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Achmad Setyo Wibowo. A1E006030. The Influence of Mycorhiza Bacillus sp.


Biofertilizer and Reduction of Fertilizer Recommendation Dose N P K Against The Availibility of P and K Within Chilli Plant at The Ultisol Soil Kalibagor
Pembimbing : 1. Ir. Bambang Setiadji, M.P. 2. Ir. H. Abubakar

RINGKASAN Pemanfaatan ultisol sebagai lahan pertanian dihadapkan pada berbagai kendala, khususnya sifat kimia. Kendala ini dapat diatasi dengan cara Intensifikasi Pertanian, yaitu dengan penggunaan pupuk buatan. Sementara pemakaian pupuk buatan memerlukan biaya tinggi dan apabila digunakan secara berlebihan dapat menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan. Oleh karena itu perlu dicari suatu alternatif yang dapat menghemat atau mengurangi penggunaan pupuk buatan. Penelitian ini merupakan salah satu upaya pemanfaatan tanah masam (Ultisol) dengan pemakaian pupuk hayati mikoriza Bacillus sp. B46 dan pengurangan dosis anjuran pupuk N P K untuk budidaya tanaman cabai dalam rangka menerapkan teknologi budidaya yang murah, ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pupuk hayati mikoriza Bacillus sp. B46 dan pengurangan dosis anjuran pupuk N P K terhadap ketersediaan P dan K dalam tanah, serta terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman cabai. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2010 sampai bulan Desember 2010 di lahan percobaan sawah di Desa Srowot, Kecamatan Kalibagor, Banyumas. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan central composite second order design (CCSOD), yang terdiri dari 13 kombinasi perlakuan dengan 2 ulangan sehingga diperoleh 26 unit percobaan. Faktor pertama adalah pupuk hayati mikoriza Bacillus sp. B46 (M) yang terdiri dari 5 taraf yaitu = 0 g/tanaman (M0); 2,5 g/tanaman (M1); 5 g/tanaman (M2); 7,5 g/tanaman (M3) dan 10 g/tanaman (M4). Faktor kedua adalah pupuk N P K (P) yang terdiri dari 5 taraf yaitu = 0 g/tanaman (P0); 4,31 g/tanaman (P1); 8,63 g/tanaman (P2); 12,94 g/tanaman (P3) dan 17,25 g/tanaman (P4). Variabel yang diamati adalah sifat kimia tanah (pH, P dan K Tersedia), serapan P dan K, tinggi tanaman, berat kering tanaman dan jumlah buah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi perlakuan pupuk hayati mikoriza Bacillus sp. B46 dan pengurangan dosis anjuran pupuk N P K memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap semua variabel yang diamati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis optimum rata-rata mikoriza Baciluus sp. B46 sebanyak 5,8404 g/tanaman dan pupuk sintetis N P K sebanyak 6,722 g/tanaman (ZA = 3,507 g/tanaman; SP36 = 0,877 g/tanaman; KCl = 2,338 g/tanaman). Berdasarkan kombinasi perlakuan tersebut di atas diperoleh hasil yang maksimum yaitu jumlah hara P dan K tersedia sebesar 0,2637 ppm P2O5 dan 0,2932 me% K2O; pH tanah sebesar 4,794; Al-dd sebesar 0,2472 me%; serapan hara P dan K oleh tanaman cabai sebesar 0,0056 g/tanaman dan 0,0180 g/tanaman; tinggi tanaman cabai sebesar 86,740 cm; berat kering tanaman cabai sebesar 34,892 g; dan jumlah buah cabai sebanyak 100 buah. Kata kunci : Ultisol, pupuk hayati mikoriza Bacillus sp. B46, tanaman cabai.

Achmad Setyo Wibowo. A1E006030. The Influence of Mycorhiza Bacillus sp. B46

Biofertilizer and Reduction of Fertilizer Recommendation Dose N P K Against The Availibility of P and K Within Chilli Plant at The Ultisol Soil Kalibagor
Pembimbing : 1. Ir. Bambang Setiadji, M.P. 2. Ir. H. Abubakar

SUMMARY Exploiting of Ultisol as agriculture farm given on to various constraint, particularly the nature of soil chemistry. It can be can overcome by agriculture intensification, that is by the usage of synthetic fertilizer. Meanwhile usage of synthetic fertilizer need high cost and if it used excessively can cause contamination of environmental. Therefore require to look for by a alternative able to economize or lessen usage of synthetic fertilizer. This research represented one of the efforts to utilize acid soil (Ultisol) with usage mycorhiza Bacillus sp. B46 biofertilizer and reduction of fertilizer recommendation dose N P K for the conducting of chilli plant in order to applying cheap conducting technology, environmental friendliness and have continuation. Objective of this research was to find out influence of mycorhiza Bacillus sp. B46 biofertilizer and reduction of fertilizer recommendation dose N P K against the availibility of P and K within soil, and also the growth and production of chilli plant. The research was carried out in June 2010 to December 2010 in experimental field at Srowot Village, Kalibagor Subdistrict, Banyumas. The research design was used in the second order central composite design (CCSOD) which consisted of 13 treatment combinations with two replications in order to obtain 26 experimental units. The first factor was mycorhiza Bacillus sp. B46 biofertilizer (M) consistied of five levels, ie = 0 g/crop (M0); 2,5 g/crop (M1); 5 g/crop (M2); 7,5 g/crop (M3) and 10 g/crop (M4). The second factor was fertilizer N P K (P) consisted of five levels, ie = 0 g/crop (P0); 4,31 g/crop (P1); 8,63 g/crop (P2); 12,94 g/crop (P3) and 17,25 g/crop (P4). The observed variables were soil chemical properties (pH, Al-dd, P and K availability), absorption of P and K, plant height, dry weight of crop and total fruit. The results showed that the combined treatment of mycorhiza Bacillus sp. B46 biofertilizer and reduction of fertilizer recommendation dose N P K had significantly affected to all variable perceived. The results showed that the optimum dose average mycorhiza Bacillus sp. B46 biofertilizer as much as 5,8404 g/crop and N P K fertilizer as much as 6,722 g/crop (ZA = 3,507 g/crop; SP36 = 0,877 g/crop; KCL = 2,338 g/crop). Optimum combination of the above fertilizers provided the number of maximum available P and K availability at 0,2637 ppm P2O5 and 0,2932 me% K2O; pH soil at 4,794; Al-dd at 0,2472 me%; the absorption of P and K by chilli plant was about 0,0056 g/crop and 0,0180 g/crop; the plant height of chilli plant was about 86,740 cm; the dry weight of chilli crop was about 34,892 g; and chilli total fruit was 100. Key words: Ultisol, mycorhiza Bacillus sp. B46 biofertilizer, chilli plant.

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