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Question 3:
1. Look at the pictures.
2. Correct the errors.
3. Rewrite the passage.

B. Correct the errors.

Last holiday, Encik Amar take his family to visit the KL Tower. They took a
express elevator to the Observation Deck. They can see the entire city of Kuala
Lumpur from there. The view is beautiful.
Then, they go to the Bukit Nanas Forest Recreational Park. They walk along
a jungle track called the Jelutong Trail.They see many animals or colourful
After the walk, we went to a playground in the park. They have their lunch
under a big shady tree. Then, a children help their parents pack their things before

they go home.

B. Rewrite the passage.



Question 3
1. Look at the pictures.
2. Correct the errors.
3. Rewrite the passage.

A.Correct the errors.

Last saturday,Azman and his friends go jungle trekking in the jungle. They
went there with bus. When they arrive, they search for a suitable site and pitch a tent.
They bring along a compass, a box of first aid kit and some food with them. They cook
rice in a pot. They also fry some eggs and cooked some sardines.
The next morning, we woke up early. They spend the whole morning collecting insects.
They keep the insects in a clear jar.

They enjoy learning about plants and animals in the jungle. They was very tired and
exhausted. Then, they pack in and go home.

Question 3
1. Look at the pictures.
2. Correct the errors.
3. Rewrite the passage.

A. Correct the errors.

Last sunday, Encik Amin bring her family to a big and famous bird park In town. At
the bird, they see many varieties of birds in different cages.
Later in the afternoon,they find a shady place at one corner of the park to have their
lunh. Encik Amins wife spread a square mat on the grass and bring out the foods that
she prepare. All of them were very hungry and really enjoy the delicious food.

After having their lunch, the children help their parents to pack all the things into
the car. They went home happy. The children truly enjoy the outing and they have learnt
a lot about birds.

Read the sentences carefully. Rearrange the sentences to form a story.

Write the sentences in three paragraphs in the space provided.

Yusuf felt very proud of himself because he had done the right thing.
One day, Yusuf was walking home after visiting his friend.
The purse belonged to his neighbour, Puan Salmah.
He immediately went to her house and rang her doorbell.
She thanked him for returning her purse and she praised him for being honest.
On his way, he saw a purse lying on the road.
When Puan Salmah came to the door, she was surprised to see Yusuf.
He opened the purse to check who it belonged to.
He stopped to pick up the purse.
Yusuf decided to return the purse to her.
He looked at the identity card inside the purse.

Read the sentences carefully. Rearrange the sentences to form a story.

Write the sentences in four paragraphs in the space provided.

Last week, the Art Club of our school went on a special outing.
Then, it was time to go home.
When the bus came for us, we boarded our bus and left the place.
The bus picked us up from school at 8.30 a.m.
The teachers put us in pair.
Mrs Mak, our Art teacher and another teacher, Puan Norzihan went with us.
Our teachers brought drinks and fruits for us.
We reached the park after forty minutes.
But before we left, we picked up our rubbish and put them into the bins.
It was a beautiful park.
Each pair chose a nice spot to set up our work place.
There were trees , plants and a beautiful lake.
We took our lunch packs and shared our food.
We painted until it was time for lunch.
We got down from the bus with ou easels, paint boxes and other materials and our lunch packs.
After eating, we continued painting for another hour.

Question 3
Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write
your answer in the space provided.



( 15 marks )
Question 3
Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
You are advised to spend about 35 minutes on this question.



Write a story about an incident during a camping trip as shown in the pictures. You
are advised to spend about 35 minutes on this question.

Question 3
Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space given.

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