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Shepherd of the Pines Lutheran Church

1950 125th Street NW Rice, MN 56367 Phone: 393-4295 Pastors Home/Study Phone: 320-363-1323 Email:


Church Website:

Greetings, As we come together as Christians to worship and grow together, let us come having asked the Lord to empower us with something to bring that might encourage others. James 1:5 says, If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. Here is a story that might encourage us to reach out to others: Michelle stared straight ahead and sat still in the lively service. The worship leader annoyed Michelle with his repetitive questions: "How many love God tonight? Isn't God good?" As the congregation loudly responded, Michelle mocked. Inside her mind and emotions she had doubts. She knew that life wasn't as simple as these people seemed to think. In real life people suffer-she suffered. She had a different set of questions: Does God really care? Where is He? Is He able to do anything? Can He help me? While the crowd continued to praise, Michelle bowed her head. Tears spotted her slacks and mascara blackened her cheeks. She started to leave when someone sat beside her and tenderly touched her frail and bent shoulders. A radiant face, outlined with wrinkles and marked with concern, now looked at Michelle. The mature woman gently led Michelle to a quiet room where she patiently listened to Michelle's fears, struggles, doubts, and pain. And when she had finished, the two women wept and hugged. Michelle left that night with a new friend and renewed faith. God now had a face-radiant, wrinkled, and real. God heard Michelle's doubts, turned them into prayers, and sent help. We dont know what is going on inside of those around us, but the Holy Spirit does. As we ask the Holy Spirit to lead us and as we remain open to His leading, God touches others with His healing hand through us. Let God use you each day! Blessings on the journey

God bless you,

Board of Lay Ministry Pending Approval Minutes September 19, 2013

BOLM members present: Pastor Bob, Brad Jasmer, Paul Tschida, Juli Popp, Brent Betker, Keith Hackett, Jay Saldana, Keith Peterson and Deb Erdmann. Properties: Ron Bulthius absent. Keith Hackett called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Pastor Bob opened with prayer. Brent Betker read the mission statement. Treasurers report was reviewed and discussed. Brent made a motion to accept the report followed by a second from Jay. Motion carried. Paul Tschida made a motion to transfer the money from the Christian Ed Scholarship Fund #40200 and put it in the Bible Fund #40182 and eliminate that line item. Motion was seconded by Jay. Motion carried. Motion was made by Brent Betker and seconded by Brad to transfer the money from Other Missions fund #40202 and place it in other Ministries #72000 and eliminate that line item. Motion carried. Motion was made by Paul and seconded by Jay to transfer the funds from #40183 Cookbooks and place $100 in Quilters #40101 and $100 in youth #40181 and eliminate that line item. Motion carried. Motion was made by Brent and seconded by Keith P. to transfer funds from 40140 piano fund to general fund and eliminate that line item. Motion carried. Secretarys report reviewed. Motion made by Paul to accept the minutes. Motion seconded by Brent. Motion carried. Properties: Pastor Bob reported. Stripping of the parking lot will be done this fall. Carpet has been cleaned in classrooms. Church insurance has increased to $6000. To avoid a large penalty, Ron will be waiting to get an estimate with another company until spring. Old Business: Church cemetery. Keith Hackett met with a couple of the members from the Rice Legion. We will be working directly with the Rice Legion since both the City of Rice and the existing cemetery association do not want to be involved any longer. We needed to resubmit an offer. We are waiting to hear back from them. New Business: Worship Shepherd schedule was reviewed through October 27th. Nomination for BOLM. The nominating box and forms can be found on the counter in the narthex. In order to realign the terms of the BOLM, in 2014 one of the four terms that will be up for election will be elected as a 2 year term only, instead of a 3 year term. This will be a one time event in order to balance the terms that are up each year. Looking at purchasing a Wi-Fi Extender. The signal is very low or not existent in the youth room area. The signal needs to be stronger so that everyone in the church can have access to Right Now Media for bible studies. Motion was made by Juli and seconded by Keith P. to start the second service on Sunday November 24th at 11am instead of 10:30am in order to allow enough time for the annual meeting. Reviewed the health insurance and Health Savings Account information for both Pastor and Karen Ellefson. BOLM started preparing for the annual meeting and reviewed budget items. The book study of the The Emotionally Healthy Church will resume in November. Next months meeting will be a Joint meeting with EMT on Thursday October 17th. BOLM President and Secretary signed amendment papers from the District changing the verbiage Circuit Councilor to Circuit Visitor. This summer SOTP Church was a Day Sponsor with Spirit 92.9. Spirit 92 sent the church a copy our Sponsorship Message. Brent played the message to the BOLM. Pastor Bob would like to play it for the congregation. Pastors comments. Pastor Bob read a thank you note along with a donation to the church from Bob and Anita Frank. They thanked the church for all the prayers and support during a difficult time in their life. SOPT Saints are going strong with have 23 kids this year. Leaders comments. None Motion to adjourn meeting made by Brent and seconded by Juli. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:12pm

Closed with prayer from Pastor Bob. Respectfully submitted by Deb Erdmann, Secretary

We have been praying for our church family each week as we go through our church directory from A to Z. As you go about your daily tasks lift a prayer for the family of the week as the Lord brings them to mind. In October we will be praying for: October 6 - Richard & Marlys Lenarz October 13 - Derek & Rachel Lilleberg Child: Samuel Helberg October 20 - Cheryl Lindback October 27 - Garry & Bonnie Loidolt


October distribution is Thursday, October 10th, 3:00-5:30pm at the Old Village Hall

family directory, please email it to the church office and Karen will upload it. If you don't have one, please find Karen on Sunday mornings at church and she can take a nice picture of your family for you. We have not had a very strong response to earlier messages...if you are happy with the photo in the current directory, that is fine--we will forward it to the new one.
ATTENTION ALL THOSE WHO LOVE TO SING! Choir practice has begun and we always welcome new members! Join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:15pm. We love to sing and invite you to sing with us! Our fun group is open to everybody. See you there!

We would like to start updating our church directory. We are missing MANY family photos and would love to include everyone in the updated copy. If you have a photo that you would like to have included in our church


We will be taking up our noisy offering on Sunday, October 20th, for Campus Crusade Thank you for your support and your generous donations!

We would like to thank everyone who joined us for the dedication of "Sontie's Pavillion" on August 21st. A very special thank you to Pastor Bob for the beautiful service that was heartfelt by us and many others. With god, our family and friends supporting and helping us, we hope to continue to enjoy our little corner here on earth by preparing good food, providing great service and surrounding everyone in our homey caf' and peaceful gardens. God bless you and thank you! Sonya & Jordie 2013 THRIVENT APPRECIATION DINNER When: Tuesday, October 8th at 5:15pm Where: Falls Ballroom Cost: FREE for Thrivent members & $5 for nonmembers What: Chicken Kiev, BBQ Ribs, Cheesy Potatoes, Fresh Frozen Corn and a variety of Cheese Cakes RESERVATIONS NEEDED BY

OCTOBER 4TH at 320-632-1655 Carlyle Olsen

To All The Dear Folks of SOTP, For all that you are in Christ, and for all that you do--Thank You. Nina and I appreciate so much your love and care shown to us in the latter half of 2011. I have since "finished" chaplaincy training and I'm looking for a full time hospital chaplaincy. I'd appreciate your prayers. God's best to you all, in Jesus! Bob & Nina Frank

Home Delivered Meals program at Good Shepherd has grown to the point that they are in need of help in order to get meals delivered timely and hot! If there is anyone who would like to volunteer to be a driver (specifically in Sartell) please contact Jenny Zimmer at 320258-8661. God is providing the opportunity to serve a greater number of folks who need meals so Good Shepherd needs our help to fill those needs.

Operation Christmas Child:

Operation Christmas Child update: This touching story was just related at the fall kickoff meeting from Trudy who traveled to Ghana with the boxes. A boy was born deaf

mute. The mother took him to a witch doctor to cure the condition. Witch doctors can ask any payment they want, so he asked for three middle fingers. When this did not produce a cure, the boy was given up to an orphanage. He remained silent, sullen and uncommunicative. When the boxes were given out, he actually smiled when he found a small pair of stretchy gloves. He put them on and for the first time ever he looked like the other children with fingers! Also, a practical tip she shared was to include pencils and school supplies in the boxes, as without their own pencil they cannot attend class. They even find ways of sharpening them against a rock or other such surface. Have fun finding items for these boxes. We were given 100 free boxes to fillso thats our goal this year!
Operation Christmas Child: Please check this list of ideas of things to shop for. Also check for extra copies in the narthex. TOYS small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, small Etch A Sketch, Slinky, toys that light up or make noise(with extra batteries), etc SCHOOL SUPPLIES pens, pencils and sharpener, crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc. HYGIENE ITEMS toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth, etc OTHER Hard candy and lollipops (please double bag all candy), mints, gum, T-shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries) A PERSONAL NOTE In a separate envelope, you may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself or your family. (If you include your name and address, the child may write back to you.) DO NOT INCLUDE: Used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans. Make this a fun family activity and share the love of the Lord with children of the world!

The annual congregational meeting of SOTP will be held between services on Sunday, November 24, 2012 at 9:30am in the church sanctuary. Thank you for attending and lending your voice. Feel free to contact any current board member with any questions you may have.

***Deadline for donated items is November 1st ***

In Acts 6:1-9 as the Apostles were in need of others to help in the ministry they encouraged the believers to choose those who are known to be full of the spirit and wisdom. In keeping with this advice from scripture, Article 4 of our Constitution By Laws says, The Board of Lay Ministry of the church shall be composed of 7 communicant members (male and female), and the treasurer of the church, elected at the annual meeting of the church. They shall be people who have proven faithful to the Lord and His church. They shall also have been communicant members of the church for at least 2 years prior to sitting on the board and shall not be ministry staff members or employees of the church. They also should be people who attend worship faithfully and are involved in ongoing Bible study and a committed life of growing discipleship. Members of the board shall serve three-year terms established on a staggared basis, and may not serve more than two consecutive terms. The Senior-Pastor Director of Ministries shall be an exofficio member of the Board of Lay Ministry. There are two seats open for election onto the BOLM. They are currently held by Deb Erdmann (1st term) and Paul Tschida who will not be running for a 2nd term. Please pray about it, contact the

person to see if they are willing to serve, and submit their name in writing and place it in the nomination box on the counter in the church lobby BY OCTOBER 17th. The congregation will elect two people from the list of nominations at the annual meeting on November 24th. The annual congregation meeting of SOTP will be held between services on Sunday, November 24, 2013 at 9:30am in the church snactuary. The service times for November 24th will be 8:00am and 11:00am. There will be NO ADULT BIBLE CLASS Sunday, November 24th. Thank you for attending and lending your voice. Feel free to contact any current board member with any questions you may have.

Shepherd of the Pines and join us on our journey with Jesus. The class consists of two Saturday sessions: October 26th and November 9th , each class will be 8:30am to 12:30pm with a brunch included. Please sign up on the sheet on the counter in the church lobby so we can plan for food and materials. Our goal is to help each person take steps into Gods good plan and to discover and live out Gods wonderful purposes for their lives. If you have any questions contact Pastor Bob at 393-4295

THE RED CROSS BLOOD MOBILE will be at Shepherd of the Pines on Monday, October 28, from 1:30pm - 6:45pm. Give the gift of life so that others may live. To set up an appointment call Lora @ 393-2701 evenings. Thank you for your support. How do I become a member of SOTP? We offer membership classes to those who would like to become members of The Heart of the Reformation... During October, Protestants celebrate the work of the Reformers: Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin and others who brought about much needed change in the Christian church. Basically, these four teachings were at the heart of their contributions: Word alone The supremacy of the Bible as the surest guide for faith and life.

Join us for a weekend of healing on October 11th-13th to work through the grief that comes with your loss. The weekend is sponsored by Central MN Beginning Experience and will be held at Luther Crest on Lake Carlos near Alexandria, MN. For more information and/or application: Call Jeff 320-260-3635 OR check website: Grace alone The supremacy of undeserved love from God. We are counted as being right with God when we accept Gods love given to us freely, without any human achievement. Faith alone The supremacy of faith. It is only by believing and trusting in Gods promises, and through no works of our own, that we find salvation through Christ. The priesthood of all believers Christians are members of one another (Ephesians 4:25, nrsv). In the eyes of God, we Christians are

all on the same level. We each have a ministry to fulfill to one another and to those outside the faith. Luther said that we are reciprocally and mutually one.
Happy Fall All!! Wow...can you believe we have a month of school down already? Seems as though time just goes too fast! We are off and running for studies and Sunday School for the 2013-2014 year and I am really overjoyed at the new studies. Please check it out in the bulletin for days and times! This year in Sunday School, I am excited we are getting the children into scripture. It is so fun to see them excited for their "gold Nugget" when they do a memory verse. We don't want the kids to be stressed about learning and so they can go at their own pace for the memory work and each week the teachers will take 1 verse and get in depth with it along with a story for the day. I hope that you as parents encourage them to learn. You will be amazed at how much you too will absorb. We are still in need of a 6th grade teacher. Annette Elliott is doing the class now but we will need to cover when she cannot do it. I pray that God moves your heart and that someone will come forward to teach. If we cannot, we may not have a class. Please pray about this. Have you checked out the "Rightnow Media"? It is such a neat web site!! I have had the opportunity to do 3 studies from here and they were really good ones. The neat thing about this site is you can access it from home, study/watch from home, or do a group study from any of them. In some down time, check it out! As we head into the harvest of the year, I pray that God will harvest your mind and hearts to learn more about Him. I pray that He draws you into a close relationship with Him and that His word becomes part of your daily life. I pray that when He calls upon you, that your heart is open to surrender to His whisper. Peace and blessings of the seasons to each of you! Brenda Hackett Small Group Team Leader

Please join me in welcoming the Campus Crusade, Sunday October 20th! Campus Crusade (Cru) is a college ministry focused on sharing the gospel with students and helping them begin and grow in their walks with Christ through bible studies, discipleship, evangelism, and mission trips. Andrew and Emily Paskewitz will be sharing their ministry with us during both services so you will get an opportunity to worship along with them at either service as they share of their journey in helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others; and helping the Body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship! Additional information will be posted in the upcoming weeks! If you have any questions please reach out to me at anytime. Many Prayers and Blessings to All! Michelle Motschke "Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Dont forget to set your clocks back 1 hour on November 2nd!

We will be quilting on October 10th, 17th, and 24th at Shepherd of the Pines from 2:00pm until 8:00pm. Contact Ardelle for more info at 656-5858.

Worship Shepherds

October 6 October 13 October 20 October 27

Brent Betker Keith Peterson Deb Erdmann Brad Jasmer

to share and arrive early to help set up. If your name is first on the list, please arrive 30 minutes prior to the 8:00am service to make coffee. The directions for making coffee are posted on the bulletin board in the kitchen. When you serve fellowship, please plan on serving coffee and treats and cleaning up the kitchen after the first service. The others serving with you would appreciate it!

October 6 October 13 October 20 October 27

8:00am Charlie & Nancy Anderson 10:30am Rich & Robin Hemple 8:00am Brent & Jennifer Betker 10:30am George & Cara Freese 8:00am Al & Bev Gerads 10:30am John & Gloria Hendrickson 8:00am Brian & Heather Statz 10:30am Wayne & Colleen Peterson

October 6 October 13 October Plumski October 27 20 -

M. Lattimer, S. Richter, K. Ellefson, B. Ellefson, T. Popp M. Barringer, K. Craft, C. Schroeder, A. Haaf, D. Erdmann E. Oltz, J. Amundson, J. Gummert, S. Schlichting, G. P. Tschida, B. Motschke, D. Diehl, R. Kreifels, S. Ree Psalm 62:5-8 Luke 15:11-32 Philippians 4:6-7 Matthew 11:28-30 Campus Crusade Romans 12:1 Luke 1:26-38

October 6 October 6 8:00am 10:30am 8:00am 10:30am 8:00am 10:30am 8:00am 10:30am Linda Omann Pam Fuchs Ruth Brutcher George Freese Jordie Stay Carol Trinklein Linda Dirks Howard Forer October 13 October 20 October 27

October 13

October 20

Joan Ramey, Pam Fuchs, Sandie Resch, Nancy Anderson

October 27

October 6 October 13 October 20 October 27

Tim & Melissa Hinderschied DJ Janski Keith & Evie Kirchner Al & Linda Lattimer October 13 October 6

8:00am Bill Paradeis 10:30am Joey Klebs 8:00am Noah Ellefson 10:30am Denise Leahy 8:00am Dennis Arntson 10:30am Noah Ellefson 8:00am Mike Lattimer 10:30am Tristen Aschenbrenner

If it is your turn to serve fellowship, please bring some treats

October 20

October 27

Ernie Oltz, Milton Popp, Jerry Nelson



Jesus Loves...

BobTrinklein,Pastor ChurchPhone:3934295 PastorsHomeStudy:3203631323 SOTP BOARD OF LAY MINISTRY/ELDERS Brent Betker 584-8170, Deb Erdmann, Sec. 393-4279, Keith Hackett, President 393-4531, Keith Peterson, Vice-President 393-4598 Brad Jasmer, 584-5785, Juli Popp, Treas. 393-3353, Jay Saldana 393-2792, Paul Tschida 468-2359 Ron Bulthuis, Church Properties 253-4623 EXECUTIVE MINISTRY TEAM Brenda Hackett - Small Group Team Leader, Michelle Motschke - Worship Team Leader, Maria Traut - Service Team Leader
In case of church cancellation due to bad weather listen to, 98 COUNTRY 98.1, SPIRIT 92.9, KCLD 104.7, WJON 1240, or call the church office and listen to the message.

Shepherd of the Pines Mission Statement: Connecting People to GodTo Othersand To Service The purpose of this congregation is mandated for us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as found in the words of the Great Commission (Matthew 28), namely first of all to Go. To leave our walls of refuge, going into all the world, comprising of our families and neighbors. We plan to achieve our purpose by identifying persons with whom we are particularly well-equipped to serve and reach with the challenge of becoming Disciples of Christ. Second, to Make Disciples or in the words of St Paul, To equip the saints (Ephesians 4:12). This is to be understood as helping people to live the Christian life here on earth. Preparing and encouraging young and old alike to find and to use their God given gifts and abilities for the extension of His Kingdom, and to grow in fervent love for God and for others. Thirdly, to Baptize as commanded by Jesus Himself. As God reaches down to mankind with His means of grace, He would have us baptize His people, bringing them into His family and Kingdom, granting to them life, forgiveness of sins, and eternal salvation. And lastly, to continue steadfast in His Word, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. A continued zeal for the study of His Word, the Bible, is necessary for the growth of any Christian congregation. Thus, the Word of God will be taught and studied in full measure and His Word shall be the rule and norm of this congregations faith and life. To that end, our every effort and energy will be used in motivating, training, and putting to use our time, and talents and treasures to Make Disciples.

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