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 29 ; Crit!
Oath vs AC: 27 ;
Damage: 34
Hit: If the target doesn't end it's next turn adjacent to you, you can shift 4 squares as
a free action. You must end this shift closer to the target
EnygmaSoul: (it be dead
Lavitz: Lifedrinker Fullblade +1
At-Will • Free Action
Trigger: You reduce an enemy to 0 HP with a melee attack

33 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Effect: You gain 5 THP

Lavitz: 5 Temporary HP Gained! 5
Adrael has received initiative.
Kongol: Kongol gains 4 temporary hit points.

Adrael: first my boon

Adrael: curse on GB2

Lavitz: (go for 1)

Lavitz: (we melee'rs can get 2)

Adrael: (for the attack but not the curse

Lavitz: (ahhh)

Adrael: might as well stack

Adrael: on GB2

Adrael: Eldritch Blast

Attack: 6 vs Ref Hit: 5 damage
Adrael: ...

Adrael: done

Lavitz: just not your night

Goblin Bombardier 2: Javelin

Attack: 22 vs AC Hit: 7 damage
Adrael: Adrael takes 7 damage.

Goblin Bombardier 1: Goblin Bombardier 1 makes a Athletics check and rolls a 5

Adrael: (should go up the ladder to snipe?)

Adrael: (the one close to Lavitz)

Lavitz: (dont think it matters at this point)

Goblin Bombardier 1: Javelin

Attack: 10 vs AC Hit: 6 damage
Kongol has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: (oh sorry, was arguing with someone)
EnygmaSoul: (just the two bombers now?)
Kongol: Nature's Wrath
Desc: Once during each of your turns, you can mark each adjacent enemy as a
free action. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn.
Conditions: Mark_Green (set/clear)

34 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Kongol: Strength of Stone

Attack: 25 vs AC Hit: 6 damage
Desc: you gain 4 temporary hit points
Goblin Bombardier 2: Goblin Bombardier 2 takes 6 damage.

EnygmaSoul: (gah. My damage rolls SUCK tonight. I keep hitting 6 or less on 1d10+4!)
EnygmaSoul: AP and do it again
Kongol: Strength of Stone
Attack: 18 vs AC Hit: 7 damage
Desc: you gain 4 temporary hit points
EnygmaSoul: (ooh, 7)
Goblin Bombardier 2: Goblin Bombardier 2 takes 7 damage.

EnygmaSoul: Done.
Sievax has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: (I'd just like to hit my average or above now and hten, is that so wrong?)
EnygmaSoul: (average is 9-10...)
Alavas: (Very.)
* Tom_DM rolls: d10 => 7
Goblin Bombardier 1: Goblin Bombardier 1 takes 7 damage.

Sievax: Gaze of Defiance

Attack: 15 vs Will Hit: 10 damage
Desc: Allies gain +1 to hit target until the end of your next turn, +3 if the target
attacks you before the end of your next turn.
Goblin Bombardier 2: Goblin Bombardier 2 takes 10 damage, and is bloodied.

Alavas: (Hit the other one.)

Alavas: (I can't get up and hit #1.)

Lavitz: (harder for him to, prone is -2 at range)

Sievax: Gaze of Defiance

Attack: 10 vs Will Hit: 12 damage
Desc: Allies gain +1 to hit target until the end of your next turn, +3 if the target
attacks you before the end of your next turn.
Alavas has received initiative.
Alavas: I was checking the range with the wrong tool.

Alavas: Standing for move.

Alavas: Illusory Ambush

Attack: 25 vs Will Hit: 7 damage
Desc: On hit, the target takes -2 to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

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Alavas: On #2, naturally.

Goblin Bombardier 1: Goblin Bombardier 1 takes 7 damage.

Alavas: #1 I could only hit with scorching burst.

Alavas: Also, I stood up.

Lavitz has received initiative.
Alavas: Wait.

Alavas: AP.

Alavas: Alavas spends an action point.

Alavas: Scorching Burst

Multi-Attack Damage: 8 points (10 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 13 vs Ref
Alavas: Okay, done.

Lavitz: Oath of Enmity

Target: 1 creature in close burst 10
Encounter • Minor Action
Effect: When making melee attack rolls against your Oath target, you make two
attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or
until the target drops to 0 HP, at which point you regain the use of this power
Lavitz: Bond of Pursuit
At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 23 ;
Oath vs AC: 28 ;
Damage: 6
Hit: If the target doesn't end it's next turn adjacent to you, you can shift 4 squares as
a free action. You must end this shift closer to the target
Goblin Bombardier 1: Goblin Bombardier 1 takes 6 damage, and is bloodied.
Adrael has received initiative.
Adrael: on GB2

Adrael: Witchfire (This Power has already been used)

Attack: 8 vs Ref Hit: 10 damage
Desc: fire damage, and the target takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls until the end of
your next turn.
Adrael: (fuck me)

Adrael: done

Goblin Bombardier 2: Javelin

Attack: 21 vs AC Hit: 7 damage
Alavas: (Oh, I thought that one was dead.)

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Kongol: Kongol takes 7 damage, and their tempory hit points absorb 4 points of it.

Goblin Bombardier 2: War Pick

Attack: 20 vs AC Hit: 6 damage
Alavas: (I wasted my AP, then.)

Lavitz: 6 -1 16 0 0 1 0 6 Damage.

Adrael: (those 28 Lavitz rolls, what's up?, they're draining my rolls XD)

Lavitz: (its the joy of the Oath of Enmity)

Alavas: (Yeah, I thought that one was dead so I didn't attack it.

Alavas: (I had CA on it.)

Lavitz: (Pray to the Dark Lady to guide you to strike your foes)

Alavas: (But it doesn't matter at this point.)

Kongol has received initiative.
Alavas: (I don't insist on do-overs when I make dumb mistakes.)

Lavitz: (My faith in her, and my desire to harvest fresh souls for her, guides my blade)

Adrael: (right... at this point I might as well not be here -_-')

Kongol: Nature's Wrath

Desc: Once during each of your turns, you can mark each adjacent enemy as a
free action. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn.
Conditions: Mark_Green (set/clear)
Kongol: Strength of Stone
Attack: 24 vs AC Hit: 11 damage
Desc: you gain 4 temporary hit points
Goblin Bombardier 2: Goblin Bombardier 2 takes 11 damage, and is dying.

EnygmaSoul: *gasp* decent damage roll!

Lavitz: (everyone has bad nights, you'll get it back your way soon enough ad)
Sievax has received initiative.
Alavas: (Yeah, it is just that everyone else is having an exceptionally good night.)

(for the sake of you guys, I hope you're right )
Sievax: Healing Word Hit: 10 damage
Desc: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6+4 hit
Lavitz: 34 Healing Surge! Gained 8 hit points, new totals: 34 0 40 4

37 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Sievax: Gaze of Defiance

Attack: 14 vs Will Hit: 6 damage
Desc: Allies gain +1 to hit target until the end of your next turn, +3 if the target
attacks you before the end of your next turn.
Goblin Bombardier 1: Goblin Bombardier 1 takes 6 damage.
Alavas has received initiative.
Alavas: (I have 1 more to hit than you. That's all.)

Alavas: Illusory Ambush

Attack: 15 vs Will Hit: 8 damage
Desc: On hit, the target takes -2 to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Goblin Bombardier 1: Goblin Bombardier 1 takes 8 damage, and is dying.

Lavitz: (one of the things you learn as a caster is how to pick defenses to target, these guys
were shifty, so their reflex was high)
Kongol: Kongol takes a short rest and spends 0 surges to heal 0 hit points.

Sievax: Sievax takes a short rest and spends 1 surges to heal 8 hit points.

Adrael: (yeah, but the rolls were single-digit anyway)

Alavas: Alavas takes a short rest and spends 1 surges to heal 6 hit points.

Adrael: Adrael takes a short rest and spends 1 surges to heal 7 hit points.

Kongol: Hmmph. Looks liek they were attempting to dig up SOMETHING

Lavitz: Perception
Roll: 22
Sievax: Sievax rolls Perception and gets a 12

Adrael: Adrael rolls Perception and gets a 17

Kongol: Kongol makes a Perception check and rolls a 13

Alavas: Alavas rolls Arcana and gets a 15

Adrael: whoa, that's a big one

Adrael: Lv 6

Kongol: (at this stage of the game? damn!)

Adrael: (XD)

Adrael: (so saaad)

Kongol: (if only lavitz wasn't so squishy. I think we'll be resting as soon as he's out of
Surges Per Day, which will likely be long before the rest of us)
(I wonder if Kliv knows I'm only saying this to needle him )

38 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Lavitz: (smilies help in that regard)

Alavas: (He does as much damage as the rest of us combined most rounds.)

Adrael: (there was no door to the NE above?

Alavas: (That sounds like head nasty territory.)

Alavas: (Let's finish the rest of the floor.)

Kongol: (MIGHT be?)

(there either is or isn't )
Alavas: It may be a door-shaped decorative alcove.

Kongol: (Well, I know when I'm being baited by the DM when I'm being baited by the DM)

(We have to go along )
Alavas: (Perception on it.)

Kongol: LUCY, I'm HOME!

EnygmaSoul: *notes that the term "quick second' is apparently a misnomer*

EnygmaSoul: *kicks it down*
Alavas: (Keep hitting perception.)

Lavitz: Perception
Roll: 17
Alavas: (Bound to be traps somewhere.)

Kongol: BOOT TO THE ...fuck, not a secret door.

* Alavas looks very little like a secret door.
Kongol: Hi honey, I'm home!
* Lavitz rolls for initiative: 24
Kongol: Kongol makes an Inititiative check and gets a 8

Balgron the Fat: Balgron the Fat makes an Inititiative check and gets a 14
Goblin Cutter 3 makes an Inititiative check and gets a 6
Goblin Warrior 4 makes an Inititiative check and gets a 4
Lavitz has received initiative.
Lavitz: Oath of Enmity
Target: 1 creature in close burst 10
Encounter • Minor Action
Effect: When making melee attack rolls against your Oath target, you make two
attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or
until the target drops to 0 HP, at which point you regain the use of this power

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Lavitz: Whirlwind Charge

Encounter • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 24 ;
Oath vs AC: 18 ;
Damage: 19
Special: When charging you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack. If
you charge you gain a +4 bonus to AC aggainst opportunity attacks you provoke
while moving to the target
Balgron the Fat: Balgron the Fat takes 19 damage.
Adrael has received initiative.
Alavas: Alavas achieves a milestone! 0

Kongol: Kongol achieves a milestone! 0

Adrael: a pox on fatty's house

Adrael: Eldritch Blast

Attack: 23 vs Ref Hit: 11 damage
Adrael: Warlock's Curse Hit: 2 damage

Balgron the Fat: Balgron the Fat takes 13 damage, and is bloodied.

Adrael: done
Sievax has received initiative.
Alavas: (He is pretty weak. Should we take him captive?)

Lavitz: no

Adrael: (is there something I'm not seeing or is this just a teeny tiny room?)

Lavitz: (teeny room for right now)

Kongol: (try Ctrl-I)

Lavitz: Melee Basic Attack

At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 19 ;
Oath vs AC: 22 ;
Damage: 10
Balgron the Fat: Balgron the Fat takes 13 damage.

Kongol: (something tells me he didn't expect an attack from this direction)

Adrael: (you did as much damage as I did and you weren't even trying) XD
Alavas has received initiative.
Lavitz: (yea, i need melee training for my MBAs to do decent damage)

Alavas: (I'm going to set it on fire.)

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Kongol: (opening curtains is a feat of strength)

Adrael: (heavy-ass curtains)

Alavas: Scorching Burst

Multi-Attack Damage: 9 points (10 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 23 vs Ref
Kongol has received initiative.
Alavas: Yes.

Kongol: Nature's Wrath

Desc: Once during each of your turns, you can mark each adjacent enemy as a
free action. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn.
Conditions: Mark_Green (set/clear)
Kongol: *waits*

Kongol: Strength of Stone

Attack: 27 vs AC Critical!! Hit: 14 damage
Desc: you gain 4 temporary hit points
Goblin Warrior 4: Goblin Warrior 4 takes 14 damage.

Kongol: Kongol gains 4 temporary hit points.

Kongol: Done.
Sievax has received initiative.
Adrael: (it was a little room and he was alone, I hope we didn't interrupting while he was
reading Hobgoblin Hooters magazine or something)
Adrael: *interrupt him

Alavas: (He was "sleeping". Besides, we all know that fat goblins are only into nasty kobold
Adrael: (well, I can see that, them kobolds is hawt)

Sievax: Cascade of Light

Attack: 14 vs Will Hit: 18 damage
Desc: radiant damage.
Hit: the target gains vulnerability 5 to all your attacks (save ends).
Miss:Half damage, and the target gains no vulnerability.
Lavitz: Divine Guidance (Channel Divinity)
Encounter • Immediate Interrupt
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you attacks your Oath of Enmity target.
Effect: The target makes a second attack roll and uses either result
Goblin Cutter 3: Short Sword
Attack: 18 vs AC Hit: 4 damage
Desc: 5 damage with CA
Kongol: I'm not impressed.

41 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Goblin Warrior 8: Javelin

Attack: 7 vs AC MISS! Hit: 3 damage
Adrael: (equipment is added after an extended rest?)

Alavas: (You can equip it at any time.)

Goblin Warrior 7: Javelin

Attack: 20 vs AC Hit: 6 damage
Kongol: Hmmph. They try so hard.

Goblin Warrior 6: Javelin

Attack: 21 vs AC Hit: 8 damage
Lavitz has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: (one hit. AC 20 was a miss)
Kongol: Kongol takes 8 damage, and their tempory hit points absorb 4 points of it.

EnygmaSoul: (whoa, freaky echo feedback there)

Lavitz: Oath of Enmity
Target: 1 creature in close burst 10
Encounter • Minor Action
Effect: When making melee attack rolls against your Oath target, you make two
attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or
until the target drops to 0 HP, at which point you regain the use of this power
Lavitz: Bond of Pursuit
At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 10 ;
Oath vs AC: 17 ;
Damage: 7
Hit: If the target doesn't end it's next turn adjacent to you, you can shift 4 squares as
a free action. You must end this shift closer to the target
Lavitz: Elven Accuracy
Encounter • Free Action
Reroll an attack roll
Oath of Enmity: Reroll both rolls
Lavitz: Bond of Pursuit
At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 15 ;
Oath vs AC: 29 ; Crit!
Damage: 24
Hit: If the target doesn't end it's next turn adjacent to you, you can shift 4 squares as
a free action. You must end this shift closer to the target
Sievax: (( lol i thought that was my music ))
Lavitz: Lifedrinker Fullblade +1
At-Will • Free Action
Trigger: You reduce an enemy to 0 HP with a melee attack

42 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Effect: You gain 5 THP

Lavitz: 5 Temporary HP Gained! 5
Adrael has received initiative.
Adrael: centered south of GC5

EnygmaSoul: so hitting 5, 6, and 4

Adrael: Scorching Burst
Multi-Attack Damage: 8 points (9 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 22 vs Ref
Attack #2: 15 vs Ref
Attack #3: 11 vs Ref
Adrael: top to bottom left to right

which is, like I said, 5, 6, then 4
Adrael: curse on the minion just for kicks
Alavas has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: (that'd be Cutter 3, it's closest)
(always has trouble with that detail )
Tom_DM says to the GM: Edits Adrael's weapon: Wand.
Lavitz: (you'll get there, but hey, you had a good round, 2 kills!)

Alavas: 7&8

Invalid condition in IF(Page == "") roll option.

Statement options (if any): h, if(Page == "")
Statement Body : Page = "Main"
Alavas: Phantom Chasm
Multi-Attack Damage: 13 points (17 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 8 vs Will
Attack #2: 18 vs Will
Conditions: Immobilized (set/clear), Prone (set/clear)

Invalid condition in IF(Page == "") roll option.

Statement options (if any): h, if(Page == "")
Statement Body : Page = "Main"
EnygmaSoul: (mm, nice control)
Alavas: Immobilize on miss. Prone/immobilize on hit.

Goblin Warrior 8: Goblin Warrior 8 takes 13 damage.

Adrael: (meh just minions, no big deal, you sneeze and kill two minions)

EnygmaSoul: (he went after the warriors, not the minions)

43 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Alavas: (That one is nice because it is ranged 20.)

Alavas: Done.

Lavitz: (hey, minions can be very potent if you leave them around, dont sneeze at taking out
a DMs damage source)
Kongol has received initiative.
Adrael: (true hehe)

Alavas: Only the one that was hit has both effects.

Kongol: Strength of Stone

Attack: 24 vs AC Hit: 12 damage
Desc: you gain 4 temporary hit points
Alavas: The miss is just immobilized.

Adrael: (you can uncurse GC4, DM)

Kongol: Nature's Wrath

Desc: Once during each of your turns, you can mark each adjacent enemy as a
free action. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn.
Conditions: Mark_Green (set/clear)
EnygmaSoul: Done.
Sievax has received initiative.
Sievax: Gaze of Defiance
Attack: 9 vs Will Hit: 6 damage
Desc: Allies gain +1 to hit target until the end of your next turn, +3 if the target
attacks you before the end of your next turn.
(Al's hat reminds me or Yahtzee )
Goblin Cutter 4: Short Sword
Attack: 23 vs AC Hit: 4 damage
Desc: 5 damage with CA
fully negated by the temp hp I forgot ot add
Goblin Warrior 7: Javelin
Attack: 23 vs AC Hit: 4 damage
Goblin Warrior 8: Javelin
Attack: 13 vs AC Hit: 7 damage
Kongol: Kongol takes 4 damage.

Goblin Warrior 6: Javelin

Attack: 19 vs AC Hit: 6 damage
Alavas: (The prone and immobilize end at the end of its next turn. The immobilize from the
miss lasts til the end of my next turn.)
Lavitz has received initiative.

44 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Kongol: We've got incoming from the norther corridor. May want to try to hold the line at the
Alavas: (That seems a bit unnecessarily complex.)

Lavitz: Oath of Enmity

Target: 1 creature in close burst 10
Encounter • Minor Action
Effect: When making melee attack rolls against your Oath target, you make two
attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or
until the target drops to 0 HP, at which point you regain the use of this power
Lavitz: Bond of Pursuit
At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 23 ;
Oath vs AC: 11 ;
Damage: 13
Hit: If the target doesn't end it's next turn adjacent to you, you can shift 4 squares as
a free action. You must end this shift closer to the target
Lavitz: Lifedrinker Fullblade +1
At-Will • Free Action
Trigger: You reduce an enemy to 0 HP with a melee attack
Effect: You gain 5 THP
Kongol: 2 cutters and 2 warriors
Adrael has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: I think our best bet is for Lavitz and I to completely wall off the intersection by
standing where we are
EnygmaSoul: letting the north hall come to up while the other ssnpe
EnygmaSoul: snipe
EnygmaSoul: javelins are thrown
EnygmaSoul: limited ammot
Alavas: (I'm going to hit the two at the end of the hall unless the minions show up before
my turn.)
EnygmaSoul: ammo.
Adrael: (curse on GW8)

Adrael: Eldritch Blast

Attack: 7 vs Ref MISS! Hit: 8 damage
Adrael: (here we go)

Adrael: done
Alavas has received initiative.
Alavas: Grasping Shadows
Multi-Attack Damage: 7 points (13 on a Critical)

45 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Attack #1: 23 vs Will

Attack #2: 8 vs Will
Desc: The burst creates a zone of writhing shadows unti the end of your next turn.
Each creature that enters the zone takes damage equal to your intelligence modifier
and is slowed until the end of its next turn.
Conditions: Slowed (set/clear)
Alavas: CA against the one I hit before.

Goblin Warrior 7: Goblin Warrior 7 takes 7 damage.

Alavas: I guess 10 wasn't enough?

Alavas: Ok, done.

Kongol has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: Minor to fetch a throwing hammer
EnygmaSoul: ranged basic macro
EnygmaSoul: let's see, my bonus...
EnygmaSoul: yeah, figuring out the math
EnygmaSoul: 4 strength, 2 prof, 1 level
EnygmaSoul: that's +7 vs AC, 1d6+4 damage
EnygmaSoul: 22 for 10 against Warrior 6.
Goblin Warrior 6: Goblin Warrior 6 takes 10 damage.

EnygmaSoul: also...
EnygmaSoul: AP into Nature's Abundance
Kongol: Nature's Abundance
Desc: Close burst 3 zone until EOE; allies have cover within.
all allies inside that template have Cover
Alavas: 7 is slowed, neither is immobilized.

Alavas: On hit or entry only.

Alavas: Starting there doesn't count.

Sievax has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: sort of, having UI problems
EnygmaSoul: character sheet went away, can't pull it back up, error messages
UI problems still not fixed
EnygmaSoul: Nope
EnygmaSoul: It went away when I switched to template tool, and won't come back
EnygmaSoul: ah, using Restore Layout fixed it.

46 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Goblin Cutter 2: Short Sword

Attack: 14 vs AC Hit: 4 damage
Desc: 5 damage with CA
Goblin Cutter 1: Short Sword
Attack: 13 vs AC Hit: 4 damage
Desc: 5 damage with CA
Goblin Warrior 5: Javelin
Attack: 13 vs AC Hit: 7 damage
remember the cover
Goblin Warrior 6: Javelin
Attack: 17 vs AC Hit: 6 damage
Alavas: Can someone point to #5?

Goblin Warrior 8: Javelin

Attack: 11 vs AC Hit: 6 damage
Alavas: Good spot.

Goblin Warrior 7: Javelin

Attack: 21 vs AC Hit: 5 damage
Lavitz has received initiative.
Lavitz: 5 0 34 0 0 0 0 5 Damage.

(I just want to say to our very esteemed meat shields: thank your for youservice )
Lavitz: Oath of Enmity
Target: 1 creature in close burst 10
Encounter • Minor Action
Effect: When making melee attack rolls against your Oath target, you make two
attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or
until the target drops to 0 HP, at which point you regain the use of this power
Lavitz: Bond of Pursuit
At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 28 ;
Oath vs AC: 12 ;
Damage: 12
Hit: If the target doesn't end it's next turn adjacent to you, you can shift 4 squares as
a free action. You must end this shift closer to the target
Alavas: \

Lavitz: Lifedrinker Fullblade +1

At-Will • Free Action
Trigger: You reduce an enemy to 0 HP with a melee attack
Effect: You gain 5 THP
Lavitz: 5 Temporary HP Gained! 5

47 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Lavitz: Oath of Enmity

Target: 1 creature in close burst 10
Encounter • Minor Action
Effect: When making melee attack rolls against your Oath target, you make two
attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or
until the target drops to 0 HP, at which point you regain the use of this power
Adrael has received initiative.
Adrael: (I can kinda see warrior 6 from here, good enough to curse?)

Adrael: yeah but I can't see it XD

Adrael: ok, so little bit count

Adrael: *counts

Adrael: (oh well, then on GW 8)

Adrael: Witchfire
Attack: 13 vs Ref Hit: 14 damage
Desc: fire damage, and the target takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls until the end of
your next turn.
Adrael: (you don't say)

(bah, it wont let me set the character sheet back to floating )
Adrael: done

EnygmaSoul: (tis' stuck docked at the top of my window)

Adrael: curse the minion for Ss and giggles

Adrael: then done

Alavas has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: yes, floating is greyed out, and dockable is both checked and greyed out
Alavas: Centered on 6.

Alavas: Scorching Burst

Multi-Attack Damage: 8 points (10 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 25 vs Ref Critical!!
Attack #2: 16 vs Ref
Attack #3: 20 vs Ref
EnygmaSoul: Actually, just fixed it. It was on auto-hide for some reason and that left it stuck
Alavas: And done.

Kongol: Kongol makes an Inititiative check and gets a 6

Goblin Warrior 5: Goblin Warrior 5 takes 10 damage.

48 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

EnygmaSoul: whew, no longer dockable

EnygmaSoul: why did I just roll init?
Goblin Warrior 6: Goblin Warrior 6 takes 8 damage, and is bloodied.
Kongol has received initiative.
Alavas: Zone and slow are gone.

EnygmaSoul: Hmm. Looks clear enough to advance a little, yes?

Sievax: sure

EnygmaSoul: thinking to south of warrior 56

Alavas: Oh, never mind. Slow was end of its next turn.

EnygmaSoul: 6, even
Kongol: Thorn Strike
Attack: 17 vs AC Hit: 10 damage
Desc: you pull the target 1 square.
EnygmaSoul: on the back warrior
EnygmaSoul: pull him southeast if it hits
EnygmaSoul: Murr? Since when do enemies block LoS?
EnygmaSoul: also, this isnt' a ranged attack
EnygmaSoul: it's melee 2
EnygmaSoul: friendlies do not provide cover against mleee
Lavitz: Divine Guidance (Channel Divinity)
Encounter • Immediate Interrupt
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you attacks your Oath of Enmity target.
Effect: The target makes a second attack roll and uses either result
EnygmaSoul: *sighs and goes into research mode*
EnygmaSoul: It's a melee attack, it's just a weirdf one
Goblin Warrior 5: Goblin Warrior 5 takes 10 damage, and is bloodied.

Kongol: Nature's Wrath

Desc: Once during each of your turns, you can mark each adjacent enemy as a
free action. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn.
Conditions: Mark_Green (set/clear)
EnygmaSoul: And done.
Sievax has received initiative.
Sievax: Gaze of Defiance
Attack: 13 vs Will Hit: 10 damage
Desc: Allies gain +1 to hit target until the end of your next turn, +3 if the target
attacks you before the end of your next turn.

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Goblin Warrior 5: Goblin Warrior 5 takes 10 damage, and is dying.

EnygmaSoul: I feel like I wasted Nature's Abundance with them dropping this fast. Ahw ell, live
and learn
Goblin Warrior 7: Spear
Attack: 24 vs AC Critical!! Hit: 8 damage
Kongol: Kongol takes 8 damage.

Goblin Warrior 7: Javelin

Attack: 12 vs AC Hit: 3 damage
Goblin Warrior 8: Javelin
Attack: 14 vs AC Hit: 5 damage
Lavitz has received initiative.
Kongol: HAH! Get back here, you cowards! Fight like men! Oh...right, goblins.

Lavitz: Bond of Pursuit

At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 19 ;
Oath vs AC: 13 ;
Damage: 10
Hit: If the target doesn't end it's next turn adjacent to you, you can shift 4 squares as
a free action. You must end this shift closer to the target
Goblin Warrior 6: Goblin Warrior 6 takes 10 damage.

Alavas: Can I hold a curtain open with mage hand?

Adrael has received initiative.
Adrael: Shadow Walk

Adrael: a curse on GW6

heh, he'd be at -6 if he tried to nail you now
EnygmaSoul: (mark, cover, concealment)
Adrael: Eldritch Blast
Attack: 24 vs Ref Hit: 16 damage
Goblin Warrior 6: Goblin Warrior 6 takes 16 damage, and has been killed!

Not that he'll live long enough to try
Adrael: Warlock's Curse Hit: 6 damage

Adrael: done

EnygmaSoul: good work.

Adrael: (a dozen more of those rolls and I'll make up for my lameitude earlier XD)

EnygmaSoul: Done?

50 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Adrael: yeah
Alavas has received initiative.
Alavas: Mage hand to open the curtain (minor)

EnygmaSoul: That's Telekinesis, kyle!

Alavas: Damn, nothing in sight.

Alavas: I'll burn the north curtain then.

Alavas: And done.

Kongol has received initiative.
EnygmaSoul: Second Wind. The running (+2 move speed, grant combat advantage for a turn.
The CA nad second wind bonuses cancel out )
Kongol: Kongol spends a healing surge and heals 11 hit points.

Kongol: Nature's Wrath

Desc: Once during each of your turns, you can mark each adjacent enemy as a
free action. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn.
Conditions: Mark_Green (set/clear)
EnygmaSoul: Done.
Sievax has received initiative.
Sievax: Gaze of Defiance
Attack: 23 vs Will Hit: 12 damage
Desc: Allies gain +1 to hit target until the end of your next turn, +3 if the target
attacks you before the end of your next turn.
Goblin Warrior 8: Goblin Warrior 8 takes 12 damage, and is bloodied.

Goblin Warrior 8: Spear

Attack: 26 vs AC Critical!! Hit: 8 damage
Goblin Warrior 7: Spear
Attack: 16 vs AC Hit: 4 damage
Lavitz has received initiative.
Kongol: Kongol takes 8 damage.

Lavitz: Oath of Enmity

Target: 1 creature in close burst 10
Encounter • Minor Action
Effect: When making melee attack rolls against your Oath target, you make two
attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or
until the target drops to 0 HP, at which point you regain the use of this power
Lavitz: Bond of Pursuit
At-Will • Standard Action • Melee
Attack vs AC: 20 ;
Oath vs AC: 17 ;

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Damage: 10
Hit: If the target doesn't end it's next turn adjacent to you, you can shift 4 squares as
a free action. You must end this shift closer to the target
Goblin Warrior 8: Goblin Warrior 8 takes 10 damage, and is dying.

Lavitz: Lifedrinker Fullblade +1

At-Will • Free Action
Trigger: You reduce an enemy to 0 HP with a melee attack
Effect: You gain 5 THP
Adrael has received initiative.
Adrael: (I guess he'll have cover, no choice)

EnygmaSoul: run for the +2 movespeed

who cares if you grant CA
Alavas: Is it safe to move past the curtain?

EnygmaSoul: (well, actually, penalty to attack rolls too)

Adrael: yeah

EnygmaSoul: (yeah, sorry, used to that one feat that negates the pnealties)
Lavitz: sort of, i had beans for dinner, so the gas might be dangerous to a gnome right at
ass level
Adrael: so a curse on GW7

EnygmaSoul: (had a character that ran like crazy with it)

Alavas: Take uncanny dodge too and you negate just about every problem.

Adrael: Eldritch Blast

Attack: 12 vs Ref Hit: 11 damage
Alavas has received initiative.
Adrael: (and it continues)

Alavas: Illusory Ambush

Attack: 11 vs Will Hit: 6 damage
Desc: On hit, the target takes -2 to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Goblin Warrior 7: In the name of Balgron the Fat! I will not die!!

Alavas: Hmm, was that the one I get the +1 on?\

Lavitz: In the name of a dead guy?

Goblin Warrior 7: Goblin Warrior 7 takes 6 damage.

Kongol: In the name of my buddy's Raven Queen goddess, I kinda think you will.

Lavitz: Your soul tastes like mustard

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Kongol has received initiative.

Alavas: He still has another curtain to run through. Minor to open the next curtain.

Kongol: shifting north, marking, swinging with my encounter since I hadn't used it.

Alavas: And done otherwise.

Kongol: Nature's Wrath

Desc: Once during each of your turns, you can mark each adjacent enemy as a
free action. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn.
Conditions: Mark_Green (set/clear)
Kongol: Thunder Ram Assault - Primary
Attack: 16 vs AC Hit: 11 damage
Desc: thunder damage. Hit:push target 4 squares, make a secondary attack
Goblin Warrior 7: Goblin Warrior 7 takes 11 damage, and is bloodied.

Kongol: no push

Kongol: Thunder Ram Assault - Secondary

Multi-Attack Damage: 4 points (6 on a Critical)
Attack #1: 20 vs Fort
Desc: thunder damage Hit: you push the target 1 square
Sievax has received initiative.
Goblin Warrior 7: Goblin Warrior 7 takes 4 damage.

Kongol: yup. Done.

Sievax: Healing Word Hit: 6 damage

Desc: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6+4 hit
Kongol: Kongol spends a healing surge and heals 11 hit points.

Kongol: Kongol heals 6 hit points.

Sievax: Gaze of Defiance

Attack: 16 vs Will Hit: 7 damage
Desc: Allies gain +1 to hit target until the end of your next turn, +3 if the target
attacks you before the end of your next turn.
Kongol: to Fatso's room!

Alavas: There is another storeroom up here.

Kongol: Whyw ould he keep his gold in a sock in a chest? Isnt' that redundant?

Alavas: Perhaps the sock had sentimental value.

Kongol: I mean, you don't need multiple containers...

Lavitz: 5 0 34 0 0 0 0 5 Damage.

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Alavas: Alavas takes a short rest and spends 0 surges to heal 0 hit points.

Sievax: Sievax takes a short rest and spends 0 surges to heal 0 hit points.

Alavas: Anything in this room up here?

Kongol: Maybe he used it as an improvised blunt instrument for bludgeoning people.

Adrael: (xtra layer of protection, who'd want to touch the flithy sock?)

Alavas: A sock full of gold coins could serve as a sap.

Alavas: Too bad there are no saps in 4e.

Alavas: ...yet.

Lavitz: Perception
Roll: 16
Kongol: Kongol makes a Perception check and rolls a 11

Sievax: Sievax rolls Perception and gets a 20

Adrael: Adrael takes a short rest and spends 0 surges to heal 0 hit points.

Adrael: Adrael rolls Perception and gets a 20

Kongol: Kongol takes a short rest and spends 0 surges to heal 0 hit points.

Alavas: Is this hallway a dead end?

Alavas: Okay. So can we explore the rest of this floor on the forums?

Kongol: Whoa! Guys! I just GOT it! these goblins aren't mindless bloodthirsty savages.
They're people, just like you or me! They play games and socialize and talk about
their day over a bottle of ale! And we're assaulting them in their homes! *gasps* I
Kongol: *giggles madly*

Yeah, I had fun
EnygmaSoul: I'm at 9/13 surges. Lavitz was the other one to burn them, not sure where he's at
Adrael: there was like 73 EXP debt

Lavitz: 4/9
Salmonella says to the GM: Edits Sievax's wealth.
EnygmaSoul: that's good for at least one more encounter
EnygmaSoul: And fix mine to include basic attacks! *gasp*
Alavas: Good night.

Rod and I can deal two extra curse dice

54 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

Adrael: good night

Alavas is disconnected.
Lavitz is disconnected.
Salmonella is disconnected.

55 of 55 6/23/2009 1:38 AM

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