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Quentin Herd Ms. Richard Composition 1 Rhetorical Analysis 10/5/2013 As I read o er the letter it made me as!

mysel" a "e# $uestions. %ho #rote this& %hat is the letters purpose& %ho is this letter tryin' to attract& (he #riter seems to )e a compilation o" "our people *aul+ Rin'o+ ,ohn+ and -eor'e. At "irst thou'ht I assumed that they are part o" the "aculty at A.C/ /epartment o" 01cellence. 2pon "urther re ie# I notice in para'raph "our he states 3....4oin us in cele)ratin' our 'raduation3+ #hich no# leads me to )elie e he is a student "rom the 'raduatin' class. (hat+ in itsel"+ contradicts the ethos o" the letter. In addition+ the letter #ould )e more pro"essional i" only one person #rote it and included a last name. 5urthermore+ the letter loses credi)lity #ith the+3...*lease R67* )y ,une 18th to any o" the "our o" us.3 %ho is us& (he letter doesn9t 'i e any in"ormation on their location or their personal contact listin'. Assumin' that the audience the letter is tryin' to attract is the alumni 'raduates #ho ha e already come throu'h and supporters o" the /ept o" 01cellence. (hou'h it #ould )e nice to ac$uire their support+ )ut realistically the )est audience to appeal to #ould )e the 'raduatin' class #ho the party is meant "or. :n the 'rounds that it #ould mean more to the 'raduatin' participants then to 'raduates #ho ha e came and #ent. (hat )rin's me to the pathos or emotional appeal o" the letter+ seein' that initially the letter #as addressed to alumni mem)ers and "riends. (he appeal the letter 'i es is all

#ron' "or #hom it addresses. 5or the most part+ the letter 'i es o"" a up)eat aura #ith statements li!e+ 3 .....a "e# partin' 4a)s at the "aculty and the 4unior class3 in para'raph one. As #ell as+ 3...4oin us to cele)rate our 'raduation and lau'h at our partin' shots to those you !no# so #ell+3 mentioned in the last sentence o" the "ourth para'raph. -i in' these e1amples con"irms that the audience should )e the 'raduatin' class. (he 'eneral purpose o" the letter is to in ite and 'ain "inancial donations "or the upcomin' end;o";year party "or the 'raduatin' class o" 2013. In #hich the letter has pro en unsucess"ul "rom the pre ious year. <o# a ne'ation in lo'os comes to the sur"ace+ in para'ra'h t#o it states+ 3#hat it has lac!ed is the presence o" alumni and those o" #ho #or! #ith us e eryday in the o""ice.3 (hen in the ery ne1t sentence states+ 3=ast year the Class o" 2012 chan'ed the enue and had a ery popular and success"ul party at another enue #hich #as ery #ell attended )y "aculty+ sta""+ and alumni.3 .rin'in' into $uestion is there any truth in the matter o" actually needin' a donation "or the party. Concludin' my analysis+ it is apparent to me that the letters attempts at 'ettin' alumni and "aculty support ha e )een in ein due to the statements made in para'raph t#o. Another o) ious reason in not 'ettin' any donations is due to not reachin' out to the ri'ht audience. In addition to the #riter or #riters lac! o" credi)ility due to ha in' no contact in"ormation and misuse o" 'rammar such as in the last sentence in the "ourth para'raph. 5inal thou'hts are that due to a accumulation o" errors and lac! o" "ocus on the #riters part ha e rendered this letter insu""icient "or its purpose.

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