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Shock tactics

1. Discuss the main issues raised in the Shock tactics story with another student.

2. Brainstorm a list of words that describe the job of a police officer.

3. When is capsicum spray used by police?

4. Describe how a Taser wor s.

!. "ll police in all states of "ustralia are allowed to use Tasers. True or false?

#. What are the ad$anta%es of police usin% Tasers?

&. Why ha$e some people 'uestioned their use?

(. What happened to a Bra)ilian man who was Tasered recently?

*. Tasers are fitted with +++++++++++ so the police can see what happened.

1,. Do you thin police should be allowed to use Tasers? -.plain your answer.

/ 0hould police be allowed to use Tasers?1 2ote in the Bt3 online poll

Tapescript: Shock Tactics

Reporter: Sarah Larsen

INTRO: There's been a lot of talk in the news about police using Tasers after a student died when he was shot by one. Tasers use electricity to stun people but they're not supposed to kill. Many reckon they're a really good way to stop bad guys but not everyone agrees. ere's !arah.

SARAH LARSEN, REPORTER: If you go by what you see on TV, it s easy to thin! po"i#ing is si$p"e% It&s easy to te"" the goo' guys fro$ the ba' an' the goo' guys a"ways win% Here in the rea" wor"' it s another story% Rea" po"i#e offi#ers fa#e rea" 'angers e(ery 'ay% An' they 'ea" with rea" peop"e who #an get into troub"e with the "aw for a"" sorts of #o$p"i#ate' reasons% Here in Austra"ia po"i#e offi#ers #arry guns to prote#t the$se"(es an' others% They re traine' to use the$ on"y as a "ast resort be#ause if so$eone 'oes get shot, it s horrib"e for e(eryone% Po"i#e offi#ers 'on t want to hurt anyone, but they nee' to !eep the$se"(es an' others safe so non)"etha" weapons are a goo' option% There are things "i!e pepper spray, whi#h hurts peop"e s eyes an' b"in's the$ for a whi"e an' there are Tasers% They wor! by sen'ing a *o"t of e"e#tri#ity between two e"e#tro'es% +ou #an a"so get Taser guns, whi#h fire e"e#tro'es atta#he' to wires% They sti#! into a person s s!in an' gi(e the$ a *o"t% The e"e#tri#ity $esses up the signa"s going to the brain an' stops the $us#"es wor!ing for a "itt"e whi"e, "ong enough for po"i#e to get the situation un'er #ontro" In so$e states they re on"y use' by spe#ia" offi#ers who respon' to (ery 'angerous situations% In others, "i!e New South -a"es, a"" po"i#e use the$% They go through a "ot of training an' they re on"y suppose' to use the$ if peop"e are in 'anger, be#ause these are serious weapons% ./)year)o"' Roberto Lau'isio 0urti 'ie' after po"i#e use' pepper spray an' a Taser on hi$% He was unar$e' an' see$e' to be running away an' whi"e we sti"" 'on t !now for sure whether the Taser was to b"a$e, it s not the first ti$e so$ething "i!e this has happene'% 1RE1 2ARNES, Lawyer: -e now ha(e a nu$ber of 'eaths whi#h ha(e been asso#iate' with the use of Taser guns by po"i#e not *ust in New South -a"es but a"so in 3ueens"an' an' the Northern Territory 4ost peop"e wi"" be fine after being Tasere'% Po"i#e ha(e e(en 'e$onstrate' the$ on ea#h other% 2ut not e(eryone rea#ts in the sa$e way% If you ha(e a $e'i#a" #on'ition that *o"t of e"e#tri#ity #an be rea""y 'angerous% An' *ust fa""ing o(er #an serious"y in*ure% Of #ourse Tasers are "ess "i!e"y to !i"" than guns but so$e worry that po"i#e are $ore "i!e"y to use the$ when they shou"' be "oo!ing for better ways to #ontro" the situation% The New South -a"es po"i#e say they re he"ping in(estigators fin' out how an' why Roberto Lau'isio 0urti 'ie'% Their Tasers are fitte' with #a$eras so they #an see what happene' up #"ose% 2ut un"i!e this (ision, it s not a b"a#! an' white issue an' neither is the #o$p"i#ate' business of po"i#ing%

Fair teasing
1. Briefly summarise the Fair teasing story. 2. Why is bein% a politician a uni'ue job? 3. What are some of the challen%es of bein% a politician? 4. Describe how some politicians are made fun of. !. Why do you thin politicians are /fair %ame1 when it comes to bein% criticised? #. -.plain what is meant by the followin% statement /6riticisin% a politician1s idea is what democracy is all about.1 &. There are times when criticism is directed not at the ++++++++but at the ++++++++++++++. (. Do you thin it1s o to ma e fun of politicians? -.plain your answer. *. What personal 'ualities do you thin are important for politicians to ha$e? 1,. What do you understand more clearly since watchin% this story? 7olitical satire cartoons are not allowed in some countries. 8ind out which countries don1t allow it and why. What are the penalties for people who ma e the cartoons? Why do you thin it1s allowed in "ustralia?

La Nina
1. What do you thin is meant by the statement /"ustralia is no stran%er to e.treme weather1? 2. Which was the wettest two year period on record for "ustralia? 3. What has caused the recent wet conditions? 4. What does 9a 3ina mean in 0panish? !. What causes the chan%in% weather patterns in "ustralia durin% 9a 3ina? #. What is the opposite of 9a 3ina? &. What impact does it ha$e on "ustralia?

(. Describe how climate chan%e may be ha$in% some effect on "ustralia1s weather patterns. *. :llustrate an aspect of this story. 1,. ;ow has your thin in% chan%ed since watchin% the La Nina story?

<a e a list of words that describe the weather chan%es cause by 9a 3ina and -l 3ino.

Horseback therapy
1. Before you watch the Bt3 story= ma e some predictions about what you thin the story is about. 2. Describe the relationship horses and people ha$e had o$er time. 3. ;ow lon% has the >idin% for the Disabled pro%ram been runnin%? 4. What is the aim of the pro%ram? !. What do the children do as part of the pro%ram? #. What are some of the benefits of the pro%ram? &. ;ow does autism affect ?yle? (. Describe how ?yle has impro$ed since bein% in$ol$ed in the pro%ram. *. Why do you thin the >idin% for the Disabled pro%rams benefits children? 1,. ;ow did this story ma e you feel?

Sports science
1. What was the main point of the story? 2. ;ow does the hi%h altitude trainin% ma e athletes fitter? 3. Describe the o.y%en le$els in the trainin% room? 4. What is the chemical symbol for o.y%en? a. 6@A b. @ c. @.y

!. When it comes to sport= lac of o.y%en is our +++++++++++++++. #. ;ow does lac of o.y%en affect our body? &. The school boys are trainin% in conditions similar to those e.perienced at +++++++++++ metres abo$e sea le$el. (. ;ow do they simulate these conditions? *. What was surprisin% about this story? 1,. 3ame three facts you learnt watchin% the Bt3 story.

>esearch how athletes at the "ustralian :nstitute of 0port B":0C use altitude trainin%.

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