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Nom: ______________________________________ Endavant Vaig darrera un somni gaireb ja el toco, x una veu dins del meu cap diu

que ho deixi crrer. Cada pas que jo faig cada cop que ho provo no em serveix per res i sento que em perdo. Per no, no parar seguir amb el cap ben alt. Ms enll daquestes muntanyes, s que trobar el meu cam malgrat que el cam faci pujada i que perdre sigui el ms segur. I ms igual quant tardi a arribar-hi, i ms igual el que em pugui costar perqu jo seguir: endavant. Els reptes que em poso: maneres de crixer, alguns cops em doblegaran per, tornar a aixecar-me. La tristesa dara mha de donar fora, doncs ara s que sc capa de deixar-la enrera. Per no, no parar seguir amb el cap ben alt. Ms enll daquestes muntanyes, s que trobar el meu cam malgrat que el cam faci pujada i que perdre sigui el ms segur. I ms igual quant tardi a arribar-hi, i ms igual el que em pugui costar perqu jo seguir: endavant.

Data: _____________

The climb I can almost see it That dream Im dreaming but Theres a voice inside my head sayin, Youll never reach it, Every step Im taking, Every move I make feels Lost with no direction My faith is shaking but I Got to keep trying Got to keep my head held high Theres always going to be another mountain Im always going to want to make it move Always going to be an uphill battle, Sometimes you going to have to lose, Aint about how fast I get there, Aint about whats waiting on the other side Its the climb The struggles Im facing, The chances Im taking Sometimes they knock me down but No Im not breaking The pain Im knowing But these are the moments that Im going to remember most yeah Just got to keep going And I, I got to be strong Just keep pushing on, Theres always going to be....

Ms enll daquestes muntanyes...

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