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uss Edit Article How to Take Care of a Wild Bird Edited by Rechii, MA, Sondra C, Jaydoubleyoubee and 21 others Let's just say, that you we're outside, and you find a bird. It's too young to s urvive on it's own. I have all of your answers. From what to feed your bird, how to keep them warm, and everything else! It's all here in this article. EditSteps 1Make sure you have a box ( not too big) and put dried up grass - you may use gr ass shavings from the lawn mower. But make sure not to use paper shreds from the shredder or grass you picked from the ground. Because the paper shreds can stra ngle the bird to death and the grass makes the bird cold. And could freeze to de ath. 2Once you have all of that settled, you must keep the baby bird warm. Pour warm water in a bottle and put paper towels around the it so that this doesn't burn t hem. 3Baby birds eat every 10 or 20 minutes. Use an eye dropper and feed the bird can ned dog, cat, or baby food. Make sure not to shove the eye dropper down the chic k's throat. It could choke them. 4After a long day of feeding, squirming, and peeping, the bird needs some sleep. If it curls up and isn't moving, it's not dead! It's sleeping, and this bird ne eds to sleep. It will tell you when it's awake and hungry again. Make sure you s tay nearby, when they're sleeping; they need 100% attention. EditVideo

EditTips Be careful with its wings and legs. They can be broken with very little pressure . Don't let little children handle the wild animal. Always remember to release the bird back to its friends, after the bird has been cared for, for a while. It wants to be back with friends of it's own kind. Always wash your hands, after caring for, or holding the wild animal. This helps both you and the bird to stay healthy. Have a firm but gentle grip. Get the worm into pieces like this long:------Don't shove or force anything, if he isn't hungry or thirsty. Try again in 10-30 min. or so. Make sure you give your bird a big cage with lots of space. Birds are meant to f ly. Once your bird gets used to its new home let it, fly around. Don't get adult thick worms. Definitely not earthworms or night crawlers either! Make sure it has no diseases. Show 2 more tips

EditWarnings Don't pry his beak open, you will get bit. If you have a pet dog/cat, keep the birdcage up high. Don't stick him under the faucet, to give him a drink of water. The bird will ga g, and probably die. Don't feed the bird human food. That could cause it to die. Seek advice from a wildlife specialist or vet, if you need assistance. Don't throw the bird, to make it fly. If it can't fly,don't try to make it fly i n any way. Don't go purposely catching a bird and do this. EditThings You'll Need a spoon a cage worms water bedding tweezers(optional) a washcloth (to tear the worms apart,i f you don't want worm stuff all over your hands!(optional) EditRelated wikiHows How to Clean a Birdcage How to Calm Down a Bird How to Make a Safe Environment for Your Pet Bird How to Care for an Injured Wild Bird That Cannot Fly Article Info Categories: General Bird Care Recent edits by: TheAssistant, mairead reid, Janezee DiscussPrintEmailEditSend fan mail to authors Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 16,766 times. Was this article accurate? YesNo Random Article Write An Article Related Articles How to Care for a Conure How to Care for Newborn Birds

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