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This document consists of detailed wireframe designs and specifications for a web application aimed at building a professional network for doctors around the world. Compiled By: Namra Maheshwari (


Doctors might post vacation photos online, but they aren't about to go on Facebook to talk about a surgery they just performed. XYZ is an exclusive next generation medical networking service for Medical Students, Residents and Doctors. XYZ medical network can help you maintain existing personal and professional relationships and establish new ones by reaching out to Doctors you've never met before. Relationships and Connections are very important to advance your career in Medicine. XYZ helps you to create, manage and expand your medical network in the field of Medicine. XYZ makes it easy to find people who share your hobbies and interests, look for long lasting connections or establish new professional contacts. At XYZ, Doctors exchange clinical experiences, review their cases and share clinical knowledge. You can immensely benefit from the collective knowledge of XYZ members.

911INDIA constantly strives to provide cheap, affordable, safe and trustable surgical treatment in India to the patients from around the world. Our proficiency in the field of healthcare, travel and tourism, hospitality and management is unparalleled. The concept of medical tourism has gained waves of popularity in India in the last decade. The basic governing principle has been a perfect blend of cheap and best surgery or treatment and safe and enjoyable vacation- and we are experienced in both.

At XYZ, you can Establish new personal or professional connections with doctors from all around the world. Find people who share your hobbies, interests and thoughts. After all life is all about meeting likeminded people. Keep in touch with your friends, classmates and colleagues Discuss, challenge, corroborate and share interesting clinical cases with doctors from all around the world. Upload photos, videos of interesting clinical cases in your practice and get immediate feedback from the doctor community. Exchange private messages with doctors from other side of the world.

"There's a growing trend toward these secure online platforms that allow doctors to collaborate with their colleagues in a costeffective manner," said cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Pierre Theodore.

Search for a Job or an internship. Share your research ideas and get new team members for your research project. Exchange medical conference information and journal articles with doctors from other side of the world. Start and administer your own group for your practice, medical school or research area. Share your thoughts, medical knowledge, personal and clinical experiences by starting your own blog. Discuss the latest topics, emerging trends and new insights in your medical specialty. Review the latest drugs and devices on the market. Have your own customized profile page. Find another doctor of your expertise who can help you with job search or a challenging case. You can apply the collective knowledge you gain here to improve the lives of your patients.

To provide a online platform for doctors to develop professional and personal relationships. To provide online infrastructure for doctors to create, manage and expand their medical network in the field of Medicine. To provide online technical infrastructure for doctors to share their clinical cases, images, videos and medical knowledge. To be the leading source of educational and scientific research information for doctors, allowing them to advance their skills and stay current with new innovations in the field. To provide a technical infrastructure that can be shared by medical organizations to support information exchange, collaboration, and administration. To provide an optimal and richly interlinked platform for the major online journals. To provide a resource through which companies can inform and gain feedback from doctors regarding products and services.

AUDIENCES XYZ provides value to a number of audiences:

For doctors, it is an online community that provides easy access to colleagues, personalized applications, professional networking and potentially a number of new educational and professional development resources.

For professional organizations, it is a mechanism for sharing costs for a common information technology infrastructure that supports individual organizational activities, member communications. For journal editors and publishers, it is a unified view of the medical literature with rich interlinking and seamless access to entitled resources. For industry, it is an efficient mechanism for communicating new product information and gathering feedback from doctors. For the web reader, XYZ is a portal that facilitates easy access to a wide range of informational and educational resources.

Category Display Operating System Browser Server Dependence Libraries Technology 1024 x 768 or Higher screen mode Linux (preferably Ubuntu) 1) Google Chrome, 2) Firefox 10+ NOT DECIDED 1) Python 2.7.2 NOT DECIDED


Home Page Signup Form Newsfeed Doctor Sign in Newsfeed Newsfeed Edit Profile Newsfeed Settings Newsfeed My connections o My connections Connections Profiles Recommendations Newsfeed My Profile Newsfeed Messages Newsfeed Events Newsfeed Posts Newsfeed Case Studies Newsfeed Groups

Module Description Difficulty Level Easy Estimated Time Will be divided in multiple sub forms: Basic module (compulsory), Education, Experience and Advanced Information. My Profile Personal, Academic Information and other information. Search A generic search module which can be used to search connections and news feeds, articles etc. Newsfeed Big module will consist of many other sub modules. Jobs/Internships People can search for jobs and internships. Recommendations Writing a recommendation and for fellow doctors Endorsements Message Sending Sending messages to doctors Settings Privacy Protection, Account settings Connections Adding, deleting, searching fellow doctors. Sign up/ Sign in Independent Dependence

Medium Difficult

Dependent Independent

Difficult Medium Easy Medium Medium Difficult

Independent Independent Dependent

Independent Dependent Dependent

Case Studies Events

Groups Comments, Like Posts, Status Public view of profile Suggestion Module

People can share about case studies and can also write their own Creating, searching and look of the event, conferences, People can create their own groups, delete and add people in the group. As on FB and on Google+ Posting statuses, links, articles etc. Includes customizable settings for information visibility to different user groups. Will provide suggestions based on connections, groups.

Medium Easy Difficult Medium Easy Medium

Independent Independent

Dependent Dependent Dependent Dependent



MODULE #1: Sign-up/ Sign-In Module

Signup allows users to sign up (or register, as in register for a class) for users of any type. Also includes options for sending a notification email to a selected email address upon a new user signup (good for notifying event coordinators, etc.) and a confirmation email to users who sign up. Some Underlying Functionalities included in this module are as under. Multiple layered signup form: Basic (compulsory), Education, Experience and Advanced Information. Email Confirmation. CAPTCHA Pre populated dropdown to choose from various Medical Institutes Third Party signup (Using Gmail or Facebook account). Forget Username/ Password.

MODULE #2: My Profile Module

Information and looks, how I will see my profile except for the functions they can perform like sending mails, i.e. public, connections.Functionalities included in this module are as under. Activity Frame. Status Message.

Connections. Information academic, general, picture, job title etc. Jobs. News feed.

MODULE #3: Search

A generic search module which can be used to search connections and news feeds, articles etc.

MODULE #4: News Feed/ Accumlator

People can post statuses, blogs, Queries; share media content like videos, pictures, documents etc here. They can see the posts by people in their network. The blog posts and any Q and A can be bookmarked for future reference (like quora follow). Design a news accumulator from various sources.

MODULE #5: Jobs/Internship

People can search for jobs and internships. For Uploading resumes we can use dropbox.

MODULE #6: Recommendations and Endorsements

Includes a form with some standard questions and a text box for writing a recommendation, Endorsements is more like +1ing someones particular skill by one single click.

MODULE #7: Settings

Privacy Protection, Account settings,

MODULE #8: Connections

Search, connections list, groups of friends

MODULE #9: Case Studies

People can share about case studies. We can source case studies from open sources. The case studies should be searchable for key words.

MODULE #10: Events Refer to Facebook events and google+. People can create events themselves, invite people/groups. Share events, publicize them, promote them (ofcourse with a charge). These events will pe of three types: 1. For my network 2. For public (open for all) 3. Events created by admin
Conferences and workshops will be the most sought after thing here. Organizers can promote their conferences and workshops here and reach out to maximum people. we will integrate payment for these in the module in future.

MODULE #11: Groups

People can create their own groups. We will recommend groups for them for when they signup. Check yammer for the same basically it asks you to join a group say Marketing even if its not there and on clicking join you end up creating the group.

MODULE #12: Comments/Like MODULE #13: Public View


Web2py is an open source web application framework. Web2py is written in the Python language and is programmable in Python. Since web2py was originally designed as a teaching tool with emphasis on ease of use and deployment, it does not have any project-level configuration files. Web2py was inspired by Ruby on Rails (RoR) and Django frameworks. Like RoR, it focuses on rapid development, favours convention over configuration approach and follows modelviewcontroller (MVC) architectural pattern. Ease of use. This means reducing the learning and deployment time as well as development and maintenance costs. This is why web2py is a full-stack framework without dependencies. It requires no installation and has no conguration les. Everything works out of t he box, including a web server, database and a web-based IDE that gives access to all the main features. The API includes just 12 core objects, which are easy to work with and memorize. It can interoperate with most web servers, databases and all Python libraries. Rapid development: Every function of web2py has a default behaviour (which can be overridden). For example, as soon as you have specied your data models, you will have access to a web-based database administration panel. Also, web2py automatically generates forms for your data and it allows you to easily expose the data in HTML, XML, JSON, RSS, etc. web2py provides some high level widgets such as the wiki and the grid to rapidly build complex applications. Security: The web2py Database Abstraction Layer (DAL) eliminates SQL Injections. The template language prevents Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities. The forms generated by web2py provide eld validation and block Cross Site Request Forgeries. Passwords are always stored hashed. Sessions are stored server-side by default to prevent Cookie Tampering. Session cookies are UUID to prevent Session Hijacking. Web2py is built from the user perspective and is constantly being optimized internally to become faster and leaner, whilst always maintaining backwards compatibility. web2py uses Python syntax for models, controllers, and views, but does not import models and controllers (as all the other Python frameworks do) ,instead it executes them. This means that apps can be installed, uninstalled, and modied without having to restart the web server (even in production), and different apps can coexist without their modules interfering with one another.

Fig 1.1: Web2Py Architecture

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