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SPORTS Season 3

Footba ll
1. Adquirir un vocabulario bsico relacionado, principalmente, con el ftbol. (Tareas de vocabulario) 2. Escuchar y comprender las palabras ledas por el maestro, tratando de identificar la grafa con la fontica de cada palabra. (Tarea del Bingo) 3. Participar en el juego de interaccin propuesto, tratando de comunicarse con sus compaeros mediante el vocabulario adquirido en la sesin, adems del que ya posean. (Speaking) 4. Reconocer y utilizar el presente simple en las tareas propuestas. 5. Realizar con esfuerzo las tareas de la regla gramatical trabajada, mostrando inters por el aprendizaje y aplicacin correcta de la regla gramatical.

a) Adquisicin de vocabulario. b) Comprensin del vocabulario transmitido oralmente por el maestro. c) Reconocimiento de la estructura del presente simple. d) Participacin en las tareas de comunicacin-interaccin oral propuestas en clase, utilizando lo aprendido para comunicarse con sus compaeros. e) Inters por aprender el vocabulario y la regla gramatical enseados en clase.


1.1 READ AND LEARN THE FOLLOWING WORDS Capitan Jugadores Equipo Arbitro Aficionados Espectadores Resultado Estadio Campo de juego 1.2 Captain Players Team Referee Fans Spectators Score Stadium Pitch

Read the definitions and write the words:

people who watch a sport ____s__________ person who is the leader of a team ___c_________ person who is in charge of a team ____c_________ place where players play football ____p___________ person who controls the rules of game _____________ people who follow a team ________________ people who train and play together __________________ place where you watch a match ______________ person who plays football ________________ result of match ______________

1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 8. The 9. The 10. The

1.3 In group of 4-5, How much do you know about football quiz? Football Quiz
How long does a football match last? How many referees are there in a football match? How often are the Word Football Championships held? How long is a football pitch? How many teams are there in the Spain League? What words of English football do you use in Spanish?

AFIRMATI VE I You We The y She He It Win Play Like Do Wins Play s Like s does I You We The y She He It NEGATIVE

Do not (dont) Does not (doesnt)

Win Play Like Do

2.1 PRACTISE: Use The correct form Ex. - Teams of football have eight players (no have) - Spain always __________ in quarter of final. (lose) - Our team a blue trousers and red shirt. (wear) the goal (change) - Vicente del Bosque _________ Liverpool (no train) - In the second part of the match, the players -I football twice a week (play)

2.2 PRACTISE: Complete the sentences. Use dont/doesnt + one of the following verbs. Win Help Score Read Know Play Warp up Need

Ex. Children dont warp up before a match starts. - He likes football but he _______ very often. - They ________ newspapers of sports. - Its a small pitch but I __________ how many metres there. - Liverpool _________ three points, and it get down one post in the classification. - At the moment, Spain ____________ to win more matches because its classified. - Hes a good player. But he __________ your partners of team. - Real Madrid plays very good, but it ___________ out of home.


3.1. Youre going to hear an interview with Aaron who tells us about sports. (

How often did he play cricket and Australian football? a) Once a month b) Every day c) Every weekend What did he play in winter? a) Cricket b) Australian football c) Both What did he play in summer? a) Cricket b) Australian football c) Both How much does it cost to play golf? a) 5 dollars b) 10 dollars c) 15 dollars What sport has he stopped playing? a) Golf b) Cricket c) Tennis Todd: OK, Aaron can you talk a little about sports in Australia? Aaron: No worries. In Australia, when I was a child, I used to play cricket and Australian football every weekend. In the winter, I played Australian football, and in the summer it was cricket. Now that I'm older, I play golf. I play golf every weekend, and in summer sometimes during the week. In Australia it is really cheap to play golf. So, it's about ten Australian dollars, so it's very popular. A lot of people play golf, cricket and football. I used to play tennis, but I don't anymore. I once took tennis lessons, but as I said I

don't play tennis anymore.

4.1. In group of 4-5, think of a football team in your town/country and answer the questions.

Whats the name of your team? Where do they play? Who is the coach? Who is the best player in the team? What happened in their last match?

4.2. In pairs, interview your partner about football using the questionnaire. Ask for more information. Do you practise football in your free time? When? How many hours do you practise football? Do you respect the rules of game? Do you prefer playing football o being a spectator? Why? Do you go to watch a local football team? When? How many hours do you spend a week watching football on TV? When do you watch the football matches? What do you do if you meet a football celebrity? What do you ask him?

5.1 VOCABULARY: Look at the pictures and answer correctly.
Who is he? a. b. c. d. Captain Player Fan Coach If you score, you have got A goal An injury A yellow card A penalty

a. b. c. d.

Who is the person? a. b. c. d. Coach Team Referee Player

a. b. c. d.

The people who follow a team. fans spectators players referees

Where does play football? a. b. c. d. Stadium Pitch Track Pool

3.2. Circle the words in the correct group. Use your dictionary to check: Champion International Referee Final Celebrity Football Spectators Players Facilities Final Captain Stress on 1st syllable Champion Stress on 2nd syllable Stress on 3rd syllable

La metodologa, dada la corta edad de los alumnos y las caractersticas psicoevolutivas inherentes a los mismos, va ser ms directiva al inicio de la sesin (para centrar su atencin y la clase en general). Hasta la ltima tarea de interaccin, siempre les explicamos cmo hacer la tarea y ellos la llevan a cabo. (Asignacin de tareas). Para finalizar la clase, la metodologa ser ms abierta (cuando trabajamos la interaccin entre ellos), puesto que ya desde estas edades, hemos de tratar de buscar la autonoma en la utilizacin de la Lengua Extranjera, mediante, como no puede ser de otra manera, su USO. (Resolucin de problemas) Se deber tener en cuenta, que su vocabulario no es extenso y sus construcciones sern bsicas.

Procedimientos e Instrumentos de Evaluacin: Los procedimientos utilizados van a ser la observacin directa, para valorar el grado de participacin e inters de los alumnos, y la prueba escrita, para valorar la asimilacin de los contenidos gramaticales y de vocabulario. Los instrumentos utilizados van a ser respectivamente, el cuaderno del maestro donde llevar a cabo un registro de acontecimientos de los alumnos en la sesin; y las tareas escritas, tanto en clase como los deberes para realizar en casa.

Medidas de Refuerzo y Ampliacin: En cuanto al refuerzo, los deberes propuestos para casa, son una medida con la que nos aseguramos que trabajen sobre lo visto en clase, tratando de que asienten el conocimiento y asimilen la regla gramatical. La ampliacin, ira destinada a los alumnos con nivel ms avanzado, y se concretara en el segundo ejercicio de gramtica que realizaran en clase slo aquellos que finalizaran el primero rpidamente, y de manera correcta. El segundo ejercicio aade la dificultad de que ellos han de buscar el verbo correspondiente a cada frase. ACNEE (Alumnos Con Necesidades Especficas de Apoyo Educativo) Como hemos sealado anteriormente, la clase cuenta con un alumno hipoacsico con deficiencia auditiva media. La adaptacin para este alumno es no significativa, ya que no modificar aspectos esenciales del currculo (objetivos, contenidos ni criterios de evaluacin), centrndose en aspectos metodolgicos o de organizacin. Concretamente la posicin del profesor siempre ser lo ms cercana y frontal posible al alumno, exagerando las vocalizaciones al dirigirse a l.

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