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I.I Background In the few decades, women are no longer just sits quietly at home for baby-sitting and do the home cores as the daily activities. As the times goes by women start to make a change by doing emancipation. They do that thing because they do not want be distinguish with the man, because before there is emancipation most of people think that women cannot do things that man usually do, like working in the office. Besides that, women doing emancipation because they want to reach their ambition and the common ambition that women have is become woman career. In Indonesia, the emancipation began from the R.A Kartini movement. R.A Kartini does some revolution for the women related to the women view in some men. She declared if the woman is same and even has a right same as man has. She was doing that because there is much discrimination to the women in that time. The example are like the women cannot and not allowed to work, the women do not have right to express their feeling or their emotion, they do not have right to find their own husband, and the other. Thus because of that things, she do some revolution about women view and prove to all people if women also can do anything that men do or even man cannot do. In these days, women start to express their feeling and emotion freely to the public. Even right now they can do the things that the men usually do. Although in the field there is still problem and issue related to the women emancipation itself. We can see start from the family which some of husband right now still not allowed their wife to become a women career and instead become a house wife. Then in the office also still happen some problematic like a manager often ask a women to lead a team because they still not believe if they can accomplish that task. In here we make some research to know deeper about that thing, especially for the women career. We want to know how they can get permit from her husband or her family, how to manage her time between her work life and family, how to take care her children until they grow up, and the other. We do this because women career is the most

controversial issue right now. Besides that, become a women career is quite hard things to do especially when that women already married, she will have to concern about her job and her family, even when she just have a children. I.II Statement Problem Woman career is a problematical that talk about the right of woman to having a job. This problematical have happened since a long time ago. It could be happened first because of the prejudice from some people especially man to woman which they think woman cannot do all of the thing that man can do, the example is having job. Then after the prejudice it turns out become a culture. This thing happened almost in all of country include Indonesia. In Indonesia actually for a woman having a job is not good because the culture said the man is the person that should find money to live while the woman is stay at the house to take care he child and also her husband. Although in reality, right now Indonesia more open minded about those thing because right now there are many woman that having a job. But the problem is still there is some managers or the boss of a company prefer have a man as their employee rather than woman. Then, the next problem is some of women career having difficulties when they already having a husband because of her husband does not allowed her to continue her job and furthermore when she having a children then the more complex the problems are, such as difficulties manage time between job and family. I.III Objectives To know about the live of woman career. To know what is the purpose and reason of becoming a woman career. To know how is the feeling become a woman career. To know how is the respond about her as a woman career from her husband and her family. To know how to divide time between job and family. To know is there problem of being a woman career. To know how to handle those problem. To know how to grow the children up in this situation. To know what is her priority between job and family. To know what is her goals in the future as a woman career.

There are no sex differences in cognitive ability but enduring sex differences in competitiveness, life goals, the relative emphasis on agency versus connection. Policymakers and feminist emphasis on equal opportunities and family-friendly policies assumes that sex discrimination is the primary source of sex differentials in labor market outcomes notably the pay gap between men and women. Many differences between men and women that were believed to be fixed and probably innate (Maccoby&Jacklin, 1974), have recently been shown to be socially constructed and artificial. Especially once women gained access to higher education after the equal opportunities revolution, sex differences in cognitive abilities evaporated. Sex differences in verbal, mathematical and spatial abilities have now shrunk to small and insignificant level (Hyde, 1996). However, some sex differences remain unchanged notably in attitudes to sexuality, and what is often labeled as aggression but extends to and includes rivalry and competitiveness as well as physical violence. Reviews of the latest research evidence and experimental studies also conclude that many sex differences in personality and behavior are not eroding over time; that public stereotypes of sex differences correspond closely to research findings and are hence based in reality; and that there are persistent sex differences in individualism versus collectivism. Some occupations and activities involve an enormous amount of travel, sometimes for long periods, often at short notice. This is obviously the case with occupations providing an on-site service of some sort (including professions like accountant and architect). Less obviously, many senior-level management jobs also involve vast amounts of travel, sometimes long distance, frequently on an unpredictable time-table, and periodically for extended periods of time away from the home base. Extensive amounts of travel are intrinsic to certain occupations, such as investment banking. Such occupations, and careers based on them, are never going to be family-friendly. Attempts to organize family-friendly segments within them will be difficult.

Careers requiring extensive travel are just one example of the wider category of occupations, jobs and careers that have long and/or irregular work hours that eat into personal life and family time. Another example is public relations work. Jobs in this industry can be enormously attractive to young, single people who positively relish glamorous expense-account entertaining, late nights at business-related social events, and meeting lots of people. Even without extensive travel, these jobs eat into private life and steal long hours of unpaid overtime. They do not generally appeal to women with children at home, and can rarely be made family-friendly. Careers and jobs like these expose the limitations of maternity leave and parental leave schemes to change the essential nature of occupations. Most women in such occupations will want to move on to different types of work after they have children anyway, so there would be little point in keeping their jobs open for them. Unfortunately, there is no well-developed language for distinguishing demanding in the sense of spilling out beyond normal work hours to invade private lives for which hegemonic, greedy or monopolizing might be the more accurate labels. Jobs at the top of the hierarchy are frequently demanding on both these dimensions, as well as others. Senior-level jobs may have relatively fixed hours most of the time, similar to other jobs. What differentiates them is the requirement to take responsibility for meeting deadlines, dealing with crises and solving unexpected problems all of which can require unpaid overtime on an unpredictable and haphazard timetable. Emergencies can arise in the workplace, just as in private life, and the employee who must leave on time every day at 5pm to collect a child from the nursery will not be dealing with them. It is these unpredictable, stressful demand for overtime hours that makes senior positions less familyfriendly and less attractive to women. We need new theories for the 21stcentury, theories that take account of, and are consistent with, the newest research findings. Preference theory does this. Preference theory is a new theory for explaining and predicting womens choices between market work and family work, a theory that is historically-informed, empirically-based, multidisciplinary, prospective rather than retrospective in orientation, and applicable in all rich modern

societies (Hakim, 2000). It predicts a polarization of work-lifestyles, as a result of the diversity in womens sex-role preferences and the three related models of family roles. Preference theory specifies the historical context in which core values become important predictors of behavior. It notes that five historical changes collectively produce a qualitatively new scenario for women in affluent modern societies in the 21 st century, giving them options that were not previously available. There are the four central principles of preference theory: 1. Five separate historical changes in society and in the labor market which started in the late 20th century are producing a qualitatively different and new scenario of options and opportunities for women. The five changes do not necessarily occur in all modern societies, and do not always occur together. Their effects are cumulative. The five causes of a new scenario are: the contraceptive revolution which, from about 1965 onwards, gave sexually active women reliable control over their own fertility for the first time in history; the equal opportunities revolution, which ensured that for the first time in history women had equal right to access to all positions, occupations and careers in the labor market. In some countries, legislation prohibiting sex discrimination went further, to give women equal access to housing, financial services, public services, and public posts; the expansion of white-collar occupations, which are far more attractive to women than most blue-collar occupations; the creation of jobs for secondary earners, people who do not want to give priority to paid work at the expense of other life interests; and the increasing importance of attitudes, values, and personal preferences in the lifestyle choices of affluent modern societies. 2. Women are heterogeneous in their preferences and priorities on the conflict between family and employment. In the new scenario they are therefore heterogeneous also in their employment patterns and work histories. 3. The heterogeneity of womens preferences and priorities creates conflicting interests between groups of women: sometimes between home-centered women and work-centered women, sometimes between the middle group of adaptive

women and women who have one firm priority (whether for family work or employment). The conflicting interests of women have given a great advantage to men, whose interests are comparatively homogeneous; this is one cause of patriarchy and its disproportionate success. 4. Womens heterogeneity is the main cause of womens variable responses to social engineering policies in the new scenario of modern societies. This variability of response has been less evident in the past, but it has still impeded attempts to predict womens fertility and employment patterns. Policy research and future predictions of womens choices will be more successful in future if they adopt the preference theory perspective and first establish the distribution of preferences between family work and employment in each society.


From the previous chapter, it has been stated that the problem researcher identified is in the scope of how is women, especially for who that already had a family, are able to balancing between office and family. It also identified how the career women can divide their time wisely and determined the level of priority. Chapter three divided into four part, which contain of the research design, time of research, sources, and questionnaire. The next four part are described in details. III.I. Research Design The method that researcher decided to use in this research is the open interview method. The reason why researchers use this method is because this research involved professional who expertise in their job field are. To prevent the misunderstanding of the data researcher need, this method is the safest way to do. This method allowed us to get the factual data and information right from the interviewee along with their acknowledge that will avoid us from the error in delivering information. III.II. Time of Research Before the researcher do interview, first thing to do is set an appointment with the interviewee.The researcher did interview in Wednesday, January 23 2013. III.III. Sources Researcher decided to do the open interview with the source person which is 3 career women that worked as the Head of three BCA (Bank Central Asia) branch offices around Bekasi. The first source is Mrs.EndangAndayani as the Head of Branch Office of BCA Cibitung Branch Office. The second source is Mrs.PirnawatiPranawingrum as the head of Branch Office of BCA PondokTimur Branch Office. The third source is Mrs.NikenAnggarsihAswini as the Head of Branch Office of BCA KarawangTuparev. Researcher met them in Centre Branch office in Bekasi.

III.IV Questionnaire 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Siapa nama Ibu? Berapa umur ibu? Sudah berapa lama kerja di BCA? Sejak kapan menjadi kepala cabang di sini? Apa job description dari kepala cabang? Saat pertama kali bekerja disini, posisi apa yang ibu dapatkan? Berapa tahun yang ibu butuhkan sejak pertama kali bekerja hingga menjadi kepala cabang seperti saat ini? 7. 8. Apa tujuan ibu bekerja? Apa suami mengijinkan ibu untuk bekerja?Bagaimana ibu mendapatkan ijin dari suami ibu untuk bekerja? 9. Apakah dulu satu perusahaan sama suami atau berbeda?bila satu perusahaan bukankah di BCA tidak di ijinkan suami istri satu perusahaan?mengapa ibu yang menetap di sini? 10. Apa rumah ibu jauh dari kantor?berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan? 11. Biasanya ibu berangkat ke kantor jam berapa dan pulang jam berapa? 12. Ibu punya berapa anak?berapa umurnya?sekolah atau kerja? 13. Bagaimana cara merawat anak saat masih kecil atau siapa yang merawat bila ibu sedang bekerja? 14. Kalau ibu mempunyai perawat apa ibu tidak takut bila anak ibu akan lebih dekat dengan pearwatnya di banding ibu? 15. Saat anak ibu masih bayi, anak ibu masih butuh ASI itensif, bagaimana ibu membagi waktu nya? 16. Saat melahirkan berapa lama waktu cuti yang ibu dapatakan?apa waktu yang di berikan sudah cukup atau kah kurang menurut ibu? 17. Bagaimana ibu membagi waktu antara rumah dan kantor, karena ibu menjadi peran yang sangat penting untuk di rumah maupun di kantor? 18. Bagaimana ibu menghabiskan waktu saat weekend? 19. Ibu lebih memprioriitaskan keluarga apa pekerjaan?dan bila ada satu hari nanti ternyata ada meeting yang sangat penting dan di hari yang sama (amit) anak ibu lagi sakit juga, bagaimana ibu menghadapinya?

20. Kalau ibu bisa memilih lebih enak menjadi ibu rumah tangga apa jadi wanita karir? 21. Menurut ibu, apa arti dari keluarga dan karir? 22. Apa ibu memiliki harapan atau keinginan untuk naik pangkat lagi?bila ingin apa ibu tidak mengalami kesulitan membagi waktu dengan keluarga karena dengan tinggi jabatan seseorang makin sibuk pula? 23. Apa harapan ibu kedepannya?

Mrs. Niken Anggarsih Aswini was born in solo 45 years ago. She began working in the BCA in 1990, when she was still a student. As the time goes by, the activities of the office and the college cannot run together very well, so she decided to quit college because there is no extension program like nowadays. She chose to continue working, because BCA is one of the great national private individual banks, are clean of the problem and have a good career path. The first position that she got when worked at the BCA as part of the administrative staff remittances. After several years of work she volunteered to be a teller and moved redeployed to the West Cikarang. In November 2008 she got promoted to become head of the branch. She is currently working in branch offices BCA KarawangTuparev. She needs 18 years to become head of the branch start from 1990-2008. As the head of the branch she had a different job description than before. The difference itself is located on the main task as head and chief marketing operational. As the operational head he should make the process of coordination between lower to upper levels, like bank operational reports. As the head of marketing she was responsible for achieving the targets given by the central office. To become head of the branch, she have a great responsibilities is not easy, especially in sharing time with family. She married in 1996 when she worksas the administrative staff BCA card at the branch Kalimalang. At those times her husband advised to stop working, in order to take care of the family well, but she refused to stop working, because if she works, it could help the family economy and ease the burden of her husband. Her husband is a contractor and works out of town, so her responsibility is increasingly as the mother to take care of 2 children. During childbirth the office gave her time off for a maximum of 3 months, the time that is given she used to treat her son as much as possible and also restore physical condition. When her son was a toddler, she was still giving ASI only in the morning and afternoon after work. To make sure her children still get good nutrition, she give formula milk in her work time. Her family members help to take care her children in working days. Every day she went to the office together with her two children who is currently 13 years old and 15 years old, she took off her children to school after that, she went on her way to the office with a distance of 60km

and takes about 1.5 hours. Position she has now, made her hard to divide their time between work and family. Her son sometimes asks about busyness that her gets, because they thought only have less sufficient time and attention from her mother. To solve that problem, every holiday weekend she spent time working with families in the home, such as cooking and watching TV, and at the end of the month she took a holiday off. If there is a case, such a call emergency meeting while her son got illness. She said the first priority is look at the condition based on how important meeting at the office and how badly her son illness. As a mother she wants to share and spend time with family, but it can only make happen on the weekend. If she can choose between become a housewife and career woman, she prefers to work alone as a business. because she considered that the burden of work at the office is heavy, more than that she must have to divide her mind between work and family, while if she opened his own business, she is more able to manage a family and business well and it can be controlled without the need to spend time in the office. Currently divide their time constraints can already be solved slowly, since she also has a child who is start the beginning to understand about busy work and office life and also as a parent. So now she has hope for the family and work. To work himself she hopes to add insight and improved performance, as well as to develop them. While for the family she hoped the time for him to provide more families and having children are more independent, and with what he is doing could be an example for her children. Mrs. Pirnawati was born on April 18th 1967. She is a woman career that work at BCA (Bank Central Asia) since 1992. Her reason became a woman career is because of her ambition to be an independent woman. To reach that ambition, she sacrificed her time and her family. Although, in the beginning of her career she worried about how to manage her concern about job and family. The other problem that she faced are, first is when her sons are sick. This situation will make her in trouble because she has to find the right time to take care her son especially in the working days. It could be happened because she has same priority between her job as professional workers and family as the most things that she loved. The second is when her sons was still baby, she have to give ASI to them, while in other hand she have to finished her job, then it make her in trouble. The third is come from

the office which when her placed in the small branch office which just have small number of employees there will be pressure in her emotional stability because she has to handle more job, even if she get menstruation then her emotional become unstable and the result is there will be more pressure on her. Apart from all of those problems, she still enjoyed her job. She could feel in that way because first this thing is her ambition that she want to reach. The second is she was supported by her husband and also from her family from the beginning when she started her career, so she can reduce her concern to that problem even her husband offer help to handle those problem. The third is BCA (Bank Central Asia) also give some allowance of time, especially when she was just born her son which she got three months to rest and take care of her baby. Thus, by all of these things she do not have to worry anymore about the her job and family. Besides that, to keep balance between the time of the family and the job, she will spend her free time with her family, like in the weekend she will go to some place for vacation with her husband and also her sons together. Mrs.PirnawatiPurnawingrum has a long career journey. Right now she has become a Head of Branch Office at BCA started from this year. After she promoted in that position, she has some obligation, which are lead and manage her several head division and subordinate in her office, and also she give services to her customer. To get that position she has to spend a long time and much effort because she started her career from lower level manager, which is an operator in BCA. In this position she has obligation to receive phone call from the customer or employee. After five years, she became a teller, which in this position she has to help and serve the customer to deposit, take, or send the money . Then the next four years she got a promotion for Head of Division. In this position she has to lead and manage her subordinate below her division. Finally in this year (2013) she promoted by her manager to became a Head of BCA PondokTimur Branch Office. Thus, the total years she worked in BCA is 21 years. Right now she feels enough become a woman career, and then she will not really push herself to get higher position. She just hopes she can get job rotation to avoid from the boredom and also hope happiness for her family. Mrs. EndangAndayani was born on April 8, 1965 in Bandung. She has two sons, the older one is in university and the younger one is still in high school. When she was pregnant,

she got 3 months work-off allowance from her office to prepare and to give birth. She felt that 3 months work-off is enough for her to nurse the newborn baby. After 3 months, she got help from babysitter while she was working. She had fear that her children would have stronger relationship with babysitter than her. But, she had overcome that fear by having quality time with her children once she got back from work. On the weekend, she spent her time with her family. If there is a job on the weekend, she would try her best to put off the job and prioritize her family beyond her job. Mrs. Endang is a type of person who likes to keep herself busy. However, she did not find any problems to ask for permission from her family to work. She has been working at BCA (Bank Central Asia) since 1990. She started her career as Customer Service. She decided to become a career woman to actualize herself not gain additional income. Also, she stated that even if she is not working, her husband can afford the living cost of the family. In her career progress, she had to pass 7 positions including Customer Service, Marketing Coordinator, Special Authority Staff, Head Teller, Head of CSO Division, and Service Manager until finally she reached the Head of Branch Office Division. Overall, it took 20-years to become the Head of Branch Office of BCA at Cibitung. She has been holding the position as Head of Branch Office at Cibitung for two and half year. Her office is located at Cibitung which is 21 kilometers away from her house so she has to leave at 6.15 AM and return from work at 7 PM. Her job descriptions are taking care of operational of the branch office including customer service, system and procedure, credit funding, lending, and marketing. Her role in the office is important so if there is a problem and she could not go to work, she still has to monitor her office and she will receive and check the reports made by her subordinates once she gets back to work. In addition, she must reach annual target in order to avoid bad records of her branch office. Every head of branch office is graded by calculating the profit, customer relationship, growing number of customers, fund received, and grand quality service of ATM (Automatic Teller Machine). Bad records could become an obstacle if she wants to be promoted to the higher position. Even though she knows the consequences such as less time with her family and willingness to be rotated to another region, she still would take the promotion.

If it is situated that her child is sick and there is an important job in the office, she would prioritize her child rather than her job. If she can choose between being a career woman or full time housewife, she would choose to be a full time housewife but still work at home. For her, family is a kind of energy that motivates her to survive in the life and make her life more colorful; and career is the way to actualize her and to improve her abilities. Her wish for the future is to maximize the self actualization, to share her knowledge and experience and to be promoted as head of central office. For her family, she wishes to fulfill her responsibility as a mother and a wife and balance it with her principal life which is to give happiness to her parents, family and people surroundings. The happiest soul is the one that make others happy. Being working mothers like Mrs. Endang, Mrs. Pirna, and Mrs. Niken require 40 hours or more a week outside the home. Furthermore, Head of Office Branch is one of the positions that categorized in top-level management. Being a woman in this position is not an easy job considering it involves an intense public relation, a highly manageable work, many unpredictable time-table and emergencies, unexpected problems, and a high responsibility. Not to take a count for the not family-friendly company that force woman to put her job above any other elements of life. Especially, when the woman is married, then the troubles are coming out unstoppable. These women relatively prioritize their families than their careers. They are walking along side and shoulder-to-shoulder to their life partners in the present age. They can do almost everything that men do, but the problem is sometimes they are underestimated. Actually, many women are working housewives and they perform their job well. Women consider many things before they choose to be career women. Serious thought is given when the children are neglected at home because of their mother is working. Therefore, it is important to have a husband who understands the career aspirations and support her whenever required. Otherwise, any one of them should be ready to make compromises with career and some family matters. Fortunately, Mrs. Endang, Mrs. Pirna, and Mrs. Niken do not meet any serious problems when they made decision to be career women. Generally, independent woman have high expectation from their spouse. A woman always need a husband who will support her in her career. Also, it is necessary to make a right choice so as not to suffer in near future.

Mrs. Endang, Mrs. Pirna, and Mrs. Niken are women who are successful in managing their work and family. They care more about their family and also know how to balance between work and family life. Due to the improvement in their education, women are no longer dependent on men and this is the reason for their great success. Having a family make a womens life complete. Even after marriage a good relation with husband and in-laws can keep her career going without negligence towards family. On the other side, the groom need tolerance and adjustable nature to support women in career. Without a family support career, a figure of a loving mother and wife can never be peaceful. Continues family support play a vital role and a helping hand in a womans career. Wise and smart decision should be made. It is all about making the right balance. If all this is done a woman would be happy ever after. Overall, women expect an understanding husband, family and children, and also a great dynamic career.




Being a successful career woman and also a loving mother is no longer something peculiar like what most of the people used to think. Women are often being judged because they cannot do what the men can do, especially for having a job. The problematical about what the women should do, being at home or having a job, sometimes still being a discussion. Mrs.Pirna, Mrs.Niken, and Mrs.Endang has already proved that to be a good and caring mother, they do not have to always stay at home. These three women are the example of a great career woman and also a loving mother and also a devoted spouse for their husband. They currently work as the Head of Branch Office of BCA in three different locations in Bekasi. It took a long time for them to arrive at that position which definitely seized their time to take care of their children, time to spend with their spouses, and also the leisure time for themself. Doing a multiple job, mother and career women in a same time, spent more than 40 hours a week outside home. The reason why the three of them work is the first one because they are intention for a career after graduating from college. Second, because they do not like stay at home, even though they are a woman but their soul just for a career, then, they feel bored if they just keep stay at home. The last reason is they work to live their children, although they have husbands who support them, but they still are not enough what they get if only depend on her husband. To be success in managing time between career and family, women need a great support from her husband and her children. It required a great coordination between a husband and wife to take care of a whole family, moreover, their children. Each of them needs a good understanding toward each other responsibility. Mrs.Pirna, Mrs.Niken, and Mrs.Endang successfully cooperate with their husband to take care of the family although their husband is also working. They fairly divided the family responsibility due to each other availability. Another good thing is, they have children who are not protesting of having both of their parents spend many times outside home to work. This is also a very good job done by Mrs.Pirna, Mrs.Niken, and Mrs.Endang. Although they spend so many times outside home, they still remember to have a good quality time with their family on the weekend.



Recommendation for women who are willing to be a great mother, yet a good career woman, there are several things that enabling them to successful in that way: They need to find a husband that has a good understanding about they career, so the husbands will support what the women do Being a career women that spending most of their time on their work, they must be able to manage their time between their job and their family They also have to understand which come to be the first priority, career or family. Do not being biased to one side. If something more urgent come first, so it has to be prioritized first Commit to the way that already decided. Do not misuse the trust that the spouse already gave So, to be a successful career women, they have to equalized the time and priority between family and work to have a balance life and also being a good mother for their children. It surely hard to perform both of it fairly, but it can be done if they have effort and courage to do that and also the most important thing is the support come from their family.

Woman Career

Group Member : Anandika Kusumo Prasojo (008201100005) Aprodio Hutama S. Putra (008201100012) Delfine Tannia (008201100087) Feby Christianty (008201100058) Kurnia Anis Rafifah (008201100097) Natasya Effriani (008201100052) Selvia Bely (008201100109) Yosi Erlangga Gito Jaya (008201100024)

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