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PERPENDARALLEL (AKA Newtons Cradle) A script by Michael Hairston 5/20/08 Final draft CHARACTERS: Main characters: Dan: Network

engineer for American Telco, early 20s Devon: Works at a grocery store, early 20s Grace: Elderly old women in 70s Tracy: Nurse at abortion clinic, early 20s Secondary characters: Liz: Dans girlfriend, early 20s Rick: Devons boss and Graces nephew, early 40s Erica: Devons girlfriend, early 20s Sarah: Coworker of Tracy at abortion clinic, early mid-30s Alan: Dans boss, mid 30s SETTING: Dallas, present time STYLE OF CINEMETOGRAPHY: In style of Requiem for a Dream SCRIPT: ACT 1 [Scene 1] Camera is zoomed in to a Newtons Cradle (one of those things with metal balls that bounce back and forth and push each other by kinetic energy) with a blurry Dan in bed asleep in the background and the camera reverses focus to focus on Dan. The camera angle changes to a side view of Dan and his alarm clock next to his bed goes off. Blearyeyed, he turns his head and looks at the alarm clock: it reads 10:30. SHIT! Dan yells, and he jumps out of bed. Dan is then seen sitting at his kitchen table and attempting to eat his cereal and tie his tie at the same time and ends up spilling some cereal on his leg.

[Scene 2] In the next scene, Dan is shown driving for about 5 seconds, passing the Mockingbird sign on i75 north, and then he gets stuck in traffic, hits the wheel and yells Shit!. He is then shown running into his office, sitting down, putting his headset on and clocking into his phone. Just as hes doing this, his boss Alan comes to him. Alan: Dan, youre late again Dan: I know, Im Alan: Listen, you know I like you but I cant keep taking the hit for this, man. My job is on the line. Dan: Alan, I. Alan: No more, Dan. Management has been breathing down my back for the past 5 weeks and I cant make any more excuses for you. Im sorry, but the next time this happens, Im gonna be forced to let you go. Dan: OK, Alan, Im sorry. I wont let you down again. Alan: OK good, just be on time, thats all I ask. Now get back to work. Dan slides back into his chair, lies back in contemplation as to what just happened and starts drumming a pen on his desk as hes waiting for a call on his work phone and then his cell phone rings and he answers. Its his girlfriend Liz. The camera alternates between them as theyre talking. Dan: Hey Liz: Hey, whats up? Dan: Same boring shit.Alan dinged me for being late again, says one more time and Im gone. Liz: Ahhhh. *There is an awkward silence* Liz: Listen.what are you doing for lunch today? Dan: Nothing Liz: Alright, then meet me at that pizza place downtown at noon. Dan: Whats the occasion? Liz: *Sighs*Ill let you know when you get here, ok? Dan: Whats going on? Liz: Just be there, bye. *hangs up phone* [Scene 3] Dan is shown putting his cell phone on his desk. In the next scene, Dan is shown walking into the restaurant towards Liz. He sits down and asks her Whats up? Liz: Danwe need to talk. Dan: What about? *His eyes get wide* *long silence* Liz: I got a new job in Amsterdam and Im leaving. Dan: WHAT? Why didnt you talk to me about this?!

Liz: I knew you wouldnt understand Dan: Youre damn right I dont understand, how do you not tell your boyfriend about this? Liz: Dan, its not working out. Weve need to just end this. Dan: What do you mean its not working out? Whats not working out? Liz: You and me.Ive tried to make it work.Dan my hearts just not in this anymore Dan: *Sobs* Why? Liz: After all this stuff about Daphne and my thing with Frankweve both screwed up, But with the yelling and the fighting.its just all gone downhill from there. Dan: Elizabeth, we can work this out, baby! Liz: Dan, Im sorryits over. Im leaving the country in a week. Liz pushes her chair back, gets up, walks past Dan, brushing his shoulder on the way out and leaves. Dan is teary eyed with face in arms as Liz walks away. Camera slowly dollys away. [Scene 4] In the next scene, Dan is back at work and appears to have difficulty staying focusedhe is on the phone with a customer and he is just saying Yes to anything the customer says. Eventually Dan grows tired of listening to him and just says Thanks for calling, have a good one and hangs up on the customer. He immediately gets another call on the line, and he is obviously not in the mood to take it. He presses the button and takes the call; its Devon. Dan: *Annoyed* American Telco, Internet Department, how can I help you? Devon: This is Devon from Walts grocery store. Look, I was told youd call me this morning to set up a dispatch but you never did, so Id like to speak to your supervisor. Dan *Contemplates for a second, looks quickly at Alan, and then muffles his microphone*: Fuck. Devon: Well? Dan: *sighs* OK, Devon, look. I apologize, but Im afraid a supervisor cant help you with this.Ill tell you what, Ill call the dispatch office right now and I can have someone come out there first thing tomorrow morning? Devon: What the hell! Weve been dealing with this bullshit for 48 hours now! Do you have any idea how much this is affecting our business? Dan: OK, OK, listen, well credit the account for the time the line is down and Ill have someone out there first thing tomorrow morning. Devon: *long sigh* OK, he better be there or its someones ass. Bye. ACT 2 [Scene 1] Devon hangs up the phone and walks over to his boss (Rick)s office with customers still in line at the register. Rick is sitting at his desk. Devon (standing in Ricks doorway): Hey boss, just got off the phone with AT.

Rick: What they say? Devon: They said a technician will be out here first thing in the morning to take a look at it. Rick: Shit. Shit. *momentary silence* Rick: Tell the customers were sorry, but the store has to close for today. We cant stay open if we cant make an income. And I need you to go home early today, theres no point in you being here if you arent needed. Devon: What?! But boss, I need the money for school! My first payment is next week! You know I need the hours, I told you up front when you hired me. Rick: OK, Ill tell you what.Ill let you come in 2 hours early tomorrow because I need someone to let the guy from the phone company in. Be here at 7.but as for the other 4 hours you need to make up, Im sorry. Devon: 7am?! Boss, you know I go to school in the morningIm gonna miss class! Rick: Im sorry, Devon, I cant afford that right now youll have to take what I can give you or Ill get someone else to fill in instead. Devon looks down for a moment and walks back out to his register. He stands in front of his register and raises his hands in the air Devon: Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen.excuse me. Due to an issue with our payment system, we cant accept any more purchases for today and were closing the store early. You can leave all your items where they are. Im sorry for this inconvenience. All the customers begin setting down their Items and dispersing. The camera cuts to Devon closing and locking the doors on the store and leaving. [Scene 2] In the next scene, Devon is seen walking through the front door of his house, throwing his keys on the table next to the doorway and sitting down on the couch in front of the TV next to where his girlfriend Erica is sitting and shes eerily silent and distant. Devon: Hey, baby Erica (watching TV): Hey. Devon: Whats up around here? Erica: Nothing *There is an awkward silence* Erica: Hey. Listen, I have something to tell you Devon: OK? Erica: I bought a gun.for protection. Devon: WHAT? You know I dont want any guns in this house, what the hell are you thinking? Im done with guns, that part of my life is over, YOU KNOW THIS! Erica: Look, Im a female and I dont like to be home alone, I need some protection. Im gonna keep it on the shelf in the bedroom closet, and if anyone comes in well know where it is.

Devon: Damn it, girlwhere did you buy it from? Erica: I got it from a guy I found selling it in the classifieds named D. Richter. Devon: How muchhow much did you pay for it? Erica: I gave him a hundred dollar bill for it Devon: You bought a hundred dollar gun? What, is it made of plastic? This is EXACTLY why women and guns dont mix. JESUS CHRIST! Erica (somewhat distressed): Look, I understand youre angry.listen, Im going leave and get my nails done so you can cool off, Ill see you tonight. Erica gets off the couch and leaves the house, as she is walking out the camera catches a brochure falling out of her purse. A few moments later, Devon turns his head and notices he notices it lying there. He walks over and as he picks it up, he looks at it and realizes its a brochure for an abortion clinic. His eyes grow wide in disbelief. As soon as he reads the title, Devon grabs his phone and dials Ericas cell phone: no answer. He then dials the number on the brochure. It rings and Tracy, a nurse, answers the phone. Tracy: Red Bird Womens Clinic, how can I help you? Devon: I need to know if my girlfriend has been there. I thinkI think she had an abortion there and I really need to know whats going on Tracy: Are you the father of the child? Devon: YesnoI dont know, Im not sure Tracy: Well, before I give you any information, you need to come down to the clinic and fill out some paperwork and consent to a blood test to prove paternity Devon: OK, Ill be right down. Devon is then seen running through the front door, and then the scene cuts to sitting in a chair in the clinic, tapping his shoe and staring at the clock. Tracy then is seen walking out the door. [Scene 3] Tracy: Devon? Devon: Yeah? Tracy: Ive got your results backand the results are that you were not the father. Devon is enraged and without care storms out of the clinic, slamming the doors and pushing people out of the way. He kicks random things as he slowly makes his way back to his car. Tracy sees the whole event; she is obviously tired of seeing these types of events. Sarah and Tracy are at home talking over the phone to each other, the camera cuts between them as they are talking. ACT 3 [Scene 1] Sarah: GodI cant believe you have to go through that day in and day out. Thank God Im only part time.

Tracy: Yeah, but this one was especially bad, because not only did his girlfriend cheat on him with another guy, but she had an abortion to cover it up. Sarah: Jesus.what a piece of work. To have to deal with that Tracy: I really think I need to find a new jobthe pay is OK but I dont think the emotional torture is worth itits really taking a toll on me, Sarah Sarah: Yeahwell, I dont blame you. Do what you feel is right. Tracy contemplates for a few moments and then lets out a big sigh Tracy: Well its getting late, I should probably be getting to bed. I guess Ill see you tomorrow. Sarah: Alright, see you tomorrow. Tracy hangs up the phone and picks up the newspaper next to her bed which she is sitting on and starts looking through the want ads. Her eyes come across an advertisement for nurse who is needed to care for an elderly woman. She is seen circling the advertisement with a red marker and then going to bed. [Scene 2] The camera cuts to the next scene where Tracy is in the lunch room in the clinic and calls the number she circled on the paper the night before. The phone rings, and a man (Rick) answers: Rick: Hello? Tracy: HiIm calling about the job for an elderly womans caretaker? Is this the right number? Rick: Yes, this is the right number. The scene then cuts to Tracy pushing open the door of the break room and walking into the hall of the clinic towards Sarah, with her arms raised high and a smile on her face. Tracy: YES! I got the job! Sarah: What job? Tracy: I got a job caring for an elderly womanno more of this torture.Im putting in my 2 weeks today. Sarah: So, instead of putting on diapers for young people, youll be putting diapers on old people? Tracy: Were an abortion clinic, not a nursery Sarah: Either waycongrats I guess. How olds the lady? Tracy: Im not sure.I just got off the phone with her nephew and he gave me the job. He told me to be there tomorrow at 7, so Ill be a second job for like, 2 weeks and the itll become a my only job. Sarah: What will you tell her you did here for a living? The camera then cuts to Grace asking Tracy (in person at Graces house the next day, sitting at a table) what she does for a living.

ACT 4: [Scene 1] Tracy: I work for women Grace: Oh, how nice! What do you do there? Tracy: I help.uh.Mothersyou know Grace: Oh yes, I used to be a nurse myself. I delivered babies for 40 years before I retired. You should just see the look on those Mothers faces when they see the little face they created for the first timeyou never forget those looks. Tracy: Heh.yeahwell.OK, are you ready for your meal? Grace: Oh yes, please. Tracy gets up, brings Grace her meal and comes back and sits down with here while shes eating. An hour passes. An empty plate sits in front of Grace. Grace: You know, my husband died shortly after the warhe was back home for 2 years before he died in a car accidenthit by a drunk driver. I was pregnant with my daughter at the time. She never even got to know her father, that girl. Ive been single and alone ever since. Tracy: OhIm sorry. Grace: Ive relied on my nephew to take care of me for the past 15 years since my daughter lives in Michigan. But now he got a job as a manager at a grocery store and doesnt have the time anymore. Youve had to of spoke to him when you responded to the ad I asked him to place. Tracy: Oh yeah, Ive spoke to him seems like a sweet guy Grace: Yes, he is, he is a sweet soul. So selfless. Hes going through a bitter divorce right now. Tracy: Im sorry to hear that *few moments of silence* Grace: Well Tracy, tell me, do YOU have any boyfriends? Tracy: Not at the momentmy friends kind of keep me grounded. Im not really actively looking. Grace: Take it from an old lady- date while you still can! You become complacent in the single life but when you get older, you realize what all youve missed by avoiding relationships. I made that mistake after my husband died. Tracy gets Graces dishes and puts them in the dishwasher and then helps walks Grace to her bedroom and helps get her into bed. Tracy: Well, I appreciate the advice Ms. Grace, but its about time for me to leave, so let me go get your you know where they are? Grace: Go in the kitchen, and they are on the very top shelf on the middle cabinet above the chair. And be sure to get the pills out of the container on the right side, the ones on the left side are for my cat.

Tracy is then seen walking into the kitchen. She at first attempts to stand on her toes to reach the medicine, but is unsuccessful, so she stands on the chair and is barely able to reach the top shelf. As she is feeling around for the pills on the top shelf, she accidentally knocks down the pills on the right side (graces pills) and grabs the pills on the left side (the cats pills) and without looking at the label, opens the bottle, takes out a pill and puts the bottle back on the shelf and closes the cabinet. She is then seen bringing a cup of water and the pills to Graces bedside. Grace: Thank you so much, Tracy, youre an angel. Grace takes the pills and swallows them and drinks the water. Tracy: Youre very welcome. Have a good night sleep. As Tracy is walking out the door and has her hand on the switch to turn out the light, Grace stops and says Tracythere is no solitude in solitude. Tracy then walks out of the room and turns the light off. [Scene 2] The next scene cuts to Dan sitting at the Gingerman drinking a beer. The camera then pans to Tracy walking through the door and she sits down next to Dan. Dan: Later, man. Tracy (speaking to bartender as shes sitting down): Sir? Apple martini, please. Dan (turns his head and looks at Tracy): Hi Tracy (looks straight forward as if uninterested): Hello Dan: got a light? Tracy: Sorry, I dont smoke Dan: Yeah, I can tell by the cigarettes in your purse Tracy: Those are. Dan (turning away): Whatever, dont worry about it Tracy: Im sorryI didnt. Tracy rifles through her purse and pulls out a lighter Tracy (stretching out hand with lighter): Here Dan (takes lighter and lights cigarette): Thanks. Hope this isnt how you treat all strange guys you meet at bars. Tracy: Heh.. Dan: Lets try this againIm Dan (stretches out hand) Tracy: Im tracynice to. Dan: Meat me? Meat is for carnivores, Im a vegetarian Tracy: Im not sure Im following. Dan: Nevermind, Im drunk..Girlfriend just broke up with meyou know how it goes. hey, that next Martinis on me.

Tracy: You dont have to Dan: Dont worry about it, I want to. Man, look at that *points to TV with politicians debating on it*. All you see on TV now is politicians debating on why we should fine people wearing baggy pants or why we should outlaw violent video gamesIts like watching a bunch of retards fight over who has the national brain cell. Tracy: *Giggles* The scene then cuts to an hour later, Dan and Tracy are laughing and having a good time and are still sitting together at the bar. Dan has multiple beer bottles in front of him and Tracy has the 1 martini glass in front of her only half full. Dan: So what did you say? Tracy: Mission aborted Dan: Hahahaha, I see what you did there. Tracy: *Grins* Yeah, I know, it was in bad taste. Dan: Alright, Im outta here! Thanks, for.Ah. The great conversation *Dan gets off the barstool and starts to stumble* Tracy: Youve been drinking a lot and Ive only had part of a martini, let me drive you homeIll drive your car and Ill take a taxi home so you wont have to come back here later. Dan: No, Ill be *Dan falls to the ground* Dan: Youve got a point Tracy then picks Dan up and begins helping him walk out the door.. [Scene 3] In the next scene, the camera cuts to a shot of Tracy pulling into Dans house and getting out and helping Dan get to his front door. Once they are standing at the front door, they begin to speak Dan: Thanks *there are a few seconds of silence, they both look down* Dan: You know, I could get some help getting into bed Tracy: Well *Dan acts like hes going to fall and Tracy grabs his wrist* Tracy: OKquickly Dan opens the door and falls inside and drags Tracy down with him because shes holding his wrist Dan: Ooops Tracy: (laughing) What are you doing? Dan then sits up, looks in her eye and reaches up and starts petting her head, and a few moments later they start kissing. At that point, the camera zooms and fades out.

ACT 5 [Scene 1] The scene then cuts to Tracy in the next morning, just waking up in Dans bed. She notices Dan isnt with her and sits up and says Dan! Dan, where are you? She then gets out of bed and walks over to the window with a sheet wrapped around her, peeks in between the blinds and then closes them while thinking contemplating what happened. As she turns around, she notices something on the nightstand next to a bottle of liquor. She walks back to the bed and sits down. As she sits down, she gets a closer look at whatever is laying on the nightstand, and she notices a note that looks like it was written by a 5 year old on a napkin laying on the nightstand with a $100 dollar bill on it. She picks them up and reads the napkin: Tracy, Im sorry I had to leave early, but I cant miss another day of work. My phone number is 469-222-1150. Call me when you get a chance. Dan P.S.- Im leaving you some money for a taxi As she finishes reading the note, she picks up her cell phone and looks at the screen. She notices Rick called and so she calls her voicemail and listens to his message: Rick: *Sounding hysterical* Tracy, its Rick.listen, Grace had a heart attack this morning and I have her in the car and Im on the way to the hospitalI dont know if shes going to make it, give me a call as soon as you have the chance. Tracy then hangs up and begins to dial Rick, but she doesnt get an answer. You can see the worry on her face. She tries to call again, but still no answer. Not knowing what to do, she sits on the edge of the bed for a few moments and then turns on the TV. TV reporter #1: Traffic is backed up to 635 due to a wreck on i75 north and lovers lane. It all happened when a man in his early 20s identified as Dan Richter, who according to authorities was intoxicated, swerved into the other lane and another car and died upon impact. The individuals in the other car, who are as of yet unidentified are described as an elderly white female and a middle-aged white male, were also killed. Tracy is then seen horrified and in disbelief. TV Reporter #1: In other news, a woman was found shot to death in what police are now calling a ghastly homicide; we go now to Chuck Hobbs at the scene.

[Scene 2] Devon is seen riding on the DART train. The voiceover of the reporter from here on out is heard throughout scene 5. Chuck Hobs VO: Thanks, Rick. West Dallas woman Erica Smithing was found shot in the head in her home near Harry Hines blvd. early this morning by a concerned neighbor. Police say forensic evidence shows the murder probably occurred sometime last night and that they have no witnesses. The suspect is still unknown and at-large at this time. Devon is now staring at the backpack in his hands, and pulls out two things: his passport and a greetings card. He stares at the greetings card for a few has From: Erica written on it and some blood on it. He then puts it back in the backpack, looks at his passport and puts that back in his backpack, too. He reaches into the backpack again and pulls out a Newtons cradle. He stares at it for a second, then turns his head and looks out the window. Liz is visible in one of the seats around where he is sitting. The train just happens to be passing the accident that involved Dan, Rick and Grace. The camera then cuts to a shot of the wreck, as being view from inside the train as the train is still moving. It then cuts back to Devon staring out the window again. He slowly turns his head and redirects his attention to the Newtons cradle. As he stares at them, he pulls back the far left ball and watches it bounce, hitting the other balls, causing them to bounce back and forth. The camera shows this for a few moments and the camera fades to black. The End.

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