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False Alarm

Manuel Seplveda

Pontificia Universidad Catlica Madre y Maestra Santo Domingo, Repblica Dominicana


False Alarm

Surprise! Sophie and their friends shouted to Michael while he was entering to his house. It was a surprise pool party that Sophie prepared for his seventeen birthday. Michael was in shock, he could not believe what Sophie cautiously did for him; they were best friends for a year now, and she wanted to surprise him for his birthday. The hugs and the kisses of all his friends began to emerge; he was really excited and happy. Lets go to the pool, Luis said; and everybody started to wear their batting suits while Sophie put the music in all volume. It was an amazing day, the laughs were heard constantly joke after joke. The night has come and a salsa music Hay algo en t was played by Michael in the radio, after that, he started to walk step by step until he made eye contact with Sophie. Would you like to dance? He asked her. Sure, she answered. They enjoyed the moment, they were both good dancers. In the process he expressed his gratitude to Sophie and he whispered some sweet words through her ear softly; she started to laugh. Just after the song, the dinner was ready, a delicious grilled meat and salad has been served. It was really late and everyone has classes the next day, so each one said goodbye after they have eaten and went home.


An excited day has gone and the senior year of Michael and Sophie has just started. At school, they were by coincidence in the same classroom in all the subjects. The English was not the best subject to Michael so Sophie would help him; however, in math Michael was really good so he returned the favor helping her with the long practices that the teacher gave them every week. Sometimes after school, Michael would go to Sophies home to pass the day; the family knew him very well and he was treated like a member of the family. One day of school Sophie was returning from the bathroom to the classroom and she accidently slipped and activated the fire alarm. Everybody who was in the building ran downstairs scares. The nerves and the rapidness that the people felt make them push the others that were slow. At the end of the incident seven people were hurt and the ambulance came to the school to take them to the hospital. The director said by the speakers false alarm and everyone felt alive. However, he thought that it was a student joke, so he has given a week to think about it and say who was the responsible. A day has gone and anyone said nothing about it. The director was furious so he said that he will prohibit the recess until the responsible speaks with him. The same day in the afternoon, Sophie went to Michaels home with crying eyes. Michael felt terrible, he never saw her in that state. At that moment she tried to talk but she could not, every time that she spelled a word she continues crying louder; Michael began to feel nerves and start thinking what could happen to her that she would feel so sad?. The incident came to his mind but before he said something, Sophie confessed him all the truth.


After that, Michael was impressed; what are you going to do? He asked her; Sophie sadly response: I do not know, but I do not want to confess to the director; she was afraid of what the consequences will be and even more what her parents will do to her after the director called theirs. She continues crying while Michael held her. Hours later, she had an idea. Lets start a rumor blaming Mark, so one person will gossip to the director and I would not be force to admit my fault to him, Sophie commented. I do not think is a good idea Michael said. Why not? Mark is a bully and you know it, he make jokes and hit people that is in classroom every day, please Michael, with this he can be expel, I do not have to confess and the school will be in peace, Sophie argued. Michael loves Sophie, and he did not want see her suffering so he accept the proposal. The next day they began to gossip. The rumor passed rapidly and at the end of the day someone gossiped to the director as they planned. The director called Mark. I did not do anything, Mark said angry and impressed at the same time. The director did not believe what he said; he had a horrible record in the school that make him the principal responsible of the incident, so he expelled him. After hearing the news, everyone in the school started to feel really excited except Michael. Even Mark was a bad guy, he did not have to carry with the sin of others, Michael thought. For the first time the relation of Michael and Sophie was getting distance. Michael was impressed because Sophie was feeling like anything has happened.


A week has passed and Michael was still thinking in the situation, he was having sleep problems. In his mind he was in a difficult position, if he says the truth to the director, the woman that he loves the most will take the consequences and will feel mad with him. In other hand, if he stays in silence he will keep feeling like a sick person. He decided to talk with Sophie about the situation but she did not understand, she argued that everyone at school looked relived and happy within Mark around them. She felt like she did a favor to the students of the institution. Michael began to feel that this was not the person he has shared so many years. Days has gone, Michael could not support more the secret that made Mark be expel, so in the first hour at school he went to the director office to confess, he knocked the door, and when he opened he saw Sophie sitting in front of the desk. The conversation with Michael made her reflect about what she did. She got to the conclusion that the people have always to tell the truth, and be responsible of the consequences of their behavior.


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