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Possible Questions from the Interviewer of the IELTS Test ?What is the meaning of your given name .1 ?

Does your name affect your personality .2 .Tell me something about your hometown .3 ? What are the differences in accent between your hometown and test city .4 ?What is the character of the people li"e in your hometown .! ?What is people$s favourite food in the region where you live .# 'estival& .% ?)re there any traditional festivals in your region .( . Tell me something about the local sight .* .Tell me something about a local 'estival .1+ ?,ow have weddings changed in recent years .11 . Tell me something about event .12 .Describe a traditional wedding ceremony .13 ?,ow do -ationals& usually celebrate birthdays .14 ?)re there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby .1! .,ow do you li"e test city&? .ompare it to your hometown .1# ? What place do you li"e best in city .1% ?What places in your city/test city& should a foreigner visit .1( ?What places would you recommend a visitor to go to in your region/hometown .1* ? 0f you had the choice1 where would you choose to live in your country .2+ ?Which parts of your country& would you recommend a foreigner to visit .21 .Tell me something about your family .22 ? Which is the worst place you$ve been to in your country .23 ?Who ta"es the greatest responsibility for bringing up your child in your family .24 ? Which is the best place you$ve been to in your country .2! ?Who does most of the household chores in your family .2# ?)re the traditional se2ual roles within the family changing .2% ?Why is the divorce rate increasing so rapidly? 0s it a problem .2( ? What is your opinion of the some problem& situation in your country .2* ? ,ow are children disciplined in your country .3+ ?0s it acceptable for couples to live together without marrying .31 ?0f you had the choice1 would you have a son or a daughter .32 ?Would you bring your child up any differently to the way your parents did .33 ?Who is your favorite musician .34 ?Do women still have too heavy a burden in their day to day life .3! ?0s the increasing influence of )merican culture largely a positive or negative thing .3# ?What1 according to you1 has been the greatest change in recent years .3% ?What1 according to you1 has been the most problematic change in recent years .3( ?What1 if you are a lecturer what changes have you seen in education over the past few years .3*& ?Who should bear the responsibility for payment of tuition fees .4+

?What can be done to improve education in rural areas .41 ?,ave recent changes affected your 3ob in any way .42 ?Do you agree with private education .43 ?What can be done to close the gap between urban and rural areas .44 ?0f you had the power1 what reforms would you carry out within education .4! .Describe a typical wor"ing day for you .4# ?,ow do you see yourself in ten years time .4% ?0f you had the opportunity to change your 3ob1 what would you do instead .4( ?0f you had one million local currency&1 what would you do with it .4* ?0f you could start your life again1 would you do anything differently .!+ ?Do you have any ambitions .!1 ?Which country/place would you most li"e to visit .!2 ?What changes do you thin" your country& will see in the ne2t few years .!3 ?Will any possible future changes affect your 3ob in any way .!4 ? ,ow do you thin" you will cope in your host country .!! ? Does anything worry you about going to your host country .!# ? )re you loo"ing forward to anything in particular in your host country .!% ? What are your plans on your return to your country .!( ?What do you do in your spare time .!* ?What will you do if you fail the 045T6 .#+ ? What.s your name ? Where do you live ? What family members do you live with ? What are you studying ? What do you li"e about your studies ? What do you li"e about learning 4nglish ? ,ow often do you use 4nglish ) city you have visited 7 ? What country do you come from ? Which other countries have you visited ? )re there any countries you would li"e to visit? Why ? What do you find difficult about travelling ? What do you en3oy about travelling ?What is your preferred method of travel 7 ? ,ow you got the 3ob ? What the 3ob involved ? ,ow long the 3ob lasted ? Describe how well you did the 3ob ? What town or city do you come from ? .an you describe you family home ? What does your family usually do at the wee"end 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

? Do you li"e going out with your family? Why ? Where would you li"e to ta"e a holiday? Why ? Who would you most li"e to go8on holiday with ? What was the best holiday ever had ? What part of your country do you come from ? ,ow long have your lived there ? ,ow do you li"e to travel around ? What types of restaurants are there in your city/town/village ? Which is your favourite? Why What sort of food do you parents li"e to eat 7 ? Do you have a large family or a small family ? .an you tell me something about them ?,ow much time do you manage to spend with members of your family ? What sorts of things do you li"e to do together ? ,ow has education changed in your country in the last 1+ years ? What changes do you foresee in the ne2t !+ years .) nation education system 7 7 7 7

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

7 7 7

. tal" about a boo" that influenced you 42plain about your child hood life1 the place where you lived during that time1 9where did you play?: how do 0 spent my leisure time1 what is your opinion about the present generation:s leisure time .activities1 etc The cue card was about my favorite T; program. -ame 1of the program When is it shown1 who watches it1 what programs are watched by people

They start initailly with $tell me something about you and your family$ and then slowly about my 3ob1 my wor" style....basically to guage how well you can communicate ......and then one topic on which you have to spea" for 2 .....>> mins <ou have 1 =in. to thin" abt it&..i was given...television ...and the rest is ,istory the ?uestions were regarding the transport used in my nation. 6econd1 the cue card was T@AB 0 W4-T. then the last ?.s were regarding travel

and tourism in my country... There are always comparission ?uestions li"e when you were in childhood .and in the current age. 6o prepared for that

6ome discussion about the .ity 0 live in....some / discussions on Cublic Tranport and their relative advantages disadvantages and finally what could be your suggested mode of Cublic ..transport to reduce the problems of .ity

tell about your city and food do u disli"e . D )bout the transportation . public and private transportation 8 the differences between transportation in ur granpa time and ur time 8 .) place that you once went there . ??where and why 8 ??by what 8 when was the last time you went shopping what did you buy tal" about some thing you are proud about?? how what did you do why are you proud of your achievement ?what$s your full name . where are you from? and tell me about your hometown . ?what$s your ma3or? and are there any li"es or disli"es in your ma3or . ?who does most housewor" in your family . do you li"e shopping? what "ind of things do you often buy . ?when you go shopping? where do you li"e to go shopping Describe your favorite T; program ?what$s the difference of T; programmes in the daytime and at night ?what$s the difference of T; programmes on children and elderly people ?what$s the situation of the cinema in .hina what do you thin" of the phenomenon that more and more people . ?)re willing to buy D;D and watch films at home instead of going to the cinema ?how will the T; programmes develop in the near future ?what$s the difference of T; programmes now and in then past . ?Where were you born ?Do you wor" or study ?Do you li"e your 3ob

.Tell me something about your childhood Do you thin" that your childhood was in any way different to that of ?children today ?Where do you live ?Do you find household tas"s difficult ?Which household tas" do you find most important Describe a popular T; programme D<ou should say what the programme is about 8 what "ind of people it is targeted at 8 what is your opinion about the programme 8 ?what$s more popular nowadaysD cinema or T; ?why television is so popular 8 ?what was the success that you had ?,ow did you go about achieving it ?What this success means to you ?Where 0 was born ......Eive a brief description of the city 0 live in .'acts about my 3ob1 what 0 li"e F disli"e about it1 etc what movies 0 en3oy?1 whatGs the difference between going to the cinema or renting a movie.......0f 0 had .the chance to be in a movie what role 0 would li"e to perform1 etc ?When was the first time 0 listened to that song ?Why is important to me DCart threeD =ore ?uestions about Traditional music in my country )nd finally1 he as"ed my opinion about national anthems The spea"ing part was first about the city were 0 live1 what 0 li"e about it and what 0 don$t. )lso which food 0 li"e1 and food 0 1don$t. Then the interviewer moved on to animals 8 animals 0 li"e animals that can be found in my country1 famous animals of my .country what changes u li"e to do in your home town1 my favourite food1 and my cuecard topic was which tv programe u li"e most1 why .u li"e1 what changes u want to do in tv

1personal ?uestions1 advantages/disadvantages of your 3ob future career plans1 who does the household in your family1 tell about your childhood cue cardD a period in my life which you li"e the most1 describe this period and tell why1 tell about friends you had in this time period more ?uestionsD how older people are integrated in society in former times and nowadays1 what games you played in my childhood1 what "ind of games children play these days -ature of your 3ob1 0f you li"e movies and where do you prefer to ?watch it in cinema or home ?What are the different season in your country and how is it li"e ?Which is your favorite Tell about hometown1 what "ind of music do you li"e .Tell me something about something which you created with your own hands and are very e2cited about What are the different types of crafts in your country1 are they dying down1 what needs to be done to .promote them1 do you thin" that there is something already being done to pormote them ) brief interview that includes Eeneral .onversation about your self ) topic you have to tal"ed aboutD your opinion )n academic opinion of your topic

ur wor" present future&1 healthy food 64.T0@- 2 the best holiday u had D section 3 tourist industry what tourists get from travelling give some solution to benifit tourist industry what$s your favorite room in your home what is it what it li"es what you do in the room normally why you li"e it describe your best holiday what where

with who ? why do you thin" best HHHHHH Dpart 1 ?what$s your full name ?are you wor" or sudent ? where is your hometown .tal" about the health food ?what "ind of food do you li"e?why .1 do you find any problem in food nowadays .2 cue cardDdescribe a advertisment what you seen or hear what is it about where do you "now it why do you li"e it ?are people pay more attention to the health food .3 compare the people$s food habit in modern time and .4 . that in past .tal" about the travel ? have you been any other cities before .1 ?do you li"e travelling ?why .2 do you li"e travelling alone or with other .3 ?people?who Fwhy D? card tal" about the clothing 3ewellery& in your special ?occasions describe what type of clothing will you choise in ?special time ?what will you loo" li"e when you wear them ?how do you feel when you wearing them HHHHHH Dpart 3 do your country have any tradition and national ?clothing do you thin" the clothing are more important than ?before?why what type of clothing do you wear in different occasions? for e2ample what information can you find in another person$s ?clothing

Tas" 1D When you are away1 your friend will live in your flat1 write a letter1 to tell where is the "ey 1 as" her or him to ta"e care of something in the 2 flat .give instruction on the day when you return 3 Tas" 2D .omputer games are popular in children no matter what are there nationalities and age. Carents thin" they bring less educational influence than .harmful effects. Eive your opinion Tas"1D see attac2h Tas"2D if a8five8old child commits a crime of any "ind 1should their parents be reponsible and punished 88 Cersonal 0nfo. ,ealthty eating habit. What "ind of food you eat. What is the greatest present that u ever got. Belationship between present and advertisement The e2aminer as"ed me about my wor" what 0 li"e and what 0 not .'ood in my city etc .)nd the topic was about my favorite T; program

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