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Right Mouse - When wiring, plugs wire into multiple inputs. Shift+Click - Pick component aggregate.

Shift+Clicking - Place component aggregate. Alt+Left - Click Split canvas tool. Ctrl+Q - Preview toggle. Ctrl+E - Enable toggle. Ctrl+Left - Navigate upstream. Ctrl+Right - Navigate downstream. Ctrl+M - Mesh Edge display toggle. Ctrl+1 - No preview Ctrl+2 - Wireframe preview. Ctrl+3 - Shaded Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Click - Save image of canvas. Ctrl+Alt and Shift+Ctrl+Alt - Highlights components on the canvas and component palette. Ctrl+Shift - Rewire component input/output. Double Click - Find/Search Alt+Drag - Copy component on canvas. Ctrl+Tab - Document cycling. Ctrl+Shift+P - Preferences Ctrl+N - New file Ctrl+O - Open file Ctrl+S - Save file. Ctrl+Shift+S - Save as. Ctrl+Alt+S - Save backup. Ctrl+W - Close open document. Ctrl+Z - Undo copy. Ctrl+Y - Redo Ctrl+X - Cut Ctrl+C - Copy Ctrl+P - Paste Ctrl+Alt+V - Paste in place Ctrl+Shift+V - Paste in center Ctrl+A - Select all Ctrl+D - Deselect Ctrl+Shift+I - Invert Selection Ctrl+Shift+A - Grow Selection Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow - Grow Upstream Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow - Grow Downstream Ctrl+Left Arrow - Shift upstream Ctrl+Right Arrow - Shift downstream Ctrl+G - Group selection F3 - Find F4 - Create F5 - Recompute Ctrl+B - Send to back Ctrl+F - Bring to front Ctrl+Shift+B - Move backwards Ctrl+Shift+F - Move forwards Insert - Bake selected Ctrl+Q - Toggle preview Ctrl+E - Toggle enabled selected

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