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STD X English Chapter 1,2,3,4&5

Who is the author of My Dog Marcus? What did Marcus believe? What according to Marcus was a brutal slavery? Who first came to know about Marcus deafness? Give two instances which proves Marcus partial deafness? When did Marcus jaw and tail dropped? Why was Marcus sad? What according to Marcus was a real torture? Master is smarter than Marcus.Justify the statement. Justify the title More than make believe? Why had Jenny Tier surrendered her earrings? Who said Times became hard. What does it mean? Why? Who handed the plush box to whom? A great good luck sometimes touches a person at least once. ? To whom does this statement refer? How? What was the economic condition of the policemen in those days? What made D H LAWRENCE nostalgic? What does the poet yearn for? Why does the poet refer to the womans singing as vain and clamour? Explain the following lines: The glamour of the childish days is upon me my manhood is cast. What was Mikos weak point? Name the things which DR Shersingh carried in his bag? How did the doctor realize that Miko was fit and fine? To which breed did Miko belong ? What was Miko suffering from? Which measures did Miko try to get sleep? What measures did Dr Shersingh suggest Miko to get sleep?

Comment on the Entry and Exit of the dog? Why did Miko flare on hearing about counting of imaginary sheep? When did Dr Shersingh receive his fees? When did a faint ray of hope lit up Mikos eyes? James Grover Thurber could never pass Botany. Why? What did the author see in the microscope at first? Looking at my cell drawing the instructor screamed. Why? Draw the character sketch of Bolenciecwez, Mr.Bassum and James Thurber. How was Bolenciecwez led into a trap? Who is Lionel Barrymore? What is meant by the word Tackle? Why were most of the Professors lenient to Bolenciecwez? Give the hints to Bolenciecwez to name any one means of transportation? Write a note on Professor of Botany? Chapters 6 to 9. Harold Monro is the Poet of ----------. In Milk for the cat Monro draws a delightfully detailed picture of the -------that comes over a cat when the milk is -----------. When is the tea brought? How are the curtains drawn? With what are the eyes of the cat compared? What is her pretence? Why does she enter the room? How does the Transformation come over the cat? What does she do to make her presence feel? What are the children doing? What has the two ladies worn? With what is the saucer of milk compared? What is meant by Shining rim?

Where does she bury her chin? A long dim ecstasy holds her life. Her world is an infinite shapeless white. Name the Figure of Speech. Then she sinks back into the night means.------. For how many hours does she sleep? Where does she sleep? A wrong man in workers Paradise is the story of an ---------------written by--------------. He vowed to -------but they lingered in his mind. What is meant by Ply their books. What is found in Paradise? What did the women whisper? How were the girls movement on the road and what are they compared with? A picture may have no meaning and-------------. What was that which the girl had seen for the first time in her life? Where was the Painter standing? Why did the man laugh? Why did the elders gasp in surprise? Who is the author of Symptoms? The disease which the author was suffering from was in its most-------form. Why did the author go to the British museum? The author must have had --------for months without knowing it. What is meant by St Vitus dance? Which disease was only in a modified form? The author had suffered from---------with severe ------------. He seemed to have been born with-------------. Which disease had the author not suffered from? Which was the last disease in the list? Students would have no need to walk to the hospital. Why?

Why did the author go to his medical man? What did the prescription say? Describe the commuters monotonous life? Can he bring a change in his life? How does he reach his office? Pulls down a veil over his brain. What does it mean?

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