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SCHOOL: Pstrveni DATE: 02.05.2006 TEACHER of ENGLISH: Pera Elena CLASS: 3rd LEVEL: primary beginners COURSE: Way ahead NUMBER OF SS: 14 TIME OF LESSON: 50 min tes TYPE OF LESSON: tea!hing" learning UNIT OF LEARNING: # ess $here%& TOPIC: 'his is ( r s!h((l FOCUS: integrated s)ills METHODS: !(nversati(n* game* reading appr(a!h* e+planati(n MATERIALS: p pils, b(()s* -.* !assette re!(rder* tea!her,s b(()*
maps* spee!h b bbles* a b(+ $ith/ p pils, pi!t res* a letter* a bag (0 s$eets* AIMS: " t( des!ribe a t($n1s!h((l1!lass " t( read !(re!tly a te+t a0ter m(del " t( ma)e s ggesti(ns 2let,s3 " t( re!y!le v(!ab lary related t( n mbers* !(l( rs* parts (0 the b(dy* s!h((l (b4e!ts* animals " t( $rite a letter a0ter the given m(del " t( parti!ipate $ith pleas re at the less(n

" des!ribing things " ma)ing s ggesti(ns " ans$ering 5 esti(ns

Ss have already learnt simple grammati!al str !t res 2t( be* t( have* n( n* arti!le* prep(siti(ns (0 pla!e* ad4e!tive* pr(n( n3 and le+i!al str !t res 2 s!h((l (b4e!ts* 0amily members* parts (0 the b(dy* n mbers 1"20* t(ys* r((ms and 0 rnit re* !(l( rs*3 Ss are 0amiliar $ith (ral !(mmands* and !lassr((m lang age


60 Ss d( n(t nderstand the (ral !(mmands (r the tas)s* they $ill be translated int( 7(manian

ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP Aims: " t( $arm 8s p " t( re!y!le v(!ab lary Timing: 5 min. Interaction: '"8s* 8"' Procedure: T divides the !lass int( t$( teams and pr(p(se them an alphabet game. T say a letter name (0 the alphabet and $rite it (n the b(ard. Ss have t( give $(rds $ith that letter. Ea!h !(rre!t $(rd re!eives a p(int. 'he 0irst team t( rea!h 5 p(ints is the $inner. T !(ngrat lates the $inner team. T as)s Ss t( sing an alphabet s(ng 96 have a d(g& Ss sing the s(ng ACTIVITY 2: LEAD- IN Aims: " t( get Ss int( the ne$ t(pi! Timing: 5 min. Interaction: '"8s* 8"8s Procedure: T $rites the title (0 the less(n (n the b(ard and Ss $rite it in their !(py" b(()s T sh($s the !lass a b(+ * ta)es items ( t (0 the b(+ and names them T as)s Ss t( l(() in their b(()s and t( listen the tape Ss listen the tape T as)s 0(r (ne (r t$( v(l nteers t( a!t ( t the s!ene again and en!( rages the !hildren t( 4(in $ith 9We d(:& ACTIVITY 3: PRESENTATION OF THE NEW KNOWLEDGE Aims: " t( re!(gnise and se ne$ $(rds " t( give Ss pra!ti!e in listening1!(mprehensi(n " t( en!( rage Ss t( read in English Timing: 15 min. Interaction: '"8s* 8"'* 8"8s Procedure: T as)s Ss t( g ess the meaning (0 s(me ne$ $(rds sh($ing that things that th(se $(rds re0er t(. Ss $rite the ne$ $(rds in their !(py"b(()s T reads the letter t( the !lass Ss listen their tea!her and then listen the tape

T gives Ss s(me $(r)sheets and they have t( ti!) the !(rre!t ans$er T e+plains t( Ss the meaning (0 9;et,s& < ;et s* $rite it (n the b(ard and sh($s a spee!h b bble $ith 9;et,s read& Ss read the letter al( d* and then Ss $ill read by r(les= a di00erent !hild reading ea!h paragraph 2alm(st all the st dents $ill read3 ACTIVITY 4: FEED- BACK Aims: " t( ma)e s ggesti(n " t( pra!ti!e in spea)ing English " t( $rite a letter Timing/ 20 min. Interaction: '" 8s* 8s" '* 8"' Procedure:T sh($s Ss spee!h b bbles. T invites a !hild in 0r(nt (0 the !lass t( ta)e a b bble and read it t( the !lass Ss d( $hat the b bble says= 0(r e+ample/ " 9;et,s !( nt&" T sh($s a map and as)s Ss t( !( nt the things (n the map "9;et,s sing& " T as)s Ss t( sing 9>( p t y( r le0t hand in& "9;et,s $rite&" T gives Ss a $(r)sheet and they have t( $rite a simple letter ab( t their s!h((l* !lass and tea!her. Ss !(mplete their $(r)sheets "9;et,s play& T divides Ss int( t$( teams* gives them a name 29stars& and 9b tter0lies&3= Ss have t( !(me t( a map and t( d( $hat is $ritten there. T en!( rages all the st dents and n(tes a p(int 0(r ea!h !(rre!t ans$er T !(ngrat lates the $inner team and gives a 9!erti0i!ate& t( ea!h member and ea!h member (0 the (ther team gets a 90 nny b nny&. ACTIVITY 5: EVALUATION Aims: " t( eval ate Ss, $(r) " t( assign Ss h(me$(r) Timing: 5 min. Interaction: '"8s* 8s" ' Procedure: T grades s(me Ss and a!!( nts 0(r them. Ss are assigned t( ma)e a mini" pr(4e!t by sti!)ing small ph(t(graphs (0 their s!h((l* !lass and tea!her as h(me$(r). T sh($s Ss a map an as)s them t( !h((se an ad4e!tive (n that map $hi!h !an des!ribe the less(n.

?ell(: We are !hildren at 8 n 8treet 8!h((l (0 @(rt(n. 6t is a small t($n. A r s!h((l is small. A r !lass is small* t((/ si+ girls and seven b(ys. 'his is a pi!t re (0 ( r !lass. 'his is ( r tea!her. ?er name is Biss C n. 8he is ni!e. Please $rite a letter:

Paul Rose Nick Billy John Mary Ella Jack Dave Fay


Jim Jill

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