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Washington DC SAE Board Meeting Minutes October 19, 2007 AAM Attendees: Mark Nowack, Doug Skorupski, Allan

n Kam (Phone), Nat Beuse (Phone), Will Schaeffer, Scott Schmidt, Rodney Rudd, Peter Martin, Brian Routhier, Lou Brown, Dan Ryan, Tim Mellon, Dot Nakama Comments on last months meeting minutes none Meredith Tunick A nice thankyou note was passed around from Meredith: Section Operational Plan and Budget has been submitted. Mark is looking for at large board members to assume backup roles for Webmaster, Email list upkeeper. Program Chair Rodney Rudd to replace Cathy McCullough, who resigned the position last week Cathy: We have targeted the May meeting with the SAE President to recognized Cathy with a free dinner, prize, and/or the like. Treasurers Report Balance of $7,605.71. Check No. 1141 sent back in June in the amount of $350 still uncashed by Univ of Md. Events: 1. Fire Extractation November 3rd, Sterling VA with Andrew Brown. Lou Brown has taken the lead and will create the flyer for distribution. Rodney Rudd to take the RSVPs. 2. DriveSquare (Mr. Zezoff) Late November, to be coupled with student nite at UMD. Scott to take the lead in organizing this, together with Greg Schultz of Aberdeen/UMd SAE 3. Trucking Assn Event Jan 13-17 (around time of TRB) is targeted. Brian to take the lead on hosting it at ATA, which is on Glebe Road near intersection with Wilson Blvd. Well attempt to get Al Mroz of the SAE Speakers Bureau to talk on American Truck History. SAE HQ to pay honorarium ($300) and plane tix, hotel from California. Brian to take the lead in contacting him. 4. V-Rod Harley Davidson Another on from the SAE speakers bureau: Mark DeBattista of Wisconsin. We would have to pick up the tab for this one (travel only). Peter Martin to take the lead at trying to set this one up at the GWU media center. Rrecall it costs $600 to rent the center, and last year for the DEI engine talk GWU Engg kicked int $400 and AMECA $200. 5. Road Rally Scott to set up this one, targeting June 2008. Possible termination point: a guy who collects antique Dodges and lives in Westminster MD. 6. IVI Presentation by Sarah Hiple Scott to explore this one. Venue should probably be near Nissan in Sterling. BAH a possibility. 7. NTSB with Jennifer Morrison Mark has asked her to take the lead on a presentation of some historic crash event. 8. Volvo Truck with Skip Yagel Will to look into this one. Possible venue would be Swedish Embassy, April or May. 9. Carbon fiber skin on Boeing 787 for Automotive purposes Dot to look into this.

Tutoring: Dot has located a charter school in a bright blue building on 8th and M SE, about 5 blks from DOT. She will attempt to establish a tutoring program. Newsletter Targeting November 10 to announce the DriveSquare/Umd event and report on the Fire Extracation event. Advertizing The Paige Group has contacted Doug on advertizing eSolutions. Doug will look into the possibility of putting a business-card ad in the newsletter. Price was uncertain: $25 - $75. Intl SAE Sections Board Doug is a nominee to replace Kevin, who resigned the position earlier this year. DCCEAS Dot has agreed to represent SAE at the joint meetings of the DC area Societies of Engineers ( and will report back to Board members after a meeting. Next Meeting: November 13th at the AAM

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