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Recurrence In The Transmundane By Rob West

CHARACTERS: - MAN - WOMAN - HOODED STRANGER EXT. FIELD IN TWILIGHT. DAY. The sun is low in the sky as the long grass of the field moves in the breeze, a WOMAN smiles, the light is caught in her eyes, a perfect expression of joy. A couple walk out of focus along a path. The WOMAN holds out a key in her hand then is seen sitting in the field of long grass, playing with a flower. In an instant she is gone and replaced by a tall HOODED STRANGER, he emits a dark and gloomy tone, a messenger of doom. Just like the WOMAN he disappears and the field is empty and silent. EXT. FOREST LOCATION 1. NIGHT. The crackle of a fire can be heard as the flames come into shot, burning takes over the screen and we fade to black. EXT. FOREST LOCATION 1. DAY. Narration over the images in the scene: NARRATOR There are some who look to higher beings, they pray to them for love and life, instead of stumbling in the dark, they place their faith in a guiding light. A MAN is lying on the ground beside the ashy remnants of a fire, he rises from the dirt, confused and disorientated. He begins to move through the trees. He encounters a mossy log; sitting on top is a silver key. To his left he hears the sound of a twig snapping under foot. The WOMAN is standing before him, she looks solemn. MAN So thats it then? The WOMAN now has a bag under her arm, she is wearing a coat and scarf.


CONTINUED: WOMAN This is the last of my things. The MAN is now wearing a different set of clothes. MAN Look, you dont have to leave. INT. LIVING ROOM. DAY.


Following straight on from the previous shot, the WOMAN now stands in a living room, a canvas showing trees and sky can be seen behind her. WOMAN Ive made up my mind... The MAN is now in the room with her. MAN Just stay the night. The WOMAN holds out a key to him. WOMAN You know I cant, I wont need this anymore. EXT. FOREST LOCATION 1. DAY. The MAN is back in the forest, he holds up the key. WOMAN (WHISPER) Goodbye EXT. FOREST LOCATION 2. DAY. Narration over the images in the scene: NARRATOR But not all follow a faith in God, they turn away from him, for good, content to be unsure about their fate, to find pleasure in the pathless wood. In a new part of the forest, the MAN continues his journey through the endless rows of trees. He sees a dagger stuck into the bark of a tree, he approaches and grabs the handle, pulling it free.


EXT. FOREST LOCATION 1. NIGHT. The fire returns as the tone of the sound changes into a dark and moody rumble. EXT. GRAVEYARD. DAY. The gloom of this shot contradicts the brightness of previous scenes. The HOODED STRANGER from before stand beside a grave-like altar. Statues of stone angels appear before we return to the MAN now in a dark place, he is violent and his face is covered in blood. The HOODED STRANGER beckons him forward and holds out the dagger. The HOODED STRANGER speaks in a low voice during this scene. HOODED STRANGER In the moonlight, amongst the trees, the eternal hourglass of existence will be turned again and again, and you with it. The seven solitudes await, no longer flowing out, into a God, so do our actions become our burdens, the recurrence in our transmundane. INT. LIVING ROOM. DAY. The Blood-caked MAN stares straight ahead, resolute in his rage. The fire returns to the screen, burning away the visage of the MAN. EXT. FOREST LOCATION 1. DAY. Narration over the images in this scene: NARRATOR So we drift ever on, through time, with no perpetual guardian, or friend, for all we may be, or have been before, will haunt us to our journeys end. The MAN is once again lying beside the ash, amongst the dead leaves.


EXT. FIELD IN TWILIGHT. DAY. The couple walk out of focus along a path. INT. LIVING ROOM. DAY. The MAN is filled with anger, he tears the forest canvas from the wall which reveals the dagger, placed behind the picture, on the wall. We see the MANS anger turn to sorrow as he holds up the dagger, the HOODED STRANGER is behind him now, he places his hand on the MANS shoulder. He raises the dagger to his neck and we cut to black just before the slash.

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