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challenges where thousands of people around th e world work together to achieve their goals and dreams. Search 21DJC Day 6 What Frustrates You? This is Day 6 of the 21-Day Journaling Challenge (21DJC) for Nov 2011. View list of tasks: 21DJC Overview . Hi everyone Welcome to Day 6 of 21DJC! Yesterday s question was: Who Is the Most Important Person to You in the World? . As usual, I had a lot of joy reading your responses . Some of you stated your mo m as the most important person to you. Some of you said your father. Some of you said it was yourself. Some of you said your child(ren). Some of you said your s pouse. Then there wereother answers, including God / a higherpower / spirit, you r pet, your friends, etc. There s no right or wrong answer, because what s important to us is relative. The sa me for all other questions posed in 21DJC there is no such answer as a one, true answer. There s only what s true for yourself, and the objective of 21DJC is to inv ite you to reflect, connect with your inner self, and growing through the self r eflection. If you haven t not realized, the very process of answering the questions for the p ast 5 days have helped to clarify your thoughts. Some people may look at the que stions and think Ah, I ll thinkabout it later or This is too much for me and I can t be bothered to think . But for these people, they feel resistant toward the question s becausethey re in a mental fog. And this fog doesn t go anywhere until they sit do wn and properly think about what they are resisting. By thinking about who is the most important person to you in the world, ithas he lped you to gain awareness of who matters the most to you, and hopefully, made y ou realize how much you should treasure him/her. You live only once, so don t hold back on your emotions towards this individual, thinking that you have next time . Be true to him/her and let him/her know of your gratitude towards him/her. Be gr ateful to the universe for bringing him/her into your life. Me, the most important person in my life is my higher self. My parents are among the dearest to me in this life. Soare my best friends , and good friends. And t he same goes for all of you out there in this world; the very people whom I ve ded icated my life to help to grow and live your best lives. There is no dispute tha t all of you are infinitely important to me. But my higher self the person who orchestrated my birth into this world, who has been watching me silently all this while, who has been supporting me in my life , who has been with me through thick and thin, who has alwaysgiven me strength t o carry on is pretty much the reason why I m even here, in this world. There s still so muchI don t know; so much I have not done; so much I have to do, and I know th at my higher self will be with me all the way till the end, to guide me, to supp ort me, and to carry me whenever needed. Because of her, I m here. Because of her, I m now living in alignment with myhighest self. I m far from being my highest self yet, though I m working in that direction. The day will come whenI will come full circle with her, and I look forward to t hat happening one day, soon. Important: Get Your Gravatar Some of you have gotten yourself an avatar since the start of the challenge, whi le many of you are still appearing as Red PE Logos! (i.e., the default profile p icture that appears beside each comment) While I love the PE logo, I would love even more to see an individualized pictur e when I read your writings. I m sure the other participants would love that too! It can be your real life photo, to a picture of your favorite flower, to your pe t, to some scenery, to some quirky text. The point is to let your true self shin e. To set your custom profile picture, visit Gravatar , register your account (Impo rtant: Make sure it s the same email as the one you use in your blog comments) and

upload your profile picture. Your picture will automatically be reflected in al l your blog comments where you had filled out the same email address as the one in your Gravatar account. Look forward to seeing your new profile pictures! With that said, let s now move to Day 6! 21DJC Day 6 After reflecting on the most important person in our life, today s question brings us to a different emotion but avery true one. Today, I d like you to reflect on: What Frustrates You? Think about the times when you tend to feel frustrated. What typically happens i n those times? What is it about those incidences that frustrate you? And why? Put on your reflection cap and let your thoughts flow. Below is an empty form wh ich you can use to write your answers to the question. Treat it as your private 21DJC journaling room , if you will. You will be seeing this form every day, for th e 21 days of the challenge. There s a button for you to keep track of your word co unt too, if you re interested. (Note you will not see the form below if you re viewing this in your email client. Visit the actual post online to see the form.) What Frustrates You? [include_HTML:] Your Task Today: 1. Reflect and answer today s question . There s no word limit whether minimum or ma ximum. Writeas few or as many words as you want. It s all up to what you want toex press! 2. Share your answer . After you are done writing, copy and paste your answer in the comments area and post it there. 3. Check out other participants answers . Other participants will be sharing thei r answers too, so feel freeto read and reply to their answers . This is a group course, so let s support each other in these 21 days. Look forward to reading your answers! This entry was posted on Friday, November 11th, 2011 at 5:00 pm and is filled un der: 21-Day Journaling Challenge 248 Responses to ??DJC Day 6 What Frustrates You? Laurel Says: November 11th, 2011 at 5:19 pm This is a difficult one, not because I m never frustrated, but because it s hard to describe with words. Sometimes I feel frustrated when I working hard at my job a nd people constantly remind me about things that are already completed. Other ti mes, I m frustrated when I m driving down a country road and the driver behind me wa nts to passme, but can t, so settles for tailgating. Or I could get frustrated whe n doing a school assignment and just when I turnit in, I find out there was this whole other part I forgot to do. Usually, I try not to let it get to me. If I m home, I look at calm pictures of tr ees on the internet, but if I m driving,it s sometimes hard to get it out of my mind . I guess the reason these instances frustrate me is because most of them have to do with impatience. I have a difficult time understanding this in otherpeople be cause I ve never felt that rush-rush impulse myself. Oh well, I suppose frustration is just another opportunity for self-improvement, and that s something I m passionat e about, so bring it on! Like: +2 May Says: November 11th, 2011 at 5:30 pm What is sad is that when I read this, I realize that everything frustrates me. T he littlest things to the major incidents always frustrates me. I have alot of p et peeves, I am easily angry at other people, I am OCD about some useless things I shouldn t be OCD about. Then, when I am angry, I wouldrant to my closest friend s. I feel like I am always ranting to them about the same things over and over a gain. Then I start to feel bad that I m ranting to them, yet I do it again. It feels like a repeated cycle of frustration. Although I want to fix it, I can t.

I will reflect on that now that I ve typed it all out. Communication seems like t he best way to fix it as of right now. I need to communicate to people about why they are frustrating me. Like: +2 Mary Jane Hoover Says: November 11th, 2011 at 5:31 pm there are many things that frustrate me. People who want others to do their work for them. Leaches who cling on for what ever reason an drain the life out of you. when I can.t plan and carry out that plan because I lose motivation and perserve rence. I am hoping that will change. Not having a routine for myself. I can t follow a routine and would like to become self dicplined enough to finish what I start. I have a hard time planning becau se I just seem to keep planning and never really work after the planing, and find mys elf gravitating away from the task on hand. focus or the inability to focus if a d to the plan. I need to plan effectively make a plan and work the plan. Why does it seem as I just plan and plan, but when they come they are exhausted.and cant seem to do mu ch more. I am tired as soon as I wake up. This frustrates me because I dont get anything done. Like: +1 Kamal Says: November 11th, 2011 at 5:50 pm I get frustrated when someone I know, try to take me for granted. Evenafter tell ing them that I m busy at some point of time, they still want me to help them out of the way. I love helping others .but not at the cost of getting financial loss t o myself. Such people who try to use me only for theirgood, frustrates me a lot. People who orders me instead of requesting, frustates me like hell. I also get frustrated when I see corruptpeople around me. Yes, politicians in my country are counted in the top lists of corruption in the world. I hate corrupt ion and always dreamt that my country would be corruption free one day. I get frustrated when I get lots of junkin my mobiles Message Inbox .Some ofmy fri ends keeps me sending unnecessary stuff through sms throughout the day, I told t hem not tosend so many sms s daily .but they keep on emptying their inbox by filling mine. I also gets frustrated when I see injustice with anyone whether he / she is known to me or not . I always tried my level best to work on what frustrates me .and on a certain level I get success ..But there s a lot to be done still. Like: +1 Emma Says: November 11th, 2011 at 6:14 pm every time, my performances were not up to my expectation. I felt frustrated. I know it s just because I set too many goals for myself. Yet, we just live once.I need to take most out of it! I know if i can manage my time, every thing can be finished as planned! SO, i just want I can achieve my goals on time. Like: +1 Ivona Says: November 11th, 2011 at 6:33 pm Hmmm well this topic may be of most use yet, for me. Cause I never stoppedto reall y think about it. Cause I can be moody. In fact my teachers used to describe me as by her mood you can predict will she excel or be quiet and do the asignments b adly . That is quite a flaw my behavior is very dependenton my current emotions. T hat s also why I am not an excellent communicator one day I can be the super frien dly, funniest and most interesting person; next day I can be cold, cynical like, i n my own shell. I do believe emotions I don t know how toput this .I do believe that w e live trough what we feel. Everything that happens is perceived trough our emot ional impression, important persons in our life are important because of how we

feel about them and in reaching goals, the emotional background is what pushes u s forward. My parents constantly tell me that I don t posses self-discipline. (actually they nag!) But lately I am starting to notice that I do have a certain weakness towar d myself. And this is very bad. Not in the way that it stops me from functioning normally, but that overcoming that weakness could make me so much more. And I h ave a tendency to quit I am a perfectionist and if something gets not-exactly-as -planned, I might as well trow the whole thing out of the window. And I don t know if others get those feelings, is it hormones, puberty, PMS or do I simply have a bad personality, but every few weeks, there comes a period when I want to get out of my skin (don t know if you understand me,this is a phrase in my language, not sure if there is an equivalent in english ). Period that I feel bad, I become cynical, and I can t stand the world, but mostly I can t stand myself .The word FRUSTRATION pretty much sums up how I feel. Just went trough a few of those days, then when I waked up feeling good again this morning, it was such a relief. Like my creative, positive, happy energy was turned back on again. There is a concept of flow . When everything goes smoothly, your mind is clear and calm like water, you are in control of everything, and that control comes natura l, there is no struggle, justa perfect peace, productivity and the ability to ha ndle everything, perfectly. Without fuss. I feel like that 10% of the time. And it is such a great feeling. It s the ideal. Than there are normal days. You feel mostly happy, positive, confident, somethin g gets you angry, but it passes, and overall you feel good. 65% of the time. An okay phase. Not the best, but perfectly comfortable. Then there are days when I feel totallyunmotivated, lazy, even envious, I become harsher to others, and I can t get myself moving towards my goals. Itmakes my phy sically inactive too. I feel like skipping college, not seeing friends,but just plopping down in front of the TV and eating comfort foods. I may also feel infer ior, boring, not smart enough, ugly, fat, etc. That period usually lasts 3 days to a week, so let s say 25% of the time. But it sometimes feel like eternity. Gues s time really is relative And than one day I just wake up feeling good again. That same way, I just suddenly enter inflow, or over the course of a day everyth ing becomes gloomy and I m in my bad phase. What frustrates me in life are two things: 1. me generally not holding enough power over myself 2. that period when I am become the bad person So what I need to do is slowly gain more control over my motivations, feelings, behaviors. I think introspectionis an important step. It clear s out the mental fo g. Many people think that is a waste of time. But there is a proverb If you give me two hours to to cut down the big,deep rooted tree, I ll spend the first hour s harpening the saw. Since most things are in our head,and certainly have started in our head, ithink that s a good place to start cleaning out bad behaviors. As th at man in the Peaceful Warrior says Take out the trash.The trash is up here *and he points the finger to his head* I write a lot. I am one of the people who has the highest word count on the boar d. But to me personally, it is the whole point of journaling and introspection. I transcript my words exactly, from my head to the screen, and it comes out fast er than I can reallycriticaly think it over in my conscious mind. So I write thi ngs down, and I think, wow, this is how I really feel about that and than. I did n t realize it before. And that s the worth I get from all this. My thoughts sharpen , get clearer. The fog is cleared out. There are many things that I can say are frustrating, around me, like politics, sleepwalkers and decaying off good values. But continuing in the spirit of yeste rday s question, I am focusing on me. Other things are out of areas of my influenc e. Therefore, it s pointless to give them a thought. I can only strive to be the b est me, give my best to the world, and then maybe it can improve the world itsel f. And that s theonly thing I can really do about the outer world Like: +3 Glenn Says: November 11th, 2011 at 6:43 pm

What Frustrates Me? There aren t too many things I must say. The main would probably be unimportant things that I know will require time to d eal with. A good example being the weeds in the garden that are always out of co ntrol. Ican spend hours removing them, but within a week, and even more so wheni t s been raining, they ll be back again. Removing them consumes the time I could be using to do something else more important. But I am looking into better ways of dealing with them. I should also mention clients who don t want to pay me for the work I ve done. There was one guy yesterday. I shot and edited two videos for him andhe told me he s no t happy with either of them, and without giving me a proper reason why? With any work I do, I offer a revision to make any changes that need to be made. I rarel yhave to make changes, and can only think of two previous videos where theclient s weren t happy with their video. But in those cases it was due to how they came a cross appearance wise in the video, so it was no fault of mine. This guy yesterd ay though wasn t evenwilling to have any changes made, wants me to give him the fi les, but still tells me he won t pay me what s owingfor the work done. I told him no . The only possible reason I can think of is that he doesn t have the money, so is making out that I ve done a bad job as an excuse not to pay. It s happened before t oo. When these people are broke for whatever reason, but still want the work don e, they ll look for any reason they can use as an excuse to try and get out of pay ing. I m sure this happens to many other small businesses. I ve already decided to n o longer do that kind of work, so hopefully I will never have to deal with these kind of people again. Narrow minded people can frustrate meat times too. But overall, I ve learnt how to deal with them, so they don t really concern me anymore. In a way, I now expect t hat attitude from a lot of people by default. I know there s nothing I can do abou t it. The problemlies with them as a result of how they ve been programmed, either through the media, or other narrow minded people who may be their familyor clos e friends. Bad drivers used to frustrate me also, but thankfully they don t really bother me anymore either. If I see an idiot in traffic now, usually I ll forget about them w ithin a few minutes. Bills all appearing in the mail at the sametime can be frustrating too. Looking at them and thinking we have to pay this, this, this and this all by the end of t he month . I should be used to them by now though And that s about it. I could probably think of a few other insignificant things,bu t they honestly woudn t be worth mentioning! Like: +1 Fiat Says: November 11th, 2011 at 7:22 pm Interesting question, for the past 2 years, I ve try not to frustrate and focus on what I really want. Nevertheless, upon reading the question, a voice in myself said am I really never feel frustrated or did not want to admit the frustration. Well, the frustration is there, but concealed for my will to focus on what I rea lly want. To answer the challenge, I have to admit, what frustrate me is when I didn t reach my goal and I m demotivated after several tries. Then starting to find some excuse and procrastinate all or some action neededto be taken as a process to reach my goal. (hmm, typing and admitting it makes me feels relieve. strange ) Like: +1 Engine2 Says: November 11th, 2011 at 7:29 pm Many things frustrates me but among them the most frustrating ones are: 1. Knowing what needs to be done and yet not being able to get it done even thou gh I had tried. 2. Trying to do something well but in the process somehow lost track and didn t co me back to it . 3. Not able to do something as good asI want to be. 4. Start off with a lot of hope and enthusiasm but along the way lost the energy

and will to continue 5. Feeling sorry for myself. 6. Feeling powerless and helpless. 7. Knowing its in my gene and can t correct it, ie a character issue 8. Being fearful. 9. Not being true to myself. 10. Not speaking my mind. 11. Not expressing well. 12. Afraid of showing others who I truly am. 13. Afraid of being judged or criticized. Like: +1 cloudio Says: November 11th, 2011 at 7:34 pm I feel you pain, I tend to be the same. Just a question, what is OCD? Like: 0 Cyndi Says: November 11th, 2011 at 7:52 pm I find myself impatient and even frustrated when people seem to take longer to f inish their tasks than it seemsto me it should. This can be anything. If it take s too long (according to me) for a car to turn right, for my son to finish his h omework, for my husband topick out a product at the grocery store(he reads all t he pricing labels for comparison shopping), I tend to get impatient or frustrate d. Other things that frustrate me are when people, who are supposedly in charge (e. g., a manager), fail to do their job. Of course, I think I know what their job i s and think I could do it better:-) I also get frustrated by peoplewho fail to d o what they say they will and when people don t clean up after themselves. In general this feeling of impatience or frustration generates physiological cha nges: I clamp or grit my teeth and tense up. I sometimes don t even notice that I m frustrated until I notice these physiological changes. The best thing for me to do when I m feeling this way is to take a deep breath and remember that I can t cont rol other people. I can only control myself and my reactions. Then I try to find a more positive and patient reaction. Like: +1 aileen Says: November 11th, 2011 at 7:59 pm Wasted potential. What frustrates me is people who do the bare minimum and don t put in the extra ef fort. They do not value hard work or see a need to be excellent. I see this espe cially in the younger generation (and I am only 33!). It is extremely hard to fi nd good help even when jobs are scarce. You think peoplewould step up their game to get hired by working harder, taking risks and putting themselves out there. But even when they are handed an internship, for instance, they do not value the opportunity and see the potential for advancement. I am extremely saddened by classroomswhere the teachers are trying very hard jus t to get their students to achieve the bare minimum and teachers get blamed for their students poor performance. So not fair. Entitlement frustrates me. Laziness frustrates me. Stupidity frustrates me. People skating by doing just the bare minimum with no higher aspirations is very , very sad. Why be alive if you aren t going to *do* something with your life? Like: +2 cloudio Says: November 11th, 2011 at 8:04 pm I am definitely too frustrated. On an ordinary day, everything bother me. Opportunistic and superficial people, the ones who refuse help, when I don t meet my goals, that I haven t learned yet to let go of things easily. Being intimately so unforgiving and tormented, while outside I appear the opposite. That sometimes I see something is truewith my mind or my heart, still I can t adhe

re, Like believing the first and maybe only step for remove my frustration is just a ccept what it is, nevertheless I forget this too often. Whatever, thanks also who posted before me, I feel better now Like: 0 Peggy Says: November 11th, 2011 at 8:26 pm Stupidity frustrates me. Useless paperwork frustrates me. Drug and or alcohol ab use that steals life and joy frustrates me. Like: +2 Peggy Says: November 11th, 2011 at 8:27 pm Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Like: +1 AH888 Says: November 11th, 2011 at 8:29 pm I have health issues and complications that I am dealing with right now, so thos e things frustrate me the most. The side affects of medication. The time spent w aiting in doctors offices. The stigma around my conditions. The feeling that the re s something wrong with me. Some doctors are wonderful, but I get frustrated with the doctors who condescend to me. I m frustrated with how my health condition has taken over my life, every aspect of my life from eating to sleeping has been altered. I m frustrated because I want my life back! I want to be able to do everything I used to do before wit houtany problems. I want to be able to enjoy going to dinner with my husbandagai n. I hate these new limitations. I want to be healthy again. My message to all of you: Don t take the little things for granted. Appreciateyour body and all the things it can do! Like: +5 AH888 Says: November 11th, 2011 at 8:31 pm Dear Laurel, I think your feelings are shared by many. I definitely get frustrated when someo ne is tailgaiting me, or when they aggressively cut me off. You seemlike a very grounded person and it sounds like you have a very healthy attitude about those things that come next page 1

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