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VOLUME II Harbor Springs, Mich., November 17, 1922. NO. VII

T.he Class of 24 E'ntertains The At M. E.
Faculty With a Par:y in the Do-
mcJJtic Science Room Thur.
Chulrch Basement-Union
Affair George N. Gould, Gen.
November Nint h
w,. H. MiUer
Cn Monday of 'last week the Jun-
A committee from the Presbyter-
iors ass-mbled in room thrBe l:o" a ian and Methodist chur ches met
discu: sion of sever al evEmts. One Mondlay e vening in Dr. L. W. Ga r<d-
t,eing our pmty which we de-
ner's office for t he purpose of mak-
in:; plans for a. Father and Son ba n-
quet The Committee was corr:oposeu
of Rsv. W. G. Carlwn, Dr. L. W.
Ga. dner, G N. Gouf. d, W. H. Miller,
cided on having ooming Thurl!!-
day. It wns to be a pot luck suppe-r
p.nd all Oif th.e h' gh school t eache.r.s
were invited.
I'orothy, chairman of the "Com- Henry Swift, A. J. F1aunce and C. P.
mitte e of El'"\ts!' of course had to Hanna.
hurr y h.'3r to think of dei' iclous It d 'd d t k th b
was ec1 e n ma. e e a11
thin:g.s tbja.t would appall our . t 't ffa' a d hold 't
. quEJ . a commum y a 1r n 1
t t :>. 'on the evening of Fridiay, December-
and Ho'den were very 'busy 8, in the Methodist church bas ement.
ta.hlBs an:d running er- G N. Gould was elected as .general
rands chairman. The oomomittee on ar-
At Ja r t school W'I S out and busy consists of C. F. Erwin,
.Jun'o-1 bloIJ1e
"./'1d brought s. D. Leahy, \.. J Faunce, W. J ..
11'1 stea ming hot mysteries In cover- Ritterskamp., Dr. Gm h 3,m, Frank
ed dishes. Baile y 1and E J. Hanna. Music
The teachms !Were prompt, as of committee: E. H. Mead, Rev. Ozan
couTtse, I suppose f:rom, naturally, ne, and Mr,s. E. P. Leic'k. Toastma::,-
force of h.abit. t er: W. H Miller.
Then eame the 'big event.
The boys t the girl s. Mr .
Bond and Miss Well s joined in this
Jram1e while at t he other end o f the
Gym r;!: ames we're going; on for those
who did not p'a y ba seball.
The Ladies Aid s.odeties ,.of the
Methodi-st and Pret;;byteian church-
es will unite t o serve the banQuffi' .
50c p E!r rp':>.t e will be ch>arged a;nd alt
men and hoys in t he community ar e
ed pr ovided they oome fath er
with son, it matte-s not whose fa th.-
The boys of course threw the or whose .son.
?"i ris sorr.oe ! swift b:t l's but .. - - - ---
they will have t o :ot dmit that the
g irlfl gave it t o them just a s Tl-J e Chorus and G' ee Clubs ar e
swift ly as sent. worling on t he e.p- retta " A Na'..l ' i-
Mr. Sc?.'.f W' .<; 0'1.11-sd i n to Ynot'' Th.'s wil l be given about
(continued On page 3 COl. 2 the thir d week in December.
Pwblished weekly by the Harbor
Springs Htgh School.
Subsc:ription price: 50c per year.
Ch :u les L. Beckon Editor-In-Chief
was Iost. Wh::t.t :did he do? Be-
of the p ep and the s chool spir -
it, displayed by the whol e school,
lbacking him-he >pi ,yed to the end
a.nd won.
Lct er Stanton Business Manager rne must have eonl'idence in him-
Cecil Willis Ass't. Editor s elf, in his' ability,' in his s chool and
IDarl DerLaVergne Ass'tl. Editor most '01f all det;ermina Uon a nd en
Theodor e- Blackman Athletic Editor thusiasm to wcoomplish a nything.
Mamie Wheaton Joke Editor When you have those thing.s, you
"Come on, gang, l et's go! " Yes,
wh.y don't we get together rand go?
Why ha.ven't we got more pep in this
s chooll?
can't 1-os,e.
Wh.n a plr<t yer is on the f.i eld, its
t]l,e ne.p nf the school thl1.t keeps him
g- n' n!!' . When b.e i . away d'rom home
th"> mnmiohy of ;that pep J;hat
ml<t kes h.' m. push on to the goal.
noUJe "'1. fOilks, l1ets this .,_
Hvel v school. one noted .for its en-
Har!!Jor Springs h <t s a s cho-ol noted t.h:" <R<irQ . .srrrt [<>,n:rl f1o l' nushing- any pro-
lllor itp. high ds lt. may h.<tve thru to the end. - A
It is considenCI one Of the best Student.
scb.nol of its in .Michigan. Why
can't it be the perppi est school? If
everyone got t og ether, 'Cooper at ed,
gort some pep and .s.ome r eal school
spir it w(e would h:etve a school noted
for its ability to push things thru
a nd make E-verything hum.
mo-nin>< {'.banAl exerdses
W" r e h.eJd in the h;P.: h s chool. Af.+p,r
t.h P. s p, hool sang a few songs, M:Z.. F.
Rail ey 'r' ea.d th o twenty se >"Pnthi
which tb e wmea.t-
the I;ord's PrevAr. Rev. Carlson
Everyone snys that it rwas because t.h<>n e-ave a fine on th e things
the ,f,c,otbaH t eam IDflt en inrl:l 'in high s cb.o:ol i'1d n ot in
t eams rand [)'lOre experi enced prrayerb books.
t hat they lost. I s ay it was not ! In this l"i\lk he s'lid we wou1d not
Ther e was only one thing the boys always r emember the s:necWc things
racked, a nd we-the are- if s chool but in the process of
nesponsirble .for that l wk. If we groan<; thru we would gain
.gone out ther e and put some pep m- 111,uch we would neve . , forgot .
to boys tb.ev oould have gone He t oH o.f m ' .'lY Chi mgo graduat es the top. I.f when they wer e whiO had mada .good rl."')idaruse they
playing, the boys had known that WETe consistent in work. Em
the who-l e c:chool was ba ck of them nhas;i.s was placed on the fact that
.- tbem on, they rcould have the stud ent who did Jittl1e wor k and
done lffi'() St anything.. As it was ,..0 t good r1 w ks wR.s not the average
did th.ey have to work fo,. ? W1th man Olf high s tanding in the world
hal'f of t he school on one .side Otf the t odaY. h ut the one who b,ll.d to work
fi eld and hhlf on the nppsite, how t]l e on l osson wf'ts the one
muc cooperation have you? who got the most out o f it.
In ph.ying basket ball last year, I Another one of the good thing's h e
Jrnc.w .of a 'boy who f ell to the floor . said w<> s that we s eldom
'T'h e students cheer ed for him, push.- ili.<tt tbiat c:Olll el!?'(e>
oil him to h is rf eet and on to play. say. 'but the one bi g thing we do re-
onnonents wer e aeq,dlng in the member a bout them isr their person-
Rcore. Evervone kne'V if that, f ellow /'1.lit v th8.t th.e thing a t fer
the best guard, went out, the .gall118 whi ch rweo model our li'ves.
Junior Class Gives Party
(continued from page 1 col 1)
the- giNne and do you know the girls
thought the game was one-
in sided.
Ask Liberal Support
Be Made Soon Drive to
The score was eight lfor th.e g!rrls
by Scouts and ? for the- boys.
Hbh'Je\n Wr.J4essl ej, the bulsy chair-
'11Jl,n of th.e progr am Committee, W::J5
. to th.3 advance in fuel and showing us some new g,ames which
the making of nectssary r ep>:drs on nroved interes ting. They were most
the Librrary1 th.'l H.aJJbor !Spring\'; o.f them n81W to us.
Chri stian Asrs1ociation We we-rre given sJirns of paper witb.
funds t o cn.r Y on the work of the " number on and were supnosed to
library. Manv of the t e::t ch.ers in the the same num'ber in the oppo-
pulblic schools and t he istudent or- sex as partners rfor Fupner.
'ganizntions have s.ignifi ed their de- Then ,wR all m'P'CPerl into thP. Do-
-Ei r e to assist in .secnng funds in U room ""n hP-
del.' that the libmry may be kept >, pld four bP'l''Ffn1lv s <> t with
open t,his rwintjet. Thr1re wiPI 'be ' " p'a nt in th'l c"'nter of each
in the near future a cam- "qh'e.
' V:::I.c::; ih:, H r> i l" nq <:l .nrt 1v jth,
pagn for mtiirber ship in th.isr 1asso- ,A,_ """" J,., oldnlg wA en-
ciaUoru conduct ed by the boy anu <ov" rl our
girl s.couts and i/ is hoped th1t the
After we had ea.tPn. Karolvn Pow-
citizens of this community wrn re-
s pond .generous'y to their appeal.
<>rs. our pre.side'llt, go,v"' a t all{
n g- ojn as gnring the t eqchers of th.'lir
Assn., .,; f'l'.come a,nd how we
Springs Christian
W. G Clarlson
!Mrs. J. T. Clarke
Ca rl L. Wright
Mr.;. L. W. Gardner
Dr. F . A. Grah am
Mrs. Franc Sou,t haru
t horn.
Then Ml'. F . Bail ev and Miss New-
romb led us in a la"ge number of
pr etty and merry
Time went too f ast__,we were h.<lV-
hg such a. fine time and If.anned
G. N. Gould
r 1ore games, but did not have time
Di ecto., .
to play them.
HowPver , sever al went back to the
and hlad a g::tmFl Orf bombard
Th(J party broke up .earli er tha,.
The s eats for the High. School Ly- 1r ost p1.rti eos bec::tuse of school the
.ceum Course may be r es erved on li'l ' :t day.
{hturday mor ning, at 9:00 at Lanes All r eport a fine time .
Drug store. The r es srved seat
chart willl be found at thi s place, af- AMERirCAN LITERATUR:=:-
t -: r this time, until Thursday Novem-
b er 23, 6: uo p. ll1. Se::tson ticket s Davtis : " Th e
may a:so be rtougl'/ ra t L<tne' s Drug w:t.s fift een
Dtore. r; _,al,e' s death.
y : ars
aft er
rJ r7Jlr! , fJ
Boo<J!od Moore won in a spell-
down in the Fifth room.
Clyde Curkendall and Mo: ton Grif-
fen hawe returned to school after :..
few days a'bsence on a.ccount of Ill-
I I I I I I I I I lol I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'
jorganizations j
I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..... +'+-.-
Earl J 1illeret is 31psent from
school on account Olf illness.
Leo Zuber, our treasuPer, has gone
to Dl8troit.
The Latin cLasiSes la{re getting ar
Dong very well and are r eady for the
"dreaded" mid eem-este.J"I.
T ea;cher : (to 'boy wb.o failed to r e- ---- ---- -
move his CaJP' when entering the Mr. Ba.iley: "Name two t ypes of
ll'oowf.) "Cl';esteJ-,, didn',t }'IOU forget
your Qa.p?" Ford. "The 'biee1' and lard."
Boy: ( bts cap.) "No, I got
Mr. Bailey: "Name some eoonomic
------ insects."
Mr. Bond:" LucUe, who in ;yoour E.sther P: "There are many econ-
opinion is. the greatest scientist ot omic insects.. Birds are the most
today?" common.
Lucile: (a;bsently) "Orville Rose."
Two new Singer sewing machines
J-lwe been to the Hom-e Econ-
omics department. The dep-artment
Th.9 Scout anplication ,blanks ar e
rPady. Any hoy over twelve years
of age may have one by asking a
Scout or the Scou+masteo-.
P"ill now have musi.c in the sewing
The Eighth Grade have jn:st finish-
F'rank Bwqev: why ed the ir second 'book report ; a book
you unders'\"nd th1.s .proposf- of own choice. lot't as
easy as It Rounds.
Fannie: 'IBeo1uRe there is neither
head nor ,*.ail to it."
Miss Byc,fb "Wol\l ld von mind
ruttinP," your High School Life" away
St.uden+, "Yes m<t'ilJtD." the pap-
er is qui-ckly slipped out of sigb.t. '
First. Gnde Child: "Mtss Dav1::;,
does this school belong to Miss De-
The Seventh Gn<tde boys are finish-
ing the!ir drawings and are ready to
th.e fi, f1f. probcr>zms in wood
The Sixth Grade bovs in
t raining are just finishing their sec-
ond p>oblem. They are l earning to
work accurate dimensions from blu(l
dear. It b elongs to M!"l. Bail- SYNONYMS-
Mr. F. Bailey-Where's your_ ex-
LQIST- One perfectly powder J,,a.
puff. Return to Ha7.el Rose and r c- Rola nd Taylor--;Petoskey. due rewar d Chester Martinda?e- High school
LQIST- Pe:ifectly !'ODd temp2r last aJw,ays.
Saturd:ty. Skinny Wac-d. Esther
Jol;{. oo\.1.3

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