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Semester I
1. Greeting and Leave-taking Greeting Good morning (until about lunch time, or before 12 a.m) Good afternoon (12-6 p.m) Goood evening (until about 9 p.m) Hi! Hello. Initial Greeting How are you? How its going? How are you doing? Hows life? Responding Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Hi! Hello

Responding Very well, thank you and how are you? Im good/okay/alright Very well, thank you Oh, pretty good No too bad, thanks Fine, thanks Exellent

Example Woman Man Woman Man Woman

: : Good morning. : Good morning. : Hows life? : Great, thanks. And how are you? : Fine too, thank you.


Pre-closing O.K. then . Ive to go now So, Ill see you next week I think Id better be going now Well, its time for me to leave I think its already late at night I must be going home

Closong/Leave-taking Good bye Bye, bye See you, take care See you later See you soon See you tonight Good night Page

: Good afternoon. Whats the problem?

Man Woman Man Woman Man Woman

: I have a fever and very bad headache. : I see. How long have you had this fever? : For three days. : All right. Id like to examine you, then. Mmmm . : Does it look too bad? : No, it doesnt look to bad. Heres a prescription for some medicines. Call me if you are not better by the day after tomorrow.

Man Woman

: Thank you, doctor. Good bye. : O.K. Get better soon.

2. Expressing Feeling Expressing Happiness Oh, Im so happy I cant say how pleased I am. I had a splendid time there What a marvelous place Ive seen Its an outstanding adventure Its a n interesting experience Its a sensational trip Great! Exciting! Fantastic! Super! Terrific! Smashing! ExpressingBoredom I think it was a boring holiday It sounds boring Its totally/awfully boring Im rather borred How borring! I dont think the trip was very interesting Im fed up with it Its totally borring The film is awfully borring How borring! How unexciting! Im fed up with all your grabbling! Dull Not interesting Expressing Disappointment Thats very disappointment I must say Im really disappointment Its a great disappointment Thats too bad Oh, no! Thats too bad Thats a real shame/pity Its a real shame Bad luck!

Example Woman Man Woman

: : Hey, how was the trip? Page

: What was the weather like?

: That was great.

Man Woman

: Well, but it was rained yesterday. : I see.

3. Introducing Yourself Introducing Yourself Hello, Im . Hi. My name is . Let me introduce my self. I am . : : Hi, are you Paul? : Yes, I am. Whats wrong? : Oh, hello. I am Ann. : How do you do Ann. Nice too meet you. : How do you do. Responding Hello. My name is . Hi, . Im . Glad to meet you. Hello, .Im . Im from .

Example Woman Man Woman Man Woman

4. Introducing Someone to Other People Introducing Someone Please meet . Let me introduce . This is . Declining an Invitation Im really sorry about that. Sorry, I cant. I have something to do that day. Thank you for you invitation. But we have a little business to do. Thank you for you inviting us, but unfortunately I will have to miss it. : Page : Hi, Mita. I want to introduce my new friend. Nadia, she is Mita. Mita, she is Nadia. Responding Hello, nice to meet you. Hi. . Im . Glad to meet you Responding Its a pity Thats O.K. Oh, I see. May be. Some other time. No problem, really.

Example Man

Woman 1 Woman 2

: Nice to meet you, Nadia. : Nice to meet you too.

5. Inviting and Accepting or Declining an Invitation Inviting Shall we see the film? Would you come with me? What if we ask to join . : : Tomorrow is my birthday, will you come to my party tomorrow at 14.00 p.m? Man 1 Man 2 : Thank you, Id like to come to your party. : I really want, but I must visit my grandmother in hospital. Im so sorry I cant. Woman : Its alright. Accepting an Invitation Great! Lets do it. Thank you. Id like to. That a good idea.

Example Woman

6. Showing or Giving Attention Showing/Giving Attention What should I do to cheer you up? I really care about you. Dont worry. Im with you? Whats whrong with you? Hope you will be fine. Are you O.K/Fine? Wow! Thats great! Nice hair style! Do you?/Are you?/did you? : : Its OK. Page Responding Well, you can tell me an amusing story. Yes, you do. And Im very grateful for that. Thank you very much. Nothing. Im fine. Thank you. Yes, Im O.K./No, Im not feeling well. It is. Thanks. Yes, I do/I am/I did.

Example Woman Man

: Oops, sorry I am sorry

Woman Man Woman Man Woman

: Oh, your books are wet. : It doesnt matter. Its my fault. : Here. Ill wipe your books with my handkerchief. : No, thank you. Its no necessary. Dont worry about it. : Yes, I see.

7. Giving Intruction Woman Man Woman Man Woman Man : Excuse me, sorry to disturb you. : Thats okay. What can I do for you? : What is the easiest way to get to BCA bank from here? : To BCA Bank? : Yes, BCA Bank. : All right. Take the taxi and get off at the T-Junction in Green Street. Go along Green Street and then turn left. Youll see the bank on the left near hotel. Woman Man : Thank you very much. : Youre welcome.

8. Making, Acccepting, and Canceling an Appointment Making an Appointment Will you go out with me tonight? What if we go swimming this afternoon? Lets do something to help the flood victims! Canceling an appointment Im sorry I cant meet you today. Im terribly sorry I have to cancel our appointment. Im sorry I have to put off our appointment. Im afraid I have to postphone my appointment with you. Accepting No problem, Im free tonight. I will be there. All right. See you there.

Responding O.K. No problem. Its all right. I see. Page

Example Man Woman Man Woman Man Woman Man Woman Man

: : Are you free this evening? : Im not sure. Why? : Theres an exhibition at hall city. : Really? What exhibition? : Book exhibition. Would you like to go? : Let me see. Sorry, I cant this evening. : What about tomorrow afternoon? : Afternoon is dificult. What about tomorrow evening? : OK. That sounds good for me.

9. Showing Sympathy Showing Sympathy Im sorry for whats happened. Oh, you, poor little thing. Look! This is not the end of the world. Thats a shame/pity. You must be very upset. : : Good afternoon. : Good afternoon. Im so glad you could come. : Im sorry to hear about Tommys death. It must be pretty hard on you. Woman Man Woman : It is. He was so young. Why did he have to die. : I know how you must feel. I feel like Tommy was my friend too. : Well, God gives and God takes away.

Example Man Woman Man


B. Semester II
1. Expressing Gratitude Expressing Gratitude Im so grateful for . Thank you very much for . Thank you for . That was nice of you. Thank you. Thank a lot of for . I really appreciate . Thanks, many thanks. Thanks a million. Thanks a lot. : : Would you like a little more tea? : Yes, please. : Please have another peace of cake. : Thank you. Uhm, I heard you were ill so I brought you some fruits. : Thanks. : Youre welcome. By the way, this for you. : For me? Thank you. Oh a book! How nice of you. Thanks a lot. : Dont mention it. Im very glad you like it. Responding Dont mention it. It was my pleasure. You are welcoome. No big deal. Im glad that I can help you. My pleasure. Forget it. That what friend are. Its all right.

Example Woman Man Woman Man Woman Man Woman Man

2. Congratulation Congratulation Id be the firs to congratulate you on Id like to congratulate you on . Please accept my warmest congratulation. May I congratulate you on . I must congratulate you. Congratulation! Congratulations on . Responding Its very good of you to say so. How nice of you to say so. Thank you very much for saying so. Im glad you think so. Oh, it nothing special actually. Oh, I have a lot of to learn yet. Oh,not really.


Example Woman Man Woman Man Woman Man

: : Well. Congratulation on the opening of your new branch office. : Oh, thank you. Im glad you could come. I really appreciate it. : Thank you, by the way, how many branches do you have now? : Uhm four altogether. This is the fourth one. : Well, youve done a great job. Crongatulation once again. : Thank you.

3. Complimenting Someone Complimenting Someone Fantastic/marvelous. Good job!/Exellent work! Youre reallly the best. Perfect! The dress really suits you well. Its was the best performance Ive ever seen froom you! Well done. Thats a beautiful picture! You are really a talented painter. You look fabulous. : : Hello! How are you? : Fine, and you? : Im feeling great today. How was your weekend at the beach? : Fantastic! We had a lovely time there. You should go there.

Example Man Woman Man Woman

4. Expressing Surprise Expressing Surprise Wow! What a surprise! Thats A Surprise! Really? What? Are you serious? You must be joking! You are kidding. Thats very surprising! Fancy that! I must say it surprise me. Responding Yeah! It is. Positively! Its true. Im serious. No, Im not. Yup! It is. Does it?


Example Woman Man Woman Man

: : Look the rooster looks strong. : Yeah, it is so healty. : By the way did you know that it has two spurs on it leg? : No, I didnt. Its really unbelieveble! How you can it be?

5. Accepting Offer or Invitation Offering or Inviting Would you like ? Id like to invite you to have a . Ill be glad if you can attend my . Please come to my . : : Would you like a cup of tea? : Yes please, thank you. Hmm this tea tastes good and smells fragrant too Woman : Thank you. Im glad you like it. Accepting the Invitation Yes, I would. Thanks. It will be fun. O.K. I promise that Ill come. It is reallyy a nice offer, thanks.

Example Woman Man



Name Class Absent

: Rama Febrianto : XII Science 1 : 25

State Senior High School 2 Kebumen





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