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Maybe with this story you all will identify. Some will think that it is true.

And others will be too hypocritical and will not understand. Since I was young, I knew what talent to develop. On my way many people told me that my dream wasnt worth it. I tried to prove to them that they were wrong, but I was the one that went far away from my goal. Only because of insignificant people that always told me that I didnt know how to do anything, when in reality I did know. Because of them, I went with the flow and I was the one that ended up losing because I lost the most important thing for me: gymnastics. It wasnt until one day that I heard a saying that said: A lot want to represent but little will achieve. And since that moment I practiced and practiced. While inside me a dream kept growing: that my country would be proud of me. But it wasnt as easy as I thought. Winning the respect of my people was the hardest thing, which is a shame because it is the same blue, red, and white blood that runs through our veins and unites us. Here, if I didnt find a job I was going to starve. Work that took away time from my trainings, but demanded first place priority. It wasnt until I obtained three important medals, which according to all of you, were worth it. I didnt receive the respect that I deserved. Talking to the government rulers here is like talking to ghosts, since they were the first ones in ignoring me; but how ironic because they were the first ones in the line to take a picture with me when I arrived triumphantly to my island. It got to the point where I did not want to represent the people in this country. I only wanted to represent what Puerto Rico once was: Where from corner to corner uproar prevailed. They were all dreamers and justifiers of how Puerto Rico was a spot in the planet and how its competitor, no matter where he came, was going to be the object of Puertorrican pride. Now, all that is heard are insults. Envy predominates. Values are lost like an echo that disappears in the immensity. Everyone no longer respects each other. We always something from someone, but we never do our part. We no longer recognize our roots, and then we ask why we are like

this. The greatest pride I felt was when I won everything and did the best that I could, but the deception was greater when I arrived at my island, rejected because I did not bring gold to home. I tried but I didnt achieve it. If I could only tell them that they are the future and to not listen to ignorant, hypocritical people of this country, and to never stop to admire that flag that says talent with its star. All the practices during the day and night, and night and day, make us think that we want to be that star.

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