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Rather be dead than cool , these words were mentioned by Kurt Kobain, the frontman of the famous 90s

band Nirvana. At that time the youth was rebellius

Are hipster a subculture? Although the term subculture is used in a variety of disciplines such as sociology, anthropology , criminology or cultural study. The concept emerged between two distinct sociological traditions, the American tradition of subcultural studies, also known as Chicago School and the British one which was developed by the Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies (Williams,2007). It is important to highlight that they appeared in different periods of time and that they conceived the concept and their study in particular ways. The Chicago School, which has its origins in the early twentieth century until the 1950, relied on an ecological model of society in equilibrium and on the belief that subcultures in the United States arose in part as a result of urbanization(William, 2007,p.573). Their studies concentrated on deviant behaviors of youth, criminals and other peripheral cultural groups. Subcultures were defined as relatively distinct social subsystem[s] within a larger social system and culture (Fischer, 1975,p.1323 as cited in William 2007, p.574).Later during the 1960s and 1970s, the british tradition emerged and was represented by the interdisciplinary scholars of the CCCS. Their goal was to study the youth British subcultures after the post-war period; they consider those phenomena not as a deviance but as a form of resistance that reflected larger class struggles(William, 2007, p.575). Thus, class and subculture were two inseparables concepts. Moreover, the British tradition did not employ an ethnographic approach to study the subculture like the American, but a semiotic analysis of style. Semiotic consist on deconstructing the taken-for-granted meanings that were attributed to subcultural studies.

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