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| Roger Ebert
February 16, 2001 | 0Print Page "Sweet November" passes off pathological behavior as romantic bliss. It's about two sick and twisted people playing mind games and calling it love. I don't know who I disliked more intensely--Nelson, the abrupt, insulting ad man played by Keanu Reeves, or Sara, Charlize Theron's narcissistic martyr. eeves at least has the grace to look intensely uncomfortable during several scenes, including one involving a bag full of goodies, which we will get to later. !he movie is a remake of a "#$% film starring Sandy Dennis and Anthony Newley and, if memory serves, the same bed in a San &rancisco bay window, although this movie is set in San &rancisco and the earlier one was in 'reenwich (illage. )oth films have the same conceit, which only a movie producer could believe* a beautiful girl takes men to her bed for one month at a time, to try to help and improve them. "+ou live in a bo,, and I can lift the lid," she e,plains. -hy a month. "It's long enough to be meaningful and short enough to stay out of trouble," Sara says--wrong on both counts. ead no further if you do not already know that she has another reason for term limits. She's dying. In the original movie the disease was described as "/uite rare, but incurable." 0ere we get another clue, when Nelson opens Sara's medicine cabinet and finds, oh, I dunno, at a rough guess, 1#% bottles of pills. !he girl is obviously overmedicating. 'ive her a high colonic, send her to deto,, and the movie is over. Nelson is one of those insulting, conceited, impatient, coffee-drinking, cell-phoneusing, 2aguar-driving advertising e,ecutives that you find in only two places* the movies and real life. 0is motto is* Speed up and smell the coffee. Sara, on the other hand, acts like she has all the time in the world, even though 3sob45 she does not. She sits on the hood of Nelson's car and commits other crimes against the male libido that a woman absolutely cannot get away with, unless she looks e,actly like 6harli7e !heron and insists on sleeping with you, and even then, she's pushing it. Nelson gradually learns to accept the gift of herself that Sara is offering. 8ctually, he accepts it /uickly, the pig, but only gradually appreciates it. So warm, cheerful, perky, plucky and seductive is Sara that Nelson little suspects the ine,orable march of the rare but incurable disease, until Sara has to go into the hospital, and Nelson finds out !he !ruth. -ill there be a scene where Sara, with a drip line plugged into every orifice, begs Nelson, "'et me out of here4 !ake me home4" 9o bears eat gooseberries. -ill there be a scene where Sara says, "'o away4 I don't want you to see me like this4" 9o iguanas like papayas. -ill there be a scene where Sara's faithful gay friend 3Jason Isaacs5 bathes and comforts her. +es, because it is a convention of movies like this that all se,y women have gay friends who materiali7e on demand to perform nursing and hygiene chores. 38dvice to gay friend in ne,t remake* Insist, ":nless I get two good scenes of my own, I've emptied my last bedpan."5 I almost forgot the scene involving the bag full of goodies. eeves must have been phoning his agent between every take. !he script re/uires him to climb in through Sara's window with a large bag that contains all of the presents he ever would want to give her, based on all the needs and desires she has ever e,pressed. I could get cheap laughs by listing the

entire inventory of the bag, but that would be unfair. I will only mention one, the dishwasher. ;ogic may lead you to ask, "0ow can an automatic dishwasher fit inside a bag that <eanu eeves can sling over his shoulder as he climbs through the window." I would e,plain, but I hate it when movie reviews give everything away.

Doce Novembro um filme americano de 2001, um drama romntico dirigido por Pat O' Connor, com roteiro de Herman auc!er" O filme um rema#e do !om$nimo de 1%&', ()eet November com (and* Denni+ e ,nt!on* Ne)le* como protagoni+ta+" -i#ipdia Data de lanamento: 12 de fevereiro de 2001 ./+tado+ 0nido+1 Direo: Pat O'Connor Msica composta por: C!ri+top!er 2oung Autores: 3urt 4oel#er, Paul 2uric# Direo de elenco: i+a 5ramon 6arcia, andi Hiller, (ara! 7revi+

Doce Novembro

Sweet November .2001 film1

8rom -i#ipedia, t!e free enc*clopedia

Sweet November

Theatrical release poster

Directed by

Pat O'Connor

Produced by

Elliott Kastner Ste en !euther

"eborah #al Er$in Sto%%

Written by

Paul &uric' Kurt (oel'er


Keanu !ee es Charli)e Theron

Music by

Christopher &oun*


E+$ar+ ,ach-an

Editing by

#nne (. Coates


/el #ir Entertain-ent

Distributed by

0arner /ros. February 16, 2001

Release date(s) Running time Country Language Budget Bo o!!ice

120 -inutes112 3nite+ States En*lish 450 -illion 466,765,228

Sweet November i+ a 2001 romantic drama film +tarring 3eanu

eeve+ and C!arli9e 7!eron, reuniting t!e

actor+ after t!eir previou+ appearance a+ !u+band and )ife in The Devil's Advocate" 7!e film i+ ba+ed on an earlier ver+ion made in 1%&' and )ritten b* Herman received from critic+ it )a+ nominated for -or+t auc!er" Due to t!e poor re+pon+e t!e film eeve+ and 7!eron

ema#e or (e:uel and bot!

nominated for -or+t ,ctor and -or+t ,ctre++ at t!e 22nd 6olden in 6olden

a+pberr* ,)ard+" 7!e film i+ li+ted

a+pberr* ,)ard founder ;o!n -il+on'+ boo# The Official Razzie Movie Guide a+ one of t!e 7!e

100 <o+t /n=o*abl* 5ad <ovie+ /ver <ade">2?


1 Plot

2 Ca+t @ <u+ic A 5oB office C (ee al+o & eference+ D /Bternal lin#+

Nel+on <o++ uneBpectedl* meet+ (ara Deever, a )oman ver* different from an*one el+e !e !a+ ever met" Hi+ ignorance lead+ to !er failing !er D<4 te+t" (!e beguile+ !im and continuall* a+#+ !im to +pend a mont! )it! !er on t!e promi+e t!at +!e )ill c!ange !i+ life for t!e better" On t!e fir+t nig!t of November, after Nel+on get+ fired and dumped in t!e +ame da*, +!e +leep+ )it! !im, and t!e neBt da* C!a9, .a clo+e friend of (ara'+1 arrive+ and i+ able to identif* Nel+on a+ (ara'+ ENovemberE" 7!roug!out November, t!e t)o eBperience !app* time+ toget!er and fall in love" During t!e mont! and t!eir adventure+, Nel+on eBamine+ !i+ life and pa+t and befriend+ a fat!erle++ c!ild named ,bner" /ventuall*, !e reali9e+ !e i+ in love )it! (ara and a+#+ !er to marr* !im" Ft i+ revealed t!at (ara !a+ terminal cancer, NonG Hodg#in l*mp!oma" 5ecau+e +!e cannot bear to !ave Nel+on eBperience !er deat!, +!e a+#+ !im to leave" (ara tell+ C!a9 t!at Nel+on propo+ed to !er" C!a9 +a*+ t!at it )a+n't t!e fir+t time t!at a man !ad propo+ed, impl*ing (ara !a+ !ad numerou+ Emont!+E" (ara confirm+ t!i+ but claim+ it )a+ t!e fir+t time +!e !ad )anted to +a* *e+" (!e decide+ +!e )ill not continue t!e relation+!ip to protect Nel+on from getting !urt" Nel+on complie+, but t!en +tage+ a +urpri+e return during 7!an#+giving, giving !er gift+ t!at remind !er of t!eir !app* time+" 7!e* +ta* toget!er for one more da*H !e po+t+ November calendar+ all over !er apartment )all+, +a*ing it can al)a*+ be November for t!em" 7!e* ma#e love, but t!e neBt morning, Nel+on find+ (ara i+ dre++ed" (!e a+#+ !im to leave, )it! all !i+ calendar+ ta#en do)n" Nel+on become+ confu+ed and !eartbro#en" (ara a+#+ Nel+on to let !er go +o t!at !e )ill al)a*+ !ave !app* memorie+ of !er and eBplain+ t!at t!i+ i+ !o) +!e need+ to be remembered" (!e )ill return !ome to !er famil* .)!om +!e !ad been avoiding1 and face !er la+t da*+" 7!e movie end+ )it! (ara blindfolding Nel+on .a revi+itation of an activit* t!e* !ad done earlier in t!e mont!1, giving !im one la+t #i++, and t!en )al#ing a)a*" Nel+on t!en ta#e+ off t!e blindfold in tear+, and i+ later +!o)n at a par# t!e* )ent to on one of t!eir date+"


3eanu eeve+ a+ Nel+on <o++

C!arli9e 7!eron a+ (ara Deever

;a+on F+aac+ a+ C!a9 -atle* 6reg 6ermann a+ 4ince Holland Iauren 6ra!am a+ ,ngelica Iiam ,i#en a+ ,bner 8ran# Iangella a+ /dgar Price a* 5a#er a+ 5udd* Ieac! <ic!ael o+enbaum a+ 5randonJ5rand* obert ;o* a+ aeford Dunne

;a+on 3ravit+ a+ <ann* 7om 5ulloc# a+ ,l

"o# 1. 2. <. 5. 6. 6. 7. 8. G. $itle 9Cellophane9 9Only Ti-e >Ori*inal (ersion?9 9Sha-e9 9Touche+ by an #n*el9 9The ConseAuences o% Fallin* >,enny / !e-iB?9 9Eeart "oor >0ith "olly Parton?9 9Cy @u-ber9 9O%% The Eoo'9 9!oc' "H9 Lyrics Singer(s) Length <=<< <=<8 <=21 5=2< 5=16 5=08 5=0G 5=<5 5=16 #-an+a :host, Sacha S'arbe', ;an #-an+a :host "ench, ,ucas /urton Enya, !o-a !yan /rian Transeau Ste ie @ic's /illy Steinber*, !ic' @o$els, CarieDClaire "'3bal+o Paula Cole Te*an !ain Fuin, Sara Keirsten Fuin Ste en Pa*e, E+ !obertson !obbie 0illia-s, :uy Cha-bers, Kel in #n+re$s, @elson Pi*%or+, E'un+ayo Paris Hac'ie 0ilson "illon O'/rian ,arry Klein, Tonio K S. Free-an, H. ,a$rence "a e !alic'e Paul /ro$n, !oberto (ally, !ic' /raun Enya /T Ste ie @ic's '.+. lan* Paula Cole $ith "olly Parton Te*an an+ Sara /arena'e+ ,a+ies !obbie 0illia-s

10. 11. 12. 1<. 15. 16.

9/aby 0or' Out9 9&ou "eser e To /e ,o e+9 90here er &ou #re9 9The Other Eal% O% Ce9 9Cala%ia9 9Ci++le o% the @i*ht9

Hac'ie 0ilson, #lon)o Tuc'er Tracy "a$n Celeste Prince /obby "arin Hu-p 0ith Hoey !ic' /raun

<=00 6=02 5=17 2=27


9Ti-e #%ter Ti-e9

Hules Styne, Sa--y Cahn

Keanu !ee es

5oB office>edit?
7!e film opened at KA at t!e Nort! ,merican 5oB office ma#ing L11,01C,22& 0(D in it+ opening )ee#end, be!ind Recess: School's Out, Down To arth and !annibal" Ft )ould ultimatel* gro++ onl* L2C"2 million dome+ticall* )it! an additional LA0"A million over+ea+ to a total of L&C"D million )orld)ide" >@?

(ee al+o>edit?

Sweet November .1%&'1

1" Jump up^ ES" etrieved 201@G0@G0@" 2" Jump up^ -il+on, ;o!n .200C1" The Official Razzie Movie Guide: n'o(in) the $est of !oll(wood's "orst" 6rand Central Publi+!ing" F(5N 0GAA&G&%@@AG0" @" Jump up^ Sweet November at 5oB Office <o=o T NO# M$ R .1C1E" $ritish $oard of %ilm &lassification" 2001G0@G0&"

8ilme Iado a Iado um filme norteGamericano de 1%%', do gMnero comdia dramNtica, dirigido por C!ri+ Columbu+" Di+tribuOdo pela 7ri(tar Picture+, arrecadou 0(L %1,0@0,000 mil!Pe+ no+ /0, e 0(L 11%,D0%,%1D mil!Pe+ em todo o mundo" Cu+tou 0(L C0 mil!Pe+" -i#ipdia Data de lanamento: 2C de de9embro de 1%%' ./+tado+ 0nido+1 Direo: C!ri+ Columbu+ Msica composta por: ;o!n -illiam+ Lanamento em DVD: 1A de de9embro de 1%%% Roteiro: 6igi Ievangie 6ra9er, ;e++ie Nel+on, onald 5a++, (teven oger+, 3aren Ieig! Hop#in+

Iado a Iado

Iado a Iado 17

Lanamento desconhecida !h "min# Diri$ido %or Chris Colum&us Com Julia Ro&erts' (d )arris' Jena *alone mais +,nero Com-dia ' Drama Nacionalidade (.A AdoroCinema

(inop+e e detal!e+
.ma /ovem de doze anos Jena *alone# e um $aroto de sete Liam Ai0en#' 1ilhos de %ais se%arados' n2o aceitam a nova namorada de seu %ai (d )arris#' uma &ela e renomada 1ot3$ra1a Julia Ro&erts#4 5 $aroto ainda tolera a situa2o' mas a adolescente n2o se con1orma com a se%ara2o e com 1ato de seu %ai e a namorada viverem /untos' %ois isto si$ni1ica 6ue as chances de reconcilia2o de seus %ais se tornam 6uase nulas4 7or sua vez' a m2e das crianas Susan Sarandon# ainda alimenta esta &ri$a' 1azendo o $,nero 8m2e %er1eita84 A 1ot3$ra1a 1az de tudo %ara a$radar as crianas' che$ando ao %onto de dar tanta aten2o aos enteados 6ue aca&a %erdendo o em%re$o' %ois dei9ou de ser a %ro1issional com%etente 6ue era4 At- 6ue uma not:cia ines%erada muda com%letamente a rela2o entre os 1amiliares4

Lado a Lado


"Stepmom" (original title)

124 min - Comedy | Drama - 29 January 1999 (Brazil)

A terminally-ill mot er a! to !ettle on t e ne" "oman in er e#- u!$and%! li&e' " o "ill $e t eir ne" !tepmot er( Director: C ri! Colum$u! Writers: )i*i +e,an*ie (!tory)' Je!!ie -el!on (!.reenplay)'4 more .redit! / Stars: Julia 0o$ert!' Su!an Sarandon' 1d 2arri! |See &ull .a!t and .re" /

Anna and Ben' t e t"o . ildren o& Ja.3ie and +u3e' a,e to .ope "it t e &a.t t at t eir parent! di,or.ed and t at t ere i! a ne" "oman in t eir &at er%! li&e4 5!a$el' a !u..e!!&ul p oto*rap er( S e doe! er $e!t to treat t e 3id! in a "ay t at ma3e! t em !till &eel at ome " en $ein* "it t eir dad' $ut al!o lo,e! er "or3 and doe! not plan to *i,e it up( But Ja.3ie' a &ull-time mot er' re*ard! 5!a$el%! e&&ort! a! o&&en!i,ely in!u&&i.ient( S e .an%t under!tand t at "or3 .an $e important to er a! "ell a! t e 3id!( 6 e .on&li.t $et"een t em i! deepened $y t e !udden dia*no!e o&' " i. mi* t may $e deadly &or Ja.3ie( 6 ey all a,e to learn a little in order to *ro" to*et er(

*ado a *ado .filme1

OrigemQ -i#ipdia, a enciclopdia livre"

Lado a lado
Stepmom Lado a Lado (P$%BR)

Estados &nidos '(() * cor * '+, min Produ-.o "ireIJo !oteiro Chris Colu-bus :i*i ,e an*ie, Hessie @elson, Ste en !o*ers, Karen ,ei*h Eop'ins e !onal+ /ass Elenco ori*inal Hulia !oberts Susan Saran+on E+ Earris Hena Calone ,ia- #i'en :Knero co-K+ia +ra-Ltica

;+io-a ori*inal


P/gina no 0MDb (em ingl1s)

ProNeto Cine-a O Portal Cine-a

Lado a Lado1 2 .Ste+mom1 um filme norteGamericano de 1%%', do gMnero comdia dramNtica, dirigido por C!ri+ Columbu+" Di+tribuOdo pela 7ri(tar Picture+, arrecadou 0(L %1,0@0,000 mil!Pe+ no+ /0, e 0(L 11%,D0%,%1D mil!Pe+ em todo o mundo" Cu+tou 0(L C0 mil!Pe+"@


;ulia obert+ como F+abel 3ell*

(u+an (arandon como ;ac#ie Harri+on /d Harri+ como Iu#e Harri+on ;ena <alone como ,nna Harri+on Iiam ,i#en como 5en Harri+on

;ac#ie e Iu#e Harri+on +Ro um ca+al divorciado :ue luta para manter +eu+ fil!o+ ,nna e 5en, de re+pectivamente 12 e D ano+, feli9e+ com a repentina mudanSa de vida" Iu#e e+tN namorando e vivendo com uma fotTgrafa bemG+ucedida, F+abel 3ell*, :ue fa9 todo o po++Ovel para ,nna e 5en ficarem feli9e+, ma+ a+ crianSa+, e+pecialmente ,nna, +Ro rude+ e +ombria+ com ela" ;ac#ie tambm trata F+abel friamente" Depoi+ de uma longa +rie de argumento+ e de ofen+a+ entre F+abel, ;ac#ie e ,nna, Iu#e fa9 a propo+ta de ca+amento para F+abel, fa9endo dela a madra+ta oficial de ,nna e 5en" F++o cau+a ainda mai+ fricSRo entre a+ crianSa+, :ue :uerem +eu+ pai+ =unto+ novamente, e F+abel" No entanto, :uando a+ coi+a+ nRo podiam mai+ piorar, ;ac#ie diagno+ticada com cncer e informada :ue pode provavelmente morrer por cau+a da doenSa" /++a+ notOcia+ c!ocante+ provocam mNgoa+ e arrependimento+, e en+inam a todo+ liSPe+ +obre amor, famOlia e forSa"


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