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Adi Mohammed

AS Level Film Studies Production Planning: Location Report

For my AS level film study project I have done a textual analysis of two action films; Quantum Of Solace (2008) and The Expendables 2 (2012) and looked at how both directors used micro elements to represent their protagonist. I will continue planning my creative artefact by doing a location report. In this location report I will be showing the environment I intend to use for my creative artefact. I will create a tense chase in these scenes using non diegetic music and a variety of different shots, which will be pieced together whilst editing to create a fast pace chase.

Location 1: Car park.

My first location is a car park outside of Sainsburys in Newbury Park. This is an external view of the entire car park at once. This location is also big and allows me to explore plenty of different shots and angles, for instance there are stairs which overlook the whole car park and this can allow me to show

Adi Mohammed

the audience; the antagonist running whilst the camera is placed at a high angle, thus presenting the antagonist as vulnerable and isolated compared to the protagonist. The above image shows where the scene will be opened. I intend to use an establishing shot to show the setting. I will zoom in on the antagonist walking towards the exit at the start of the scene. This location is where the protagonist spots the antagonist. For the opening of the scene, I intend to use a long shot at a high angle to show the antagonist walking. The high angle shot will make the antagonist seem as if danger is lurking whilst he is walking. For sound I will add non-diegetic music which will start of quiet then build up to the antagonist being spotted. Throughout this scene I will also use a mid-shot to show the protagonist spotting the antagonist. The lighting that will be used in this scene will be natural lighting, however I am willing to edit the lighting whilst editing to a darker and gloomy colour. I have permission to use this car park, as it is a public place. The car park is also easily accessible as it is close to my school therefore allows me to easily transport actors and equipment towards this location. The class of the protagonist will be upper class as he is an agent working for the government. The protagonist will wear a black tailored suit to look more professional and sophisticated. This particular location is likely to have people around the area, as a result I will have to be extra cautious in making sure no one does anything they shouldnt be doing whilst filming, for instance staring right at the camera. As well as this we will have to be careful when the chase is on so that the actors dont get hit by any cars that are trying to park. From my textual analysis I understand that non-diegetic music has huge effect to the intensity of a scene such as a chase. As well as this I have also noticed that a variety of camera shots and angles are used when there is a chase For instance in Quantum of Solace the first scene begins with an intense chase I have noticed how camera movements can be edited to project a visually intense chase.

Adi Mohammed

This image shows the car park from the opposite side where the protagonist spots his antagonist. I intend to use a Point of view zooming in towards the antagonist walking, as soon as the antagonist is spotted from the eyes of the agent I intend to kick in a fast pace non-diegetic soundtrack whilst the agent sprints towards the antagonist. I believe the key to this scene coming together will be in the editing, this is where I would use a variety of shots cutting as well as fast pace non-diegetic score to build and intense scene. The camera will be mainly placed on the left side of this image. The fact that the chase will kick off out of nowhere will allow an instant shock as to watch has just happened. This will easily allow me to transition to the next location where the antagonist will realise he is on the verge of being caught and stopped for his previous acts of terrorisation towards the government and the county.

Adi Mohammed

The following image shows exactly where the antagonist realises agent Matthews is after him and as a result he begins to run up the stairs towards the secluded and isolated alleyway. This particular location has many different areas where the camera can be placed to show a high quality scene with plenty of variety shots. Due to this, the scene will elevate from an amateur produced product and allows me to produce my scene to a much higher standard. This is also where the chase begins, the antagonist runs towards the exit when he knows he is spotted. He will then run up the stairs towards the secluded alleyway. I will place the camera at the top of the stairs to show the antagonist as vulnerable and insignificant. I will also use a low angle shot as the protagonist is running towards him.

Adi Mohammed

This will be the shot I intend to use when the antagonist is running up the stairs as he is being chased. The angle of the shot portrays the antagonists vulnerability. This image shows the location of the exit in more detail.

Location 2: Alleyway.
The alleyway is located right above the car park and is the only way in and out of the car park if youre not driving. The alleyway is really long and secluded therefore its perfect for the chase. The lighting of the car park is naturally dark due to the large trees and fences. I intend to showcase the chase in this alleyway because of the potential shots that can be pulled off. The protagonist can easily be seen as heroic throughout this location due to the fact that he chases a dangerous antagonist through a secluded and naturally dark alleyway.

Adi Mohammed

For cinematography I can use plenty of shots at different angles and piece them together to create a fast pace chase. I also notice that this is very common in the films I have analysed. The camera will be positioned at a low angle when the protagonist is running towards the antagonist to show his power and dominance. For sound I will also add very fast pace music to exaggerate the pace of the chase. As the protagonist chases the antagonist in the alleyway I intend to use low angle shots to show the protagonist chasing the antagonist. The low angles will connote dominance and power. During this scene I will also use non-diegetic music at a fast pace to add intensity to the chase.

Adi Mohammed

This image is another point of view of the long and secluded alleyway and shows the potential of an exciting and long enough chase. I will also use a point of view shot from the antagonists view to connote how much danger he is in and hopeless the alleyway looks from his point of view this is due to the fact that from the antagonists point of view the audience can see how isolated the antagonist is because of the length of the alleyway. I will also place the camera on a low angle and a mid/long shot to show the protagonist chasing the antagonist. This will connote his power as he is running through the alleyway fearlessly.

Adi Mohammed

This is where I will place the camera when the protagonist rushes out of the corner of the alleyway. The camera is also at a low angle as he speeds out of there. To show his ability to run fast and gain speed towards the antagonist. The use of non-diegetic fast paced music will enhance the pace of the chase and more likely have a huge impact on the realism and excitement of the chase. From the point of view of this shot I will try to make the antagonist run out of the corner a lot slower compared to the agent who speeds out of the corner which will show the audience how the protagonist is gaining speed.

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