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How old are you?

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

This shows that our main target audience will be people between the ages of 16-19.

2. Are you male or female?

Red - Male Blue - Female

Male 21 Female - 9 The above chart shows that we had more males in the survey than females.

3. What is your occupation


Full Time Education Full time work Unemployed

Full time education 23 Full time work 2 Unemployed 10 Due to the age of our target audience, it is apparent that most of them are still in full time education; therefore, students are our main target audience.

4. How often do you watch music videos?

How often do you watch music videos

Daily Weekly Monthly

Daily 17 Weekly 10 Monthly 3

Most of our audience survey results show people watch music videos every day. This shows it takes up a large part of their lives and they find music videos entertaining.

5. Do you watch music videos online or on TV?

Do you watch music videos online or on TV

Online TV Both

Online 24 TV - 1 Both 5 This shows most of the audience access music videos online.

6. What is your favourite genre of music?

What is your favourite genre of music?

R&B/Pop Rap Dubstep Techno Bassline Garage Reggae HipHop No Favourite

R&B/Pop - 11 Rap & HipHop - 10 Dubstep - 3 Techno - 1 Bassline - 1 Garage - 1 Reggae - 2 No Favourite - 1 The results of this survey shows that the majority of our survey like Rap and R&B, therefore these questionnaire results are a good reflection of what our target audience think about the rap genre.

7. Would you prefer to watch a music video with a story line?

Would you prefer to watch a music video with a story line?

Yes No Dont mind

Yes - 15 No - 13 Dont mind - 2

The results show that most of the people prefer to watch a music video with a storyline; this will help us when making our video.

8. Do you think a song needs a music video?

Do you think a song needs a music video?

Yes No

Yes 16 No - 14 Most people think a song needs a music video; this is useful for us to know as we are making a music video and people clearly feel it is needed to illustrate a song better.

9. Do you download music or buy CDs?

Do you download music or buy CD's?

Download Buy CD's Both

Download - 19 Buy CDs - 6 Both - 5 The majority of people download their music. This is because downloading music is more sufficient and easier compared to buying CDs. Due to this it is important that our Digipak is attractive enough to persuade the audience to purchase the CD rather than downloading the song online.

10. What sort of setting do you expect in a rap video?

What sort of setting do you expect in a rap video?

Mansions/Cars Urban Neighbourhood Setting relevant to lyrics Artist with girls Club

Mansions/Cars - 5 Urban neighbourhood - 14 Setting relevant to lyrics -1 Artist with girls - 3 Club - 7 The majority of the results tell us that the audience expect to see a rough neighbourhood as a setting in a Rap music video. This is a common convention in this genre and can be reflected in our music video.


Why do watch a music video?


25 20 15 10 5 0 To Be Entertained To Be Informed
Amount Of

This shows that all 30 people watch music videos for the same reason, which is entertainment. Doing our video on an informative based motive would not interest the people we questioned.


Would seeing an advert for an album or song make you seek out the video?

Would seeing an advert make you seek a video?

Yes No Sometimes

Yes 12 No 17 Sometimes 1 This result shows that more people think an advert is not going to benefit their interest, however, 12 people disagree. This result is close so it is important that the advert is still designed correctly as it could gain the interest of some people.


What two of the following would you MOST expect to see in a Rap music video?

Which 2 of the following do you most expect to see in a Rap video?

Jewellery Cars Designer Clothes Women in revealing clothing

Jewellery 9 Cars 12 Designer clothes - 22 Women in revealing clothing 17 This question shows that most people who watch rap videos, associate designer clothes and women in revealing clothing to the genre more than anything else.


If you purchase a CD, what would encourage you to do so?

When purchasing a CD, what would encourage you to do so?

The Advert The Cover Other

Advert 8 Cover 8 Other 14 This result implies that the advert and cover are equally important when people are buying a CD however 14 people picked Other and the majority of the comments were based on whether the individual likes the artists previous songs and the artists brand name and recognition.

15. If people were talking about a certain music video, would that encourage you to go and watch it?

If people were talking about a video, would it encourage you to watch?

Yes No

No 17 Yes 13 This result was fairly close. A lot of people said that if people were talking about a video, then they would go and seek it out, however 17 disagreed.

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