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50 Reasons Why I Fell in Love With My Wife

I wrote this list in honor of my wife's 50th birthday: #50...On our 1st date, I gave her a red rose & she kissed me on the lips. #49She's the rst woman I dated who said she liked children & wanted a family someday. #48She's the rst woman who cared about my soul, which eventually led me to follow Christ. #47She accepts me for the weird, often surreal person I am & never tried to change me. #46No matter how weird the lms I took her to, she continued to date me. The TLA in Philly was the bomb back in the 80s w/that huge movie screen. #45She watched all of my student productions, in one evening, without complaint, or falling asleep. #44She was the only gal I dated in college that I brought home to meet mom in Pittsburgh. #43 Invited me 2 meet her family. Her father didn't take me into the kitchen 2 "talk"--a time/place where boyfriends disappeared #42 She stuck by me when I didn't wear socks to her church & people gave her grief. (Sans socks = 80s Miami Vice look--ugh, don't imitate TV show fashions, kids) #41She didn't mind that my "car" was a "bicycle." #40She wanted to be an elementary school teacher. #39She knew what it was like to work your way through college & not always depend on mom & dad #38She helped me to stop cursing. #37She didn't complain when I would eat most of her dessert on dates as I couldn't afford two.

#36She has great empathy for the feelings of others. #35She was raised with strong morals. #34She didn't mind taking the bus to all of our dates. #33I told her I loved her 1st, but she waited 2 tell me the same #32She didn't mind that I was sooooo skinny. #31. Despite the fact some of her colleagues found me weird, she didn't falter in her support. #30She would fall asleep on the phone after a long day of school and work #29She tolerated my silly dances to music by Prince. #28She listened to my Uncle Bill's Tall Tales of Adventure & Crime ghting. #27She respected my mother. #26She laughed at almost all of my corny, bizarre jokes. #25She was willing to try different types of food/cultural dishes while dating. #24She believed I had potential. #23She was my supervisor on the last job I held in college--and my best boss thus far! #22She was surprised on our 1st unofcial date when I asked her to join me 4 a movie where I had to take notes 4 a paper & I actually took notes. #21She didn't mind that most of my clothes were from Goodwill. #20She likes to dance. #19She appreciated it when I would open doors for her and walked on the outside, closest 2 the street--as I was taught in kindergarten. #18We were born about a year apart in the same, historic Cleveland hospital, Forest City. #17She has an open mind.

#16She never asked for expensive gifts. #15She enjoys the simple things in life. #14She likes to sing--especially Old School R & B. #13Although she can be messy, she's a very organized thinker who inspires me to create "Action Plans" & "To Do" lists. #12She doesn't sweat the small stuff. #11She's fun to be around. #10 She doesn't need makeup because of her natural, smokey eyelids that actors pay lots of money to get. #9She old fashioned in good ways, but always open to new ideas. #8She went to church on a regular basis in college. #7She learned from her setbacks and mistakes. #6She got along with her brothers and sisters. #5She's a people person. #4She has a great sense of humor. #3She loves children. #2She's really smart. #1 (drumroll please!)She's a good Christian woman.

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