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Reddit: melhroes alunos da escola, como o vosso horario? ChemE. Top of my class.

. There are many great tips here. I would like to just add 1.) stay organized (I suggest something like rainlendar t/cms/index.php) 2.)Get up early. If you're up at 04:00, you can complete half a work day before others are even rolling. 3.) Keep a diary. It will help keep you sane. Trust me on this one. 4.)Don't back down. You wanna be the gal/guy working a problem after your classm ates say it's not possible, the one who applied to another 20 internships after 20 rejections, the one who salvaged 40% in class to an 75%. You wanna be the gal /guy others can rely on as a teammate, as the person that will always be there, trying.

Honestly, it's all about being efficient. Figure out the best way you learn, the n do it. A good way to do this is to ask yourself what makes you have that aha! moment the night before an exam when the penny finally drops. Is it taking labor ious notes of your textbook? Watching youtube tutorials? Doing practice question s? Try to find out, then do more of that. It may vary course to course and prof to prof. You'd be surprised at how much stuff which is considered 'necessary' is not actu ally that important. I started to realize this in first year when I noticed some lectures were so slow that I could cover two lectures worth of material and do all the homework in the 50 minutes the lecture would normally take. If there are no attendance marks and the notes are available elsewhere or are not helpful, y ou can purposefully reconsider going to some of the slower-paced classes. Just m ake sure you actually have the dedication to keep up with your material, commit to the time you set aside. If it's an 8:30 am class where you'd rather sleep in, be sure to use that extra hour during the day for studying that material specif ically. Same goes for tedious, repetitive homework. Choose the hardest questions and if you can do them, don't waste your time with the simple ones. I think if you tried to do every bit of homework or practice assignments or readings ever a ssigned, you wouldn't have time to sleep. So be realistic and prioritize. I also HATE the idea that engineering has to take over your life. I submitted to this fear in first year, and pretty much shut down my social life and any extra curriculars I had coming out of high school, and it sucked. The 95 average I got didn't really feel like it was worth the sacrifice. In my second year I branche d out a lot, started volunteering at a hospital, teaching grade 1 german school, trained for a triathlon, joined a sorority, took some ballet classes. I also ma de friends with some other engineers outside of my minimal group of high school friends, and ended up doing lots of social stuff with them, getting together for drinks or parties probably once a week. It was great, I had a ton of fun, and m y average did drop, but only to a 90. There's a saying that goes something along the lines of 'don't let your drinking affect your fitness, but don't let your f itness affect your drinking'. I like to think the same thing about engineering a nd the rest of your life. Don't turn down either, do both. People will always ma ke the excuse that they don't have enough time, but you really do. The fact that you're even here, on reddit, reading this, means you have free time. Making you r life busier doesn't make the quality of the individual tasks decrease, it just makes the efficiency of work increase. You'd be amazed at how much you can do w hen you push yourself. Just make sure when you do study that it is productive, n

o internet surfing, no texting, no reading-but-not-actually-reading notes, just full, focused studying. The good thing about being on a tight schedule is that i t tends to reduce the amount of time wasted during your allotted studying times, because there is no other option. Also, NEVER give up on material because you aren't getting it. As soon as there is a problem, fix it as soon as possible. If you don't understand something in a lecture, raise your hand and ask. If you can't figure out a homework question, don't skip over it and just forget about it, fix it. And never go into an exam k nowing that you just 'don't really understand [Laplace Transforms/The Moody Diag ram/whatever it is that you're having trouble with]'. THAT is how you fail exams . Once you encounter an issue, resolving it should be your number 1 priority, no t just some pesky thing at the back of your mind. If you wanna be a top student, you can't afford to knowingly loose marks; the surprise attacks will take away enough already. Study efficiently, not excessively. Keep yourself busy and do stuff you love. Re solve misunderstandings immediately. You always have more free time that you cou ld be using. Drink lots of coffee :)

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