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These are



IT W A S ' an unusual afternoon tea. Nine Women, all with something common, meeting to discuss their Jives and their marriages. They are all wives of'leading pop stars. And in a week in which pop marriages are in the news, their conversation reveals an insight into 'the workings of these rather spec ial relationships. The dialogue dealt with their homes, their husbands, and .

: worse
JUDITH SIMONS FREQUENTLY for publicity r e a so ns asked the questions pop wives are, kept in the background , HILARIA MCCARTHY took the picture Do you find this\dis! turbing? you unhappyhow often do you
think they are all bachelors 1 1 can't think why. , , Kim Moon : I'll tell| you why it's what fans > want to, think. But they always j worry about It If they think you're married they keep, pursuing you until they find out- It's an obsession. j They . must know everything about your husband, so In the end you have to surrender your private life until finally the" know everything about ycfu. WELV what is your attitude to\ faris? It must be like living with a vast interfering family. j '. Kim Moon : Yes it is. There's a tight little group of fans who are totally demanding. You canndt keep anything from them. ; Change ; your phone number and they'll get to know ttte new one within 24 hours. And ifthey don't like you t h e r are worse than any in-laws:

Sheila Jones : I did not mind the initial secrecy" about our marriage because I felt it was helping Paul's career. Though I admit it was annoying when |he. was invited to parties and I bad to stay at home.
Kim Moon : When there were parties I went too. But without my wedding ring. I felt-very led up about taking i t . tiff especially - after our daughter Mandy was born. But the management insisted on Keith's " bachelor" Image.

. Now people know we are : married I set asked questions would' be considered ; which ; impertinent if they were put to anyone but a pop artist's wife. Things l i k e : " Have' you seen your husband this year " ! Joanne Petersen : L also get funny questions. Like : " Aren't

see him ? . . j Alison Entwistle: Though John and I were married without secrecy it was* decided before the wedding t h a t he should have a ,T r o m a n t i c " image. , I- This meant that- guests who had bought- new suits had to hire morning dress instead because John's romantic I image meant getting married! very formally. I After the wedding last year John went with- the group to America" and I went too. | But I was not allowed to tour with him ... j I spent six weeks' with friends in Beverly Hills I didn't mind. Actually it was very nicej Molly Gibb : Sometimes even the most cleverly laid plans to avoid publicity go astray j Our secret romance came out last year when we were both injured in the Hither Green train crash. Monilta StanshaU : This kind of . secret marriage'" talk is amusing to me. It's never been kept secret that n e a r l y - a i r the Bc-nzos are married.- Bui for no accountable reason fans seem to

. . . a n d these are the wives:

had anything worse t h a n up and accusing me of being the other woman. : obscene telephone, calls. . had never eyen met her. Joanne Petersen : ;One of my It Paul was rather sad husband's fans used to WTite .my Joanne Petersen a But fans name on the front, door and are changing, you.kriow. Today's then used to draw, thick lines generation seem' w> be less through it. " **. and in a \funny way The message was clear : They hysterical less demanding t h a n u h o s e of a were going to eliminate me. few vears ago. 1 Lynn Payton : It's something Kim Mooni Yes, lately they we all have to be very careful- do ,seem more mature.of. isn't it. Other people's jealousy can ruin your life and" ~ # BUT POP stars are purwe're the subject of a great sued' by other women in deal, of jealousy. ' i reality as well as in fantasy Sheila Jones : The worst ones situations. Are you more a r e , the emotionally desolate worried about infidelity than, women who bui'd up quite . s a y , the ordinary{wife? terrifying iantasy relationships with pop stars. , Monika Stanshall: No more. I h a i a series of phone calls Worried than the average salesfrom a woman who claimed she man's wife; or any-woman whose and Paul were in i love and I husband doesn't have a nine-towas the outsider. ; five lob. ' , She was like a 'wife ringing Kim Moon: I d o n t think about that. I mean you could drive yourself mad worrylpe about things like that, couldnt you.

One of myj husband's tdmiring. fans once tried to r it me with a club". . = yes, a cli.b for no other reason than I was with him. And another used-to sefad me letters saying they were a,rranging to have me sent to Vietnam " . 1. . you Just have to live with things like tha;. Sheila Jones : /VVell, I : must have been lucky ttien. I've never

Left to right: LYNN PAYTON, 22, worked as a secretary. Met husband Dennis at youth club. MARY GRAHAM, 29, Mrs. Leapy Lee, met husband while on h o l i d a y in Eastbourne, his home town. Has been a model, a barmaid. Now with B.E.A. YVONNE INNES, 23, met husband while both were-students at art college. Was a drama teacher, but gave up work to be with child. K I M MOON, 20, model and mother of a daughter. Met husband at a dance.

ALISON ENTWISTLE, 22,. met John when both at grammar school. Worked in an office.I MOLLY GIBB, 2 1 , [met Robin when she was a show-biz receptionist. | SHEILA (ONES, 29, authoress Sheila MacLeod, met husband when both were students at Oxford University. ' MONIKA STANSHALL, 22, jewellery designer, met her husband at art college. Seated on floor,JOANNE PETERSEN, 24, met Colin when she was personal assistant to the Bee Gees' manager.

At home
Sheila J o n e s : Marriages do break up in this business. It's foolish to pretend !there a r e n t strains.. Mary Graham : But t h e fact that we are all here today, and talking abouft it, shows t h a t none of us. is particularly worried by t h a t ' situation. DO YOU] feel that you need a career of your own ? Yvonne Innea :! I don't think so. One- f e e l s completely engulfed, in one's husband's identity. You\ get the feeling you do not exis^ except for your husband, so I don't see how you can work. .. > Mary G r a h a m : I oouldnt disagree more. \ Before Leapy was settled In ' h i s career 1 worked andj I'm still working. I don't need to, but frankly I don't feel it would help my husband if I were to live In his shadow., I think we must keep Identities of our own. Alison Entwistle: I would love to go back to work. I need to do something to fill my time, but my husband simply w o n t let me. He doesn't think I should. . , YOU HAVE to Wiare the public images of your husbands with their lans . i . but at home they,re\all yours. What sort of husbands do these pop idols make ? What* )are they like off stage? Alison Entwistle: I d o n t know if John Is any different from anyone else . . . but quite frankly he's very much a home He Just likes to put his feet up and watch television. That's his idea of a good evening. Molly G i b b : Isn't that fantastic. Robin is the same: I used to Imagine him having a terrific time on tour going to parties every night . . . but h e rings up to say how much he wishes he was sitting at home with no one around and how much he envies me, being nice and cosy , while he's In a hotel room. > , Sheila J o n e s : We have to remember' t h a t they can be lonely too. 7
body. ,

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Mary Graham : 1 don't think any of us go out much with our husbands, do we ? I mean, they burn up so touch energy working, their only relaxation is a very qulet-ifalmost suburbanhome Monika Stanshall : Pop stars' home lives don't match up with their images. My husband keeps turtleswe, have 14 of them! j Joanne P e t e r s e n : I n thej pop world success happens so quickly t h a t there-just has to be some Stability. T h a t is why I believe pop stars look for the kind of girl who is a eoodhomemaker. The kind of girl who likes a rather quiet steady home life . . . who can give her husband t h e one thing denied him in his Job . ' , . tranquillity. Alison t n t w i s t l e : . Yes, it's quite a demanding Job. I think k*. we ought to form a- union to * > ^ d e m a n d our rights ... well, not a union but a club . . . a sort of Pop Wives Anonymous to help out with the problems and the loneliness. . ALL: A great idea. Let's Est. 1830 organise it.

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