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By Asst. Omb. Rodolfo M. Elman CESO lll Ateneo de !a"ao La# S$hool

P%bl&$ Off&$e
* !ef&n&t&on * !&st&n'%&shed f(om


* Elements of a )%bl&$ off&$e * Bas&$ )(e$e)t %nde(ly&n'

)%bl&$ off&$e*

A(t. +l Se$. , ,-./ Const&t%t&on

* Mean&n' of )(&n$&)le

* !ete(m&n&n' #hethe( a )os&t&on &s a )%bl&$ off&$e o( not 0La%(el "s. !es&e(to 1., SCRA 2.3

* Const&t%t&onal&ty of a la# 0RA -1143 )(o"&d&n' fo( a system of (e#a(ds and &n$ent&"es fo( BIR and BOC off&$&als and em)loyees 0Aba5ada 6%(o Pa(ty L&st "s. P%(&s&ma 478 SCRA 84,3 * Membe(sh&) &n the ma(5et $omm&ttee 0F&'%e(oa "s. Peo)le 2-. SCRA 8-.3 * P(&"ate se$to( membe(sh&) &n NB!B %nde( RA .92/: Unde( RA 19,- the nat%(e of one;s a))o&ntment &s &mmate(&al 0<a"&e( "s. Sand&'anbayan 4-SCRA 1843.

* C(eat&on of PTC %nde( EO ,

&s not =%st&f&ed by P(es.;s )o#e( of $ont(ol b%t f&nds bas&s &n h&s &nhe(ent d%ty as Ch&ef E>e$%t&"e to fa&thf%lly e>e$%te the la#s on )%bl&$ a$$o%ntab&l&ty ? t(ans)a(en$y.
* C(eat&on of the PTC &s

%n$onst&t%t&onal as &t "&olates the e@%al )(ote$t&on $la%se 0La'man "s. O$hoa ? B&(ao'o "s. PTC 71/ SCRA /.3 altho%'h the P(es&dent has the )o#e( to $(eate the PTC as an adAho$ body to &n"est&'ate (e)o(ts of '(aft )%(s%ant to A(t. Bll Se$. ,/.

* One of the (e$o'n&Ced

)o#e(s of the P(es. '(anted )%(s%ant to th&s $onst&t%t&onally mandated d%ty &s the )o#e( to $(eate ad ho$ $omm&ttees. Th&s flo#s f(om ob"&o%s need to as$e(ta&n fa$ts ? dete(m&ne &f la#s ha"e been fa&thf%lly e>e$%ted.

* Not to &n$l%de )ast

adm&n&st(at&ons s&m&la(ly s&t%ated $onst&t%tes a(b&t(a(&ness #D$ the e@%al )(ote$t&on $la%se $annot san$t&oned.

* Cha(a$te(&st&$s of P%bl&$

* No e>)(ess )(o"&s&on

de)(&"&n' &n$%mbent of h&s off&$e 0Se'o"&a "s. Noel 2/ Ph&l. 4213

* P%bl&$ off&$e &s not a )(o)e(ty

#h&$h )asses to he&(s. P(otestee;s he&(s may no lon'e( )(ose$%te the de$eased )(otestee;s $o%nte($la&m fo( dama'es 0Abe=a "s. Tanada ? Mayo( Rado"an 817 SCRA 783
* Ele$t&on )(otest $ont&n%es

des)&te death of )%bl&$ off&$e(: BM &s a (eal )a(ty &n &nte(est 0Mayo( !e Cast(o "s. Comele$ ? <am&lla 87/ SCRA .973

Oath of Off&$e

* A @%al&fy&n' (e@%&(ement fo(

)%bl&$ off&$e: a )(e(e@%&s&te to f%ll &n"est&t%(e #D the off&$e: (&'ht to ente( &nto off&$e be$omes )lena(y and $om)lete 0MendoCa "s. La>&na S(. 297 SCRA ,473. Res)ondent;s (eAta5&n' of h&s oath of off&$e #as not a $ond&t&on sine qua non to "al&d&ty of h&s (eAass%m)t&on b%t a me(e fo(mal&ty s&n$e h&s oath ea(l&e( ta5en o)e(ated as a f%ll &n"est&t%(e on h&m of the (&'hts of the off&$e.

* When a )%bl&$ off&$e( ta5es

h&s oath of off&$e he b&nds h&mself to )e(fo(m the d%t&es of h&s off&$e fa&thf%lly and to %se (easonable s5&ll and d&l&'en$e and to a$t )(&ma(&ly fo( the benef&t of the )%bl&$ 0Omb%dsman "s. <%(ado 47, SCRA ,1/3. The S.C. (e"e(sed the CA de$&s&on and (e&nstated the OMB de$&s&on f&nd&n' C%stoms em)loyee <%(ado '%&lty of ne'le$t of d%ty.

* 6ene(al (%le* Ind&"&d%al

$annot be fo($ed to a$$e)t )%bl&$ off&$e

* E>$e)t&ons* * Off&$e &s essent&al to

defense of State 0Se$. 2 A(t. ll ,-./ Const&t%t&on3

* When one &s ele$ted by

)o)%la( ele$t&on he $annot (ef%seF 0A(t. 812 RPC3

* Posse $om&tat%s

Class&fy&n' P%bl&$ Off&$e(s of 6OCCs %nde( RA 19,-

* PNCC Ass&stant Mana'e(

0Ma$al&no "s. Sand&'anbayan 1/7 SCRA 2483

* P(es&dent and COO of Ph&l.

Postal Sa"&n's Ban5 0Peo)le "s. Sand&'anbayan ,7 Feb(%a(y 89943

* Ph&lhealth Mana'e(

06ed%s)an "s. Peo)le 24, SCRA ,./3 0AlCa'a "s. Sand&'anbayan 494 SCRA .2-3

* BPs and ABP of AFP RSBS

!e Fa$to Off&$e(
* !ef&n&t&on * Re@%&s&tes * !&st&n'%&sh f(om a de =%(e

off&$e( and a %s%()e(

* Can an off&$e( de =%(e

(e$o"e( f(om the 'o"e(nment sala(y )a&d to de fa$to off&$e(G

* Can a de =%(e off&$e(

(e$o"e( the sala(y f(om the de fa$to off&$e(G


* A(&mao "s. Tahe( 2-.

* MenCon "s. Pet&lla ,-/

SCRA 84,
* C&"&l L&be(t&es Un&on "s.

E>e$%t&"e Se$(eta(y ,-2 SCRA 1,/

* Malal%an "s. Comele$ 842

SCRA 299 08999 BH3 SCRA 441 SCRA 781

* Ta((osa "s. S&n'son 818 * MendoCa "s. Allas 198

* S&n$e they do not $la&m to

be ent&tled to the Senate off&$e of 6o(don )et&t&one(s ha"e no le'al stand&n' to f&le the @%o #a((anto )et&t&on to de$la(e h&m as ha"&n' fo(fe&ted h&s seat &n the Senate 0L&ban "s. 6o(don 4-1 SCRA 7.3. PNRC &s not a 6OCC ? the )(oh&b&t&on %nde( Se$. ,1 A(t. Bl of the Const&t%t&on does not a))ly.


* En'ano "s. CA 2-1 SCRA

* 6am&nde "s. COA ,1

!e$embe( 8999
* Nat&onal Amnesty

Comm&ss&on "s. COA 21/ SCRA 7/9

C&"&l Se("&$e
* No )%bl&$ off&$e( o( em)loyee shall be (emo"ed o( s%s)ended e>$e)t fo( $a%se as )(o"&ded by la# IA(t. l+AB Se$. 8013 Const.: Se$. 17 P!.9/: Se$. 27 EO 8-8 0,--- BH3J * P%()ose of the $&"&l se("&$e system

KMe(am "s. Ed(al&n ,42 SCRA 81.3

* S$o)e* A(t. l+AB Se$. 80,3 Const. * C&"&l Se("&$e Comm&ss&on &s the sole a(b&te( of $ont(o"e(s&es (elat&n' to the $&"&l se("&$e: e>e($&ses e>$l%s&"e =%(&sd&$t&on o"e( all $ases &n"ol"&n' )e(sonnel a$t&ons >>>
KCo(s&'a "s. !efenso( 1-, SCRA 87/

* The $ase &n"ol"es )e(sonnel a$t&on &.e. )et&t&one( &s @%est&on&n' the s%mma(y (eallo$at&on and demot&on d&(e$ted by the !BM #D$ (es%lted &n the d&m&n%t&on of h&s benef&ts. L&s )(o)e( (emedy &s not befo(e the OP b%t to @%est&on the !BM den&al of h&s )(otest befo(e the CSC #D$ has exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving personnel action. In t%(n the CSC (esol%t&on may be ele"ated to the CA %nde( R%le 21 and f&nally befo(e the S%)(eme Co%(t 06o "s. CA 787 SCRA ,.93.

La# on Adm&n&st(at&"e <%(&sd&$t&on "s. )%bl&$ s$hool tea$he(s

* Se$. - of the Ma'na Ca(ta

fo( P%bl&$ S$hool Tea$he(s 0RA 27/93

* Co"e(a'e of te(m

Mtea$he(N* all )e(sons en'a'ed &n $lass(oom tea$h&n' on f%ll t&me bas&s &n$l%d&n' '%&dan$e $o%nselo(s s$hool l&b(a(&ans &nd%st(&al a(ts o( "o$at&onal &nst(%$to(s and all othe( )e(sons )e(fo(m&n' s%)e("&so(y o( adm&n&st(at&"e f%n$t&ons

E>$l%s&ons to the te(m Mtea$he(N

* P%bl&$ s$hool tea$he( &n

the )(ofess&onal staff of state $olle'es o( %n&"e(s&t&es

* S$hool n%(ses )hys&$&ans

dent&sts and othe( s$hool em)loyees &n the $ate'o(y of med&$al and dental )e(sonnel


* CSC does not ha"e o(&'&nal

adm&n&st(at&"e =%(&sd&$t&on "s. a )%bl&$ s$hool tea$he( 0Em&n "s. !e Leon 1/. SCRA ,213
* Adm&n s%)e("&s&on o"e( $o%(t

em)loyee belon's to S.C. #hethe( offense #as $omm&tted befo(e o( afte( em)loyment &n =%d&$&a(y b%t esto))el a))l&es 0Am)on' "s. CSC 471 SCRA 8-13
* <%(&sd&$t&on &s not lost %)on

&nstan$e of )a(t&es 0Omb "s. Estanda(te ,1 A)(&l 899/3.

* The !e)Ed does not ha"e

e>$l%s&"e d&s$&)l&na(y a%tho(&ty o"e( )%bl&$ s$hool tea$he(s. RA 27/9 does not $onfe( e>$l%s&"e =%(&sd&$t&on to !e)Ed no( )(es$(&be an e>$l%s&"e )(o$ed%(e &n adm&n&st(at&"e &n"est&'at&on "s. them. The ,-./ Const&t%t&on $annot be (est(&$ted &n mean&n' by RA 27/9 #D$ &s of ea(l&e( ena$tment. Se$. - of sa&d la# (efe(s only to s)e$&f&$ )(o$ed%(e to be follo#ed by !e)Ed &n adm&n&st(at&"e &n"est&'at&on 0Omb%dsman "s. Mas&n' 428 SCRA 8413.

* Wh&le the Omb%dsman has $on$%((ent adm&n&st(at&"e d&s$&)l&na(y a%tho(&ty #&th the !ECS o"e( )%bl&$ s$hool tea$he(s the Omb%dsman may (efe( a $om)la&nt to the )(o)e( d&s$&)l&na(y a%tho(&ty fo( &nst&t%t&on of a))(o)(&ate adm&n&st(at&"e )(o$eed&n's %nde( Se$. 81 of RA 7//9. Res)ondent &s a )%bl&$ s$hool tea$he( $o"e(ed by RA 27/9 hen$e the )(o$eed&n's befo(e the !ECS #o%ld ha"e been the mo(e a))(o)(&ate "en%e to (esol"e the d&s)%te 0Omb%dsman "s. !el&=e(o ,9 O$tobe( 89,93.

L&'he( Ed%$at&on Mode(n&Cat&on A$t of ,--/ 0RA .8.83

* Po#e( of %n&"e(s&ty;s Boa(d

of Re'ents %nde( RA .8.8 to d&s$&)l&ne &ts off&$&als and em)loyees not e>$l%s&"e b%t $on$%((ent #&th CSC.
* The Const. ? EO 8-8 '(ant

to CSC =%(&sd&$t&on o"e( all civil service positions &n the 'o"e(nment se("&$e #hethe( $a(ee( o( non $a(ee(.

* A$adem&$ f(eedom $annot

be &n"o5ed #he(e the(e a(e alle'at&ons of CS la# ? (%les "&olat&ons 0CSC "s. So=o( 4D88D9.3

6OCCs not $o"e(ed by C&"&l Se("&$e La#

* Test &n dete(m&n&n' #hethe( a 6OCC &s s%b=e$t to C&"&l Se("&$e la#. Cases

a. PNOCAE!C "s. Leo'a(do ,/4 SCRA 87

b. Bl&ss !e"elo)ment Co(). Em)loyees Un&on "s. Calle=a 81/ SCRA 8/, 0EO ,.9 not a))l&$able to B!C3 $. PBBEU "s. PBB 82 A%'%st ,--9 OPBB 0RA 14,.3 d. Ph&l. Nat&onal Const(%$t&on Co(). Ma$al&no "s. Sand&'anbayan 1/7 SCRA 248

stat%s of Food Te(m&nal In$. 0P-- BH3 L%manta "s. NLRC ,/9 SCRA /* Fa$ts* FTI (et(en$hed em)loyees f&led $om)la&nt fo( se)a(at&on )ay "s. FTI. The FTI a('%ed that CSC has =%(&sd&$t&on ? not !OLE. The !OLE d&sm&ssed the $ase on '(o%nd of no =%(&sd&$t&on.

* R%l&n'* !OLE has =%(&sd&$t&on. Altho%'h FTI #as the ma(5et&n' a(m of NFA ? &n$l%ded &n $ate'o(y of 6OCC %nde( a LOI FTI #as o('an&Ced %nde( Co()o(at&on La#. FTI &s not $o"e(ed by $&"&l se("&$e.

EO ,.9 0eff. <%ne , ,-./3

* EO def&ned ? del&neated the s$o)e of $onst&t%t&onal (&'ht of 'o"e(nment em)loyees to selfA o('an&Cat&on.

* R&'ht to en'a'e &n $on$e(ted a$t&"&t&es &s s%b=e$t to CS la# ? (%les ? any le'&slat&on ena$ted by Con'(ess. * Resol%t&on of $om)la&nts ? $ases &n"ol"&n' them &s not left to $olle$t&"e ba('a&n&n' o( othe( $on$e(ted a$t&"&t&es b%t to CS la#. * Whe(e d&s)%te (ema&ns %n(esol"ed afte( e>ha%st&n' all a"a&lable (emed&es )a(t&es may (efe( d&s)%te to PSLMC.

H. What &s the stat%s of PNRCG !&d 6o(don a%tomat&$ally fo(fe&t h&s Senate seat &n hold&n' the )ost of PNRC Cha&(G
KPNRC &s not a 6OCC b%t a )(&"ate o('an&Cat&on )e(fo(m&n' )%bl&$ f%n$t&ons. It does not ha"e 'o"e(nment assets ? does not (e$e&"e a))(o)(&at&ons f(om Con'(ess. PNRC m%st (ema&n a%tonomo%s ne%t(al ? &nde)endent. KPNRC Boa(d of 6o"e(no(s #D$ e>e($&ses all $o()o(ate )o#e(s of PNRC ele$ts the Cha&(.

KCha&(man &s not an off&$&al o( em)loyee of the 6o"e(nment hen$e no "&olat&on of Se$. ,1 A(t. Bl of the Const&t%t&on. KThe PNRC Cha(te( &s "o&d &nsofa( as &t $(eates the PNRC as a )(&"ate $o()o(at&on. 0L&ban "s. 6o(don 4-1 SCRA 7.3

* On 6o(don;s MR of &ts

de$&s&on de$la(&n' "o&d the PNRC Cha(te( 0RA -43 M&nsofa( as &t $(eates PNRC as a )(&"ate $o(). ? &t sho%ld &n$o()o(ate %nde( Co(). Code >>>N SC '(antedD mod&f&ed &ts de$&s&on. The $onst&t%t&onal&ty of RA -4 #as not (a&sed as an &ss%e by the )a(t&es ? sho%ld not ha"e been )assed %)on by SC. The PNRC &s sui generis &n nat%(e: &t &s ne&the( st(&$tly a 6OCC no( a )(&"ate $o(). RA -4 (ema&ns "al&d ? $onst&t%t&onal 0L&ban "s. 6o(don <an%a(y ,. 89,,3.

6OCCs $o"e(ed by C&"&l Se("&$e La#

a. BSP &s both a 6OCC and an

&nst(%mental&t y of 'o"e(nment 0BSP "s. NLRC 88 A)(&l ,--,3. INote* Th&s de$&s&on

&s mod&f&ed by BSP "s. COA 97D9/D,,J b.PNRC &s a 6OCC #&th an o(&'&nal $ha(te(

%nde( RA -4 0Bal%yot "s. Lol'anCa Feb. 89993 INote* Th&s de$&s&on has been set

as&de &n 6o(don $ase. Len$e PNRC &s no lon'e( $o"e(ed by C&"&l Se("&$e La#J

$. An em)loyee of !%ty F(ee Ph&l. &s a $&"&l se("&$e em)loyee ? =%(&sd&$t&on o"e( h&s d&sm&ssal &s lod'ed #DCSC and not the NLRC. !FP #as $(eated %nde( EO 27 to a%'ment the se("&$e fa$&l&t&es fo( to%(&sts ? to 'ene(ate F+ and (e"en%e fo( 'o"e(nment 0!FP "s. Mo=&$a 2/, SCRA / /73. Le(e the LA #as #Do =%(&sd&$t&on &n (%l&n' that Sto$5 Cle(5 Mo=&$a #as &lle'ally d&sm&ssed by !FP 0fo( h&s alle'ed '(oss

ne'le$t &n $a%s&n' dama'e o( loss to !FP assets.

d. The AFP Ret&(ement and Se)a(at&on Benef&ts System &s a 6OCC %nde( RA -,.8 0S)e$&al P%()ose Beh&$le A$t of ;983. The AFPARSBS #as establ&shed to '%a(antee $ont&n%o%s f&nan$&al s%))o(t to AFP m&l&ta(y (et&(ement system. It &s s&m&la( to 6SIS and SSS &n that &t mana'es the (et&(ement ? )ens&on f%nds of those &n m&l&ta(y se("&$e. Its f%nds a(e &n nat%(e of )%bl&$ f%nds 0AlCa'a "s. Sand&'anbayan 494 SCRA .2.3.

P! ,-. as amended by P! ,2/- and RA -8.7

* Lo$al #ate( d&st(&$ts a(e

@%as&A)%bl&$ $o()o(at&ons s%b=e$t to C&"&l Se("&$e La#. Se$. 84 of P! ,-. al(eady (emo"ed by P! ,2/- 0La'onoy Wate( !&st(&$t "s. NLRC ,74 SCRA 8/83.

* Lo$al San''%n&an

(esol%t&on altho%'h ne$essa(y fo( f&nal $(eat&on of W! &s not &ts $ha(te(. P! ,-. &s a s)e$&al la# )(o"&d&n' fo( the so%($e of a%tho(&Cat&on ? )o#e( to fo(m ? ma&nta&n a d&st(&$t 0!CW! "s. CSC 89, SCRA 7943

COA A%d&t of 6OCCs

* Const&t%t&on mandates COA to a%d&t 6OCCs #&th o(&'&nal $ha(te( l&5e #ate( d&st(&$ts 0!e <es%s "s. COA 291 SCRA 7773.

* ;9, BH* Effe$t of )(&"at&Cat&on of PNB on a%d&t =%(&sd&$t&on of COA * BSP &s a )%bl&$ $o()o(at&on o( a 'o"e(nment a'en$y o( &nst(%mental&ty #&th =%(&d&$al )e(sonal&ty %nde( CA ,,, as amended by RA /8/. 0BSP "s. COA <%ne / 89,,3

* Not all $o()o(at&ons #D$

a(e not 6OC a(e &)so fa$to )(&"ate $o()o(at&ons as the(e e>&sts anothe( $lass 5no#n as )%bl&$ $o()o(at&ons #D$ a(e t(eated by la# as &nst(%mental&t&es o( a'en$&es of 'o";t. #D$ a(e s%b=e$t not to tests of o#ne(sh&)De$onom&$ "&ab&l&ty b%t )%bl&$ )%()oseD&nte(ests. BSP &s a )%bl&$ $o()o(at&on $(eated by la# fo( a )%bl&$ )%()ose atta$hed to !e)Ed %nde( &ts $ha(te( and EO 8-8. Its

f%nds a(e s%b=e$t to COA a%d&t 0BSP "s. COA 7D/D,,3.

* An em)loyee of a 6OCC

e"en &f o('an&Ced %nde( the 'ene(al la# $ons&de(ed (es&'ned %)on f&l&n' $e(t&f&$ate of $and&da$y 0PNOCAE!C "s. NLRC 888 SCRA .1,3 em)loyees of 6OCCs #&th o(&'&nal $ha(te( 'o"e(ned by CS la#

* L&(&n' and f&(&n' of

KQCW! "s. B%at 818 SCRA 4./ 0th&s &s an e((oneo%s (%l&n'R3 K!OL !(. Rod(&'%eC Los)&tal "s. NLRC 84, SCRA /993

* C&"&l Se("&$e La# a))l&es to

Ph&l&))&ne Postal Co(). as (e'a(ds )e(sonnel matte(s b%t &ts Bo! &s a%tho(&Ced %nde( RA /142 to fo(m%late &ts o#n $om)ensat&on st(%$t%(e and )os&t&on $lass&f&$at&on &n$l%d&n' the )ayment of RATA 0Int&a <(. "s. COA 197 SCRA 7,93.
* !BM has sole

)o#e(Dd&s$(et&on to adm&n&ste( CPCS of nat&onal 'o"e(nment.

* Com)ensat&on and benef&ts

(e$e&"ed by PRA off&$&als #Do !BM a))(o"al a(e %na%tho(&Ced and &((e'%la( 0PRA "s. B%na' 1-/ SCRA 8/3.

Role of !BM
* Re"&e#s $om)ensat&on and

benef&ts )lan of 'o"e(nment a'en$&es and dete(m&ne &f same $om)l&es #&th )(es$(&bed )ol&$&es ? '%&del&nes &ss%ed &n a$$o(dan$e #D la#s.

* Fo(m%lates and

&m)lements the nat&onal b%d'et of 'o"e(nment.

6OCC 6o"e(nan$e A$t of 89,, 0RA ,9,2-3

* P(omotes f&nan$&al "&ab&l&ty ? f&s$al d&s$&)l&ne &n 6OCCs th(% the 6o"e(nan$e Comm&ss&on fo( 6OCCs * E"al%ates )e(fo(man$e ? (ele"an$e of 6OCCs mon&to(s the&( o)e(at&ons * Re)eals 6OCCs; $ha(te(s #D$ f&> the d&(e$to(s; te(m by (ed%$&n' &t to , y(.

* In$%mbents %) to 7D19D,, * Pe( d&ems fo( a$t%al attendan$eF &n$ent&"es as a%tho(&Ced by 6C6

RA ,9,2* Rest&t%t&on and P(ose$%t&on

of $o((%)t )%bl&$ off&$e(s #ho $olle$ted ab%s&"e )e(5s ? s$andalo%sly h&'h $om)ensat&on.
* Rat&onal&Cat&on of sala(&es

? benef&ts based on )e(fo(man$e of off&$&als ? em)loyees #Dd%e (e'a(d to f&nan$&al $a)ab&l&ty of 6OCC.

* ,Ay(. te(m l&m&t of CEO of

6OCC: ele$ted by BOTDBO!: may be (emo"ed by Boa(d fo( $a%se.

* Abol&t&on of Ca(ee( E>e$%t&"e Se("&$e Boa(d 0CESB3 by CSC &s an %lt(a "&(es a$t 0E%'en&o "s. CSC 1, Ma($h ,--43

* Abol&t&on of Me(&t System and P(ote$t&on Boa(d 0MSPB as $(eated %nde( P! ,29-3 by CSC &s "al&d: CSC a%tho(&ty %nde( Se$. ,/ Boo5 B EO 8-8 0R%ben&$&a "s. CSC 1, May ,--43 * CSC $o%ld (%le on adm&n&st(at&"e de$&s&ons on a))eal befo(e MSPB 0Fe(nando "s. Sto. Tomas 812 SCRA 42.3

Class&f&$at&on of C&"&l Se("&$e


Unde( P! .9/ and EO 8-8 a. Ca(ee( se("&$e b. NonA$a(ee( se("&$e

Omean&n' ? &m)o(tan$e of se$%(&ty of ten%(e 0BH3


Unde( A(t. l+AB Se$. 8083 ,-./ Const&t%t&on a. Com)et&t&"e )os&t&ons b. NonA$om)et&t&"e )os&t&ons

Ca(ee( Se("&$e
* What $ha(a$te(&Ces the $a(ee( se("&$eG 0;-- BH3 * What &s &n$l%ded &n the $a(ee( se("&$eG 0;-- BH3

,. O)en $a(ee( 8. Closed Ca(ee( 1. Pos&t&ons &n CES 2. Ca(ee( off&$e(s othe( than CES 4. Comm&ss&oned off&$e(sDenl&sted men &n AFP 7. Pe(sonnel of 6OCC * Im)o(tan$e of se$%(&ty of ten%(e

* Th(ee ma=o( le"elsD$lasses

of )os&t&ons &n the Ca(ee( Se("&$e

,3 ,st le"el &n$l%des $le(&$al t(ades $(afts ? $%stod&al se("&$es )os&t&ons #D$ &n"ol"e nonA )(ofess&onal o( s%bA )(ofess&onal #o(5. 83 8nd le"el &n$l%des )(ofess&onal te$hn&$al and s$&ent&f&$ )os&t&onsF %) to !&"&s&on Ch&ef le"el 13 1(d le"el $o"e(s )os&t&ons &n the Ca(ee( E>e$%t&"e Se("&$e

* H%al&f&$at&on &n an a))(o)(&ate e>am &s (e@%&(ed fo( a))o&ntment to )os&t&ons &n the f&(st and se$ond le"els &n the $a(ee( se("&$e: )(o"&ded that #hene"e( the(e &s a $&"&l se("&$e el&'&ble a$t%ally a"a&lable fo( a))o&ntment no )e(son #ho &s not an el&'&ble shall be a))o&nted e"en &n a tem)o(a(y $a)a$&ty >>> * E>$e)t&ons* #hen &mmed&ate f&ll&n' of "a$an$y &s %('ently (e@%&(ed &n the )%bl&$ &nte(est o( #hen "a$an$y &s not )e(manent F

Pos&t&ons &n the CES 01 le"el3 %nde( Se$. . B5. B EO 8-8


* Unde(se$(eta(y Asst. Se$.

B%(ea% !&(e$to( Asst. B%(ea% !&(e$to( Re'. !&(e$to( Asst. Re'. !&(e$to( Ch&ef of !e)a(tment Se("&$e ? othe( off&$e(s of e@%&"alent (an5 as may be &dent&f&ed by the CESB all of whom are appointed by the President. (Omb%dsman "s. CSC 24, SCRA 4/93. 1(d le"el el&'&b&l&ty &s not (e@%&(ed fo( 1(d le"el off&$&als of the Off&$e of Omb%dsman.

* The lette( ? &ntent of the

la# &s to $&($%ms$(&be the Ca(ee( E>e$%t&"e Se("&$e 0CES3 to CES )os&t&ons &n the E>e$%t&"e B(an$h ? that the <%d&$&a(y the Const&t%t&onal Comm&ss&ons Off&$e of Omb%dsman ? CLR a(e not $o"e(ed by the CES 'o"e(ned by the CESB. Th%s the CA (%led to '(ant the )et&t&on of M(. Ino5 fo( se$%(&ty of ten%(e as !&(e$to( ll of the COA des)&te absen$e of a CES el&'&b&l&ty 0Ino5 "s. CSC 98

<%ly 89983.

Im)o(tant NoteR
* The Th&(d Le"el $o"e(s only

the )os&t&ons &n the CES as en%me(ated &n the Adm&n&st(at&"e Code of ,-./ and those &dent&f&ed by the CESB as of e@%&"alent (an5 all of #hom a(e a))o&nted by the P(es&dent of the Ph&l&))&nes 0Modesto A'yao <(. "s. CSC ,. <an%a(y 89,,3.

* To $lass&fy othe( )os&t&ons

not &n$l%ded &n the en%me(at&on as $o"e(ed by the CES and (e@%&(e a))o&ntees the(eto to a$@%&(e CES o( CSE el&'&b&l&ty befo(e a$@%&(&n' se$%(&ty of ten%(e #&ll lead to %n$onst&t%t&onal ? %nla#f%l $onse@%en$es. It #&ll (es%lt e&the( &n
* "est&n' the a))o&nt&n'

)o#e( fo( nonA CES )os&t&ons &n the P(es&dent &n "&olat&on of the Const&t%t&on: o(

* In$l%d&n' &n the CES a

)os&t&on not o$$%)&ed by )(es&dent&al a))o&ntee $ont(a(y to EO 8-8.

Cases on Ca(ee( Se("&$e

* Ille'al d&sm&ssal of a $a(ee(

off&$e( 0Palme(a "s. CSC 814 SCRA ./3

* Ast(a@%&llo "s. Man'la)%s

? Mel$ho( "s. SaeC ,-9 SCRA 8.,

* P(o>&m&ty (%le* Salas;

)os&t&on as Inte(nal Se$%(&ty Staff #as (emote f(om the a))o&nt&n' a%tho(&ty 0Pa'$o( "s. Salas 8/2 SCRA 2,23

NonACa(ee( Se("&$e
* What $ha(a$te(&Ces the nonA $a(ee( se("&$eG * What &s &n$l%ded &n the nonA $a(ee( se("&$eG
,. Ele$t&"e off&$&als and the&( )e(sonal o( $onf&dent&al staff

8. !e)a(tment heads and othe( off&$&als of Cab&net (an5 #hose )os&t&ons a(e at the )leas%(e of the P(es&dent and the&( )e(sonal o( $onf&dent&al staff 1. Cha&(man and membe(s of $omm&ss&ons and boa(ds #&th f&>ed te(ms of off&$e and the&( )e(sonal o( $onf&dent&al staff 2. Cont(a$t%al )e(sonnel 4. Eme('en$y and $as%al )e(sonnel

Cases on nonA$a(ee( se("&$e

* A nonA$a(ee( se("&$e

em)loyee &s )(ote$ted f(om (emo"al #&tho%t =%st $a%se 0<o$om "s. Rob(edo 89, SCRA /13
* Cha&( of the Comm&ss&on

on F&l&)&no Lan'%a'e &s a nonA$a(ee( off&$&al #hose ten%(e of / yea(s &s f&>ed by RA /,92: he( (emo"al &s not at )leas%(e of a))o&nt&n' a%tho(&ty 0Off&$e of P(es&dent "s. B%enaob(a 49, SCRA 1913

A(t. l+AB Se$. 8 083

* Com)et&t&"e )os&t&ons* a))o&ntments made a$$o(d&n' to me(&t and f&tness * NonA$om)et&t&"e )os&t&ons ,. P(&ma(&ly $onf&dent&al 8. Pol&$y dete(m&n&n' 1. L&'hly te$hn&$al * Nat%(e S and not label S that ma5es &t $om)et&t&"e. E>e$%t&"e has )o#e( to de$la(e $lass&f&$at&on of nonA $om)et&t&"e )os&t&on 0Se$. ,8 B5. B EO 8-83

Te(m of off&$e "s. Ten%(e of In$%mbent

* Te(m S the t&me d%(&n' #D$ off&$e( may $la&m to hold off&$e as of (&'ht and f&>es the &nte("al afte( #D$ the &n$%mbents shall s%$$eed one anothe(. * Ten%(e S the te(m d%(&n' #h&$h the &n$%mbent a$t%ally holds off&$e. * Im)o(tan$e of d&st&n$t&on* Const&t%t&onal )(&n$&)le of nonA (emo"al #&tho%t d%e )(o$ess of la# #o%ld be ne'ated &f Con'(ess $o%ld le'ally ma5e ten%(e of off&$&als de)endent on )leas%(e of the P(es&dent.


* Te(m of off&$e Cha&( ? Membe(s of CLR %nde( EO ,71 to $om)ly #&th Se$. ,/083 A(t. +lll 0Ba%t&sta "s. Salon'a ,/8 SCRA ,723: EO ,71AA &s %n$onst&t%t&onal * Membe(s of LRET ha"e se$%(&ty of ten%(e: d&sloyalty to )a(ty not a "al&d '(o%nd fo( e>)%ls&on 0Bondo$ "s. P&neda 89, SCRA /-83 * Re@%&s&tes fo( effe$t&"e o)e(at&on of (otat&onal s$heme fo( Const&t%t&onal Comm&ss&one(s 0Re)%bl&$ "s. Im)e(&al -7 Ph&l. //9: ;--BH: ;,9BH3

* Sta(t ? end of /Ayea( te(m of off&$e of CSC Comm&ss&one( 06am&nde "s. COA ,1 !e$. 89993

* The e>)&(y of the te(m of

)et&t&one( &n h&s $a)a$&ty as an e> off&$&o membe( of the San''%n&an' Bayan of Nab%a Cama(&nes S%( be&n' the ele$ted P(es&dent of the Liga ng mga Barangay, $o&n$&des #&th the e>)&(at&on of the te(m of off&$e of (e'%la( membe(s 0Le(nandeC "s. LanC%ela O$tobe( ,1 ,---3.

* A COA Comm&ss&one( l&5e

(es)ondent B&lla( #ho se("es fo( a )e(&od less than / yea(s $annot be a))o&nted as $ha&(man #hen s%$h )os&t&on be$ame "a$ant as a (es%lt of the e>)&(at&on of the /A yea( te(m of the )(ede$esso(. S%$h a))o&ntment to a f%ll te(m &s not "al&d ? $onst&t%t&onal as the a))o&ntee #&ll be allo#ed to se("e mo(e than / yea(s %nde( the $onst&t%t&onal ban &n Se$. ,083 A(t. l+A!

Const. 0F%na "s. COA Cha&( 82 A)(&l 89,83.

* A la# allo#&n' the ele$t&"e off&$&als &n ARMM to (ema&n &n off&$e &n holdo"e( $a)a$&ty %nt&l ele$ted &n syn$h(on&Ced ele$t&ons ass%me off&$e #o%ld "&olate the 1Ayea( te(m l&m&t &n Se$. . A(t. + Const. Th&s #o%ld be an a$t of a))o&ntment by Con'(ess ? an %n$onst&t%t&onal &nt(%s&on &nto a))o&ntment )o#e( of the P(es&dent.

* RA ,9,41 a%tho(&C&n' the P(es. to a))o&nt OICs &n ARMM %nt&l those ele$ted &n May 89,1 ele$t&ons ass%me off&$e &s a "al&d la#. The a))o&nt&n' )o#e( &s embod&ed &n Se$. ,7 A(t. Bll Const. 0!at% T&da "s. Ph&l. Senate ,. O$tobe( 89,,3.

P(&ma(&ly Conf&dent&al Pos&t&ons

* R%le* Ten%(e of off&$&als

hold&n' )(&ma(&ly $onf&dent&al )os&t&ons ends %)on loss of $onf&den$e. The&( te(m lasts so lon' as $onf&den$e end%(es. Cessat&on &s not a (emo"al b%t e>)&(at&on of te(m.
* C&ty Le'al Off&$e(

0Cad&ente "s. Santos ,28 SCRA 8.93

* P(o";l Atto(ney 06(&no "s.

CSC 87 Feb. ,--,3

* Pe(manent Re)(esentat&"e

to UN 0!e Pe(&o Santos "s. Ma$a(a&' 2D,9D-83

El&'&b&l&ty to P%bl&$ Off&$e


H%al&f&$at&ons 'ene(ally (e@%&(ed of )%bl&$ off&$e(s K C&t&Censh&) (es&den$e a'e ed%$at&on and $&"&l se("&$e @%al&f&$at&ons

* *

H%al&f&$at&on Standa(ds Rel&'&o%s @%al&f&$at&ons )(oh&b&ted 0Se$. 4 A(t. lll Const&t%t&on3

R%l&n' &n Pam&l "s. Tele(on on bas&s of Se$. 8,/4 of old Adm&n. Code 089 No". ,-/.3 s%)e(seded by ;./ Const.

* P(o)e(ty @%al&f&$at&ons may

not be &m)osed fo( the e>e($&se of (&'ht to (%n fo( )%bl&$ off&$e. La# (e@%&(&n' $and&dates fo( )%bl&$ off&$e to )ost s%(ety bond held %n$onst&t%t&onal as &t "&olates )(&n$&)le of so$&al =%st&$e.0Ma@%e(a "s. Bo((a -D/D743

* H%al&f&$at&ons of lo$al

ele$t&"e off&$&als 0Se$. 1RA /,793

* Loss of any of the

@%al&f&$at&ons d%(&n' &n$%mben$y a '(o%nd fo( te(m&nat&on 0Labo "s COMELEC ,/7 SCRA ,3

!&s@%al&f&$at&ons fo( lo$al ele$t&"e )os&t&on 0Se$. 29 RA /,79: ;--BH3

* Those senten$ed by f&nal =%d'ment fo( an offense &n"ol"&n' mo(al t%()&t%de F

* Those (emo"ed f(om off&$e as a (es%lt of an adm&n&st(at&"e $ase * Those $on"&$ted by f&nal =%d'ment fo( "&olat&n' oath of alle'&an$e * Those #&th d%al $&t&Censh&) * F%'&t&"es f(om =%st&$e F * Pe(manent (es&dents &n a fo(e&'n $o%nt(y * The &nsane o( feebleAm&nded


* P%non' Ba(an'ay $on"&$ted of a(b&t(a(y detent&on b%t has not se("ed h&s senten$e be$a%se of the '(ant of )(obat&on &s not d&s@%al&f&ed to see5 ;98 lo$al ele$t&"e off&$e 0Mo(eno "s. Comele$ 2-. SCRA 2-3.

* Pet&t&one(;s $on"&$t&on of fen$&n' #h&$h &s a $(&me of mo(al t%()&t%de 0Ant&AFen$&n' La#3 ? th%s fall&n' s@%a(ely %nde( the d&s@%al&f&$at&on &n Se$. 29 0a3 s%bs&sts as he a))l&ed fo( )(obat&on nea(ly 2 yea(s afte( $on"&$t&on ? only afte( a))eal&n' h&s $on"&$t&on. Pe(fe$t&on of an a))eal &s (el&n@%&shment of alte(nat&"e (emedy of a"a&l&n' of P(obat&on La# 0!ela To((e "s. Comele$ 84. SCRA 2.13.

* A lo$al ele$t&"e off&$&al

0Mayo( of P%n'abon' O(. M&ndo(o3 #ho &s (emo"ed befo(e the e>)&(at&on of h&s te(m &s d&s@%al&f&ed f(om be&n' a $and&date fo( lo$al ele$t&"e )os&t&on 0Reyes "s. Comele$ 842 SCRA 4,23
* Whe(e the de$&s&on has not

be$ome f&nal by (eason of h&s f&l&n' a MR (es)ondent lo$al ele$t&"e off&$&al &s not d&s@%al&f&ed to (%n 0L&n'at&n' "s. S%lon' 1-, SCRA 78-3

* M!%al $&t&Censh&)N (efe(s to

Md%al alle'&an$eN: d%al $&t&Censh&) &s not a d&s@%al&f&$at&on 0Me($ado "s. ManCano 87 May ,---3. Fo( $and&dates #&th d%al $&t&Censh&) &t sho%ld s%ff&$e &f %)on f&l&n' of the&( $e(t. of $and&da$y they elect Ph&l&))&ne $&t&Censh&) to te(m&nate the&( stat%s as )e(sons #&th d%al $&t&Censh&) th%s fo(s#ea(&n' alle'&an$e to the othe( $o%nt(y 0note* (%l&n' no# mod&f&ed by RA -8843.

!%al C&t&Censh&) A$t 0RA -8843

* Those #ho (eta&n o( (eAa$@%&(e Ph&l. $&t&Censh&) %nde( th&s A$t and see5 ele$t&"e )%bl&$ off&$e shall meet the @%al&f&$at&ons >>> and at the t&me of the f&l&n' of the $e(t&f&$ate of $and&da$y ma5e a personal & sworn renunciation of any and all fo(e&'n $&t&Censh&) befo(e )%bl&$ off&$e( a%tho(&Ced to adm&n&ste( an oath ISe$. 4 083J.

* Aff&ant m%st state &n $lea( and %ne@%&"o$al te(ms that he &s (eno%n$&n' all fo(e&'n $&t&Censh&) fo( &t to be effe$t&"e 0E%seb&o Lo)eC "s. Comele$ 81 <%ly 899.3

* Fa&l%(e to (eno%n$e fo(e&'n $&t&Censh&) &n a$$o(dan$e #D Se$. 4 083 of RA -884 (ende(s a d%al $&t&Cen &nel&'&ble to (%n fo( ? hold ele$t&"e )%bl&$ off&$e. Unless Condon e>e$%tes a s#o(n (en%n$&at&on of he( A%st(al&an $&t&Censh&) she &s &nel&'&ble to hold off&$e as B&$e Mayo( of Caba La Un&on. That she #on &n the 89,9 ele$t&ons $annot $%(e the defe$t of he( $and&da$y des)&te he( ta5&n' an oath of alle'&an$e to the Ph&l. state &n !e$. 8994 and he( f&l&n' of an %ns#o(n de$la(at&on of den%n$&at&on of A%st(al&an $&t&Censh&) befo(e the !e);t of Imm&'(at&on ?

Ind&'eno%s Affa&(s &n Canbe((a &n Se)t. 8997 0Teodo(a Sobe=anaA Condon "s. Comele$ -D/D,83.

* Cand&date Me(&to M&'%el

#ho &s a '(een $a(d holde( m%st waive h&s stat%s as a )e(manent (es&dent o( &mm&'(ant of a fo(e&'n $o%nt(y as man&fested by some a$t0s3 &nde)endent of and done )(&o( to f&l&n' h&s $and&da$y fo( ele$t&"e off&$e of Mayo( of Bol&nao H%eCon 0Caas& "s. CA ,-, SCRA 88-3

* !&st&n'%&shed f(om


* Cases*

KNat&onal Amnesty Comm&ss&on "s. COA 21/ SCRA 74/ KB&nam&(a "s. 6a((%$ho ,.. SCRA ,42

* T&nds of a))o&ntment* )e(manent and tem)o(a(y * !&ffe(ent ste)s &n )(o$ess of a))o&ntment

* A$$e)tan$e of a))o&ntment not essent&al to &ts "al&d&ty b%t ne$essa(y to the f%ll )ossess&on of the off&$e * One #ho holds a tem)o(a(y a))o&ntment has no f&>ed ten%(e of off&$e 0A$ha$oso "s. Ma$a(a&' ,-4 SCRA 81/3. That a )os&t&on belon's to CS does not a%tomat&$ally $onfe( se$%(&ty of ten%(e >>>.

* A$$e)tan$e of a tem)o(a(y a))o&ntment #&tho%t &ntent&on to abandon )e(manent )os&t&on does not d&"est em)loyee of h&s se$%(&ty of ten%(e 0Palme(a "s. CSC 814 SCRA ./3. * A$$e)tan$e of a tem)o(a(y a))o&ntment on h&s o#n "ol&t&on and &n e>$han'e of a )e(manent a))o&ntment d&"ests off&$e( of se$%(&ty of ten%(e 0Rom%aldeC "s. CSC ,-/ SCRA ,7.3.

* Res&dent )hys&$&an )os&t&on &s not )e(manent 0Fel&> "s. B%enaseda 829 SCRA ,1-3. Pet&t&one(;s a))o&ntment as Med&$al S)e$&al&st &n NCML #as fo( a def&n&te ? (ene#able )e(&od.

Po#e( to A))o&nt
An e>e($&se of d&s$(et&on 0Pata'o$ "s. CSC ? !es)alo ,2 May ,--93

* Mne>tA&nA(an5N (%le 0Umoso

"s. CSC ? Ca(onan 812 SCRA 7,/3. The a))o&nt&n' )o#e( &s "ested &n !e);t Se$(eta(y b%t &t may be dele'ated to the R! s%b=e$t to a))(o"al (e"&s&on ? (e"e(sal of the fo(me(.
* A))o&ntment &s (e@%&(ed to

be s%bm&tted to CSC 0Tomal& "s. CSC 81. SCRA 4/83.

* Po#e( of CSC to a))(o"e o(

d&sa))(o"e 0O(bos "s. CSC ? Mada(an' ,.- SCRA 24-3

* E"en an a))o&ntment

&n&t&ally a))(o"ed by CSC may be s%bse@%ently (e$alled #hen fo%nd to be &n"al&d. RA 7.49 0a la# '(ant&n' CS el&'&b&l&ty to em)loyees eff&$&ently se("&n' fo( at least / y(s.3 does not $%(e a "o&d a))o&ntment fo( be&n' based on )et&t&one(;s false (e)(esentat&on of el&'&b&l&ty 0Man&ebo "s. CA 78/ SCRA 4/,3.

Ne)ot&sm (%le

* Se$. 4- EO 8-8* )(oh&b&t&on #&th&n 1(d de'(ee of $onsan'%&n&ty o( aff&n&ty * Se$. 7/ EO 8-8* )enalty of f&ne of not mo(e than P, 999 o( not mo(e than 7 yea(s &m)(&sonment o( both * Se$. /- RA /,79* )(oh&b&t&on #&th&n 2th de'(ee of $onsan'%&n&ty o( aff&n&ty * A )(omot&onal a))o&ntment "&olat&"e of ne)ot&sm (%le &s n%ll and "o&d 0!eb%l'ado "s. CSC 81/ SCRA ,.23. * E>$e)t&ons to the (%le

* Altho%'h #hat #as e>tended by )et&t&one( 6o"e(no( to Ben=am&n #ho had been hold&n' a )(omot&onal a))o&ntment as C&"&l Se$%(&ty Off&$e( #as me(ely a des&'nat&on S and not an a))o&ntment S to the )os&t&on of P(o"&n$&al Adm&n&st(ato( the )(oh&b&t&on "s. ne)ot&sm #o%ld &n$l%de des&'nat&on be$a%se #hat $annot be done d&(e$tly $annot be done &nd&(e$tly 0La%(el B "s. CSC 891 SCRA ,-43. * P%()ose of the (%le "s. ne)ot&sm* ta5e o%t of the d&s$(et&on of the a))o&nt&n' o( (e$ommend&n' a%tho(&ty.

* Whe(e CSC d&sa))(o"es

a))o&ntment a))o&ntee need not be )(e"&o%sly hea(d 0!eb%l'ado "s. CSC 81/ SCRA ,.73
* Passa'e of CS e>am does

not t(ansfo(m tem)o(a(y a))o&ntment to )e(manent 0Cama(&nes P(o". "s. CA 827 SCRA 8.13

* Res)ondent;s s%$$ess &n the

CS e>am %)on end of he( tem)o(a(y a))o&ntment as Bd. Se$. d&d not le'ally obl&'e PSCA to (ea))o&nt he(. The(e a(e othe( $ons&de(at&ons l&5e $onf&den$e ? t(%st >>> 06lo(&a "s. Rosa(&o Ce(&llo 82- SCRA ,113.

A))o&nt&n' a%tho(&ty ? a))o&ntee a(e (eal )a(t&es to $hallen'e CSC d&sa))(o"al. Pet&t&one( #hose a))o&ntment as !e);t M'( 0)e(m.3 &n SBMA #as d&sa))(o"ed by CSC d%e to &nade@%ate &nel&'&b&l&ty &s a (eal )a(ty &n &nte(est as he &s )(e"ented f(om ass%m&n' off&$e &n )e(manent $a)a$&ty. Le also benef&ts &f he obta&ns fa"o(able =%d'ment as &t #o%ld $onfe( on h&m all (&'hts ? )(&"&le'es as a )e(manent em)loyee 0Abella "s. CSC 228 SCRA 49/3. Le had ne&the( (an5 no( )os&t&on )(&o( to h&s (eem)loyment

hen$e no se$%(&ty of ten%(e.

No "&olat&on of CSC (esol%t&on )(oh&b&t&n' m&dn&'ht a))o&ntment #he(e the f&ll&n' %) (es%lted f(om del&be(ate a$t&on and $a(ef%l $ons&de(at&on of @%al&f&$at&ons 0H%&(o' "s. A%mentado 4/9 SCRA 4.83.

P(oh&b&t&on on Mm&dn&'ht a))o&ntmentsN %nde( A(t. Bll Se$. ,4 of Const&t%t&on a))l&es only to )(es&dent&al a))o&ntments and not to lo$al $h&ef e>e$%t&"es 0!e Rama "s. CA 141 SCRA -23.

A(t. Bll Se$. ,4 Const&t%t&on

* MT#o months &mmed&ately

befo(e the ne>t )(es&dent&al ele$t&ons and %) to the end of h&s te(m the P(es&dent o( A$t&n' P(es&dent shall not ma5e a))o&ntments except temporary appointments to e>e$%t&"e )os&t&ons #hen $ont&n%ed "a$an$&es the(e&n #&ll )(e=%d&$e )%bl&$ se("&$e o( endan'e( )%bl&$ safety.N

* As 'ene(al (%le

a))o&ntments by defeated lo$al $and&dates afte( ele$t&ons a(e )(oh&b&ted to a"o&d an&mos&t&es bet. o%t'o&n' ? &n$om&n' off&$&als to allo# &n$om&n' adm&n. a f(ee hand &n &m)lement&n' &ts )ol&$&es ? to ens%(e that a))o&ntments ? )(omot&ons a(e not %sed as tools fo( )ol&t&$al )at(ona'e o( as a (e#a(d fo( se("&$es (ende(ed to o%t'o&n' lo$al off&$&als 0NaCa(eno "s. !%ma'%ete C&ty 98 O$t.

* Lo#e"e( a))o&ntments afte( ele$t&ons by los&n' $and&dates may be allo#ed %nde( the follo#&n' $ond&t&ons* a. It has 'one th(% (e'%la( s$(een&n' by PSB befo(e the )(oh&b&ted )e(&od on &ss%an$e of a))o&ntment as sho#n by PSB (e)o(t o( m&n%tes of &ts meet&n': b. a))o&ntee &s @%al&f&ed: $. the(e &s need to f&ll %) "a$an$y &mmed&ately &n o(de( not to )(e=%d&$e )%bl&$ se("&$es o( endan'e( )%bl&$ safety:

d. It &s not one of those mass a))o&ntments &ss%ed afte( ele$t&ons. 0&d.3

When a))o&ntee may be (eass&'nedDt(ansfe((ed

* Whe(e a))o&ntment &nd&$ates no s)e$&f&$ stat&on em)loyee may be t(ansfe((ed o( (eass&'ned )(o"&ded F no s%bstant&al $han'e &n t&tle (an5 o( sala(y. * 4 yea( te(m !ean of Colle'e of Ed%$at&on 0Sta. Ma(&a "s. Lo)eC 1, SCRA 71/3

* Reass&'nment of 6lo(&a Na"a((o as P(&n$&)al &n !&"&s&on of C&ty S$hools H%eCon C&ty 0!ECS "s. CA ,.1 SCRA 4443

* Reass&'nment that &s

&ndef&n&te "&olates se$%(&ty of ten%(e and &s &n effe$t $onst(%$t&"e d&sm&ssal. I$as&ano;s (eass&'nment f(om S$hool !&". S%)e(&ntendent of H.C. to Bo$at&onal S$hool S%)e(&ntendent of MIST la$5s tem)o(a(&ness as &nfe((ed f(om Memo that Mthe (eass&'nment #&ll best f&t h&s @%al&f&$at&ons ? e>)e(&en$e >>>N 06lo(&a "s. CA ? I$as&ano 11. SCRA ,93.

* A))o&ntments to staff of

CSC a(e not a))o&ntments to a s)e$&f&ed )%bl&$ off&$e b%t a))o&ntments to )a(t&$%la( )os&t&ons o( (an5s. Pet&t&one(s #e(e ea$h a))o&nted to the )os&t&on of !&(e$to( lB #&tho%t s)e$&f&$at&on of any )a(t&$%la( off&$e o( stat&on. Also EO 8-8 a%tho(&Ces the Comm&ss&on to $a((y o%t $han'es &n the o('an&Cat&on as the need a(&ses 0Fe(nandeC "s. Sto. Tomas 828 SCRA ,-13.

* A (eass&'nment #h&$h

(emo"es f(om the off&$e( )o#e( of s%)e("&s&on o"e( em)loyees &s a d&m&n%t&on of he( stat%s 0Padol&na "s. Fe(nandeC 121 SCRA 2283.
* Mayo( has )o#e( to

(e$onst&t%te CSS!O and de"ol"e nat&onal !SW! em)loyees to CSS!O &n l&ne #D de"ol%t&on %nde( RA /,79 0PlaCa "s. Cass&on 214 SCRA 8-43.

* BIR Comm&ss&one( &s

a%tho(&Ced to ass&'n o( (eass&'n (e"en%e off&$e(s 0B&nConsAChato "s. Ma(t&neC 122 SCRA ,.3.

* Bad fa&th &s e"&dent by the

fa$t that the (eass&'nment #as &ss%ed days afte( the (eass&'ned off&$&als f&led a '(aft $ase "s. )et&t&one( and that the a%tho(&ty to (eass&'n off&$e(s of the LWUA l&es #&th the Boa(d and not #&th )et&t&one(. P(es%m)t&on of (e'%la(&ty does not a))ly #hen )et&t&one(;s a$ts a(e not #&th&n h&s d%t&es s)e$&f&ed by la# b%t )e(ta&n to the Boa(d 0Reyes <(. "s. Bel&sa(&o 4-7 SCRA 143.

Ca(ee( E>e$%t&"e Se("&$e 0CES3

* Se$%(&ty of ten%(e &n CES &s a$@%&(ed #D(es)e$t to (an5 and not to )os&t&on: #&th&n CES )e(sonnel $an be sh&fted to anothe( )os&t&on #Do "&olat&n' the&( (&'hts to se$%(&ty of ten%(e be$a%se the&( stat%s ? sala(&es a(e based on the&( (an5s ? not on the&( =obs. * Pet&t&one(;s a))o&ntment &s not )e(manent as she does not ha"e the (an5 a))(o)(&ate fo( )os&t&on of Ch&ef P%bl&$ Atto(ney 0C%e"as "s. Ba$al 12/ SCRA 11-3.

* 8 (e@%&s&tes m%st $on$%( &n

o(de( that an em)loyee &n the CES may atta&n se$%(&ty of ten%(e to #&t* a3 CES el&'&b&l&ty: and b3 a))o&ntment to a))(o)(&ate CES (an5.

* Pass&n' CES e>am ent&tles

e>am&nee to $onfe(ment of CES el&'&b&l&ty. U)on $onfe(ment &n$%mbent of CES )os&t&on may @%al&fy fo( a))o&ntment to a CES (an5. WDo CES el&'&b&l&ty h&s a))o&ntment d&d not a$@%&(e )e(manen$y ? may be #&thd(a#n anyt&me #Do "&olat&n' (&'ht to se$%(&ty of ten%(e 0Ca(&n'al "s. PCSO 2/8 SCRA 4//3.

* Altho%'h the la# allo#s the

a))o&ntment of a nonACES el&'&ble to CES )os&t&ons &n the 'o"e(nment &n the absen$e of a))(o)(&ate el&'&bles ? &n the &nte(est of )%bl&$ se("&$e ho#e"e( &n all $ases the a))o&ntment &s at best tem)o(a(y $ond&t&oned on the s%bse@%ent a$@%&s&t&on of the (e@%&(ed CES el&'&b&l&ty. Pet&t&one(;s se)a(at&on f(om the se("&$e #Do $a%se as !e). !&(e$to( fo( Los)&tal S%))o(t Se("&$es &s "al&d as he( )os&t&on belon's to the CES 0Amo(es "s. CSC 8-

A)(&l ;9-3.
* Unless and %nt&l an em)loyee &n the CES &s a))o&nted to the a))(o)(&ate CES (an5 he a$@%&(es no se$%(&ty of ten%(e e"en &f he &s a CES el&'&ble. Res)ondent tho%'h a CES el&'&ble does not )ossess the a))(o)(&ate CES (an5 #D$ &s CES (an5 le"el B fo( the )os&t&on of R! of LTOA Re'. B. Le $o%ld th%s be (eass&'ned to othe( )os&t&ons &n the CES as he d&d not ha"e se$%(&ty of ten%(e 06ene(al "s. LTO R! Ro$o 149 SCRA 48.3.

* <%st&f&$at&on of t(ansfe(D(eass&'nment of CESO to othe( )os&t&ons* mob&l&ty and fle>&b&l&ty. The Inte'(ated Reo('an&Cat&on Plan 0P! ,3 allo#s the a))o&ntment of nonA CES el&'&bles l&5e Montesa as M&n&st(y Le'al Co%nsel )(o"&ded they s%bse@%ently a$@%&(e the el&'&b&l&ty 0!e Leon "s. Montesa 1/, SCRA 2,13.

* The(e &s a d&st&n$t&on bet#een )os&t&on and (an5. A CESO may be t(ansfe((ed o( (eass&'ned f(om one )os&t&on to anothe( #&tho%t los&n' h&s (an5 b%t the(e $an be no d&st&n$t&on bet#een (es&'n&n' f(om a )os&t&on and (es&'n&n' f(om a (an5. Ran5 of a CESO &s dea$t&"ated %)on (es&'nat&on f(om the 'o";t se("&$e #h&$h &n$l%des the (es&'nat&on of a CESO f(om h&s )os&t&on. Pet&t&one(;s $la&m that h&s (el&ef as Unde(se$(eta(y fo( C&"&l Relat&ons of !N! "&olated h&s se$%(&ty of ten%(e as CESO &s %ntenable be$a%se by h&s o#n del&be(ate deed he (es&'ned.

Any e>)(ess )(om&se of anothe( )os&t&on &s "o&d 0Collantes "s. CA 4,/ SCRA 47,3.

Pos&t&ons E>$l%ded f(om CES 0CESB Res. /-- May ;9-3

,. Mana'e(&al and e>e$%t&"e )os&t&ons #Df&>ed te(m of off&$e as )(o"&ded &n $ha(te( o( la# 8. Mana'e(&al and e>e$%t&"e )os&t&ons &n nonA$a(ee( se("&$e #D$ &n$l%de the ff* a. Ele$t&"e off&$&als ? the&( )e(sonalD$onf& staff

b. Se$(eta(&es and othe( off&$&als of $ab&net (an5 and the&( )e(sonalD$onf& staff $. Cha&(man and membe(s of $omm&ss&ons and boa(ds #&th f&>ed te(ms of off&$e ? the&( )e(sonalD$onf& staff d. Cont(a$t%al )e(sonnel ? eme('en$yDseasonal staff

Pos&t&ons e>$l%ded f(om CES

1. Mana'e(&al and e>e$%t&"e )os&t&ons &n the nat&onal 'o"e(nment belon'&n' to the closed career systems #D$ a(e adm&n&ste(ed by s)e$&al bod&es s%$h as the Fo(e&'n Se("&$e PNP State $olle'es and %n&"e(s&t&es %nless )(o"&ded &n the&( (es)e$t&"e $ha(te(s the S$&ent&f&$ Ca(ee( Se("&$e and the l&5e 2. Pos&t&on of Lead E>e$%t&"e Ass&stant

P(es&dent&al A))o&ntments

* ad &nte(&m and (e'%la(

0A(t. Bll Se$. ,7 Const.3: !&st&n$t&on

* !&st&n$t&on bet#een ad

&nte(&m a))o&ntments f(om a))o&ntments &n an a$t&n' $a)a$&ty: P(es&dent;s &ss%an$e of a))o&ntments &n an a$t&n' $a)a$&ty &s not an &m)a&(ment of )o#e( of Con'(ess 0P&mentel "s. E(m&ta 2/8 SCRA 4.-3. a))o&nt a%tomat&$ally the Unde(se$(eta(y >>>

* No obl&'at&on on P(es. to

* Ad &nte(&m a))o&ntment &s

)e(manent and not a tem)o(a(y a))o&ntment that $an be #&thd(a#n o( (e"o5ed anyt&me: P(es&dent $an (ene# ad &nte(&m a))o&ntment of a byA)assed a))o&ntee 0Mat&ba' "s. Ben&)ayo 1.9 SCRA 2-3.
* 8 $a%ses an ad &nte(&m

a))o&ntment $an be te(m&nated.

* A))o&ntments solely fo(

P(es&dent to ma5e $annot be ad &nte(&m a))o&ntments 0Ba%t&sta "s. Salon'a ,/8 SCRA ,793.

* 2 '(o%)s of off&$e(s #hom

the P(es&dent shall a))o&nt* ,. The heads of the e>e$%t&"e de);ts ambassado(s >>> 8. All othe( off&$e(s of 6o"e(nment #hose a))o&ntments a(e not othe(#&se )(o"&ded fo( by la#.

1. Those #hom the P(es&dent may be a%tho(&Ced by la# to a))o&nt. 2. Off&$e(s lo#e( &n (an5 #hose a))o&ntments the Con'(ess may by la# "est &n the P(es&dent alone.

* 1 sta'es &n (e'%la(


* The Mothe( off&$e(sN #hose

a))o&ntments a(e "ested &n the P(es&dent %nde( the Const&t%t&on (efe( to the (e'%la( membe(s of <BC Cha&(men ? Comm&ss&one(s of Const&t%t&onal Comm&ss&ons membe(s of the Re'&onal Cons%ltat&"e Comm&ss&on >>>3

* H%&ntos !eles "s.

Comm&ss&on on A))o&ntments ,// SCRA 84-

0A(t. +Blll Se$. / on Se$to(al Re).3

* Sa(m&ento "s. M&son ,47

SCRA 42* Ta((osa "s. S&n'son 818

SCRA 444
* Calde(on "s. Ca(ale 89.

SCRA 842
* Manalo "s. S&stoCa 1,8

SCRA 81- 0;98 BH3

P(oh&b&t&on on m&dn&'ht a))o&ntment &n Se$. ,4 A(t. Bll does not a))ly to a))o&ntment of membe(s of the S%)(eme Co%(t. Lad the f(ame(s &ntended to they $o%ld ha"e easily and surely #(&tten that the )(oh&b&t&on &n Se$. ,4 A(t. Bll &s e@%ally a))l&$able to a))o&ntment of SC membe(s most l&5ely &n Se$. 2 A(t. Blll. The e>)(ess &ntent of the f(ame(s &s ensh(&ned &n Se$. 2 A(t. Blll #h&$h &s a $ommand to the P(es&dent to f&ll %) any "a$an$y

#&th&n -9 days f(om &ts o$$%((en$e 0!e Cast(o "s. <BC 1D,/D,93.

A))o&ntments of fo%(th '(o%) of lo#e(A(an5ed off&$e(s may by la# be "ested &n the head of boa(d. The Cha&( of CCP &s "ested #&th )o#e( %nde( P! ,4 to a))o&nt lo#e(A (an5ed off&$e(s b%t not the $oAt(%stees of the boa(d. Se$. 7 of P! ,4 &nsofa( CCP Boa(d to ele$t the&( $oAt(%stees &s %n$onst&t%t&onal as &t "&olates Se$. ,7 A(t. Bll. Altho%'h CCP en=oys a%tonomy of )ol&$y ? o)e(at&on th%s '&"&n' the

Boa(d a%tho(&ty to &n&t&ate ? fo(m%late )ol&$&es ? %nde(ta5e a$t&"&t&es these a(e all s%b=e$t to the P(es&dent;s )o#e( of $ont(ol 0R%f&no "s. End(&'a 2-7 SCRA ,73.

Modes of Te(m&nat&n' Off&$&al Relat&ons

* Abolition &s ne&the( (emo"al

o( se)a(at&on.

* Reo('an&Cat&on &s "al&d #hen

done &n 'ood fa&th. A (eo('an&Cat&on &s &n 'ood fa&th &f &t &s fo( )%()ose of e$onomy o( ma5e b%(ea%$(a$y mo(e eff&$&ent. If so the(e &s no d&sm&ssal s&n$e the )os&t&on &tself $eases to e>&st. B%t &f the abol&t&on &s fo( )ol&t&$al (eason o( to defeat se$%(&ty of ten%(e o( the(e &s me(e $han'e of nomen$lat%(e of )os&t&ons the abol&t&on &s "o&d. Le(e no a$t%al (eo('an&Cat&on too5 )la$e &.e. (ed%$t&on of )e(sonnel $onsol&dat&on of off&$es o(

abol&t&on fo( the )%()ose of e$onomy o( (ed%ndan$y of f%n$t&ons b%t a s&m)le (e"am) of )e(sonnel. Le se)a(ated 1-2 )e(sonnel b%t (e)la$ed them #D 488. 0!a(&o "s. M&son ,/7 SCRA .23

* The m%n&$&)al&ty;s )(etended abol&t&on of )et&t&one(;s )os&t&on of dent&st on '(o%nd of la$5 of f%nds &s "o&d as the m%n&$&)al&ty a))(o"ed sala(y ? b%d'et &n$(eases and &ss%ed ne# a))o&ntments at the t&me of he( d&sm&ssal. Cons&de(&n' the la)se of 89 y(s. she #as a#a(ded ba$5 sala(&es e@%&"alent to 4 y(s. 06&n'son "s. M%($&a 9. Feb. ,-..3 * Whe(e abol&shed off&$e 0S$&en$e P(omot&on Inst.3 and the t#o ne# off&$es $(eated ha"e s&m&la( f%n$t&ons abol&t&on la$5s 'ood fa&th 06%e((e(o "s. A(&Cabal ,.7 SCRA ,9-3.

* RA 7/,4 #h&$h de$la(ed "a$ant NLRC )os&t&ons ? )(o"&ded fo( the (emo"al of &n$%mbents %)on @%al&f&$at&on of the&( s%$$esso(s &s %n$onst&t%t&onal. It d&d not e>)(essly o( &m)l&edly abol&sh )et&t&one(s; off&$es 0Mayo( "s. Ma$a(ae' ,-2 SCRA 7/83.

K Se$. . of RA .44, #h&$h )(o"&des that the te(ms of the $%((ent Comm&ss&one(s a(e deemed e>)&(ed &s %n$onst&t%t&onal be&n' &n "&olat&on of )et&t&one(s; se$%(&ty of ten%(e '%a(antee. The (e"&s&ons &n the ne# la# do not $onst&t%te essent&al $han'es &n the nat%(e of NAPOLCOM as to

(es%lt &n the &m)l&ed abol&t&on of s%$h off&$e. Its o('an&Cat&onal st(%$t%(e )o#e(s ? d%t&es (ema&n the same. RA .44, effe$ted a (eo('an&Cat&on of the PNP and not the NAPOLCOM. All a$ts done )%(s%ant to Se$. . a(e n%ll ? "o&d. The(e $an be no "al&d a))o&ntments to nonA

"a$ant )os&t&ons. 0Canon&Cado "s. A'%&((e 181 SCRA 1,13 In$om)at&b&l&ty of off&$es

A$$e)tan$e of anothe( off&$e &n$om)at&ble #D the f&(st off&$e &)so fa$to "a$ates the f&(st off&$e.

When &s the(e &n$om)at&b&l&ty of off&$esG Not me(e )hys&$al &m)oss&b&l&ty of one )e(son )e(fo(m&n'F b%t $ont(a(&ety a(&ses f(om nat%(e ? (elat&onsF Pos&t&ons of Ins)e$to( 6ene(al of IAS and NAPOLCOM Comm&ss&one( a(e &n$om)at&ble. NAPOLCOM has )o#e( of $ont(ol o"e( PNP. Also RA .44, )(oh&b&ts an IAS )e(sonnel f(om s&tt&n' &n a $omm&tteeF

The $(%$&al test to dete(m&ne &n$om)at&b&l&ty* #hethe( one off&$e &s s%bo(d&nate to the othe( &.e. one off&$e has (&'ht to &nte("ene #D the othe(. The )os&t&ons of PC66 Cha&( and Ch&ef P(es&dent&al Le'al Co%nsel a(e &n$om)at&ble 0PICI "s. Elma 2-2 SCRA 423.

Se$. ,1 A(t. Bl of Const&t%t&on #as not "&olated #hen (es)ondent Senato( 'ot ele$ted as PNRC Cha&(. PNRC #as $(eated by RA -4 to $om)ly #D6ene"a Con"ent&on 0L&ban "s. 6o(don 4-1 SCRA 7.3.

* Abandonment of an

office &s the "ol%nta(y ? total (el&n@%&shment of an off&$e by the holde( #D&ntent&on to te(m&nate h&s )ossess&on ? $ont(ol
* No abandonment &f off&$e

&s "a$ated &n defe(en$e to (e@%&(ement of la# ? des)&te a$$e)tan$e of IAS )os&t&on 0Canon&Cado $ase3.

* Anton&o;s fa&l%(e to ta5e

ste)s to (eass%me off&$eF $onst&t%te abandonment 0SB of San And(es "s. CA 8.2 SCRA 8/7: ;99BH3.
* Resignation S e>)(ess&on of &n$%mbent of an &ntent&on to (el&n@%&sh h&s off&$e and a$$e)tan$e by $om)etent ? la#f%l a%tho(&ty 0O(t&C "s. Comele$ 8. <%ne ;..3. * Abandonment of off&$e befo(e a$$e)tan$e of (es&'nat&on &s )%n&shable %nde( A(t. 81. RPC

* S%bm&ss&on of (es&'nat&on of SB Membe( to the Mayo( &s not a "al&d (es&'nat&on. Se$. .8 of L6C )(o"&des &ts s%bm&ss&on to the San''%n&an 0SB of San And(es $ase3. * A$$e)tan$e of $o%(tesy

(es&'nat&on does not does not mean e>)(ess o( &m)l&ed )(om&se of anothe( )os&t&on 0Collantes "s. !N! 4,/ SCRA 47,3.

* Res&'nat&on $annot be %sed

as an es$a)e to e"ade adm&n&st(at&"e l&ab&l&ty. Res)ondent Cle(5 of Co%(t;s (es&'nat&on befo(e &n"est&'at&on &s &nd&$at&"e of h&s '%&lt06onCales "s. Es$alona 477 SCRA 23.
* <%(&sd&$t&on of the t(&b%nal &s

a$@%&(ed at t&me of f&l&n' of $om)la&nt: &t &s not lost by (es&'nat&on of (es)ondent f(om off&$e d%(&n' the )enden$y of the $ase.

* Altho%'h the Omb%dsman &s

not )(e$l%ded by Se$. 89043 of RA 7//9 f(om $ond%$t&n' the &n"est&'at&on Omb%dsman $an no lon'e( &nst&t%te an adm&n $ase "s. And%tan S #ho had (es&'ned as !e). !&(. of !OF on bas&s of Memo of the E>e$. Se$. d&(e$t&n' all nonA$a(ee( off&$&als to "a$ate the&( )os&t&ons S be$a%se he #as not a )%bl&$ se("ant at t&me the $ase #as f&led 0Omb. "s. And%tan <(. <%ly 8/ 89,,3.

* Lasty f&l&n' by )et&t&one( $ash&e( of he( $e(t&f&$ate of $and&da$y &s a )loy to a"o&d adm&n&st(at&"e $ha('e. Othe( )enalt&es may st&ll be &m)osed 0Pa'ano "s. NaCa((o 411 SCRA 7883.

* Whethe( (es&'ned o( not &s to be dete(m&ned by total&ty test: nonA&ss%e as Con'(ess has de$la(ed 6MA de =%(e P(es&dent. Inab&l&ty to d&s$ha('e d%t&es of P(es&den$y &s )ol&t&$al ? add(essed solely to Con'(ess. Se$. ,8 of RA 19,- )(oh&b&t&n' (es&'nat&on of off&$e( d%(&n' )enden$y of $ha('es $annot be &n"o5ed by )et&t&one( 0Est(ada "s. !es&e(to 1D98D9,3.

* Ca%se fo( removal m%st be as )(o"&ded by la#. Fa&l%(e to ma5e a $o%(tesy $all to one;s s%)e(&o( o( s%bm&t he( a))o&ntment )a)e(s &s not an offense 0Ad&on' "s. CA 1/, SCRA 1/23 * S%mma(y d&sm&ssal (e)ealed by RA 7742.

* Ille'ally d&sm&ssed off&$e( &s ent&tled to (e&nstatement and )ayment of ba$5 sala(&es ? othe( moneta(y benef&ts f(om t&me of d&sm&ssal %) to (e&nstatement. An &lle'ally d&sm&ssed em)loyee #ho &s (e&nstated &s $ons&de(ed not ha"&n' left he( off&$e ? sho%ld be '&"en the $o((es)ond&n' $om)ensat&on at t&me of (e&nstatement 0not l&m&ted to 4 y(s.3 IBatan'as Un&". "s. Bon&fa$&o 2/. SCRA ,48J

* Off&$&al $annot be (emo"ed

fo( m&s$ond%$t d%(&n' a )(&o( te(m 0A'%&naldo "s. Comele$ 8,8 SCRA /7.3.
* A'%&naldo &na))l&$able to

$(&m&nal $ase. Reele$t&on to the )ost of Con'(essman &s not a (easonable $lass&f&$at&on &n $(&m&nal enfo($ement. F%n$t&ons ? d%t&es of h&s off&$e a(e not s%bstant&al d&st&n$t&ons #D$ l&ft h&m f(om the $lass of )(&sone(s &nte((%)ted &n the&( f(eedom 0P) "s. <alos=os 182 SCRA 7-83.

KP(&sone(s $annot hold off&$e #h&le &n detent&on. No d&senf(an$h&sement as )eo)le;s mandate y&elds to Const&t%t&on 0T(&llanes "s. <%d'e P&mentel 8/ <%ne ;9.3 KAs a ne$essa(y $onse@%en$e of a((est and detent&on all )(&sone(s $annot )(a$t&$e the&( )(ofess&on no( en'a'e &n b%s&ness o( o$$%)at&on o( hold off&$e ele$t&"e o( a))o&nt&"e #h&le &n detent&on 0P) "s. Lon. Ma$eda 1.9 Ph&l. ,3

* !&sloyalty &s not a '(o%nd fo( e>)%ls&on f(om LRET 0Bondo$ "s. P&neda 89, SCRA /-8: ;98 BH3 * 8 $ate'o(&es of adm&n&st(at&"e a$t&ons "s. 'o"e(nment em)loyees * To #a((ant (emo"al f(om off&$e of an off&$e( the m&s$ond%$t m&sfeasan$e o( malfeasan$e m%st be d&(e$tly (elated to )e(fo(man$e of off&$&al d%t&es

* R%le* Whe(e $(&me &s not off&$e (elated off&$e( may not be $ha('ed adm&n&st(at&"ely based the(eon %nt&l a f&nal =%d'ment of $on"&$t&on of the $(&me &n"ol"&n' mo(al t%()&t%de o( d&s@%al&f&$at&on to hold off&$e.

E>$e)t&on* #hen the a$t o( offense also $onst&t%tes "&olat&on of adm&n&st(at&"e (%les no $on"&$t&on &s (e@%&(ed.

* In '(a"e m&s$ond%$t as

d&st&n'%&shed f(om s&m)le m&s$ond%$t the elements of $o((%)t&on $lea( &ntent to "&olate the la# o( fla'(ant d&s(e'a(d of establ&shed (%le a(e man&fest.
* Res)ondent;s a$t0s3 of

steal&n' a 5&ss and demand&n' fo( a date as an %nla#f%l $ons&de(at&on fo( &ss%an$e of a )e(m&t $onst&t%te '(a"e m&s$ond%$t 0CSC "s. Bela'an 229 SCRA 4/.3.

* To #a((ant d&sm&ssal

d&shonesty need not be d%tyA $onne$ted.

* W&llf%l fa&l%(e to )ay =%st

debts* $la&ms ad=%d&$ated by a $o%(t o( $la&ms the e>&sten$e ? =%stness of #D$ a(e adm&tted by the debto(.
* If (es)ondent &s fo%nd '%&lty

of 8 o( mo(e $ha('es )enalty to be &m)osed &s that $o((es)ond&n' to most se(&o%s $ha('e and the (est a(e a''(a"at&n'.
* Effe$ts of d&sm&ssal * Ent&tlement of d&sm&ssed

em)loyee to lea"e $(ed&ts.

* A$t&on d(o))&n' )%bl&$ off&$e(

f(om the (olls &s nonAd&s$&)l&na(y 0CSC C&($%la( No. ,8 s. ,--23.

* Mental &n$a)a$&ty d%e to &mmo(al

o( "&$&o%s hab&ts %nde( Se$. 27 EO 8-8 &s d&ffe(ent f(om mental &n$a)a$&ty %nde( Se$. 87 EO 8-8. The f&(st $a((&es adm&n. d&sab&l&t&es #h&le the se$ond does not. B%t both (es%lt &n loss of em)loyment S a )(o)e(ty (&'ht )(ote$ted %nde( d%e )(o$ess $la%se. Wh&le )et&t&one( at t&me of d(o))&n' f(om the (olls #as s%ffe(&n' f(om )(ot(a$ted mental d&so(de( same d&d not (ende( he( &n$a)able of )e(fo(m&n' he( #o(5. The(e #as &n$om)lete $a%se to d(o) he(. She &s (e&nstated #D)ayment of ba$5 sala(&es %) to (e&nstatement 0Roma'os "s. Met(o Ceb% Wate( 411 SCRA 493.

* The mayo( has (&'ht to $ontest (e"e(sal by CSC o( CA of h&s o(de( s%s)end&n' o( d&sm&ss&n' a m%n. em)loyee. Reasons* a3 L&s (&'ht to a))eal flo#s f(om fa$t that h&s )o#e( to a))o&nt $a((&es #D&t )o#e( to (emo"e: b3 Sala(&es of (es)ondent a(e d(a#n f(om m%n&$&)al f%nds. Le(e the Mayo( ? the CSC a(e (eal )a(t&es &n &nte(est to $ontest the CA (e"e(sal of the&( de$&s&on s%s)end&n' (es)ondents fo( 8 months ? s%bse@%ently d(o))&n' them f(om the (olls 0Mayo( !a'ada' "s.Ton'na#a 249 SCRA 2273.

* Unde( Se$. 79 of L6C the

SB has no )o#e( to (emo"e an ele$t&"e ba(an'ay off&$&al. A)a(t f(om the Omb%dsman only a )(o)e( $o%(t may do so. The Omb%dsman;s ta5&n' $o'n&Can$e f&(st of the $om)la&nt e>$l%des the SB f(om a$@%&(&n' =%(&sd&$t&on of the same 0Omb%dsman "s. Rod(&'%eC 784 SCRA 8--3.

* Im)ea$hment %nde( Se$. 8 A(t. +l * Obse("an$e of f%ndamental )(o$ed%(al (e@%&(ement 0C%en$o "s. Fe(nan 8D,/D..3 * C(ony&sm &s a le'al '(o%nd fo( &m)ea$hment of the P(es&dent. Th&s (efe(s to bet(ayal of )%bl&$ t(%st and &n$l%des $(ony&sm #D$ &n"ol"es %nd%ly fa"o(&n' a $(ony to the )(e=%d&$e of )%bl&$ &nte(est 0;99BH3. * On$e &m)ea$hable off&$e( (et&(es Co%(t may )(o$eed "s. h&m and &m)ose san$t&on fo( m&s$ond%$t d%(&n' h&s ten%(e 0Re* <%st&$e R%ben Reyes 4.9 SCRA ,973.

* !e)%ty Omb%dsman &s not

an &m)ea$hable off&$e( 0OMB "s. Mo=&$a 248 SCRA /,23.

* An &m)ea$hable off&$e( #ho

&s a membe( of the Ba( $annot be d&sba((ed #&tho%t f&(st be&n' &m)ea$hed. B%t he(e s&n$e the '(o%nds fo( the d&sba(ment $om)la&nt "s. Bo((a #D$ a(e s%))osed e((o(s of =%d'ment o( '(a"e ab%se of d&s$(et&on &n a))(e$&at&on of fa$ts a(e )(o)e( fo( an a))eal $om)la&nant;s (emedy &s =%d&$&al 0Ma($oleta "s. Bo((a 4.8 SCRA 2/23.

* Whethe( offenses &n the

&m)ea$hment $om)la&nt $onst&t%te "al&d &m)ea$hable offenses &s a nonA=%st&$&able )ol&t&$al @%est&on. Altho%'h Se$. 8 A(t. +l l&sts 7 '(o%nds of &m)ea$hment t#o of them* othe( h&'h $(&mes ? bet(ayal >>> el%de )(e$&se def&n&t&on. What $onst&t%tes an &m)ea$hable offense &s )%(ely )ol&t&$al 0F(an$&s$o <(. "s. Lo%se of Re)(esentat&"es ,,D,9D913.

* Note* In the &m)ea$hment

t(&al of C< Co(ona he #as a$$%sed amon' othe(s of not &n$l%d&n' some )(o)e(t&es &n h&s de$la(at&on of h&s assets l&ab&l&t&es and net #o(th &n "&olat&on of RA 19,-. The Senate a$t&n' as &m)ea$hment $o%(t fo%nd h&m '%&lty of th&s $ha('e and de$la(ed that h&s del&be(ate a$t of e>$l%d&n' s%bstant&al assets 0P.9M &n 1 )eso a$$o%nts ? U8.2M &n 2 U a$$o%nts3 f(om h&s s#o(n SALN $onst&t%tes a $%l)able "&olat&on of the Const&t%t&on.

* Re$all* fo(mal #&thd(a#al by ele$to(ate of the&( t(%st &n ele$t&"e off&$&al;s ab&l&ty to d&s$ha('e h&s off&$e. * Loss of $onf&den$e as '(o%nd fo( (e$all &s a )ol&t&$al @%est&on #he(e only the )eo)le a(e the =%d'e 0E"a(done "s. Comele$ 892 SCRA 2723. * Ele$t&"e lo$al off&$&al so%'ht to be (e$alled shall not be allo#ed to (es&'n #h&le (e$all )(o$ess &s &n )(o'(ess 0Se$. /1 RA /,793. * No (e$all #&th&n , y(. f(om date of off&$&al;s ass%m)t&on to off&$e o( , y(.

&mmed&ately )(e$ed&n' a (e'%la( lo$al ele$t&on 0Se$. /2 RA /,793. * R%le of holdo"e( $an only

a))ly as an a"a&lable o)t&on #he(e no s%$h e>)(ess o( &m)l&ed &ntent to the $ont(a(y e>&sts: &t $annot a))ly #he(e s%$h $ont(a(y &ntent &s e"&dent.
* Loldo"e( )(o"&s&on (efe(s

to ele$t&"e ba(an'ay o( ST off&$&als #hose te(ms of off&$e a(e not e>)l&$&tly )(o"&ded fo( &n the Const.

* Se$. . A(t. + sets a l&m&t

#D&n #D$ all ele$t&"e off&$&als $an o$$%)y the&( off&$es. Ele$t&"e ARMM off&$&als 0Re'. 6o"e(no( B&$e 6o". and membe(s of the RLA3 a(e bo%nd by the 1Ay(. l&m&t )(es$(&bed by the Const&t%t&on. Con'(ess has no )o#e( to e>tend sa&d l&m&t by &nse(t&n' holdo"e( )(o"&so &n RA -942 0T&da "s. Senate 98D8.D,83.

P(e"ent&"e S%s)ens&on
* 8 5&nds of )(e"ent&"e s%s)ens&on

* Tea$he(s e>one(ated of o(&'&nal $ha('es ? fo%nd '%&lty only of "&olat&on of (easonable off&$e (%les a(e ent&tled to $om)ensat&on 06lo(&a "s. CA 197 SCRA 8./3 * Postal Cle(5 o(&'&nally d&sm&ssed f(om se("&$e 0fo( h&s sho(ta'es3 b%t )enalty (ed%$ed by CSC to 7 mos. s%s)ens&on &s not ent&tled to ba$5 sala(y. To (e$o"e( &t m%st be sho#n that s%s)ens&on #as %n=%st&f&ed o( off&$e( #as &nno$ent of the $ha('e 0Sales "s. Mathay ,8- SCRA ,.93.

* Mod&f&$at&on by CA on

a))eal of the de$&s&on of !OTCDCSC &m)os&n' )enalty of d&sm&ssal f(om se("&$e fo( '(oss ne'le$t to 1 mos. s%s)ens&on fo( s&m)le ne'le$t &s not e>one(at&on: (e&nstatement b%t no )ayment of ba$5#a'es 0CSC " Raban' 1D,2D9.3

* 6(o%nds fo( )(e"ent&"e

s%s)ens&on %nde( Se$. 4, EO 8-8* $ha('e &n"ol"es d&shonesty >>> o( the(e a(e (easons to bel&e"e (es). &s '%&lty of $ha('es #a((ant&n' h&s (emo"al.

* P(e"ent&"e s%s)ens&on

%nde( Se$. 71 L6C * &m)osed afte( &ss%es a(e =o&ned #hen the e"&den$e of '%&lt &s st(on' ? '&"en '(a"&ty of offense the(e &s '(eat )(obab&l&ty that (es).;s $ont&n%an$e &n off&$e $o%ld &nfl%en$e #&tnesses o( )ose th(eat to safety ? &nte'(&ty of (e$o(ds.
* No sala(y d%(&n' s%$h

s%s)ens&on b%t he shall be )a&d sala(y on s%bse@%ent e>one(at&on ? (e&nstatement 0Se$.723.

* Se$. 82 RA 7//9 * Se$. ,1 RA 19,* Cases* KBayot "s. Sand&'anbayan ,8. SCRA 1.1 K!eloso "s. Sand&'anbayan ,/1 SCRA 29KL&banan "s. Sand&'anbayan 811 SCRA ,71 KBe(ona "s. Sand&'anbayan 214 SCRA 197

Se$. ,1 RA 19,-

* A&m of )(eAs%s)ens&on

hea(&n' &s to dete(m&ne the "al&d&ty of &nfo(mat&on so that the $o%(t $an ha"e bas&s to s%s)end the a$$%sed. On$e "al&d&ty of &nfo(mat&on &s dete(m&ned &t be$omes m&n&ste(&al fo( $o%(t to &ss%e.
* Wh&le the(e #as no )(eA

s%s)ens&on hea(&n' n%me(o%s )lead&n's #e(e f&led. R&'ht to d%e )(o$ess &s sat&sf&ed not =%st by o(al hea(&n' b%t by the f&l&n' ? $ons&de(at&on by the $o%(t of )a(t&es; )lead&n's 0<%an "s. P) 188 SCRA ,873.

* The s%s)ens&on &n A(t. Bl

Se$. ,7 of Const&t%t&on on a%tho(&ty of ea$h Lo%se to )%n&sh &ts membe(s &s a )%n&shment &m)osed by &t and &s d&st&n$t f(om s%s)ens&on %nde( Se$. ,1 RA 19,- ISant&a'o "s. Sand&'anbayan 147 SCRA 71/J

* The fals&f&$at&on of !TR

$onst&t%tes f(a%d &n"ol"&n' )%bl&$ f%nds 0Flo(es "s. Layosa 217 SCRA 11-3.

R&'hts !%t&es ? P(&"&le'es

* Bas&s of (&'ht to sala(y * le'al

t&tle to off&$e ? la# atta$hes $om)ensat&on to the off&$e.

* Can off&$e( de =%(e (e$o"e(

f(om 'o"t sala(y )a&d to a de fa$to off&$e(G

* R&'htf%l &n$%mbent of )%bl&$

off&$e may (e$o"e( f(om off&$e( de fa$to the sala(y (e$e&"ed by the latte( d%(&n' the t&me of h&s #(on'f%l ten%(e.
* Sala(y of )%bl&$ off&$e( &s

not s%b=e$t to 'a(n&shment.

* Sala(y of )%bl&$ off&$e( &s * A'(eement affe$t&n'

not s%b=e$t of ass&'nment. $om)ensat&on &s a'a&nst )%bl&$ )ol&$y.

* No ele$t&"e o( a))o&nt&"e

)%bl&$ off&$e( shall (e$e&"e add&t&onalDdo%ble $om)ensat&on %nless s)e$&f&$ally a%tho(&Ced by la# 0Se$. . A(t. l+ B3
* Pens&ons o( '(at%&t&es a(e

not $ons&de(ed as add&t&onal do%ble o( &nd&(e$t $om)ensat&on ISe$. .083 A(t. l+ BJ.
* 6(ant of )ens&on an a$t of

l&be(al&ty ? not a sala(y &n $om)l&an$e #D state;s d%ty >>>.

* Only f%llAt&me se("&$es #D

$om)ensat&on a(e $(ed&ted fo( (et&(ement )%()oses. BaldeC; se("&$es (ende(ed &n Ma(&ano Memo(&al State Un&"e(s&ty Ph&l. Bete(ans In"estment !e". Co. and as OIC S B6 of Ilo$os No(te #e(e (ende(ed )a(tAt&me ? #Do $om)ensat&on as def&ned &n RA .8-,. Also h&s em)loyment at MECO &s not emb(a$ed by the $&"&l se("&$e. L&s sala(y (e$e&"ed the(eat $annot be bas&s >>> as same #as beyond RA /74. 0BaldeC

"s. 6SIS 19 <%ne ;9.3.

* Ret&(ement )ay may not be

#&thheld and a))l&ed to &ndebtedness to the 'o"e(nment. Bal%e of TW $annot be #&thheld by adm&n&st(at&"e f&at 0old Adm&n Code3 to ans#e( fo( sho(ta'e #h&le &n off&$e 0C(%C "s. Tant%&$o ,77 SCRA 7/,: Tant%&$o "s. !om&n'o 819 SCRA 1-,3.

* Benef&ts '(anted %nde(

6SIS A$t 0CA ,.7 as amended by RA .8-,3 a(e not s%b=e$t to =%d&$&al ? adm&n&st(at&"e )(o$esses &n$l%d&n' COA d&sallo#an$es. E>$e)t&on &s #hen )e$%n&a(y obl&'at&on &s &n fa"o( of 6SIS 06SIS "s. COA 22, SCRA 4123

* The benef&ts )(o"&ded

%nde( SSS Res. 47 #h&$h '(ants f&nan$&al &n$ent&"e to SSS em)loyees to a"a&l of (et&(ement benef&ts tho%'h (efe((ed to as Pf&nan$&al ass&stan$e; $onst&t%te a s%))lementa(y (et&(ement )lan )(os$(&bed by RA 2-7. 0The Te"es Ret&(ement La#3 #h&$h ba(s the $(eat&on of any &ns%(an$e o( (et&(ement )lan S othe( than the 6SIS S fo( 'o"e(nment em)loyees to )(e"ent

%nd%e ? &ne@%&to%s )(ol&fe(at&on of s%$h )lans. SSS Res. 47/ &s "o&d ? of no effe$t 0Conte "s. COA 872 SCRA 893.

* Wh&le 6SIS has a%tho(&ty to

$(eate a f&nan$&al s$heme fo( &ts (et&(&n' em)loyees &t &s l&m&ted only to em)loyees a"a&l&n' of ea(ly (et&(ement $a%sed by (eo('an&Cat&on &n 6SIS. Ret&(ement F&nan$&al Plan 0RFP3 ado)ted by 6SIS Boa(d &s "o&d as &t &s not an ea(ly (et&(ement s$heme b%t (e#a(ds 6SIS (et&(&n' em)loyees #ho al(eady en=oy sala(&es h&'he( than the&( $o%nte()a(ts #&th la('e $h%n5s of benef&ts des)&te the&( P,4B def&$&en$y. It #o%ld ha"e to d&) &nto &ts )(&n$&)al f%nd to the

)(e=%d&$e of &ts membe(s. Those #ho (e$e&"ed the RFP benef&ts a(e l&able fo( the (et%(n the(eof 06SIS "s. COA ,9D,-D,,3.
* If )%bl&$ off&$e( &s $on"&$ted

by f&nal =%d'ment %nde( RA 19,- >>> he loses all (et&(ement o( '(at%&ty benef&ts. In $ase he al(eady (e$e&"ed same he &s l&able to (est&t%te 0Se$. ,1RA19,-3.

* On bas&s of A%d&to(;s

f&nd&n' of $ash sho(ta'e of P1.4. M "s. )et&t&one( m%n. t(eas%(e( COA $an d&(e$t )(o)e( off&$e( to #&thhold he( sala(yDothe( emol%ments I%nde( Se$. 8, Ch. 2 B5. B of EO 8-8 ? Se$. 1/ of P! ,224J %) to amo%nt of alle'ed sho(ta'e )end&n' l&t&'at&on of he( l&ab&l&ty 0Sant&a'o "s. COA 41/ SCRA /293.

* Payment of )e( d&em only ? no othe( $om)ensat&on &s allo#ed %nde( Se$. ,1 P! ,-.. !&(e$to(s of W! a(e not o('an&$ )e(sonnel ? as s%$h a(e e>$l%ded f(om RA 7/4. $o"e(a'e. Unl&5e P! ,-. NAPOCOR Cha(te( 0P! ,1793 e>)(essly '(anted Boa(d membe(s allo#an$es s%b=e$t only to a))(o"al of Ene('y Se$(eta(y 0BW! "s. COA 1/2 SCRA 2.83.

* LWUA Resol%t&on '(ant&n' $om)ensat&on to BO! of LW!s 0Ba$olod W! &n th&s $ase3 &s &lle'al 0H%e(%b&n "s. COA 211 SCRA //13: No (ef%nd of benef&ts (e$e&"ed &n 'ood fa&th 0!e <es%s "s. CSC 2/, SCRA 787: Ba(bo "s. COA 47. SCRA 1923.

* Se$. ,1 P! ,-. no#

amended by RA -8.7 as a))(o"ed on 92D98D92

KA)a(t f(om )e( d&em ea$h d&(e$to( shall (e$e&"e allo#an$es ? benef&ts as the Boa(d may )(es$(&be s%b=e$t to LWUA a))(o"al
* Alte(nates of e>Aoff&$&o

membe(s of NLA Boa(d not ent&tled to e>t(a $om)ensat&on 0!ela C(%C "s. COA 1/, SCRA ,4.3

Note* Relate abo"e to 6OCC 6o"e(nan$e A$t of 89,, 0RA ,9,2-3 (e (at&onal&Cat&on of sala(y ? benef&ts based on )e(fo(man$e.

INP membe(s a(e not e>$l%ded f(om the (et&(ement benef&ts '&"en to PNP (et&(ees %nde( RA 7-/4 as amended by RA .44,. INP #as not abol&shed b%t me(ely t(ansfo(med o( abso(bed. Se$. 1. )(o"&des that

(et&(ement benef&ts s$hed%le ha"e (et(oa$t&"e effe$t 0!BM "s. Man&la;s F&nest Ret&(ees Asso$&at&on 94D9-D9/3.

* S)e$&al E$onom&$ Qone

A%tho(&ty A$t of ,--4 0RA /-,73 a%tho(&C&n' !OLE Se$. o( (e)(esentat&"e as PEQA Boa(d membe( to (e$e&"e )e( d&ems of not less than amo%nt e@%&"alent to RATA of Boa(d membe(s "&olates Const. S&n$e the Labo( Se$. &s )(oh&b&ted f(om (e$e&"&n' $om)ensat&on fo( h&s add&t&onal off&$e s%$h )(oh&b&t&on also a))l&es to )et&t&one( #ho sat &n the Boa(d only &n behalf of Se$. 0!&(. B&ton&o "s. COA 284

SCRA 21/3

Const&t%t&onal (&'ht to selfAo('an&Cat&on

* Se$. . A(t. lll Se$. 8043 A(t.

l+B Se$. 1 A(t. +lll ,-./ Const&t%t&on 0A(&Cala "s. CA ,2 Se)t. ;-93

* S$o)e %nde( EO ,.9

* 6o";t em)loyees do not

ha"e (&'ht to st(&5e >>> 0SSS "s. CA ,/4 SCRA 7.7: Man&la PSTA "s. Ed%$. Se$. 899 SCRA 181: 6es&te "s. CA 222 SCRA 483

* E>e($&se of (&'hts to

)ea$eably assemble and )et&t&on fo( (ed(ess of '(&e"an$es m%st be #D&n (easonable l&m&ts >>> #&tho%t #o(5 sto))a'e 0Ban'al&san "s. CA 8/7 SCRA 7,-: <a$&nto "s. CA 8., SCRA 74/: Al&)at "s. CA 19. SCRA /.,: !ela C(%C "s. CA 194 SCRA 1913

* What a(e e>$l%ded f(om

0&n$l%ded &n3 ne'ot&at&on by 'o"e(nment em)loyeesG

* The '(ant of a s&'n&n'

bon%s by the MIAA BO! to the&( em)loyees as (e#a(d fo( s%$$essf%l $on$l%s&on of $olle$t&"e ne'ot&at&ons a'(eement &s &lle'al. S&'n&n' bon%s &s not one of benef&ts &n RA 7/4.. It &s also not a t(%ly (easonable $om)ensat&on s&n$e $ond%$t of )ea$ef%l $olle$t&"e ne'ot&at&ons sho%ld not $ome #Da )(&$e ta' 0MIAA "s. COA 98D,2D,83. Em)loyees need not (ef%nd the d&sallo#ed '(ant as they

had no )a(t&$&)at&on &n a))(o"al ? &ss%an$e of BO! (eso. B%t not fo( the BO! as they $annot $la&m 'ood fa&th.

!%ty %nde( A(t. +l Se$. ,/ Const.

A )%bl&$ off&$e( shall %)on ass%m)t&on of off&$e ? as often as may be (e@%&(ed by la# s%bm&t a de$la(at&on %nde( oath of h&s assets l&ab&l&t&es and net #o(th.

In the $ase of the P(es. the BP the membe(s of the S.C. the $onst&t%t&onal $omm&ss&ons and othe( $onst&t%t&onal off&$es and off&$es of the a(med fo($es #D 'ene(al o( fla' (an5 the de$la(at&on shall be d&s$losed to the )%bl&$ &n the manne( )(o"&ded by la#.

Une>)la&ned Wealth of P%bl&$ Off&$e(s

* Bas&s of L&festyle Che$5*

KSe$. , A(t. +l Const&t%t&on KSe$. . RA 19,- &n (e to RA ,1/* Cases

KPNB "s. 6an$ay$o ,4 SCRA -, KBan$o F&l&)&no "s. P%(&s&ma ,7, SCRA 4/7 KMa(@%eC "s. !es&e(to 14SCRA //1

* E>$e)t&ons to the (%le "s.

d&s$los%(e of ban5 de)os&ts %nde( RA ,294 0UBP "s. CA 18, SCRA 4713

Se$. . RA 7287
* E>$e)t #D#(&tten

)e(m&ss&on of de)os&to( M &n no &nstan$e shall FC!s be e>am&ned &n@%&(ed o( loo5ed &nto by any )e(son 'o";t off&$&al b%(ea% o( off&$e #hethe( =%d&$&al o( adm&n&st(at&"e o( le'&slat&"e o( any othe( ent&ty #hethe( )%bl&$ o( )(&"ate.N

* St&ll the $onst&t%t&onal

)(&n$&)le of )%bl&$ a$$o%ntab&l&ty o"e((&des the absol%te $onf&dent&al&ty of fo(e&'n $%((en$y de)os&ts.
* RA 7287 $annot be an

e>$e)t&on to the $lea( $ommand and teno( of A(t. +l Se$. ,/ Const.

* No $onfl&$t bet. RA 7/,1 ?

RA 7287* Se$. . of RA 7287 me(ely )(oh&b&ts &n@%&(y of a FC! a$$o%nt by an ent&ty o( )e(son othe( than de)os&to( h&mself. B%t noth&n' &n RA 7287 )(oh&b&ts the de)os&to( f(om ma5&n' a de$la(at&on on h&s o#n of s%$h FC es)e$&ally #he(e Const. mandates the )%bl&$ off&$e( to de$la(e all assets %nde( oath.

L&ab&l&ty of Lead of Off&$e

* The a'en$y head &s

&mmed&ately ? )(&ma(&ly (es)ons&ble fo( all 'o"e(nment f%nds ? )(o)e(ty )e(ta&n&n' to h&s a'en$y 0Se$. ,98 P! ,2943.
* E>)end&t%(es of

'o"e(nment f%nds o( %ses of 'o"e(nment )(o)e(ty &n "&olat&on of la# o( (e'%lat&ons shall be a personal liability of the official or employee found to be directly responsible therefor 0Se$. ,91 P! ,2943.

* That the head of off&$e &s

the f&nal a))(o"&n' a%tho(&ty of the @%est&onable t(ansa$t&on and that those #ho )(o$essed the same #e(e d&(e$tly %nde( h&s s%)e("&s&on does not ne$essa(&ly ma5e h&m the )a(ty %lt&mately l&able &n $ase of d&sallo#an$e. The(e &s no e"&den$e to sho# that )et&t&one( had 5no#led'e of the f(a%d%lent s$heme 0P17./-M Ama5o loan3 0Albe(t "s. 6an'an 141

SCRA 7/13.

* Leads of off&$es ha"e to

(ely to a (easonable e>tent on the&( s%bo(d&nates and on 'ood fa&th of those #ho )(e)a(e b&ds )%($hase s%))l&es o( ente( &nto ne'ot&at&ons. Le $annot be s#e)t &nto a $ons)&(a$y $on"&$t&on s&m)ly be$a%se he d&d not )e(sonally e>am&ne e"e(y s&n'le deta&l. The(e sho%ld be othe( '(o%nds than A(&as; me(e s&'nat%(e on a "o%$he( S as a )(eAa%d&t to )ayment of the )%($hase of land alle'ely o"e()(&$ed

S to s%sta&n a $ons)&(a$y $ha('e ? $on"&$t&on 0A(&as "s. Sand&'anbayan ,.9 SCRA 1,93.

* In the absen$e of

s%bstant&al e"&den$e of '(oss ne'le$t of )et&t&one( adm&n&st(at&"e l&ab&l&ty $o%ld not be based on the )(&n$&)le of $ommand (es)ons&b&l&ty. Le $o%ld not be made adm&n&st(at&"ely l&able #&tho%t )(oof of a$t%al a$t o( om&ss&on $onst&t%t&n' ne'le$t of d%ty 0RE! P(&n$&)e "s. OMB 1/2 SCRA 2793.

* Ne'l&'en$e of s%bo(d&nates

$annot al#ays be as$(&bed to the&( s%)e(&o( &n the absen$e of e"&den$e of the latte(;s o#n ne'l&'en$e. Sans e"&den$e adm&n&st(at&"e l&ab&l&ty $o%ld not be based on $ommand (es)ons&b&l&ty 0!e <es%s "s. 6%e((e(o 4-. SCRA 1283.

* The SC %)held the de$&s&on

of Omb%dsman as aff&(med by CA d&sm&ss&n' )et&t&one( f(om the se("&$e on bas&s of $ommand (es)ons&b&l&ty. L&s d%t&es as ele$t(&$al d&". $h&ef &n$l%de see&n' to &t that )(o)e( ann%al &ns)e$t&ons a(e made. Le fa&led m&se(ably to )e(fo(m s%$h d%t&es. Mano( Lotel #as &ss%ed a $e(t&f&$ate of ele$t(&$al &ns)e$t&on only on &ts ,st yea( 0,--,3 b%t 'ot b%s&ness )e(m&ts fo( the s%$$eed&n' yea(s e"en #Do a$t%al &ns)e$t&ons. L&s

d&"&s&on $o%ld not e"en )(od%$e the a))(o"ed ele$. )lans ? s)e$s of the hotel 0Montallana "s. CA 6R ,/-7// 9.D9.D,83.
* 6ene(al R%le* S%)e(&o(s

$annot be held l&able fo( a$ts of the&( s%bo(d&nates

* E>$e)t&ons

O ha"&n' the d%ty of em)loy&n' o( (eta&n&n' s%bo(d&nates he ne'l&'ently o( #&llf%lly em)loys o( (eta&ns %nf&tD&m)(o)e( )e(sons.

O he ne'l&'ently o( #&llf%lly fa&ls to (e@%&(e the d%e $onfo(m&ty to )(es$(&bed (e'%lat&ons. O he $a(elessly o( ne'l&'ently o"e(sees o( $ond%$ts b%s&ness of h&s off&$e as to )(o"&de o))o(t%n&ty fo( the defa%lt. O he a%tho(&Ced o( $oo)e(ated &n the #(on'.

* As a (%le a )%bl&$ off&$&al

may not (e$o"e( dama'es fo( $ha('es of falsehood (elated to h&s off&$&al $ond%$t %nless he )(o"es that the statement #as #&th a$t%al mal&$e. The test fo( a$t%al mal&$e &s S with knowledge that it was false or w/reckless disregard of whether it was false or not 0Banas "s. CA 184 SCRA 8713.

* Pstate &mm%n&ty f(om s%&t;

do$t(&ne a))l&es to $om)la&nts "s. off&$&als fo( a$ts &n )e(fo(man$e of the&( d%t&es. The (%le &s not a))l&$able &f the )%bl&$ off&$&al &s s%ed &n h&s )e(sonal $a)a$&ty 0Lansan' "s. CA 81 Feb. ;993

Ant&A6(aft ? Co((%)t P(a$t&$es A$t 0RA 19,-3

* Se$. 1* Co((%)t P(a$t&$es of

P%bl&$ Off&$e(s

* Se$. 2* P(oh&b&t&on on

)(&"ate &nd&"&d%als S %nla#f%l fo( any )e(son to $a)&tal&Ce o( e>)lo&t h&s fam&ly o( $lose )e(sonal (elat&on >>> by (e@%est&n' any )(esent o( '&ft >>>
* Se$. 4* P(oh&b&t&on on

$e(ta&n (elat&"es S %nla#f%l fo( any (elat&"e #D&n 1(d de'(ee of the P(es. BP P(es. of Senate S)ea5e( >>> to &nte("ene &n any b%s&ness t(ansa$t&on o( $ont(a$t #&th the 6o"e(nment.

* Se$. 7 S %nla#f%l fo( any

membe( of Con'(ess d%(&n' h&s te(m to a$@%&(e any )e(sonal )e$%n&a(y &nte(est &n any s)e$&f&$ b%s&ness ente()(&se #D$ #&ll be benef&ted by any la# a%tho(ed by h&m >>>
* Se$. / * SALN 0$f Se$. . RA

* Se$. . * P(&ma fa$&e

e"&den$e of and d&sm&ssal d%e to %ne>)la&ned #ealth

* Se$. ,, * P(es$(&)t&on of

offenses &s ,4 yea(s

* Se$. ,8* P%bl&$ off&$e( not

allo#ed to (es&'nF
* Se$. ,1* S%s)ens&on and

loss of benef&ts

Ca%s&n' %nd%e &n=%(y to any )a(ty &n$l%d&n' the 'o"e(nment.

6&"&n' %n#a((anted benef&ts o( )(efe(en$e to any )a(ty &n the d&s$ha('e of off&$&al f%n$t&ons th(o%'h man&fest )a(t&al&ty e"&dent bad fa&th o( '(oss &ne>$%sable ne'l&'en$e.

* 10f3* Ne'le$t&n' o( (ef%s&n'

afte( d%e demand #Do s%ff&$&ent =%st&f&$at&on to a$t #D&n a (easonable t&me on any matte( )end&n' befo(e h&m fo( the )%()ose of >>>
* 10'3* Ente(&n' on behalf of

6o"t &nto any $ont(a$t o( t(ansa$t&on man&festly ? '(ossly d&sad"anta'eo%s to the same #hethe( he )(of&ts o( #&ll )(of&t the(eby.

* 10h3* La"&n' f&nan$&al o(

)e$%n&a(y &nte(est &n any b%s&ness $ont(a$t o( t(ansa$t&on &$o# #D$ he &nte("enes &n h&s off&$&al $a)a$&ty.

Code of Cond%$t ? Eth&$al Standa(ds fo( P%bl&$ Off&$&als 0RA 7/,13

* Se$. 4* !%t&es * Se$. 7* P(oh&b&ted A$ts and

T(ansa$t&ons of P%bl&$ off&$&als ? em)loyees* They shall not

Oha"e f&nan$&alDmate(&al &nte(est &n t(ansa$t&on (e@%&(&n' the a))(o"al of the&( off&$e. Oo#n $ont(ol mana'e o( a$$e)t em)loyment as off&$e( em)loyee >>> &n any )(&"ate ente()(&se (e'%lated o( l&$ensed by the&( off&$e %nless e>)(essly allo#ed by la#.

P(oh&b&t&ons* not allo#ed to A

Oen'a'e &n the )(&"ate )(a$t&$e of the&( )(ofess&on %nless a%tho(&Ced by Const&t%t&on o( la# )(o"&ded s%$h )(a$t&$e #&ll not $onfl&$t o( tend to $onfl&$t #Dthe&( off&$&al f%n$t&ons. O(e$ommend any )e(son to any )os&t&on &n a )(&"ate ente()(&se #D$ has a )end&n' off&$&al t(ansa$t&on #&th the&( off&$e.

Od&"%l'e $onf&dent&al o( $lass&f&ed &nfo(mat&on not made a"a&lable to the )%bl&$ >>> Osol&$&t o( a$$e)t any '&ft '(at%&ty fa"o( o( ente(ta&nment f(om any )e(son >>>

RA 7/,1
* Se$. .* Statements and

!&s$los%(e: #ho shall f&le: #hen to f&le

* Se$. -* !&"estment S A

)%bl&$ off&$&al shall a"o&d $onfl&$ts of &nte(est at all t&mes. When a $onfl&$t of &nte(est a(&ses he shall (es&'n f(om h&s )os&t&on &n any )(&"ate b%s&ness >>>

!&sab&l&t&es and Inh&b&t&ons of P%bl&$ Off&$e(s

Unde( ;./ Const&t%t&on

Senato( o( Con'(essman $annot hold any othe( off&$e &n 'o"e(nment &n$l%d&n' 6OCCs o( s%bs&d&a(&es d%(&n' h&s te(m #&tho%t fo(fe&t&n' h&s seat 0In$om)at&ble Off&$e3.Le $annot be a))o&nted to any off&$e #D$ may ha"e been $(eated o( emol%ments the(eof &n$(eased d%(&n' the te(m fo( #h&$h he #as ele$ted 0Fo(b&dden Off&$e3 ISe$. ,1 A(t. BlJ

No ele$t&"e off&$&al shall be el&'&ble fo( a))o&ntment o( des&'nat&on to any )%bl&$ off&$e d%(&n' h&s ten%(e 0e>. Flo(es "s. !(&lon 81 SCRA 47. (e $ase of 6o(don as SBMA Cha&(man ? Mayo( of Olon'a)o C&ty %nde( the Bases Con"e(s&on ? !e"elo)ment A$t3.

Unless othe(#&se allo#ed by la# o( by the )(&ma(y f%n$t&ons of h&s )os&t&on no a))o&nt&"e off&$e( shall hold any othe( off&$e &n 'o"e(nment &n$l%d&n' 6OCCs o( the&( s%bs&d&a(&es ISe$. / A(t. l+ABJ.

* The P(es&dent BP the

membe(s of the Cab&net and the&( de)%t&es o( ass&stants shall not unless otherwise provided in the Constitution hold any other office or employment d%(&n' the&( ten%(eF Ise$. ,1 A(t. BllJ

* Note that the $h&efs of

b%(ea%s and off&$es and the&( ass&stants a(e not &n$l%ded abo"e b%t a(e $o"e(ed %nde( A(t. l+AB Se$. /. The e>em)t&on &s to '&"e them a $han$e to en'a'e &n some la#f%l a$t&"&ty to a%'ment the&( &n$ome.

* Se$. / A(t. l+AB lays do#n

the 'ene(al (%le #h&le Se$. ,1 A(t. Bll &s the e>$e)t&on a))l&$able only to the P(es. BP Cab&net membe(s >>>.
* Se$. ,1 A(t. Bll &s not

a))l&$able to the PC66 Cha&(man no( to the Ch&ef P(es&dent&al Le'al Co%nsel. Elma &s not a Se$(eta(y Use$ o( Ase$. e"en &f he has s%$h e@%&"alent (an5. B%t he &s $o"e(ed %nde( Se$. / A(t. l+AB 0P%bl&$ Inte(est Cente( "s. Elma 2-2 SCRA 783.

* EO 8.2 allo#&n'

'o"e(nment off&$&als to hold m%lt&)le )os&t&ons &n 'o"e(nment &s %n$onst&t%t&onal. Th%s Cab&net se$(eta(&es Use$s ? the&( Ase$s a(e )(oh&b&ted to hold othe( 'o"e(nment off&$es o( )os&t&ons &n add&t&on to the&( )(&ma(y )os&t&ons ? to (e$e&"e $om)ensat&on the(efo( e>$e)t &n $ases #he(e the Const&t%t&on e>)(essly )(o"&des 0C&"&l L&be(t&es Un&on "s. E>e$. Se$.3.

* P(oh&b&t&on "s. hold&n' d%al

o( m%lt&)le off&$es %nde( Se$. ,1 A(t. Bll &s not a))l&$able to )osts o$$%)&ed by E>e$%t&"e off&$&als #&tho%t add&t&onal $om)ensat&on &n an e>A off&$&o $a)a$&ty as )(o"&ded by la# and as (e@%&(ed by the )(&ma(y f%n$t&ons of the&( off&$e. These )osts a(e an &m)os&t&on of add&t&onal d%t&es on them 0C&"&l L&be(t&es "s. E>e$. Se$. 88 Feb. ;-,3.

* Alte(nates of e>Aoff&$&o

membe(s &n 'o";t boa(ds l&5e the&( )(&n$&)als $annot (e$e&"e add&t&onal $om)ensat&on. Le(e the Co%(t %)held the COA &n d&sallo#&n' the )ayment of hono(a(&a ? )e( d&ems to the off&$e(s #ho sat as alte(nates of the&( s%)e(&o(s &n an e> off&$&o $a)a$&ty. 0!ela C(%C "s. COA 1/, SCRA ,4/3. The e> off&$&o )os&t&on be&n' a$t%ally ? &n le'ally )a(t of the )(&n$&)al off&$e &t follo#s that the off&$&al has

no (&'ht to (e$e&"e add&t&onal $om)ensat&on fo( h&s se("&$es &n the sa&d )os&t&on.

Off&$&al may hold any othe( off&$e o( em)loyment only #hen s)e$&f&$ally a%tho(&Ced by Const&t%t&on to #&t* B&$e P(es. as Cab&net Se$. ISe$. 1083 A(t. BllJ <%st&$e Se$. as e>Aoff&$&o <BC membe( 0Se$. . A(t. Blll3

* *

P(es. as head of e$onom&$ and )lann&n' a'en$y 0Se$. - A(t. +ll3


* The )(&"ate )(a$t&$e of la#

by (es)ondent and h&s a$$e)tan$e of em)loyment as PLEB membe( of H.C. #h&le be&n' em)loyed as Le'al Off&$e( of the Man&la U(ban Settlement Off&$e $onst&t%te a "&olat&on of Se$. / A(t. l+AB Const&t%t&on EO 8-8 and RA /,79.Lo#e"e( h&s a))o&ntment as Lupon Tagapamayapa membe( as #ell as h&s (e$e&)t of hono(a(&%m &s la#f%l %nde( Se$. 297 of L6C 0Lo(enCana "s. Fa=a(do

278 SCRA ,3.

Se$. /0b3083 of RA 7/,1

* 6o"e(nment la#ye(s $annot handle )(&"ate $ases 0Ramos "s. Imban' 419 SCRA /4-3 * As an e>$e)t&on )%bl&$ off&$e( $an en'a'e &n )(&"ate )(a$t&$e %nde( the ff. $ond&t&ons* ,st &t &s a%tho(&Ced by Const&t%t&on o( la#: 8nd &t #&ll not $onfl&$t #&th he( )%bl&$ f%n$t&ons 0H%e(y of Atty. B%ffe 4-7 SCRA 1/-3


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