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The Life Of The Virtues


It has been a week since the unforgettable incident for Nikita and Liang. Lots of personnel things happened between them. From hating each other for certain reasons to caring and concerning one another. Drastic situation changes them a whole lot until even their friends were shocked to acknowledge.

There was this one scene where supposed Liang would yell at Nikita for interrupting her time with Gita. Instead, she kindly asked him to have some time with her. The rest took it really weird for Liang not to yell at Nikita but kept it that way. They were glad to see them not fighting like before.

After school period was over, Edwin, Licia and Charlotta were told by the discipline teacher to do some errands for him. They have to call a student who seldom broke the school rules. However, this particular student was from 5 Alter. The same class as Licia, Giichi, and Liang were enrolled. They wondered what he did to make Mr. Vincent call him. And his name was Kwan Min Ki, by the way.

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Just before they would arrive to the class, they saw a guy who was sleeping under the shade of trees near the football field. Licia acknowledge it was Kwan.

Whacha doin here Kwan? You supposed to be in class. said Licia. Thats Kwan? Kinda handsome dont you think? complimented Charlotta as her face turned red. Anyway, the discipline teacher would like to see you at his office for a moment. Hmph This is so troublesome responded Kwan.

So he did eventually. He rose up and headed straight to Mr. Vincents office. They never expected to be that easy. They wondered what trouble that ended himself up. Nevertheless, they returned to their respective classes to continue their study session.

During recess, Edwin and the rest spent most of their time at a small yet comfortable booth while enjoying the food they bought.

Thats not fair! exclaimed Liang as Kennard drank the last drop of fresh orange that Licia made. What he did was fair enough. Just face the reality, my dear friend. said Charlotta.

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Yeah! exclaimed Kennard in excitement. Sodelicious said Licia expressing in a pleasure way while eating Kennards garlic balls. This is the most troublesome orange drinking challenge Ive ever been sighed Nikita while helping Gita doing her school work. Just let them have fun. Its not all that bad really. she said. Yeah, still Wherere you going, Edwin? asked Giichi while sitting beside Charlotta eating the rest of his rice balls. I think Im gonna buy a drink. Anyone wanna come? he offered. Im coming with you. replied Licia.

So Edwin and Licia went to the cafeteria to buy themselves some fruit juices. After they bought them, Licia noticed Kwan from a distance under the shaded booth.

Ed, can you go on without me? I have something to take care of. she said. Sure. Not a problem. (Wonder what she is doing over there?)

Soon, Edwin got back from the cafeteria without Licia as she had something to do. Speaking of which, Nikita and Liang werent there with them. The two of them just went off without even telling the matter.
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So you guys Whatre you gonna do today? asked Kennard. I think Im gonna go straight home. Feeling tired for some reason. yawned Giichi. Same here. Well continue our chess game next time, Giichi. Youre on. he agreed as Charlotta packing her chess board. Edwin, can you accompany me to the music store after school? invited Gita. Sure. I was about to buy rice balls at the convenient store anyway. Man! I dont know what to do today after school. Oh, I just remembered! I have to go shopping with my sister Again signed Kennard.

After school, Edwin and Gita stopped by at the convenient store first before going to the music store. As usual, Edwin would go straight to the rice ball display for him to choose. On the other hand, Gita was just outside the store thinking about Liang and Nikita. Not because of their fight but the way they treated each other lately. She believed the two of them can be great friends.

Speaking of friends, she saw Kwan and Licia walking together headed towards the blacksmith shop. That was the first time she saw the two of them together. And she began to wonder

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All right, Im done. Whats wrong? Whatre you looking at? interrupted Edwin. Its nothing. Shall we go to the music store now? asked Gita. Lets.

Its Saturday- Edwin helped his sister to clean up the house along with their butler, Alstan. Though they prefer to do the housework themselves even they had a butler. Nevertheless, the three of them work together to sort out the house. The more the merrier.

After cleaning up the house, Alstan would prepare tea. They took their time relaxing and had a great time together. Until he got a call from Gita.

Ed. Sorry to interrupt your day but I need to talk to you about something. Its okay. What is it? concerned Edwin. Its about Licia. Yeah. What about her? Remember the other day we went to the convenient store? I saw her with Kwan went for a stop to the blacksmith shop. Somehow it doesnt feel right. Those two never went out like that.

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I dont see whats the problem So they went to the blacksmith shop. It doesnt mean anything wrong, does it? said Edwin. Youre maybe right. I just had a feeling something terrible might happen. Maybe I was just thinking too much. concluded Gita. Perhaps. Sorry. I gotta go now. My sister is calling. said Edwin. You really do love Edeline very much, dont you? stated Gita.

In the next morning, Edwin went for a jog at along the long park not far from his house while listening to his favourite music in his mp3. Feeling the wonderful breeze until he saw two individuals at the centre of the park. It seemed that they were probably fighting. Turned out the two of them were Kennard and Kwan having a serious argument. Without hesitation, Edwin jumped in to stop them.

Youre not a hero. Youre just a pathetic human being unconfident with his ability. Shut up! You dont know me! Stop saying that! exclaimed Kennard as he rushed in on Kwan. Come on. You cant even lay a finger on me. Maybe what I said is true then. added Kwan. SHUT THE HELL UP! Woah! Enough! What are you doing, Kwan? jumped in Edwin stopping Kennard from going any further. Let me go! commanded Kennard struggling to escape from his grasp.
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Just remember what I said Kenny. You know Im right from the start. said Kwan as he walked away. From the start What is he talking about Ken? asked Edwin desperately. Let me go! I dont need this

Eventually, Kennard walked away to get back to his house feeling angry towards himself. There has to be a reason. What did Kwan meant of what he just said.

The next morning at school- Kennard didnt go to school maybe because of the incident at the park yesterday. Edwin and the rest were worried about him.

Wonder what happened to Ken? He didnt answer my calls yesterday. concerned Charlotta. Hes such a wimp right Gita? Gita Are you okay? asked Nikita so suddenly. Huh? Yeah, Im fine. she replied. You dont look fine to me. You sure? Yes. Dont worry. I think Im going to stay at the art gallery room during recess today.

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While Gita stayed at the art gallery room, they loafed at the booth where they usually were during recess. However not all of them were there to join the time.

Wheres Giichi. asked Edwin. He didnt come to school today. Probably at the woods right now to train his sword techniques. explained Liang. What in the world Oh, yeah! Niki, can you help me for a sec at the school book store? she requested. No problem. accepted Nikita as they walked to the book store. Well, its just you and me Ed. said Charlotta with a smile. Look. Is that Licia? pointed Edwin. Hey, Licia! Why dont hang out with us over here? called Charlotta. she didnt response to her call instead she walked away as though as something terrible has happened. Whats her problem? (Yeah I wonder what it is) thought Edwin.

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In the meantime, Liang and Nikita were at the school book store. She wanted to buy some notebooks for science class.

You should have told me you wanted notebooks. I have extra. I can give you some. suggested Nikita. Its okay. I dont want to trouble you. Speaking of notebooks, you should use them in class. Gita told me that you didnt take notes during lessons. she said. Damn You got me. Sorry. I should probably did. Hope you not mad at me. apologized Nikita. I-Im not. I just want to advice you thats all. All right, all right. Thank you, Miss Prefect. he thanked while giving a smile. W-Whatever flustered Liang.

The two of them in fact secretly having a relationship with their friends knowing. Also, it was hard for them because they tried to get use to one another. Nevertheless, they love each other sincerely in the inside. They just hope nothing can get pass through them.

As Liang was thinking of what to buy, Nikita suddenly thought of something that he forgot- He was supposed to see Miss Kayleigh to ask for some exercise books. He left the store leaving Liang buying her stuffs. A few moments later, Kwan was there to buy his things too.

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Look who we have here- If it isnt the little miss prefect. Whatre you buying? asked Kwan. Some important stuffs. But I think Im gonna take my time to think what to buy next. I see I know everything about your secret relationship with him. What!? I mean- Whatre you talking about? asked Liang pretending to not know about the issue. You already know that you two would never be together. The little miss prefect being with someone like the instigated gangster. said Kwan trying to insult their relationship. Please Dont tell the others. I would be embarrassing and awkward in front of them. she begged. I wont. Only if you dont see him again. bribed Kwan. Okay. Ill do whatever you say accepted Liang reluctantly.

After school, only Edwin and Charlotta were the only one to walk home together. The rest wouldnt able to join somehow. At this point, they began to worry regarding of their unexpected behavior especially Edwin since he didnt have the chance time to be with them.

Charlotta was able to get to her house first leaving Edwin resuming his walk. From nowhere, Giichi appeared from the bushes looking tired and dirty. However he just got back from the woods actually. He took
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the shortcut, so he said. In behalf of his friends, he asked him why bother went through trainings during that time.

You asked why, my dear friend? Because of my personal ideal, of course. The reason I join the kendo club is to be hopefully someday a hero that can save people from danger. My ideal is wanting to be a Hero of Rightfulness. That alone was able to be the man who I am. But someone told me that Im not doing my duty as so. Might that particular someone be Kwan perhaps? asked Edwin curiously. Howd you know it was him? Just a guess. Seems like Im right. Anyway, I need to go now. I have to continue my training after resting my ached muscles. said Giichi as he walks away. Kwan

The next day- Something horrible has happened at school. Nikita and Licia were having an argument causing a huge fight behind the school gym. Liang and Gita were there and couldnt do anything to break them away.

You know whats your problem? You are too selfish and heartless to see whats going on. said Nikita furiously.

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At least I dont blame myself when doing minor little things. said Licia fighting back. You dont even have friends to start with at first. I mean, are you too busy looking out for yourself? Even if I have friends, Im not the kind of person to trouble their time wasting on somebody who is weak. Guys Please stop fighting. Niki. Please begged Gita hopefully they would stop arguing. I dont know what to do What is happening to us? cried Liang unreliably running away from the scene. I dont want to see your face after this! concluded Nikita. Good! That settles everything! added Licia.

Edwin wasnt in time to ease up the issue leaving his friends in senseless, hatred, sad and confused. Usually Kennard would easily lighten up the riot. With that, he let the rest be for now and decided to visit Kennards house after school.

It has been two days since Kennard didnt come to school. So Edwin has arrived at his house. Still standing outside. Looking at the house. Hoping that Kennard would let him inside. Didnt know for sure so he pushed the door bell button.

Hello! Ken! Are you inside? Can I come in? called out Edwin.
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Hey, man. Hows it going? Im not suppose to say that, arent I? Doesnt matter! Ken, comeback to school. The guys had a fight at school and they dont want to see each other anymore. So help me loosen them up a bit. Im sure you can do it. Sorry, Ed. I dont have the confidence to do that anymore. I thought about what Kwan said and he was right. Im sorry. apologized Kennard. What did Kwan said to you exactly the other day? asked Edwin curiously. I cant tell you that. Im sorry he apologized for one last time and shuts the door. No Ken. Not you too

Sadly, he headed home without achieving anything to help Ken or his friends. Suddenly, he got a call from Gita saying that Charlotta had an accident at school. She was trying to help a kitten that stuck on a tree so she climbed up but fell on her back. She was sent to the hospital for an ongoing operation. Ultimately, all of his friends went through several serious downfalls that made Edwin uneasy to do. What will he do to save them from the separation of his friends?

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