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Submitted by MBA-4-E/F Ahsan rais Bilal Bin Zafar Sadia Jalali Usama Nasir Hasnat Sher Usman Shahid


Q.1 what associations do consumers have for milk? What are the implications of these associations in terms of building brand equity for and increasing the consumption of milk?

Not Thirst Quenching.

Sold in Gallons


Complement to other foods like Cereals.

Dull & Boring

M !"

Taste# lack of %la&or. Ba() Be&erage

$ealthful Drink. 'art of Balanced Diet.

Good Source of Calcium# Nutritious

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$ealthful Drink and 'art of Balanced Diet* 'rior to G+T M !" campaign# Milk ,as promoted as a healthful drink and good source of calcium that promoted (one strength. -ll the consumers ha&e kno,n this fact so the ad&ertising the functional (enefits of Milk did not )ield much response from the consumers. The proliferation of other (e&erages effects the consumption of milk. !ack of porta(ilit) of milk as ./0 ,as consumed at home and most consumers drank milk on regular (asis in (reakfast# at lunch and ,ith dinner (ut half of the occasions ,ere outside of home. !ack of fla&or &ariet) of milk also precipitated for the lo, consumption of milk as other fla&ored (e&erages had flooded the market. !ack of consumer mind share and since milk ,as not thirst 1uenching also added to the lo, consumption of milk. Milk ,as considered as dull & (oring drink and primaril) sold in gallons. So e&en if the famil) doesn2t ha&e milk at home it ,as ne&er e3perienced as a lack of food# milk ,as replaced () other (e&erages. So the need for the hour ,as to promote milk as an essential complements to the cereals and other food items that can (e taken ,ith food. Milk could (e promoted in the fla&ored (ases to increase its consumption. The nutritious part of milk like it is rich in calcium that is an essential part for the gro,ing children & females can (e ad&ertised ,ith a humorous ad. Q.- $valuate the !)./ marketing program now and back in the early 012s. What do you see as its strengths and weakness? What changes would you make? b3ectives4 Change Consumer Beha&ior* ncrease Brand Breadth. Make Consumers think a(out milk* Refine Brand mage# Generate a ne, image of milk. $alt the Sales Decline () e3panding 'otential usage occasions #arget )arket

Regular 4 !o)al users of Milk 56708 $ispanics and -ging Californians Beha&ioral Segmentation* 9hen & ,here consumers drink Milk dentif) fresh insights of the target consumer 5ot )ilk !ampaign 6 !reativity at its /est : : : : : : : : : Depri&ation Strateg)* %ood ,as sho,n ,ithout Milk Sell %ood ; M !" <ntertain (ut sell* 5%unn)=Rele&ant8 Treat the consumer ,ith respect* Get Milk or G+T M !"> Brand Signature* ?Got@A !onge&it) of the Campaign Making Milk look cool CoB(randing Cse cele(rities to promote milk.

$valuation4 : D0 increase in no of milk consumers. = Changing consumer (eha&ior : E.760 increase in Sales Folume = Sales ncrease : -ds B D70 -ided Recall ,ithin G months = Making Consumers Think a(out Milk : !icensing of Got Milk? = National Dair) : -d&ertisement of the Hear I <ffie -,ard = E//J Strengths 7 Weaknesses4 : : : : : Colla(orati&e Marketing B Marketing ,ith complementar) foods Right Target Customers 'artnership ,ith ad agenc) <3tremel) creati&e campaign ntegrati&e Market ing = Tele&is

ion = Bill(oards Memora(le and inspiring (rand slogan and signature = Got Milk@ = conic Status Non Milk drinkers ,ere not targeted 59eakness8

-s the campaign ,as a &er) successful marketing campaign and ,as adopted internationall) also# the o(Kecti&e ,as to increase the consumer a,areness and occup) a distincti&e slot in the consumer2s mind. -fter such long )ears no, the) G+T M !" Campaign should also focus on the nonBmilk drinkers and should promote &arious fla&ors and strengths of milk through &arious distri(ution channels.

Q.8 $valuate their 9ispanic marketing initiatives. %oes the !)./ risk alienating its current consumer base? "n -111 $ispanic population represents GL.J0 of California# in L77L it rose to GG0 and in )ear L77M it ,as GM.E0. So the population of the $ispanics ,as increasing on )earl) (asis and $ispanics are the maKor group ,ho spends more on milk than an) other group. n milk consumption their annual consumption ,as around NE67. $ispanics ,ere an important demographic segment to (e targeted for the increase in the consumption of milk# traditionall) also $ispanics ,ere hea&) milk drinkers. nitiall) ,hen the) G+T M !" campaign ads ,ere translated in to Spanish# those did not create an impact on the Spanish speaking population as due to cultural differences the ads do not influence the $ispanic population rather not a(le to get the mind slot in the $ispanic population. This ,as due to the cultural differences# the ads ,ere Kust translated into Spanish and in Spanish famil) not ha&ing milk or rice is not fun (ut it sho,s that a $ispanic household means that )ou ha&e failed )our famil). -lso in Spanish G+T M !" means lactating. So the CM'B in association ,ith $ispanic -d -genc) created a series of ads that focused on the milk (eing a sacred ingredient and associated O%amil)# !o&e & Milk. The) Got Milk tagline ,as left unchanged so that $ispanics could also associate themsel&es ,ith the campaign.

This strateg) ,orked out &er) ,ell as $ispanics feels proud that ad&ertisers understood their culture and makes genuine efforts to create an ad that is on line ,ith their culture. This immediatel) creates a demand and occupies a uni1ue slot in the $ispanic population. So the punch line of %amil)# !o&e & Milk ,as successful. The depri&ation strateg) ,as also focused in the $ispanic population also. The ad&ertisers design a campaign around !icudas# a smoothe made of milk# fruit and ice. The) sho, the fruit & ice (ut no milk and Got Milk logo appears on the (lender. Since $ispanics consists of E4G population of the California & ,ere the largest group that spends more on milk rather than an) other group. So focusing on $ispanics ,as not the (ad strateg) instead it adds in to the more consumption of milk as sho,n in e3hi(it = 6M7 gallons ,as consumed in L77L as compared to 6GL gallons in L77E. Moreo&er other ad&ertisements also ,ere there to focus on the other groups.

Q.: #here are several areas of growth that lay ahead of the !)./ ;health< cheese< 9ispanic and new channels of distribution. 5iven the trends< what should they do and how should they do it?

: : :

: : : : :

Target on $ispanic 'opulation to increase the consumption of Milk. To encourage more dairies to in&est in upgrading their plants for the production of fla&ored milk products packaged in plastic containers. !aunch more num(er of milk products for e&er) categor) likes fla&ored for teens# demand for the So) & other &ariants like organic products ,ould also gro,. mpro&ed porta(le packaging and &ariet) of milk fla&ors naturall) led to the e3pansion of milk into &ending machines. Concentrate on the high schools ,here the sales of the car(onated drinks ha&e (een (anned# fla&ored milk can &er) ,ell replace that. Tie ,ith the fast food Koints like McDonalds# Burger "ing ,ould (e good strateg) to adopt. Targeting mothers emotional 1uotient () promoting the goodness of milk in promoting fitness Teaching mothers inno&ati&e methods of making delicious cockBtails using mile ,hich promote taste and strength fighting against the usage of other (e&erages and there() helping control o(esit)

'romoting the good effects of cheese and their usage in regular diets. The ads and campaigns should (e so designed that increased cheese usage should (e com(ined more ,ith the regular home (ased dail) diet rather correlated ,ith the fad diets.

Q.= 9ow long can the !)./ keep running the >got milk? campaign? What can they do to keep the message and strategy fresh in the consumer2s minds? Are there other e@amples of other successful campaigns that ran this long? CM'B campaign had alread) cele(rated its ELth anni&ersar) in L77J ,hen its impact had started declining. t could not go an) further than EL )ears. t needed a ne, phase of market promotion campaign ,hich ,ould in&ol&e targeting niche market# packaging and targeting ne, channels of distri(ution. To keep the message fresh in the consumerPs mind# the) should target milkBmade products and promote their usage. The CM'B should focus on ne, demographics# fresh creati&e# ne, inno&ati&e products and packaging# e3panded distri(ution. : : : : : : : : : 'ro(lems relate to the ,eaknesses descri(ed a(o&e Difficult to increase consumption for reasons descri(ed a(o&e 'ossi(le Remedies* <3pand fla&ors 5Greater &ariet)Q Milk (ecomes less a commodit)# more a (e&erage8 <3pand usage occasions 5'orta(ilit) leads to greater usage8 'ush strateg) 5Milk is highl) profita(le in retail8 <3pand through other channels 5$alf of meal occasions outside home8'ro(lems relate to the ,eaknesses descri(ed a(o&e Difficult to increase consumption for reasons descri(ed a(o&e .ossible 'emedies4 <3pand fla&ors 5Greater &ariet)Q Milk (ecomes less a commodit)# more a (e&erage8 <3pand usage occasions 5'orta(ilit) leads to greater usage8 'ush strateg) 5Milk is highl) profita(le in retail8 <3pand through other channels 5$alf of meal occasions outside home8

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