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SUBJECT Business Communication and Behavioural Studies General:

SESSION Intermediate Examination Autumn 2011

Majority of the candidates were able to answer the required questions but very few could produce answers which were relevant, focused and addressed precisely the requirements of the question. It was noticeable that some candidates failed to complete their answers. Also there were a number of candidates who appeared to have been unprepared for the demands of the examination paper and wrote answers that failed to address the requirements of the questions. The candidates must understand that the examination questions are very specific and require an analytical and focused approach to answers rather than adopt a write all you know method. Q.1 The question required the students to identify how organizational structures of present day companies are different from those operating 2-3 decades ago. Instead of discussing the changes in organizational structures, most students mentioned globalization, technological advancements, geographical and demographic changes and improvement in marketing techniques etc. without reference to its impact on organizational structure. Only few students correctly highlighted how span of control is becoming wider, companies are moving towards flatter structures and matrix organizations are increasing. (a) This question required the students to explain the characteristics of a highly decentralized organization. A significant number of candidates performed quite satisfactorily and secured good marks. Many students wrote about participative management and quick decision making but couldnt properly cover the idea of delegation of authority and transfer of power from headquarters to lower levels. Many students were able to define perception correctly to a certain degree and also identify the four internal factors influencing perception i.e motives, needs, attitudes and beliefs. However, some candidates needlessly discussed Selective Perception and instead of listing the factors, they explained each factor in detail resulting in sheer wastage of time and efforts without gaining any additional marks.




This question required the students to define Job Stress, its behavioural symptoms and then explain what causes Job Stress. While defining Job Stress many students wrote Stress caused on a job is job stress. Such answers could not secure any marks. Many students confused behavioural symptoms with psychological or physical symptoms. Factors which cause job stress were appropriately identified by majority of the students. Page 1 of 4

Examiners Comments on Business Communication and Behavioural Studies Autumn 2011 Q.4 (a) Impediments in upward flow of communication is a topic that seems to be well understood. However, some students gave definitions of upward, downward and horizontal flow of communication, which was not required. Some candidates mentioned in detail, potential problems in communication particularly emphasizing on distortion, noise and personal differences between subordinates and the superiors, which were not required. This part of the question required rephrasing of the given sentences to positive connotations in order to get favorable responses from the recipients. A number of examinees in their bid to avoid negativity, changed the entire content of the sentences by distorting the main theme of the message. In most cases, students mentioned characteristics of a good leader or manager instead of the distinguishing characteristics of a charismatic leader. A large number of candidates just wrote the definition of a group instead of explaining the concept of group dynamics. The examinees were asked to list four factors which create effective group cohesiveness. A large number of candidates were not prepared to answer this question and tried to give generalized answers like better understanding and co-operation etc. as the factors.







The candidates were required to frame inter-office memorandum for a special purpose (specified in the question) within an organization. In most of the cases, format, style and structure of the memorandum were well-formulated including sender, recipient, subject and date etc. but some candidates produced Report Formats and letter style which were incorrect. Some students just wrote Memorandum instead of Inter Office Memo as the heading. Reference No. was missing in most cases. This was a complaint and claim letter to be written by the distributor to the manufacturer of fans, a company called ZFCL. Claim letters are very common part of business correspondence and managers must be adept in its every aspect from format to composition etc. But answers werent sufficiently persuasive. Many candidates wrote angry letters, advising and disciplining the manufacturer, ZFCL. In business, such tone should be avoided. Some candidates did not grasp the core idea and initiated a letter from a director of the manufacturing company to the companys marketing director without understanding the role of the distributor.


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Examiners Comments on Business Communication and Behavioural Studies Autumn 2011 Q.8 (a) Characteristics of formal communication patterns were asked in this question. The candidates were expected to talk about its speed, its authenticity, its relevance and cost etc. Most students gave satisfactory answers and scored well. Some gave irrelevant details and mentioned the 7 Cs of communication. Many candidates failed to take into consideration the word communication patterns and generally wrote about the characteristics of formal organization. Still, some confused it with the axioms of IPC which was a big error. The Universals of Communication is a topic that is repeated and tested quite often. Majority of the candidates were able to gain full marks. In this question, the candidates were required to list non-monetary factors of employee motivation. Majority of the candidates gave correct answers. However, some of them were not clear about the term non-monetary benefits and also included monetary benefits. This question required the students to explain chronological CV and state the situations where its usage would be appropriate. Majority of the candidates seemed to be very confused and uncertain about what chorological CVs are. Many students simply said that CVs in which information is presented in a sequence are chronological CVs. In most of the answers, it was erroneously mentioned that Chronological CV is one where academics/education, qualifications and work history are mentioned in reverse sequence. In fact, only work history is to be mentioned in this type of CV, sequence of academics etc is not of relevance. Q.10 (a) Most students chose not to attempt this easy question which required headings of important topics of a comprehensive report. The ones who did answer could barely give 2-3 headings, such as recommendations / conclusion, bibliography and appendices. In many cases, headings of other types of reports were also mentioned.





(b) Students seem to have a fair knowledge of visual mode of communication and many were able to highlight the factors to be kept in perspective in order to achieve optimum benefits of visual presentation. However, many students also included matters like appearance of the presenter, content detail etc. which were not relevant. Many students wrote about presentations instead of visual aids. Q.11 (a) The question required six communication skills of a business leader but most students probably didnt read the question properly and included the personality traits and behavioural skills like being a good leader/motivator etc. Some students elaborated at length about the written aspects and wrote details about the 7 CS.

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Examiners Comments on Business Communication and Behavioural Studies Autumn 2011 (b) Emphatic listening was correctly defined by most of the students. Relevant points like the listener is not supposed to give advice unless asked for or the listener doesnt have to agree with what the speaker is saying etc. were mentioned by the majority. Q.12 This question was attempted by most of the students and was a scoring one. Many students wrote a good enough definition of negotiations and also did justice by offering explanation of the process of negotiation. Some candidates adopted write all you know approach rather than focusing on the question and filtering the information according to the requirements of the question. Q.13 (a) It was a straightforward question with specific requirements. Majority of the candidates were able to score good marks. Few candidates misunderstood the question and narrated the steps of planning a message.

(b) This was an easy question and majority of the students were able to list situations in which persuasive messages are more effective.


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