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The Structure of Singing-Richard Miller Ch.

4 The Resonant Voice (Supraglottic Considerations in Singing) Articulation, to some extent, controls resonance Movements of the articulators affect tube or cavity dimensions in the vocal tract: these shapes affect the resonances of the vocal tract o Vocal tract: larynx, pharynx, mouth and nose The vocal tract is a resonator whose shape, which determines vowel sounds, is modified by changes in the position of the articulators. o Articulators: the lips, the jaw, the tip and body of the tongue, and the larynx The vocal fold are opened for breathing and are closed for phonation by the pivoting arytenoid cartilages

Vowel Formants Rereadmaybe with a scientist The Singers Perception of Timbre The Open Throat Dont sing from a yawn, yawn causes laryngeal tension Use the smell the flowers approach-still achieves open throat without tension Placement of the Voice Singers do not actually place tone, placement imagery is meant to help the singer discover desirable vocal timbre (resonance) through sensation vocal pedagogies are not in agreement as to what these sensations should be Balance-sensation equally experienced in the nasopharynx and in the frontal areas

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