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Mock1 Jessica Mock Art Gutierrez UL 100A 15 September 13 John Lennon

Though I have a very wide variety of desired music types and artists, John Lennon is by far my favorite. Lennon was born in Liverpool, England on October 9, 1940 and was shot on December 8, 1980 at the strikingly young age of 40. The genre of music he composed is considered a mix between pop and rock. He influenced many people during his time and continues to inspire people today through his lyrics. Lennon sang about many social issues; the main three being world peace, discrimination, and happiness. One of Lennons most popular songs and a song played at my uncles funeral is Imagine. This song, hands down, is my favorite song in the world. The lyrics of Imagine urge people to come togeth er as one and to ignore our differences. In his lyrics, he also sings about people living life in peace. Though many listeners of Lennons songs agree and appreciate his lyrics, there are many out there that find his words as a threat. In fact, Lennon was the target of a negative media campaign and was bombarded with false accusations about him and his life. The United States press would constantly make up untrue life events in order to make Lennon look bad. Unfortunately we still see many of these fallacious life events and lies regarding Lennon online today. Because Lennon thought differently than others and wished to live outside of the norm, he was shot five times by Mark David Chapman. Chapman killed Lennon simply because he did not

Mock2 agree with his ways. This violence is the very thing Lennon wanted to rid the world of. His message and ideas of a free world did not die with him; they still exist today.

Lennon is partially responsible for introducing the world to rock and roll and was a very free spirited man. He composed many hit songs with the Beatles who are still very popular today. Although the rock and roll age was looked down upon by many due to the increased activity in sex, drugs, and STIs (called STDs then), I believe Lennon allowed the good of this era to shine through his work. He gave this day in age a good name and a positive outlook on life. His only wish was for everyone to get along and to join him in his practice of free thought. His main goal was for us all to live in one world happily. Lennon made a difference in the world by introducing his new ways of living freely and people will continue to follow in his footsteps. Lennon will always be an inspirational leader and a brave man in my eyes.

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