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Chapter 13 Snakes In The Grass

Everything was flowing smoothly for Dame. His stash was up to a quarter milloin, he had the best girl in the world, and his team was strong. But the drug game was never designed to be peaceful and non-confrontational. Death, pain, revenge, and deceit were more synonymous than prosperity, love, and peace. Sna e had waited almost si! long months for Doo Doo to come to him with some info on Dame and his operation, anything he could use to get the drop on them and help him come up. Shortly after their fight, Sna e actually had the bright reali"ation that having Doo Doo as his eyes and ears around Dame#s operation was not a bad idea after all. Since Dame had cornered the mar et with good product and a solid team, Sna e#s poc ets were collecting more and more dust. He and another envious fuc named $rab had been on Doo Doo#s ass to find Dame#s stash houses. %s a wor er, Doo Doo never touched more than a couple hundred dollars worth of crac at a time. Having such a small responsibility, it was damn near impossible for him to get a line on anything worth robbing. &hat was why what happened ne!t was actually a total flu e, something he luc ed up on by 'ust happening to be at the right place at the right time. (ronically, the only reason he even happened to be all the way across town in the first place was because he was playing hoo y from the bloc . Hoodie down in the alley smo ing on a bogie )cigarette*, Doo Doo was playing the cut, waiting for a cab to pic him up off the secluded dead end street. $ursing his 'ump off for not telling him that she was on her period before he came all the way over for some pussy, Doo Doo almost didn#t peep the figure coming out the building across the street. Dar blue +ouis ,uitton raincoat hoodie half covering his face and silver and blac %didas duffle bag over his shoulder, Dame came wal ing swiftly out the building and over to a forest green S type -aguar. He placed the bag in the trun , got in the whip, and sped off down the dar , desolate street. Doo Doo had seen that bag somewhere before. .or the ne!t five minutes until the cab arrived and well into the ride bac over to the north end, he rac ed his brain over why that bag was so familiar. /arely did Doo Doo have to e!ercise his memory the way he was doing while riding in the bac of that cab. So, when it came to him, an abundant sense of pride flooded in. He felt li e he had made a ma'or accomplishment because he finally had something to report bac to his real boss. &he silver %didas bag was the same bag he always happened to see DB. handing $urt the spot#s wor from. 0henever DB. popped his trun , he went right in that bag. (f it wasn#t for being such a nosy muthafuc a, he#d of never noticed, but Doo Doo seemed to be developing a nac for being at the right place at the right time. 1How much you love ya boy Doo Doo23 Doo Doo as ed with a big grin on his face. 1.uc you tal ing bout423 Sna e bar ed. +ately, Sna e seemed to be irritated li e a muthafuc a 5678. 9ot that he wasn#t a miserable bastard already but today day it was worse. His baby#s mother 'ust told him that she was pregnant with their third and his si!th, and on top of that, he was bro e as fuc . He hadn#t had a good lic in wee s and the money from his last score was about gone. 10ell, fuc it then, :you ain#t got to tal to me li e that. .uc it43 ;n rare occasions li e those, Doo Doo did his best to stand up to Sna e. 1( aint got time for ya shit today4 Either tell me what da fuc you got to say or get the fuc out my face43 &he vein in his head was bulging again. Doo Doo had seen that fuc ing vein swelling too many times to now what was coming ne!t. Sna e listened intently as Doo Doo gave him a play by play of what he saw outside his shorty#s crib. 0hen he was done, Sna e told him to ma e sure that he was telling him everything. %ny little details left out could either help or hinder when it was time to move. 0hen he was done spilling it, Sna e had a smile across his face wider than a five year old at $huc E. $heese. %ll of a sudden, Sna e#s future was loo ing awfully bright.

Chapter 14 Papayas in the Village

&he footlong hot dogs at <apyas hot dog wal through on the corner of Eighth St. and Si!th %ve. went down as the perfect afternoon snac . Dame and =errin had 'ust tore down the strip and after all their hard shopping, <apayas tasty dogs were right on time. Dame loved shopping on Eighth St. down in the village and he was more than happy to share the moment with a beautiful woman he was so fond of. High end fashion at good prices had lured him bac to the popular strip time and time again. (t was nothing for him to catch a popular celebrity coming in and out of one of the many fashion shops on the strip. Since #>?, he#d seen everyone from $ee-+o @reen to (ce-& frequenting the high end 'oints. &hose two in particular stood out because one time $ee-+o was all over the chocolate eye candy Dame had wrapped tight on his arm that day. (ce-&#s story was so funny because he had been pulled out of a shoe store to come see about a par ing tic et his platinum .errari was in the processes of getting. Dame couldn#t help but notice because he left a dime piece Boricua mommy with 'et blac hair and a plump ass standing there loo ing lost as hell with a pair of A?BB -immy $hoo pumps dangling from her fingers. Something was always popping down on Eighth. Dame hadn#t been trying to do it big, 'ust a little something to go along with his silver and blac <rada ic s. Since the club didn#t have a strict dress code for the ,(< line, Dame was going to eep the rest of his outfit simple with a blac leather cycle 'ac et over a crispy white &. (t was another story completely when it came to his baby =errin. &he whole trip was to :put on# for her. Coney was not a thing and aside from close family, who was he supposed to splurge on if not his baby girl2 ;n Eighth, =errin pic ed up a mean pair of -immy $hoo stilettos, a suede and min s irt, and a couple pair of sil ,ersace print pants. %t the women#s store downstairs from Dame#s spot, =errin was able to find a /oberto $avalli s irt and blouse for a steal. Dame insisted she get the $avalli boots that matched the outfit. &hey would go perfectly with the =ate Spade bag she 'ust found down the street. %fter that last purchase, out of modesty, =errin lied about still being hungry 'ust to get Dame away from the strip where he was hell bend on spending the whole grip he#d brought to splurge on her. Since $hristmas when he made her heart drop by getting her a full length min and an A?DBB $artier ladies watch, Dame had not let up. (t seemed li e every time they went somewhere he had a surprise gift waiting. (t got to the point where she 'ust had to tell him how uncomfortable she felt not being in a position to do even a third of what he could do for her. Even though Dame assured her that

it didn#t matter and he had no intentions of letting up, she still felt a little aw ward. %t the time, she couldn#t believe how generous he was and they still hadn#t had se! yet. &he only reason she didn#t 'ust throw the pussy at him at that point was because she would#ve felt cheap, li e he was paying for it. %fter soul food at BBEs, once again Dame tric ed her into hitting up D th %ve. where he#d achieved his goal to spend the rest of the grip he had left in his poc et. &here was another five stac s in the &ruc #s stash bo! that he brought to pop bottles with. .or the rest of the day, they hit up @ucci, .endi, and <rada, where she mostly accessori"ed. %ll that day =errin ept than ing @od for bringing a man li e Dame into her life. She appreciated the little things more than anything, things as simple as opening a door. =errin was definitely the type of lady to reach over and unloc the door for her man if power loc s didn#t e!ist. She couldn#t front, the good life was definitely a plus, too. /aised in the Sans <ro'ects on the north end of Hartford, =errin always had big dreams and a big heart. .or her it was natural. Fnfortunately, that was all she could attribute to her drug addicted mother. =errin#s mother, Betty, had a big heart but a wea er mind. ;ver the years her wea ness ept her subdued, leaving =errin to grow up a motherless child. =errin#s mother couldn#t ta e the loss of her husband who was illed in the %rmy, and fell victim to the immediate neighborhood poison. She was once an attractive sister with rich, coffee brown s in and glowing ha"el eyes. ;ver the years Betty had become a ghost of her former self. Because she#d been drin ing and drugging so long, =errin was forced to grow up with 'ust a glinting memory of her mother#s previous beauty. &oo young to grasp the reality of her dismal situation, young =errin#s future seemed doomed until @od sent an angel in the form of Ciss $lara. She was a godsend and became a guardian angel. Beautiful and big boned in her late si!ties, $lara too an instant li ing to her quiet, bright eyed neighbor. %fter assessing the situation going on in the apartment ne!t door, Ciss $lara too it upon herself to step in and offer a lending hand. $lara was a retired grandmother of si! and since all her grandchildren lived out of state, =errin#s presence was more than welcome. /ight away, =errin clung to the old lady#s powerful aura. ;ver the years, it was $lara who taught her how to be a lady. Even Betty praised the old lady#s dedication to her daughter and never once tried to stand in the way. She was too ashamed over her absence as a mother to show any 'ealousy or envy over a relationship that she willingly forfeited. &o the end, Cs. $lara loved and cherished =errin li e her own. She was so proud to be able to watch =errin blossom li e a radiant flower that was once 'ust a seed in the earth. 0hen Cs. $lara passed away at the rip old age of eighty seven, =errin was devastated. 9ot only had she lost a friend and mentor, she#d lost the only mother she#d ever nown. (t would ta e her months to get over $lara#s death. %t si!teen, she dated a boy she was cra"y about for over a year, but after her loss, she was too despondent to tal , let alone date. (n a rare moment of sobriety, it was actually Betty who helped snap =errin bac to reality. She reminded her daughter how much $lara admired her strength and resolve, and how $lara would be so disappointed if she could see the way =errin was carrying on li e her life was over. %t first, =errin#s reaction was cold and mean. How dare Betty comment on :how $lara felt,# she didn#t have that right. =errin bar ed on her mother with unrelenting fury. 1How the fuc you gone tell me anything about $lara4 Gou not even my mother4 She was the only mother ( ever had4 Don#t even say her name4 Gou don#t have the right43 =errin#s words cut li e a nife through Betty#s heart, but she held on. Betty reali"ed a long time ago she#d let her baby way down and at si!teen, there was little she could do to ma e up for precious time wasted. 1( now you hate me, baby, and believe me, ( hate myself for letting you down. ( understand you see my addiction as an e!cuse, so we won#t go there. &he bottom line is ( love you, =errin, and no matter what you thin about me, that will never change. 9ow, Ciss $lara was a blessing from the +ord. ( now she was more of a mother to you than ( was, and yes, she did raise you. 9ow, are you gonna let her down now2 .orget (#m the one sitting here telling you this. -ust thin about Cs. $lara. &hin about how she would feel seeing you li e this. &hin about what she would want you to do.3 %s she spo e, there was no denying the sincerity and reasoning in Betty#s voice. %fter a few minutes of bas ing in self pity and anger, =errin had no choice but to eventually

accept the truth in her mother#s words. /egardless of what Betty did or didn#t do as a mother, she was right. =errin didn#t deny it and didn#t try. She collapsed in her mother#s waiting arms and cried. She cried for $lara, herself, and Betty. %ll the bouncing from store to store left =errin a little famished and in need of a couple hours of rest. 0hile she was sleeping, Dame decided to ta e the time and head uptown to see his homey, <9ice. %fter ma ing sure =errin was all settled in and comfortable in their lu!urious midtown Canhattan suite, Dame slipped out, leaving her napping peacefully. <-9ice was the Boricua Boy 0onder who engineered the trac s for many of the 0orld .amous D- $raig @#s hit remi!es. <osted in his Harlem &ony Contano themed studio high on Sugar Hill, <9ice made history with &op .loor Entertainment and Cagic emanate through sub woofers around the globe. .or Dame, their relationship too on a slightly different note because to him <-9ice was way more than 'ust some popular Harlem D-. He was his go to guy whenever he was in the city. (f Dame needed %H piff and couldn#t ma e it up to %udubon, < could get it. (f Dame needed the hoo up on a fresh tailer made min coat, < could get it. 0hatever Dame needed, pretty much < could get it. %nd, that was why Dame loved fuc ing with his boy <-9ice. 10hat up, <23 10hat#s poppin# wit# you, my nigga2 ( 'ust wo e up,3 <-9ice said, wal ing bac down the long apt hallway in a pair of bo!ers, 9i e sandals, and ,-nec white &. < was a short, olive comple!ioned cat that always ept a crisp uptown taper on his 'et blac hair that he ept low on top. He was a cool ass little <uerto /ican nigga that ept a gang of fly Boricua bitches on dec . (f Dame didn#t love his baby =errin li e he did, he probably would have been tempted to slide into the bac room and get suc ed off real proper li e by one of <-9ice#s willing whores who were always eager to please. 1So, what#s good, B2 0hy you ain#t call2 Gou now ( don#t get up till after two. How many times ( got to tell you23 <-9ice said in an annoying, sarcastic tone. 1.uc outta here, <. <ass dat el, dats what you can do, but nah, ( got da wife layed up downtown at the 0. ( treated her to a little ? th st. and Dth ave. and tonight we gon# hit $heetah or the $hina $lub,3 Dame said, playfully trying to wrestle the blunt away from <-9ice#s grip. 1;h, o , you doin# ya thing, aight, aight. Damn, yo, you should#ve a hit me up yesterday to let me now what was good, B4 Cy %frican nigga over in da BI had some seven carat diamond and platinum tennis bracelets. ( could#ve got you one of them 'oints for two stac s, twenty five at da most. Go, B, them 'oints be going for at least A8BBB a pop,3 < said enthusiastically. Dame new his boy all too well. Best believe if his price was A5DBB, <#s was AJDBB. (t was the only way that an uptown cat li e <-9ice new how to get down, and Dame wasn#t mad at him. He happily gave <-9ice his nomination for the middle man of the year award, all day. .uc ing with <, it was safe and shit was always on point, no matter what the merchandise was. 10ord. Damnnn, fuc it, but, yo, how much weed you got because ( got to get bac downtown fast2 (#m trying to lay up for a little while before its time to hit da club.3 +uc ily for Dame, < had a E< on dec and was able to help him save a trip to the hot ass weed bloc . %fter hoo ing Dame up with a fresh ounce of ha"e, they said peace and Dame hopped bac on the west side headed downtown. Ca ing good time getting in and out of Harlem, there was nothing more invigorating for Dame than dipping down the west side, blowing on some piff, and inhaling the icy air bouncing up off the steeley Hudson. 0ith the concrete metropolis to his left and the mur y river to his right, Dame felt full of life, ready to ta e on the world. By the time he made it bac to the 0, =errin had napped, ta en a hot shower, and was sitting in front of the mirror touching up her wrap. Damn, my boo is fine, Dame thought to himself while smiling inside. Standing behind her, Dame issed her delicately on the soft of her nec , greedily inhaling her pleasant Bulgeri laced aroma. Dame was about to give her a massage, then remembered he needed to wash his hands before touching her evenly oiled s in. /eturning from the bathroom with a boyish grin cast over his face, Dame began to sensually caress her nec and shoulders, wor ing his thumbs slowly down her bac . =errin moaned in approval over the sensational feeling. &he tension being released was a pleasurable e!perience especially because it was done right. =errin couldn#t wait to give Dame the business later after the club. She was

going to put it on him li e /o!y /eynolds. Se! in new and interesting places always intensified the moment. &he e!otic dKcor of their 0 suite was definitely a turn on. 0 hotels were world renowned for their unique e!clusivity when it came to their hotel rooms. Dame and =errin#s suite hosted an ultra shee Miami Vice style theme. Blac walls, hot pin rugs, and neon blue lights made them feel li e they had an ocean front view on $ollins %ve. down on South Beach. &heir suite was on the JBth floor and they had a magnificent view of the Cidtown Canhattan S yline. Dame couldn#t wait to get =errin#s per y tits smashed up against the glass windows, her stiff nipples saying hello to the rotten apple with a smile. %s he continued to feel the immense heat bubbling through =errinLs smo ing s in, his dragon head came to life. &here was really no way in the world that his manhood could be that close to =errin#s paradise and not react li e the beast it was. Starting at the base of her nec then wor ing his way slowly down her spine, Dame sent chills beaming throughout her body. 0ith soft passionate isses, =errin was on fire with desire. She had wanted to wait, too, but the temperature was rising and she had no water to cool it off. =errin was sin ing and sin ing fast. Spinning her around with masculine ferocity, Dame#s thic lips teased her plump nipples and firm breasts. &he heat from his lips seeped into every pore of her body. Hot lava type 'uices dripped down her smoldering inner thighs, forcing =errin to beg Dame to quench her fire. 1.uc me, baby. <lease fuc me,3 she whispered in sinful desperation. Spinning her around and hoisting her right leg up onto the soft leather chair, Dame ripped to free his stiffness. ;nce free, he deliberately forced his dragonhead deep into her greedy insides. =errin cried out in sweet agony while engulfing delight raced through every corner of her mind and soul. (n a rush of fifteen minutes, Dame succeeded on ta ing his baby to ecstasy without ta ing ecstasy. &he way he rough rode her pussy from the bac in true beast mode was utterly relentless and she savored every minute of it. &he club was liveM the bottles were poppin# and the music was bangin#. Dame could appreciate a good night out with a se!y lady on his arm, and he wanted to show his baby girl off to the world. +oo ing at =errin with adoration, Dame could easily see that his money would always be well spent on her. She complimented style in every way. &he perfect Bonnie to his $lyde. (t was a good thing that they too a cab to the club because after popping three bottles of Dom, the two lovers were nice and bent. %t 6NJD a.m., they leaned on each other out the club and into another waiting ta!i to dip them over to the cafeteria at 8 th and J8th St. ;ver t-bone stea s, scrambled cheese eggs, and hot grits, Dame and =errin laughed at how a crew of groupies got caught trying to snea into ,(<. &hat was 'ust one of the funny ass things they saw go down that night in the city that never slept. Bac in their suite that morning, =errin bit down on the sheets and cried out in blissful agony as she and Dame sweated out her sil y wrap, ma ing fierce love the whole morning through. %fter spent from e!hausting, hot se!, =errin collapsed on her man#s chest as they fell into a deep abyss.

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