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To Publish or Not to Publish That is the Question.

Several times a day your phone, laptop or tablet is being used without your permission by faceless men in underground bunkers to scan and identify content that is contrary in their belief to the fundamental basics of good governance, and; to image scan and terminate persons that similarly threaten those same fundamentals.
I gave my word to Various Security agencies in Australia and Israel that I would not do any more Scout files. Yet I am being constantly targeted and consequently being burnt by microwaves. When an animal is cornered it fights back. I have no way of escaping this town. I have no way of hiding from the Microwaves. Therefore I have no option but to publish. Besides Im sick and tired of other people stealing my work and not only not paying for it but in this case using it against me with the most extreme prejudice possible. They attacked really hard last night. Low frequency waves washed over me for about 30 minutes. I then removed the problem. More under the Heading Crowd Control It would appear that no truce is possible with these people. It would seem to be a war to the bitter end. My end as far as they are concerned. I have tried a variety of ways to withdraw from the conflagration. Albeit, the entry was by my own choosing. My thirst for knowledge got in the way of my common sense. Why were Hungarian's taught in schools that their country is only 1200 years old when Runic writing, the original Hungarian 36 letter alphabet was found on on old pyramid walls dated as early as 8900 B.C. Why did Hitler really try to exterminate the Jewish race ? Why don't the Jews believe in the modern day Jesus Christ and the New Testament, Why were earthquakes increasing at an exponential rate ? What is Pest Control ? ..and how is it achieved ? ...and when is a heartattack, a stroke or an embolism not a natural occurrence ? (Alternative question: You paid for your computer, why are you allowing the Israeli intelligence service, the Mossad, (possibly acting with Government sanction) to use it to carry out their exterminations ?) of course others have raised the question in regard to our sovereignty and status is Australia the Commonwealth of Australia or is it the Commonwealth of Australia Corporation. It would appear that since the time of Harold Holt we have in fact been an incorporated body wherein the money raised from fines, levies, fees and taxes has been returned to faceless men on Wall Street that would appear to be the real owners of Australia and everything therein. As this came about

To Publish or Not to Publish That is the Question.

from the Lend Lease agreements for the first and second world world wars and those funding arrangements originated with Israeli owned banking institutions, there is an argument that we are owned by American Jewish interests. Other questions that we should be asking in our search for the truth would be ; Why did learned Jewish Scholars belie the existence of astrology when the Interplanetary Magnetic Waves found and documented by the Ulysses project (1999) confirmed the existence of interplanetary forces that affected atmospheric conditions on the varying planets observed, space weather (on the sun and elsewhere) and; Why wasn't Einstein's theory of relativity upgraded with the results of the new magnetic wave and magnetic field energy findings All of these questions and more combine to produce a most fascinating alternative history. Firstly, I should remind the reader that this file has been sent to him/her alone and is not for public consumption. However as the powers that be would like to do away with me, it behoves me to set the record straight and in the process embarrass them as much as possible. Although, to be realistic, I would prefer to live a long and happy life rather than obtain a pyrrhic (my funeral pyre) victory over an unnamed and ultimately dead bureaucracy. Why dead ? Because they also are missing some of the crucial forthcoming elements. Humanity, Compassion, fare-play. It would appear that survivability is the new game in town and they have bent and twisted all of the rules to ensure that they do and that we don't. But they are the least of our concerns. After Milking humanity for almost three thousand years, it is time for humanity to take back what is our right. i.e.: our freedom. We need to remove the yoke of tyranny, (See chapter 4), the control mechanisms that are designed to keep us under the thumb in the upcoming terrifying events. Our choices are to remain in-situ and await coming events or to take matters into our own hands and have a possibility of survival. Might has never been right. Except in the history books where the victors make the losers always look evil. Just like the bible where the evil aspects have been made to look beneficial and the good aspects been made to appear evil. We are told that light is good, it is beneficial, it is necessary for human and animal existence, for photosynthesis that is at the root of the entire human food chain.

To Publish or Not to Publish That is the Question.

Yet light is constructed of photons, travelling at speed towards us from an atomic reaction (the sun,) fed by the muons and neutrons sent out from earth (and the other planets in our solar system). In Scout 56 we briefly explored Mythology and how Mythology made sense if our planets were in different locations in the past to that which we have become used to since Copernicus. In this file we explore The Israeli Mossad And why all your business plans were stolen by the competition.

1 CrowdControl
How they used to get rid of problems in the olden days

How they get rid of the problems these days.

Microwave Energy Weapons disguised as a watering controller in your local park. Designed to create a virtual microwave image of you, your family, your habits (yes even in the bedroom) and of course to monitor your telephone and data communications. I call this Echelon Mark II.

Other people might call it target acquisition and positioning rangefinder equipment. Yes the Star Wars Defence initiative is alive and well and giving people heart and brain embolisms somewhere in your neighbourhood. Those that have read the scout files may or may not believe what they have read. The evidence to me is clear. Venus is coming for an up close and personal pass-by the earth.

To Publish or Not to Publish That is the Question.

She may or may not nudge us, gently or otherwise. She will cause massive electrical storms with plasmid lightning significantly altering our geological formations, [rivers, mountains, lakes and oceans.]

Empirical or Anecdotal Those that know me understand that I do not deliberately lie or misrepresent facts. All of the Scout files have been empirically backed by data from reputable Government or institutions of advanced learning. Therefore the following information differs from what has come here-to-fore in that citations [references] are missing due to my limited access to the Internet. Some of it is a deduction from previous evidence presented and some a guess. The Following Data was to be my Insurance Policy in the event of my early demise Unfortunately, that appears to be rapidly approaching and would appear to be to outside my control to influence. They say it is when you need your friends the most that they are least in evidence. With the exception of TWA and his sidekicks, Mayas former beau, you have all unfortunately let me down rather badly. No Matter. Im old and obviously irrelevant. Some of you are young and capable and some of you have little ones. So for the little ones Onwards, once more, unto the breach dear friends. (or something like that)

Intellectual Property Whoever is running the show (probably Bill Painter) has made this personal about me. Probably because I took the idea of a high speed 10-27 GHz network via KA band satellite and building light fittings to him for peer review prior to filing a provisional patent. His response was not to file my draft patent docs as he would get his expert people onto it. For two years nothing except Bill saying Trust me and lots of excuses. Bill is good at excuses. But then thats what one would expect from he whom I suspect is the Australian leader of the Mossad ostensibly working for our Government.

Now Every Single Portable Device Comes with its very own Big Brother Chip.

To Publish or Not to Publish That is the Question.

Infra red access chips. To disable the free un-requested add-ons unfortunately requires the removal of the ones that you do want. Further it requires the removal of part of your operating system. i.e.: Anything to do with networking. E.g.: NetAPI files, TCP WLAN (WWLAN) and Microsoft peer (PNP) software. What is left of course is a machine that wont talk to the Internet or Any other machine in your network (at the office or home, however, it will also almost be a private machine where no-one can look over your shoulder from a long distance and change your files. They can still read the Electromagnetic fields (EMF) that emanates from the screen, but this means that they can only get that which you display on your screen and not grandmas secret apple cake recipe buried deep in your hard disk. Dont forget to remove the Wifi and Bluetooth. (Otherwise they still have hardware access to the Bios.) The problem of course is that even if you are out in the middle of nowhere, satellites still fly overhead. Data from your computer can be scooped up by these 36,000 kilometre high beasties just as easily as if you were in the same room as the thieves. Because, yes, thats what they are. Rogues and thieves. Operating under official auspices to keep your elected officials in power and getting rid of undesirables. Undesirables being anyone that speaks about anything that isnt officially approved. Tested (Empirically) Every WiFi device is under their control. Every WiFi device can be utilised to target anyone within range. Every device can image it's surroundings to acquire targets of interest. Each device uses a capacitor to build up a microwave bolt that over time acts as if one is cooking an egg in a microwave. In other words, eventually, something inside the target explodes. It could be a heart, a kidney, testicles or the brain but the result for the recipient of these microwaves is obviously not good. (Yes, WiFi includes BlueTooth.) Access to this facility is available when the computer is in battery mode or plugged into the mains, whether the computer is in awake, or sleep mode. I have not yet tested hibernate mode. Unfortunately, The fixed satellites are not the only concerns. Low flying LEOs (Low Earth Orbit) at 19 kms [and higher] above our planet pass by at regular intervals.

To Publish or Not to Publish That is the Question.

Therefore, if you, like I, can feel these microwaves, the satellite transit time is generally 24 minutes. However, that encompasses a full 170 degrees overhead. So sometimes it will seem as if the rays are coming from your neighbour, when in fact they are coming from a few degrees above the horizon. What truly amazes me is the accuracy with which they have mapped my body for targeting. Down to the right spot on the neck, the ear drum, base of spine etc.

To Publish or Not to Publish That is the Question.

Status Quo Manifesto Addendum.

Many have wondered why our economy appears to be in a downward spiral. Why business plans, political initiatives and generally, anything that can get one ahead fails at almost every turn. Why the big victories of the nineties are no longer possible. Many have theories about economic cycles, securitisation failure, underwriter fallibility; yet added to this there is even more disinformation propagated by mainstream media and Politicians, However, the actual answer why you haven't been able to successfully progress your plans is actually quite simple. There are a group that control information. This information is distributed to their peer group. They control the majority of the Satellites, the communication companies, and even your laptop and phone. All of these initiatives arrived through the guise of anti-terrorism but in reality are nothing more than legalised pillage of your intellectual property and livelihood. The question we have to ask, is why. YouTube and the Internet are full of disinformation campaigns about aliens, pole-shifts, and comets. Yet there is little information available about the real threat to planet earth. Planet Venus and her 3600 year regular sojourn to a position next to earth. She is joined on these visits by other planetary bodies, principally largish asteroids, billions of tons of Gravel and sand. Her flowery perturbation orbit continues, even as she approaches us now. This can be viewed on any night by looking to the West (from Darwin) at 7:15 pm and observing the brightest object at sunset. Viewing Venus for for over half an hour will convince anyone so doing that she is in a pendulum type relationship tot he earth. i.e.: she draws closer and then further away before returning. Anyone that mentions any of the foregoing publicly, quickly becomes a heart-attack or neural embolism victim appearing to die of natural causes. How is this possible ? Your Laptop and mobile phone is their access into your private world. In each and every portable computer system, [including smartphones], there are two methods for connecting to the outside world.

To Publish or Not to Publish That is the Question.

The network facilities you are aware of, that is 802.3 Ethernet and 802.11 WiFi and the method that you are not aware of. In Australia that is 31 GHz 802.20 AD. This second chip has the following capabilities: It can paint a picture of the environment around it in a 3D fashion providing a 3D image of the operator using the computer and everything else in the room. Including imaging of photographs, documents etc. It can upload the contents of a 320 Gb hard disk in less than 12 hours. [Using it's own proprietary network Hardware but still requiring TCP-IP.] Even modern day photocopiers are fitted with this chip so that every scanned copy is automatically transmitted via high speed network to the United States for information dissemination. These [along with every file on your computer [yes including emails and tmp files] along with recordings of your voice conversations transcribed and translated where needed] is placed on petabyte capable storage access servers that respond to queries from the gifted ones. Those that are often (incorrectly) referred to as the illuminati.

Unfortunately some basic physics is necessary for the understanding of what is about to happen to earth. These Photons arriving on earth also disprove Einstein's famous theory of relativity. Which is; If the Speed of light = 1 then Energy = Matter Converted Squared. Photons create energy by bending their path through space. As they do so, refraction of the photons causes an attraction and deflection of interplanetary magnetic waves. As these magnetic waves are the source of all energy in our Universe, Energy is created by the passage of photons and not necessarily by atoms colliding. Anyone that understands the mechanics of electricity generation in a car alternator, i.e.: a rotating magnet (coil) on the inside or outside of an armature (wound wire) creates a positive and negative energy (North Pole and South Pole). As there are more frequencies of light than atoms it would have been more correct to say that: If Speed of Light =1 then Energy equals Magnetic Wave created by the passage of Light and that atoms energised by magnetic waves can then create additional energy.

To Publish or Not to Publish That is the Question.

Einstein was a genius and his theory was correct until 1999 when the Ulysses project discovered that our sun fed from neutrons emanating from the planets generated by our spinning atomic core. In fact our planet and several of the others worked identical to a dynamo with a North and South Pole creating two magnetic fields (Magnetosphere) to emanate from the planets. These magnetic fields around earth form the van allen belt which until 2007 kept at bay the majority of the ionising particles inbound from sol. In Scout1 we disclosed the Nasa statement in 2007 that our Magnetosphere was waning.

Next Steps:

2 PersonalAnecdotes
Annecdote C. C is a gentlemen whom has given me lodgings and extended the use of his car, camera and other handy necessities without which, doubtless I should not have been so successful at reaching the conclusions here-in. It came as a suprise that this helpmate should utter the words that I heard him say last week; ...and Tom, I sincerely hope that you get better mentally soon. Today, I was being targeted from two WiFi locations. I started building my normal array of barriers consisting of various layers of plastic, sisalation, lead and vinyl. Whenever I add a barrier it takes their hardware a few seconds to refocus on their target. Which appears to alternate between my heart, my cheek, my neck, my lower back/kidney/lumbar region and lately they appear to be favouring my testicles. I asked C to place his hand between two layers of foil between my heart and the targeting device. After a few moments he pulled his hand away and said it was getting warm. I then asked him if he still thought I needed to straighten out my mental status. His response was that it appeared not. Microwaves and Doctors Its a bit hard to take the constant barrage and I doubt that my heart will take it for much longer.

To Publish or Not to Publish That is the Question.

Yesterday I was taken to the doctor, ostensibly [or so I thought] to obtain evidence of cellular destruction within my body from microwaves. But all they wanted was a blood sample. (Probably to find out why I can feel what I can feel. ) The lady that took me made the mistake of talking about thyroid dysfunction as being the cause of all my problems. (Although she neglected to tell me how Thyroid dysfunction could decrease a microwave burn effect as I placed distance between the source and myself.)

Conclusions Much has happened over the last few weeks. Scout 56 was either the output of a deranged mind1 or a reasonable facsimile of our current and near future reality. In Precis, Scout 56 warned of 20 billion tons of space debris (Sand, pebbles, rocks and large boulders) being brought inot our near environment by comet Encke which was pat of a system that returned to earth every 3.3 years and somehow was aligned to events in egypt in 2455 B.C. When an egyptian scribe lamented that the sun had dried up the water supply, killed the crops and that the population were starving and so great was their plight that they were committing wholesale suicide. Further, that over the last 12000 years pre history and even current civilisations repeatedly turned to pyramid building for some reason. The Computer Software Code Breach The other day, I met with some worldly wise gentlemen who informed me that the Microsoft codes had been compromised and that it was all over the news. I regret that the evidence would decry this PR stunt to forestall my data release. The reality is that that the Atheros Chipset has machine code level access to all aspects of Microsoft computing and on installation is treated by Microsoft as a trusted installer. Each Motherboard has the (I call it exterminator chip) embedded. If you want to test the existence of this chip just write a notepad file on your computer about how much Microsoft bad software has cost you in lost time and opportunity over the last thirty years. The file will disappear during a reboot. If you wish to further test the Exterminator chip, and I dont recommend this but write an email cutting and pasting some of the content of this document and see what happens. Of course, my problem is that I can not abide a lie and as it appears that our entire civilisation has been living in one since around my birth, I feel as if can achieve something good by uncovering the most deceitful parts (wirtout Internet access).

See Anecdote Section.

To Publish or Not to Publish That is the Question.

My life now revolves around staying away from Wifi devices that can idenify me using polar Rose4 facial recognition software working in conjunction with Microwave tomographic imaging. i.e.: Where they can scan a room, an area and build up a 3D image of every object withibn range of that WiFi device. (Which is upto 450 Metres from 802.11(n) devices and 150 metres from 802.11 (g)) Yes, Iphones as Wifi Tethers are also used in this manner. Which is why the batteries dont last very long. In Closing, I should like to talk to our peacekeepers and military personnel. I want to talk about supply chain logistics and personal safety factors. I have learnt over the last several months that not all military and police personnel are recalled during radiation events. Nor are they on [non radioactive] desiccated rations (MREs) . These people will, along with those of us that have ignored the scout file recommendations become tomorrows secondary radiation casualties and end up in the same camps that they will be taking us too, for our Health and well being. Because in reality, the supply chain can afford to feed all of the military personnel currently engaged in crowd Control. Remember our rice example from a few scout files ago. One 200 Gram meal per day equals approx. 9.5 tons of rice over 72 years.

Multiply that by three meals a day and suddenly the numbers fail. A one hundred thousand strong army will eat :
Rice Supply Per 100 K Army

Tons 60.00 420.00 1,827.12 21,925.44 1,644,408

daily weekly monthly yearly lifetime

and that excludes eggs (there wont be any), bacon, (there wont be any), and any semblance of fresh vegetables. For 72 Years !!! Except for those that grow food Hydroponically under cover. No our crowd control folk will unfortunately be fed to the dogs slightly after us, in other words as soon as theyre no longer needed it will be found that they also are now sources of secondary radiation and will be marched to the camps. The camps ? Yes, these will be the resettlement caps after the incoming sand and gravel showers that we will enjoy.

To Publish or Not to Publish That is the Question.

Of course, I could be wrong. Weinberg (NASA) claimed that the debris from the comet will fall to earth in a gentle dust cloud. So the 600+ FEMA camps in the USA and the two dozen or so camps in Australia were constructed merely to provide work for unemployed persons. Thats all for today. I just thought you should all know how I [and no doubt others whom are brave enough to speak out;] am/are being eliminated. In case anyone is interested. The next few months may be the last time anyone will be able to grow edible crops for a very long time. Try to dry as much as you can. If any of it turns black during the drying process throw it out immediately and everything within six inches of it. The Solar Weather Forecast for Australia will be smoke or rain for the next eleven months. Good Luck and try to get underground as soon as possible. Australia's East and West coasts may be inadvisable as long term residential options, just as the middle of the united states may be a little questionable and parts of Northern England. Regards from Scout. Khandallah boy Scouts 1969-1973 P.S.: Bill Painter? Yes, hes what you might call a survival expert. Been building under-cover fish farms for a very long time. When I gave him the drawings and draft claims for my Ghz building and satellite device, he assured me that he would take care f it. When I queried his lack of progress a few months later his response was an indignant, don't worry, you'll get looked after. I must come from a different word to Bill Painter. In my world, when one is looked after it usually means royalty payments or a one off buy out arrangement. In Bill's world it appears to mean give him a free embolism or aneurism It is men I was living in like Bill Painter that have made our world a lot less like the world I thought I lived in. Which brings us to the last question. Why did Hitler attempt to exterminate the entire Jewish race. (My paternal grandparents amongst the victims). Did he discover that they had a secret plan to eliminate all others but themselves from the planet ? The Swiss whom acted as the bankers for the Nazi War loot, certainly have prepared for the up-coming events. Every Swiss home is outfitted with a bunker, food, water and ammunition. Most Swiss belief that it is an artefact of government bureaucracy left over from the4 second world war.

To Publish or Not to Publish That is the Question.

However the Swiss Ten Franc note clearly shows the elliptical orbit of comet Encke/Ison/Venus and as demonstrated in their annual accounts, the cost of maintaining the bunkers for each and every Swiss household is only eleven dollars US per annum. A question that you dear reader should be asking is why your government didn't do the same for you ? An interesting note to end on.

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