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Created: November 2013 by JRJ Hayward - Version 1.2.

OUR TRI-FLAME FAMILY MISSION STATEMENT Statement of S 1. $e in%&'de ea%# ot#er in everyt#in( we do) mind) body * so'&. 2. $e /ee. o'rse&ves in ea%# ot#er) mind) body * so'&. 3. 0'r so'&-&i(#t is t# &ove we s#are wit# ea%# ot#er) N1V1R anyone e&se. 2. $e maintain o'r rit'a&s * &ove-%y%&es a&ways) mind) body * so'&. 3. $e treat ea%# ot#er #onest&y * fair&y) mind) body * so'&. ". $e ea%# forefi&& o'r R041S as H'sband) $ife * 5arents.
6. $e .ro7e%t) monitor * deve&o. o'r fami&y 18 to ma9imise o'r &ife e9.erien%es t#ro'(# ea%# ot#er wit# 40V1.

!ate: "t# Nov 2013

JC-C+R,-C+JH-N-C---Com.etent JC-C+R,-N-C+JH-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+R,-N-C+JH-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+R,-N-C+JH-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+R,-N-C+JH-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+R,-N-C+JH-N-C---N-C JC-C+R,-C+JH-C---Com.etent JC-N-C+R,-N-C+JH-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+R,-N-C+JH-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+R,-N-C+JH-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+R,-N-C+JH-N-C---N-C

:. $e do N0; 'se mind) body) so'& %onne%tions o'tside o'r ;ri-f&ame nion. <. $e e9er%ise * maintain a #ea&t#y &ivin( ro'tine. 10. $e set * s'..ort ea%# ot#ers (oa&s to(et#er. 11. $ives m'st a&ways .rote%t * maintain o'r =&ade * C#a&i%es.

12. $e 'se o'r 5&eas're * Creation %enter to navi(ate o'r &ives. 13. $e maintain a b&o() to) for * aro'nd o'rse&ves * ea%# ot#er) to /ee. %onstant %onta%t. 12. $e &ive everyday fo%'sin( on t# (rowt# * deve&o.ment of o'r minds) bodies * S0 4S. 13. $e #ave * maintain a %e&estia& story of 's t#at we /ee. re%ord of to storyte&& o'r %#i&dren. 1". $e b'i&d o'r so'&-&i(#t to&eran%e &eve&s wit# o'r &ove-%y%&es) so o'r %#i&dren are %reated * born in 's. 16. 1veryday we #ave a >'a&ity %#e%/ system) on ea%# ot#ers #ea&t#) we&&bein() #a..iness * forefi&&. 1:. $e o.erate * deve&o.e a >'a&ity * finan%ia& mana(ement system to or(anise o'r #o'se#o&d. 1<. $e .&an .re.are * or(anise o'r &ife to(et#er. 20. $e .'t ea%# ot#er first) before anyt#in( or anyone e&se. 21. $e reaffirm o'r 40V1 for ea%# ot#er * read o'r fami&y mission dai&y. 22. 0'r H'sband is a !oomsday * we s'..ort #im f'&&y. 23. $e ea%# fo%'s) maintain * deve&o. w#o&eness of S14, of o'r ;ri-,&ame nion) mind) body * so'&.

Created: November 2013 by JRJ Hayward - Version 1.2.

22. 0'r ,ami&y #as a so'&-&i(#t %'&t're) $1 ma/e &ife %#oi%es t#at (rows o'r so'&-&i(#t. 23. $e st'dy t#e C#ristian =ib&e) #ave .rayer * (row o'r re&ations#i. wit# Jes's C#rist o'r Savior. 2". $e fo&&ow ?ods .rayer %ommandment @!o not &ead) tea%#) #e&. or Condemn) ?od #as as/ed 's to simi&y 4AV1. 26. $e 4AV1 in o'r ;ri-f&ame nion) mind) body * so'&. 2:. $e be&ieve t#ere is no sin in /i&&in( a beast) * we ta/e a%tive meas'res to .rote%t o'r fami&y from it. 2<. $e are .roa%tive) f'n) wise) #ea&t#y) #a..y. 30. $e a%tivi&y ride o'r ;ri-f&ame nion 18) t#e #i(#s * &ows) w#i&e e9.erien%in( o'r f'&& emotions. 31. $e a%tivi&y (row a (&oba& %omm'nity of .eo.&e w#o 'nderstand o'r needs. 32. $e .ra%ti%e t#e &aw of in a&& o'r a(reements so &on( as t#ey do not vio&ate o'r ;ri-,&ame nion.

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