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What Women Want from Their men If youre asking, What do women really want? the answer is simple.

Women really want a man who is self confident. Now, we said self confident. We didnt say arrogant, o!no"ious, filled with his own self importance, or so narcissistic that he thinks hes more special than any of the ordinary people of this world. # man who is self confident !elie$es that he has the strength to tackle ad$ersity, has or can learn the skills to make a happy and successful life for himself and his family, and !elie$es so strongly in himself that he isnt threatened !y an e%ually strong and self confident woman. That is what women really want. To achie$e this self confidence that women really want from their man, doesnt mean that you turn into macho man. &ou dont ha$e to de$elop the physi%ue of #rnold 'chwar(enegger or the swagger of )ohn Wayne. &ou can e$en ha$e and show some fear, some $ulnera!ility and e$en an occasional self dou!t and still e"ude confidence. The kind of self confidence that women really want from their man is the kind that says, I know I can most likely get through this okay, and Im sure going to try. Women dont really need you to !e a rah rah cheerleader e$ery moment of e$ery day. They *ust need you to show that when the chips are down you can take it and still !e there for themsel$es and you !oth. 'elf confidence isnt as easy to achie$e for men as it was !efore, and perhaps that is why women really want to see it so much more now. In past centuries, sur$i$al was dependent on self confidence. +en had to know they could kill the game for their familys food, could outshoot the $illain at the castle gate, and could !ring in a crop to feed their family through the winter. That kind of self confidence for men was a gi$en. Women didnt think in terms of really wanting that kind of man. # man that sur$i$ed $ery far into adulthood during tur!ulent times such as the +iddle #ges and the early Wild West days of the ,nited 'tates de$elopment o!$iously had confidence or he wouldnt !e ali$e. What women could say they really wanted then was a pro$ider, a fighter, a great shot, and an accomplished sharpshooter. Todays man doesnt need to ha$e confidence in his pugilistic skills, his marksmanship, and he doesnt e$en need to pro$ide for the entire family in most cases. 'o for some they$e lost track of where their self confidence is coming from. This makes women want to see that self confidence e$en more - !ecause its not as o!$ious or a!undant as it once had to !e. In short, what women really want is a man who is willing, e$en though he has fears, to stand up and face the trials and tri!ulations of each new tough day, and who is strong enough to allow her to !e strong without fear of his resentment of her strength.


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