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Chapter 1

Kara wait up! I slowed down to a trot so that Megan could catch up, she was breathing heavily when she finally caught up to me. I threw her a withering look and started running again, she would never survive if she couldnt catch up, they would eat her alive. She was struggling, I could hear it in her breathing and heart rate, and I slowed down and stopped causing her to almost collide into me. I shifted back and waited for her to slowly change back. It took her a while because she was new and it hurt her a lot. I tried to remember a time it hurt me to shift but I couldnt, I had been a wolf for far too long and I was a purebred. She lay their panting and shivering, covered in her own sweat. You all right lass? No, when will this get better? She asked rolling over on her side to better look at me. She was tall with frizzy black hair, she was chubby but the weight was shedding fast now that she had been turned. Her family wouldnt recognize her anymore if they saw her You have to give it some time, youre new to all of this, but soon it will get easier. You have a pack here ready to help you. I miss my family. She whispered, this was the hard part for me. I understood the pain of having to leave somebody you loved. Tis not forever; youll see them soon once youve learned to control your wolf. I stood up and stuck my hand out to help her up. She took it gingerly and smiled at me. Lets go home. *******************

As soon as I opened the door to my house I knew he was there, he didnt usually come to my house unless he needed something from me. I went into my bedroom took a shower, changed into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and brushed out my hair, and then I went outside to meet my father. He was sitting at the kitchen table with two hot mugs of coffee; I sat across from him and took a cup. Da what do you need? I asked, there was no need to beat around the bush with my father we both knew he was here for a reason, but he still smiled and said, Do I need an excuse to see my daughter? I didnt answer; I just took a sip of my coffee and starr ed at him. All right. He said laughing, I have a job for you. He said handing me a manila folder; I opened it as he started talking to me. We seem to have had a disturbance of attacks in a small town just outside of California. It seems someone has turned a couple of teenagers from the local high school and three bodies have already been found. I looked over the files and the

photos of the bodies that had been mutilated, two boys and one girl. This is brutal but you could send Charles, why are you sending me? My brother was much more qualified for this assignment and he was much more intimidating and could wrap this one up quickly. You are my beta, who else would I send? You have two other Betas, so again why me. And lets try to be honest with each other. I need you to go under cover. You want me to go under cover as what exactly? And what in the hell do I look like a secret agent? I need you to go under cover as a student. My heart sank, I was up for doing these little odd jobs but going back to high school? Now that was cruel. I dont want to do this, cant Liam do this? He looked at me, and I could see how this job was taking a strain on him. Werewolves dont age but my father looked older, and I knew that protecting all the werewolves was stressing him out. The lad is busy, he just found his mate, give him time to settle down. It has to be you, I need you this time kara. Okay. He looked stunned for a second and it made me smile to see that I could still surprise him. So where exactly am I going? He looked away and my stomach sunk because I knew that was not a good sign. Da, where are you sending me? I wouldnt ask you go to go if I didnt need you. Da? I need you to go back. He whispered, my heart started beating faster and my breathing was becoming erratic as I started to panic. Go back, I couldnt go back, it hurt too much to even think about it. I felt a comforting hand on my holder and looked up into my fathers pale blue eyes, eyes that were identical to mine, the thing that marked me as his daughter. Pain makes us stronger, learn to harness it. I looked into the eyes that brooked no argument and nodded mutely, I guess I was going back home.

Chapter 2 Derek

I ran my hands through my hair, I didnt want to snap at her but goddamn was Sara starting to get on my nerves. I knew she had a crush on me but I never expected to find her laying on my bed almost naked. I knew it would be easier to sleep with her and try to forget about everything but I couldnt, I wouldnt let myself and my wolf damn sure didnt want me having sex with anybody other than my mate. Hey you. She purred sitting up in bed and twirling a strand of hair around her finger. He looked at her, she was too thin for his taste, he liked to have something to grab on to when he made love to a women. Immediately an image of perfect pale curves flashed through his mind, he could practically feel them. What are you doing in here?! he snapped, he saw her flinch and felt bad for a second but then the ange r returned, he had come here to rest after a long day and now he had to deal with this child. She was eighteen and he was twenty three, he rationalized that five years wasnt such a big age difference but he didnt want her, there was only one woman for him and she was gone. Its not like he had been celibate all this time, he had had sex with other women but it always felt wrong, they were either too tall or too short, too thin or too big, then there was their scents, they had all these artificial scents from perfumes or their natural scent didnt appeal to him. He wanted the smell of earth and strawberries, then there were the eyes, no one had her eyes. I-I noticed you were stressed today and I j-just thought maybe we could-she trailed off blushing fiercely. He walked over to her and glared down. Not going to happen Sara, not tonight, not ever. Go find yourself a nice boy your own age. She lifted her chin stubbornly. I dont want anyone else, I want you. Her voice was grating, a tad bit squeaky, nothing like her smooth Irish lilt. I dont want you though. She flinched again but didnt move. Why not? Youre always so stoic but I can feel your pain, youre lonely. She didnt know the half of it. He let his wolf out a little so she could feel his anger. Get. Out. she scrambled off the bed kneeling to grab her clothes and ran out, he sighed and threw himself on his bed. His nose wrinkled she smelled like burnt hair and some sickly sweet watermelon flavored candy. He hated when women tried to tame their hair with heat. He sighed and tried to get comfortable but sleep never came, all he could think about were a pair of pale blue eyes, he had been thinking about her more than usual lately, maybe it was a sign.

Chapter three Kara I stood in front of the familiar school, it had been too long since I had been here. I looked around nothing had changed in the five years I had been gone, the brick building looked like it

had been suspended in time, the only difference was a banner at the side of the building that proclaimed it to be home of the Indians, although I had never gone to school here i remembered waiting for him to get out so I could see him. Derek. Just thinking about him made her chest hurt, Megan sighed unhappily. I cant believe Im going back to high school. She grumbled. Being homeschooled I didnt know what was so bad about it, I shrugged and started walking up the steps. She followed me more than a little unhappy, da had wanted me to bring someone, probably someone more trained but Megan had to get used to being around people again and I hated to admit it but I kind of grew fond of the lass. Besides she had good control on her wolf. We walked into the office and asked for our schedule I got stopped three times and asked if I was Irish, which was getting damn annoying. Megan and I only had four classes because we were seniors and they were all with the just turned. As we walked down the hall I noticed everyone was staring at us, shrugging it off I kept on walking. Do people always stare at you like this? I looked at Megan a little surprised. Theyre staring at us lass. No they are staring at you. I gave her a confused look, Why would they do that? She rolled her eyes. Probably think youre a model. I was still confused and Megan made a noise in her throat and stopped abruptly grabbing my arm, I looked at her arm and then at her face my eyes glowing slightly with the wolf. We didnt like to be grabbed. She let go immediately and took a step back. You have weird eyes. She said, Theyre freaky and they dont look human but somehow on you it just makes you look more beautiful, probably because your eyelashes are amazingly long and thick, I mean it looks like youre wearing a little eyeliner! Not to mention you have perfect curly black hair and well you kind of look like an angel, and. She pointed, You have an amazing body. Lass is there something you want to tell me? I asked raising an eyebrow and smirking, it was meant to be a joke but the Megan glared at me a blush creeping up her face. I am not gay. I laughed, Never said you were lass. Our lockers were right beside each others. Never had a locker before. I murmured, megan looked over at me a little startled. Didnt you go to school? I shook my head. Shifter born children are taught in a community with other shifters. No shit, why? Because shifter born babies are born wolf and around the age of five they shift human. The way you had to learn to be a wolf we had to learn to be human. I said shrugging. She just stood there staring at me; I turned away and stuffed some of my books into my locker. No shit. She

murmured. Hey so what did-she tensed, starring at something over my shoulder. I didnt need to turn around to know what she was staring at, his scent had traveled across the narrow hall way. Who the fuck are you two? he growled, from somewhere over my shoulder, I turned around slowly keeping my eyes on Megan until the last possible second trying to convey utter calm. I looked up into the face of one angry werewolf, black eyes glittering with rage, the bell rang and students slowly started to shuffle to class. He was tall with a lean body Still I said nothing just stared at the wolf that was barely holding on to control, when the hallway was finally clear I took a step closer. Can I help you with something lad? He snarled, I know it was rude to bait him but I couldnt help it. He was making it so damn easy! What are you doing in this territory without the alphas permission? And whos to say I dont have the alphas permission? His Beta. Interesting, we havent been properly introduced. I said extending my hand. My name is kara Moorison and you are. I saw his eyes grow wide and I frowned. There was always fear associated with my name but this was something different. As quick as the look had come it had gone and he stared at me with a blank face. Would you like me to pass a message along? No I think Im quiet capale of sending a message myself. What I need you to do is set up a meeting. I dont think that would be a good idea. Im pretty sure she didnt ask you what you thought. Megan spoke up from behind me; I held still, she still wasnt used to pack hierarchy, she didnt feel the need to watch herself around the other wolves witch could be a problem. She was dominant, but she wasnt a fighter. He looked up and once he laid eyes on her his expression became fierce and his eyes started to mutely glow yellow, he took in a deep breath. Oh shite. You need to teach her about pack hierarchy before she gets hurt. Ill set up the meeting and let you know after school. I gave Megan a look when she looked like she wanted to say something back. I knew he wasnt saying it to insult but instead trying to protect his mate. I smiled to myself wondering what Megan would think about the fact that she just ran into her soul mate. And by the expression on her face she wasnt his biggest fan. Oh this was going to be good. Oh dont you worry lad, I will. He raised a brow, amusement dancing in his eyes. You are so milking the whole Irish thing. I smiled. I need something to set me apart.

He tried to hide his smile behind his fist. Yeah because the eyes dont do the trick. I walke d past him heading for my class. Shaddup. I wasnt afraid to leave Megan alone with him; a wolf would die before hurting his mate. And when a wolf met his mate he never let her go. CHAPTER 4 Derick I was pacing back and forth in front of the fire in the packs den. My wolf was agitated, something was setting it on end and I didnt know what the fuck It was. I heard a knock on the door and knew by the scent that filtered in that it was Bryan. Come in. I growled, shit I had to get myself under control before I really lost it. I cleared my throat as he walked in looking understandably weary. What do you want? Today I received a request for a face to face. Excuse me? Would you like to clarify a little? I could smell the fear and nervousness rolling off of him in waves. At school today there were two new werewolves. Two females. I didnt grant anyone permission to be on our territory! I snarled, already feeling the beast staring to pull on the reigns. I-I know, they asked me to arrange one with you. What the fuck? This was not protoco l, you didnt just enter another wolfs territory without permission first. The wolf in me didnt like it one fuckin bit. tonight, in the clearing. I turned and plopped down on the sofa, watching as Bryan stood there fidgeting. Is there something else? He took a deep breath, standing up tall. They were sent by the moore. I was across the room with my hands around his throat before he knew what hit him. And why was that not the first thing you told me? Because I was afraid of what your reaction would be. He said, his face turning read. I held him up a little longer then dropped him, he landed on his ass. that explains a lot. they probably heard about the killings and came to investigate. Good, we need to figure out who or what is killing these people and we need to do it soon. Having some back up is never a bad thing. I turned to walk back to the couch when he started talking again.

When I fist caught their sent I was on alert, you know? I went to find out who would dare come in to our territory without your permission. Two girls, one was pretty tall while the other one was just a little thing. One scent called out to me more, the tall one. It was like my whole world was turned upside down and she became the center of it. My wolf was finally quiet, at peace, he wanted to go to her, touch her, hold her, protect her. I turned around and gave him the biggest smile I could manage through the pain and jealousy. Congratulations, you found your mate. Just saying it made something in me ache at the memory of what I had and lost. Yeah, He smiled but it didnt quite reach his eyes, he should be extatic, this should be the happiest day of his life. Then I force my gaze away from her and looked at the shorter girl, she was beautiful. Already had every guy in school lusting after her but that wasnt why I kept staring at her. She just looked so damn familiar, I couldnt place her but I knew her. He walk ed over to my desk and picked up the picture of Kara, I wanted to lung at him to tear the photo away from his hands but something stopped me. He looked at me then. I knew her because ive seen her picture every day for the last two years as I walked into this office. My breathing stopped, something in my chest tightened, my vision ever started to blur. The two knew werewolves at schools names were Megan smith and Kara Moorison. After that my vision went black.

Chapter 5 Kara

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