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Letter to Branches

For instant updates: email: 150 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1RX Tel: 020 8971 7200 Fax: 020 8971 7300 General Secretary: Billy Hayes ( No. 692/13 Ref: Date: 16th October 2013 General Secretary: Billy Hayes ( General Secretary: Billy Hayes ( General Secretary: Billy Hayes

To: All Branches with Postal Members Dear Colleagues

Industrial Action Ballot and Privatisation Next Steps Further to todays announcement on the yes vote, the following will set out our next steps. We have offered the company the opportunity for intensive negotiations over the next couple of weeks to conclude a final settlement on all outstanding matters. If the company are not prepared to make further concessions and conclude the agreement our members deserve we will hold a 24 hour strike on the 4th November. This strike day is intended to coincide with a mass demonstration for postal workers and provisional arrangements for this are in hand. We have also announced that if an agreement cannot be concluded, we will soon commence a second ballot for action short of a strike enabling a boycott of the competitors mail. The timetable for this second ballot will be finalised on the 28th October, when notice is due to be served for the 24 hour dispute. If this takes place, the second ballot will also be used to open up options for other tactics such as work to rules, overtime bans and non co-operation with unrealistic efficiency demands. In adopting the aforementioned course of action the Union is taking a responsible and determined position to achieve the industrial objectives agreed at Policy Forums and communicated to CWU members both before and during the ballot process. Our aim remains to secure an agreement before any industrial action is required and if a private Royal Mail really wants a settlement this is achievable.

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Privatisation in Context The privatisation of Royal Mail is a setback. The CWU has fought harder and longer against privatisation than any other UK Trade Union but in the end two key factors have brought us the result we did not want. Firstly, in recent times all mainstream political parties have initiated and supported privatisation. There was no serious Parliamentary opposition to the Governments plans and defeating privatisation in this scenario, was always a very difficult ask. Secondly, as we have witnessed with the disgraceful scramble to make money on the opening days of trading, the Royal Mail Group has been massively undervalued and deliberately sold on the cheap. This was always the Governments plan to ensure that the threat of industrial action would never deter private investors. The CWU will continue to develop strategies to minimise the impact of privatisation, including how we prevent the remaining Government stake falling into private hands and by exploring the potential for a separate trust to co-ordinate voting rights and maximise the influence of postal workers in the new ownership structure. Crucially, the CWU must also continue to recognise that the postal industry still faces equally important challenges from unfair competition, structural decline in our traditional markets and the need for growth in a rapidly evolving communications sector. In the coming weeks and months these issues will be prioritised. Finally, we are aware that there has been very vocal criticism amongst representatives and members over the position adopted by the Labour leadership. There is no doubt that Labours leaders have let us and the public down through their original proposal for privatisation and latterly by their lack of any serious political fight against it. The CWU will hold a special NEC meeting in the near future to address this situation. Summary Despite the setback of privatisation, the CWU is in a strong position to deal with the impact on CWU members terms and conditions and determine the strategy, principles and values of how Royal Mail will now operate as a private entity. The resulting industrial landscape from the Governments decision was always going to be the key battleground.

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It remains the primary role of a Trade Union to protect its members interests, regardless of who owns the company, or whether it is in public or private hands. The CWU campaign and strategy to connect industrial and political agendas has not only achieved a very good yes vote, but ultimately means the industrial strength of the Union will prevail over whatever the future holds. Please ensure the content of this LTB is circulated to all CWU Representatives and that the attached letter for members is distributed immediately in all workplaces. A letter to members explaining our next steps is also being sent to home addresses. Thank you for your continued support. Any enquiries on the general content of the above LTB should be addressed to the DGS (P) Department, enquiries on political developments to the General Secretarys Department. Yours sincerely

Dave Ward Deputy General Secretary (P)

Billy Hayes General Secretary

Ray Ellis Assistant Secretary

Andy Furey Assistant Secretary

Bob Gibson Assistant Secretary

Terry Pullinger Assistant Secretary

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Dear Colleague Industrial Action Ballot Next Steps Thank you for your support. We have been clear from the outset that we want an agreement and privatisation makes this more important than ever. Your support has strengthened our position and the clock is now ticking for both sides to focus all their efforts on reaching that agreement. The key debate is whether a privatised Royal Mail really wants a settlement. To build on the progress we have already made we have now offered the company another two weeks to conclude discussions. But if they are not prepared to make a new and improved offer and reach the agreement you deserve we will hold a 24 hour strike on the 4th November. It is your efforts that have significantly improved the fortunes of this company and we cannot allow private operators to maximise their profits by minimising the value of your job security, terms and conditions. We cannot allow a private Royal Mail Group to enter the race to the bottom by replicating the employment practices and service standards of their competitors. This is why we have also announced, that if an agreement cannot be reached, we will soon hold a second ballot for action short of a strike enabling a boycott of the competitors mail. If necessary, a second yes vote, will also open up options for other tactics such as work to rules, overtime bans and non co-operation with unrealistic efficiency demands. Privatisation is a setback but regardless of ownership our strategy was always designed to cover all eventualities and protect you from the impact of any sale and the continuing threat of unfair competition. With your continued support we are confident we will secure a long term legally binding agreement that will not only give you greater protection than any other group of UK workers but will also determine the strategy, principles and values that the Royal Mail Group will have to operate under as a private entity. We will keep you updated. Yours sincerely

Dave Ward Deputy General Secretary (P)

Billy Hayes General Secretary

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16th October 2013 For immediate release

Postal workers vote 4 to 1 for strike action

Postal workers in Royal Mail have today (Wednesday) voted by 4 to 1 (78%) in favour of strike action in a move to protect their jobs, terms and conditions and secure a pay rise. CWU is allowing two weeks to reach an agreement but has also announced that strike action will take place on Monday 4 th November if no agreement is concluded by that date. This would be one day of all-out strike action, with further action under consideration. The union is also announcing a new ballot that will enable postal workers to boycott competitors mail, to supplement the strike action. Dave Ward, CWU deputy general secretary, said: Postal workers have spoken very clearly that they care about their jobs, terms and conditions far more than they care about shares. The stakes have become much higher for postal workers since privatisation making this ballot more important than ever. Postal workers will not be the people who pay for the profits of private operators and faceless shareholders. We have said from the beginning that we want an agreement and we still do. The question now is whether this privatised Royal Mail still wants an agreement. We have offered the company a two week period to reach an agreement and having already had many hours of negotiation, this is achievable if there is a will. The clock is ticking for both sides and we need Royal Mail to work to reach agreement before this deadline. What we want is a groundbreaking, long term, legally binding agreement that not only protects postal workers job security, pay and pensions but will also determine the strategy, principles and values of how the Royal Mail Group will operate as a private entity. This means there will be no further breakup of the company, no franchising of individual offices or delivery rounds, no introduction of a cheaper workforce on two-tier terms and conditions and no part time industry. It will mean regardless of who owns Royal Mail this company will not be able to enter the race to the bottom and replicate the employment practices and service standards of their competitors.

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Boycott At the same time as announcing a 24 hour strike, the CWU today has announced they will carry out a second ballot asking workers to support action less than strike action, to carry out a boycott of competitors mail. Dave Ward added: On top of a strike, the union will seek a mandate from members to carry out the boycott of competitors mail. In law, this needs a separate ballot and we will commence the procedures for this at the earliest opportunity. The boycott will be used to supplement strike action. Royal Mail needs to reach an agreement with us now and avoid the consequences of these two types of action from postal workers. The ballot result in full was: Turnout: 63% (71,913) Yes votes: 78% (56,339) No votes: 22% (15,624) CWU represents all non-managerial staff in Royal Mail Group working as delivery people, sorting staff, drivers, admin and back-office roles. The ballot affects 115,000 postal workers in Royal Mail and Parcelforce, but not the Post Office. -ends-

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