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In the active voice, the subject is the person or thing which performs the stated action

For example: When changed into the active, the passive sentence; 'The cat was chased by the dog' becomes 'The dog chased the cat'.

See also Passive Voice. A saying, which has obtained credit by long use. Or in a more negative way, an old saying, which has been overused or is considered a clich. A word which is used to describe people, things, events etc. Adjectives are used with nouns and pronouns.

See also comparative adjectives and superlative adjectives.

More on this... A word which is used to say for example, when, where or how something hapens.

More on this... An adverbial is a word or expression in the sentence that functions as an adverb; that is, it tells you something about how the action in the verb was done. A syllable (not a word in itself) which can be added to a word or phrase to produce another word or phrase (see also prefix and suffix). An agent noun defines who or what is carrying out the action of a verb. It is usually spelt with the suffix er.

For example: "The driver was drunk when he crashed the car." A story, play, poem, picture or other work in which the characters and events represent particular qualities or ideas, related to morality, religion or politics.

For example:

"The Long Walk is an allegory for the lives of the 1.1 billion people who currently live without access to clean water, many of whom spend whole days walking miles to collect 20 litres of dirty water for their family's cooking, washing, drinking and cleaning needs." The use of the same consonant or vowel at the beginning of each word or stressed syllable in a phrase, often used in tongue twisters.

For example: "Around the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran." In phonetics, an allophone is one of several similar speech sounds (phones) that belong to the same phoneme. A passing reference to or obscure mention of someone or some event. An ambigram, also known as an inversion, is a graphical figure that spells out a word not only in its form as presented, but also in another direction or orientation. This is typically when viewed as a mirror-image or when rotated through 180 degrees. The word usually is not a palindrome, although it may be. Sometimes the word spelled out from the alternate direction may be a different one, but for mirror-image ambigrams the canonical form spells out the same word. A re-arrangement of the letters of a word or phrase which produces another word or phrase.

For example: "Florence Nightingale" becomes, "Flit on, cheering angel." A comparison made to show similarity, especially used to clarify something unfamiliar by comparing it with something familiar. A short, usually humorous, story.

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