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1. Introducere (numele + o calitate) 2. Shootout Description Excellent game to get to know each other`s names. Everybody`s a cowboy or cowgirl, you get them in a circle and ask them to test their revolvers. Have them shoot up in air, not at each other (yet). Then ask the group to concentrate; when everybody`s quiet, call someone`s name. That person needs to drop to the floor as fast as he can. His neighbors take a shot a him; if he`s not down r fast enough, he dies (making grueling sounds). If he`s down before a gun is fired, the neighbor who fired last dies. Insist that for every shot there should be at least one victim. If`s there`s any confusion about who shot first, they should all spontaneously die. Repeat till only 2 players are alive. Place those 2 back to back in the middle of the room, and give them a sign to start walking away from each other. When they hear you drop a coin (or a key ring, or whatever) they turn around as fast as they can and shoot the other. Again, at least one victim, and if they`re not sure who shot first they should both gladly die. 3. Human Knot Description Have the players stand in a tight circle, with their hands in the center. Then have them grab other hands at random. The puzzle is for the whole group to work together to get themselves untangled. Sometimes youll find that the group has actually formed several smaller circles. 4. The Scream Description Everybody in a circle, watch the ground. On your sign, everybody lifts their head and either looks straight, left or right. Whenever 2 people look each other in the eyes, they scream as loud as they can, as if they`re startled, and then drop dead. Repeat till only one or 2 players are alive. Also known asJeepers Peepers.

5. Whoosh Description Everybody in a circle. Start with one person, who waves both hands to his/her neighbor, saying `Whoosh`. The next person passes the Whoosh to his neighbor, and that way the Whoosh is passed around the circle. n

There`s 4 other sounds/movements that can be made. `Wow`: indicated by saying Wow, and moving both arms down. A Wow changes the direction of the Whoosh `Zap`: instead of passing the Whoosh to your neighbor, it gets zapped to the person you point to. The receiver continues with either a Whoosh to his neighbor, or another Zap to another person. A Wow after a Zap returns to the Zapper. `Groooooooovelicious`: for this one the whole group bends down and up again in a kinda groovy way, all saying Groooooooovelicious. Afterwards, the person who started the Groovelicious sets the Whoosh in motion again, in any direction. `Freakout`: indicated by waving both hands in the air. Everybody starts screaming and moves to the center of the circle. When everybody`s freaked out a new circle is formed, and the starter of the Freakout sets the Whoosh in motion again (or Zaps, or does a Grooooooovelicious). 6. Bobsledding Bodies Description This is a physical team game. Form teams of 4 - 6 players. Teams sit in a line and wrap their legs around the person in front of them. Place masking tape about 10 - 15 feet away to mark the end line. On "GO", teams must only use their hands to slide their way to the end. If a team breaks apart, they must get back together before they continue. 7. Crisis Situation Description Great exercise for spontaneity. 2 players on stage approach each other with a crisis, and an object unrelated to the crisis. After each has presented his or hers, each solves the other`s crisis with their own object. Replies must be instantaneous and may be ridiculous. Example: Player A: My wife left me and I`m stuck here with this t-shirt Player B: I got robbed and all I have left is my good looks.

Player A: Here`s my t-shirt; you can sell it and make some money. Player B: Erm... Marry me. 8. Artist Model Clay Description 3 players. One is a lump of clay - behind her is a second player who is a model. Model takes a pose, which the `clay` is not supposed to see. The third player becomes the artist, who will model the clay after the model. The artist is not supposed to touch the clay, can`t speak and it not allowed to show the clay what to do or to become. When done, let the model inspect the artwork and see if details fit. 9. intrecere cu spatele 10.limbo 11. hep

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