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High School Life

Volume III Harbor Springs, Mich., April 4, 1924 Number 25

On Monday, :March 24, the student
body was ver y well pl ea sed wi th the
chapel exercises. Cha pel us uall y
usua lly !comes on Friday morning,
bl t i t seemed proper a nd fi tting t l1a t
i t s hould be on Monday because or
the fine' showing the basketball team
made a t the tournament. The Harbor
quintet won t he Northern Michigan
ba.sket ball boUI' nament of Class C.
f1om Roger s Ci t y,
of the team s-peaker s. Rober t r-emark-
ed that BackUts was very f ond of r id-
' ing in .the -si eeper . That may be all
true becaus-e Backus was sure on t he
job every minute .. The s leeper did not
not have t ime enough to awake
Mr. Redmond then bestowed the s il-
ver baske t ball to .supt D. L. Bai1 0v
who accepted i t in behalf of t he Ha;._
bor Springs High School We are all
ver y tha nkful for wha t Mr. Redmo!ld
has done for our athl etics t his yea r.
Our only hope is that he will be with
us next year.
The exer cises wer e d osed by giving
a few mor e yel.s for t he Har bor boys,
partl y for what they a ooomplished,
and pa rtly for wha t we expect t hem
to do next year
The morning exercises were opea-
ecl by s inging t he "Orange and
Black" and "Go Ye, Harbor. " The
cm La in was t hen r aised- and behol d !
' t he,e was the champions of North-
en : Michigan befor e us. Gordon Wil-
eox and Leon 'Voodruff held the The Fresh man class gave t he h igh
t1oph y (a la r ge mounted silver school some s eldon .exceeded cha pel
ket ball ) between them. Ro-ber t Gra- exer cis es a week ago last Friday. H
ham, our cheer leader, then led us in their cl::tss keeps on s!10wing improve-
s ome good, p e.ppy, yen s for the t eam ment we wonder what t hey will be
a nd Coac h Redmond, who ha s led the when t hey become Seni or s. ' Ve never
t e;Jm t o victory r ea lized the many talen ted actots
L r cours e it became necessary for and actress es in our school unt il t he
tY! r. Redmond to make a s peech t o th e F1eshmen displayed t heir abili t ies.
school He t old of the fine work t h::t t These wer e especiall y shown i n
t he team ha d done during each game t heir gr and Opening wher e f i v e
at t he tourna ment. He sa id t hat F r es hmen s howed tha t they coulcl
there wer e no s tar s on t he team but hold thei r mouths open wit hout say
t hat they wor ked as a power ful ag- ing anyt hing.
gr egation and n9t as individua ls . He Mr. Armstr ong next favored us
a lso brought out the fact t ha t t. he wi t h a violi n solo whi0h t he school
b::>ys wer e always with him in what- enjoyed ver y much. It isn't often
e ver he want ed t hem to do. "They t hat we a r e furni shed with s uch
minded so well," he s aid, " that plea-sing mus ic as his instrument was
I said go in t her e and win t hat ga1n e proved to contain.
thoy tl. d i L." Thi s suppor t a nd co-
operation is due lar gel y to t he effort;:;
of Mr. Redmond , t he best coa ch i:1
nor thern .Michigan. The t eam l, as
confidence in him a nd h-e in t hem
T his, t ogether with the loyal s uppnr t
of t he students, the teache;s and t he
people or Harbor Spr ings ha s made
it possible for t he team to win.
Gonion Wil cox and Ear l DeLa-
Vergne, members of t he. Senior clasr; ,
then gave a few r emacks. Leon \ Vood-
ruff, \Vill ard Cornell , Elden J one.-; ,
and I<'Joyd Backus, of the J uni or
cl ass, a lso gave a ver y s,h,or t t al k on
the game. Rober t Cornell a nd Richard
All e : di ng, the F r eshmen wer e the last
Duane Armstrong t hen r ead us t he
Scrip t ure passage he had selected.
Ever yone was t hen t ota ll y sur pris
ed a nd deli gh ted when Robert 1Swif L
fa vor ed us with a very beauti ful
pi ano solo. VIl e wer e not sati sfiecl
wi t h one howe ver , and wan t ed mor P.
L ut of t he goodness of his heart, a s
we t htough t, he again fa irl y fill ed t he
r oom wi t h tha t wonder ful mus ic.
A few of t he class t hen pr esen teli
a very humo:o us and int er esting pla y
let The cast was :
Da vi s _____ _ E r ma. ' Villi
Mr. ])avis - ---- - - - - .James Cla rk
M1' . Jones Rex Parl\s
Published Weekly by Harbor Springs High School
Editor-in Chief Charl es Beckon
Business !Manager Lester Sta nton
Ass' t Editor Earl DeLaVergne
Ass't Editor Olli e Backus
Athl etic Editor Robert Swift
Joke Editor Roland Taylor
Literar y Edi tor Vivian Lane
Exchange EcLt or Gerald vVheeler
A Vision of War LeRoy Sta nt on
Then the Orators had the s t age
and they certa inly may ;be compli-
mented upon t h eir ability to write
and to give a n oration. The y wer e as
Pris'o'n Life Thelma Williams
Child La bor l<'lorence Stewart
Ship Subsidy Karolyn P owers
world vVar and vVorl d Peace
Roland Tayl or
The American Red Cross P earT
* *
.. ..
whil e waiting for the judges' de
cision, mus i c from the Edison pro-
* WHO'S WHO AMONG "' vided enter tainment. vVhe n t h e
THE SENIORS "' judges came .ba ck bo the r oom a ll
* , wer e very glad to h ear whom t h ey
Lynn Ward came from di strict No. had decided to be the winners.
7, Readmoncl town ship, Cross Village, T he decision for the declaime-rs :
.Michigan, in the fall of '21 to take an "Abra ham Lincoln"- Third place
agricul tural course in the Harbor "A Vision of vVar"-Second place
,Springs High SchooL In '22 he did his "The Race of Ben Hur"- First pl a ce
bit by entering the decl amation con- For the orator s :
test. He a lso joined the .Boy .Scouts ' 4Child Labt>r"- Thir d pla ce
in '22 a nd has been an UJctive membt>r "Ship pi ace
ever .since. Lynn was elect ed presi- " World vVa.r a nd world Pea ce"-
dent of the> Country Club in '23. This F i rst place
yea r he is editor of t h at organization. Cn 11, t he Harbor Spr i nv,'O.
He was on the football t eam in '23, high s chool will be proud t o be r e-
ancl was a lwa y.s on the job to rlo presented by Rol a nd Taylor and Roh-
w.hatever was asked of him. Lynn al ert Swi.ft, at the subdistr 'ct .con test
.so took part in Tra ck during the t o be h eld in P etoskey.
Spring of ' 23. Besides thi s h e has been Every;one in t hi s town wi shes t h em
a fine s tude nt a nd a n active membBr the best of s uccess.
in class baske tball. Lynn intends t e Le tter.s will be awa rded t o all 0r
e nter the Univ er sity of Ida ho , in t h e the winners. Much cr edit .should
near future to take u.p for estry. be given to the coaches who h el ued to
F l orence Baldwin , having toil e d make this showing pos sibl e.
thru 12 yea r s of school, graduates
in June. Some of the honors thflt ,Bett er come a nd get a look a t om
F lorence h as 1 eceived during .her high basketball trophy. It's a da ndy.
s chool cl ays have been, vi ce-president
in ' 23, manager of Gr a nge
& Black, oper e tta ' 21, '22, '23, '24 and
has als-o r epresented the cl ass of ' 24
in bas l\etball and t r a,ck.
We t hat the price of a
ve has incr ea sed in P et osk ey . on
accoun t of t h e long fac,es t hat r esult-
ed af ter t he tour na ment Vle hope
t ha t t he war imp:ession will soon be
overcome a nd t h e prk es be re cl ncetl
t o nor ma l. SWIFT AND TAYLOR
It is qui te the thing now for
, a preach er s t o found their sermons on
On th e evening of l\Ia r ch
l a r ge gr oup of pe<opl e assomibled in books by modern writt er s . Of t hese
the high schoo,J a uditorium to li sten " book pr ea che rs" pr oba bl y t he most
to om: declaimers and orato:s . The s uccessful is Dr . wi ll ia m L. Sti dger,
decl a ma tions , whi ch came fir s t were
ve r y well given, a nd came in t he fol- Of Detroi,t. Eve ry Sunda y nigh t for
l owing o.rder : three yea r s h e has prea ched one of
Patri ck Henry Ea rl Juill er et thes e Dr a mati c Book Sermons to
The Trai t or' s Deathbed ed audi en ces of t wo a nd three t housand
1M eyer s
Abr ah am Lincoln
Ma rie zumba ugh per s on s . An i nter view with himself
Ali ce F a unce is publi sh ed in the April Bookman-
Rob' t Swi ft in bort: h our librartes.
George vVashing ton
The Race of Ben H1w
Secured to Fill P lace of Gor st, the
Bird Man-Will Appear on Lyceum
Cou rse, April 21
The Hig i1 School Lyceum Course
Committee have secured fiom the
lL<)t'l patli Bureau. 'Ren o" ex pert il-
lus :r; n is t. Reno is t o appear h ere nn
Montlay, April 21, a n d t his en-
t e r tainment will t ake t h e place of
Gors t , who found it necessa r y to
cancel hi s engagemen t beca us e of
h is ina bility t o appear h e re t his sea-
Mr. Go:s t ,c.oulcl have j)een secureu
for next seUJson but the commi tte3
thought it best t o can cel t h e e ngage-
ment and secure some othe1 en ter-
tainmen t !ior th is year.
Th e Bureau give ever y as-
sw a nce t h a t " Reno" t he "Greai;
of Magie" will be sur e to int er -
est a nd please young a nd ol d a like.
Holcl April 21 open. 1Season t i ck et.;
1i1J a dmit. Single admission r eason
a lli e .
Eclwnr d Reno has been a magician
f or more t h:m tl!!rf:y.fhe He has
t ra ,elPl1 in CYer y qua rter of the ;.-;lobe
and is conf<t ani ly innnti ng" nc,w t lti n;;s
in mngic :1nrl illus ion IYi t h which t o
'llYStil\ enter tain t hE' publ ic.
ligh ts a candle;- \ vri:ips If in neavy- pa-
p er and later takes it f r om his inside
coa t pocket, s till burni ng. He shows
the childr en how to make t wo doves
out of one. He breaks a n egg in a
pan, li ghts a fi re underneath it and .
then pulls o 1t a cluck. Everything
Reno does is cl one with an exceedingly
clever pai r of ha nds.
Dur ing t he hour and fl half t hat
iitno has the pl fl tform he execnre" *
* * * * * * * *
nr mnr e t ri cks, two m three tiJllPf' *
:;s ns a re Sl iOIIn il .1 tl :e
R''lH>' S running tire of comnvn t
I1C' p ots )ti s is ;.t li OUt
as tl"! r t-t itks tlH11 ll! :-PI\'eS.
He- ",r.< nnt into aisiPS nnd nrnes
into close touch with those attending
t he perfon nnnce. In fact, the au di
en("e t ,tkes pnrt in :nany of his t1icks.
J1eJl<l li SP>< a llUI1l h er Of pets in hiS
enf <J ta inll l!'lltS, and li e al lows the chi!
clren lo wi t h t lwse pets bet ll' een
tin1es. T ln>1e is nhY:l \' S a rush of hoYs
and gi1ls t o t he when he
a n appeal f m ass istants.
An1ong" t he ma ny bewilder ing tricks
perfornte<l by Reno is one in which
he ta ki:'s a la <l's watch from a l oaf of
breaa ll' lien i t is supposed to be l ocked
s ec urely in a \\'oo<l en box:. Agai n, he
. .. . .
Among t h e books sent bY Mrs.
Cockle, of Heari ng- Br,ook, may he
found the following of special i nter-
es t to t he gener a l r eader and t he
high school st uden t as well : "T heo
rl ore Hosevel t" by Lo-rd Char nwoorl ,
and "My Br ot h er Theodore Roost>-
vel t" by Cor inne Roosevelt Robin son.
Thi s latter is espeei ally eas y
wi t h many cu.ts and illust r ati-ons. It.
has a nother feature th at should com-
mend i t to t h e eight h graders who
have jus t been studying Roosevelt' s
life. I n i t is pri nt ed in full t he Na-
t ur e S tory, wri tten by "Teddie" at
the age of 14, which is r efen ed to in
t he school text The fascinati ng li t
tle s t ory i s c.a ll ed "Mrs. Fi eld
'.\1ouse's Dinner Party.''
Postponed Operetta Date Now Fixed
-Reserve Seats at Lane's
Drug Store
The High School Operetta, "Miss
Chenyb.lossom" which was postpon
eel f rom March 28, on account of the
Sbate Basketball Tourna ment, will be .
given Tthurs day evening, April 17, at
7:30 P. m in the high school audi-
torium. Ti ckets will be on sal e at
Lane' s drug s tor e, -beginning April 10.
Reservati on s -of .seats may be maclt
at Lane!s, beginning Tuesday, April
15, at 7:00 a. m.
R eserve t he date, April 17, and
plan on seeing "Miss Ch erryblos-
For everything in DRUGS,
Yours Courteously,
Furnishes all Feet
The Best.for the money.

The Junior Class will serve a fish
.supper in the Domestic Science
ro.oms of the high school on Friday . ll.
evening, April 4, beginning at 5:30.
a nd serving until 7:00. An exhibi tion t\ .A.r::;.
bask etbal l game at 7:00 p m. free to -.v 'l;-o.
t hos-e getting s upper. T he game.
Juniors vs. Senior s , will be over in
t ime for church services at 8:00 p.
1Come on sttiden ts with your jokes
for t he a nnua l. A large number i s
needed at o-n ce. P lease sign yonr
name to each set of jokes a nd pla10e
t hem in the joke box or hand t h em in
to t h e joke edi tor of t he Orange and
black. It will be gr eatly appr eciated.
The Harllor Springs Basketba 11
t ea m went t o Lansing last week to
pl ay for t he cha mpionship o f Mi cll i-
gan in Cl ass C. Thi s was made possi-
bl e by t heir wining the Nmth ern
Michi ga n Cl ass C ' i'ourna ment at
'1..-he hi gh s chool pi ctures wer e tak-
en l ast week for t he Or a nge an.!
-Hammermill Bond Letter Heads-
s y2x11 i nches-Printed
200 FOR $1. 50
Li ncmR, es. and Color s
200 FOR $2.00
Envel opes to match, same pri ces.
++-!-++++++++I I I I I I f
It's Time to Have Your Photo,
Made Again
- for-
Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, Not ions
Ladies' Ready to Wear
Ha rbor 8-prings, Michigan
Dependabl e Goods at t he V ery
L ow est Prices

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